Commit f3e7ddc2 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

Rewrite tokenizer to clean up and fix a bug with spaces before delimited block.

Fixes #501.

parent d635d846
......@@ -224,63 +224,69 @@ func equal(s []byte, n int, t []byte) bool {
// Action tokens on a line by themselves drop the white space on
// either side, up to and including the newline.
func (t *Template) nextItem() []byte {
sawLeft := false // are we waiting for an opening delimiter?
special := false // is this a {.foo} directive, which means trim white space?
// Delete surrounding white space if this {.foo} is the only thing on the line.
trim_white := t.p == 0 || t.buf[t.p-1] == '\n'
only_white := true // we have seen only white space so far
var i int
trimSpace := t.p == 0 || t.buf[t.p-1] == '\n'
start := t.p
for i = t.p; i < len(t.buf); i++ {
switch {
case t.buf[i] == '\n':
var i int
newline := func() {
break Loop
case white(t.buf[i]):
// white space, do nothing
case !sawLeft && equal(t.buf, i, t.ldelim): // sawLeft checked because delims may be equal
// anything interesting already on the line?
if !only_white {
break Loop
// is it a directive or comment?
j := i + len(t.ldelim) // position after delimiter
if j+1 < len(t.buf) && (t.buf[j] == '.' || t.buf[j] == '#') {
special = true
if trim_white && only_white {
// Leading white space up to but not including newline
for i = start; i < len(t.buf); i++ {
if t.buf[i] == '\n' || !white(t.buf[i]) {
if trimSpace {
start = i
} else if i > start {
// white space is valid text
t.p = i
return t.buf[start:i]
} else if i > t.p { // have some text accumulated so stop before delimiter
break Loop
// What's left is nothing, newline, delimited string, or plain text
switch {
case i == len(t.buf):
// EOF; nothing to do
case t.buf[i] == '\n':
case equal(t.buf, i, t.ldelim):
i += len(t.ldelim) // position after delimiter
if i+1 < len(t.buf) && (t.buf[i] == '.' || t.buf[i] == '#') {
special = true
sawLeft = true
i = j - 1
case equal(t.buf, i, t.rdelim):
if !sawLeft {
t.parseError("unmatched closing delimiter")
return nil
for ; i < len(t.buf); i++ {
if t.buf[i] == '\n' {
sawLeft = false
if equal(t.buf, i, t.rdelim) {
i += len(t.rdelim)
break Loop
only_white = false
break Switch
if sawLeft {
t.parseError("unmatched opening delimiter")
return nil
for ; i < len(t.buf); i++ {
if t.buf[i] == '\n' {
if equal(t.buf, i, t.ldelim) {
item := t.buf[start:i]
if special && trim_white {
if special && trimSpace {
// consume trailing white space
for ; i < len(t.buf) && white(t.buf[i]); i++ {
if t.buf[i] == '\n' {
break // stop after newline
break // stop before newline
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ var formatters = FormatterMap{
var tests = []*Test{
// Simple
&Test{"", "", ""},
&Test{"abc", "abc", ""},
&Test{"abc\ndef\n", "abc\ndef\n", ""},
&Test{" {.meta-left} \n", "{", ""},
&Test{" {.meta-right} \n", "}", ""},
......@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ var tests = []*Test{
out: "Header=77\n" +
in: "{.section data}{.end} {header}\n",
......@@ -224,6 +226,17 @@ var tests = []*Test{
"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n" +
in: "{.repeated section pdata }\n" +
"{item}\n" +
"{.alternates with}\n" +
"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n" +
" {.end}\n",
out: "ItemNumber1\n" +
"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n" +
in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
"{.repeated section @ }\n" +
......@@ -246,6 +259,13 @@ var tests = []*Test{
out: "elt1\n" +
// Same but with a space before {.end}: was a bug.
in: "{.repeated section vec }\n" +
"{@} {.end}\n",
out: "elt1 elt2 \n",
in: "{.repeated section integer}{.end}",
......@@ -374,7 +394,9 @@ func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("unexpected execute error:", err)
} else {
if err == nil || err.String() != test.err {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected execute error %q, got nil", test.err)
} else if err.String() != test.err {
t.Errorf("expected execute error %q, got %q", test.err, err.String())
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