Commit f8ff3b10 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

daily snapshot:

- more work on template-driven ast formatting
- added preliminary test suite
- added documentation

parent eaba458e
//string =
// "%s" ;
// "%s";
pointer =
^ ;
array =
^ ;
//token.Token =
// "token<%d>" ; // this should be a Go-installed formatter
// "token<%d>"; // this could be a Go-installed formatter
Comments =
"comments\n" ;
Ident =
Value ;
Program =
"package " Name "\n\n" { Decls "\n\n" } ;
"package " Name "\n\n" {Decls "\n\n"};
GenDecl =
......@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ GenDecl =
FuncType =
"(" { Params } ")" ;
"(" ")";
BlockStmt =
"{\n" "}\n" ;
"{\n" "}\n";
FuncDecl =
"func " Name Type [ " " Body ] ;
"func " Name Type [" " Body];
Decl =
^ ;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/* The format package implements syntax-directed formatting of arbitrary
data structures.
A format specification consists of a set of named productions in EBNF.
The production names correspond to the type names of the data structure
to be printed. The production expressions consist of literal values
(strings), references to fields, and alternative, grouped, optional,
and repetitive sub-expressions.
When printing a value, its type name is used to lookup the production
to be printed. Literal values are printed as is, field references are
resolved and the respective field value is printed instead (using its
type-specific production), and alternative, grouped, optional, and
repetitive sub-expressions are printed depending on whether they contain
"empty" fields or not. A field is empty if its value is nil.
package format
import (
......@@ -9,22 +25,20 @@ import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format representation
// A production expression is built from the following nodes.
type (
expr interface {
empty struct {
String() string;
alternative struct {
......@@ -37,7 +51,7 @@ type (
field struct {
name string; // including "^", "*"
format expr; // nil if no format specified
fexpr expr; // nil if no fexpr specified
literal struct {
......@@ -61,50 +75,118 @@ type (
// These methods are used to enforce the "implements" relationship for
// better compile-time type checking.
// TODO If we had a basic accessor mechanism in the language (a field
// "f T" automatically implements a corresponding accessor "f() T", this
// could be expressed more easily by simply providing the field.
func (x *empty) implements_expr() {}
func (x *alternative) implements_expr() {}
func (x *sequence) implements_expr() {}
func (x *field) implements_expr() {}
func (x *literal) implements_expr() {}
func (x *option) implements_expr() {}
func (x *repetition) implements_expr() {}
func (x *custom) implements_expr() {}
func (x *alternative) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v | %v)", x.x, x.y);
func (x *sequence) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", x.x, x.y);
func (x *field) String() string {
if x.fexpr == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: (%v)",, x.fexpr);
func (x *literal) String() string {
return strconv.Quote(string(x.value));
func (x *option) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", x.x);
func (x *repetition) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v}", x.x);
func (x *custom) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<custom %s>",;
/* A Format is a set of production expressions. A new format is
created explicitly by calling Parse, or implicitly by one of
the Xprintf functions.
Formatting rules are specified in the following syntax:
Format = { Production } .
Production = Name [ "=" [ Expression ] ] ";" .
Name = identifier { "." identifier } .
Expression = Term { "|" Term } .
Term = Factor { Factor } .
Factor = string_literal | Field | Group | Option | Repetition .
Field = ( "^" | "*" | Name ) [ ":" Expression ] .
Group = "(" Expression ")" .
Option = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .
The syntax of white space, comments, identifiers, and string literals is
the same as in Go.
A production name corresponds to a Go type name of the form
(for instance format.Format). A production of the form
// A Format is a set of production expressions.
specifies a package name which is prepended to all subsequent production
Format = ... // this production matches the type format.Format
The basic operands of productions are string literals, field names, and
designators. String literals are printed as is, unless they contain a
single %-style format specifier (such as "%d"). In that case, they are
used as the format for fmt.Printf, with the current value as argument.
The designator "^" stands for the current value; a "*" denotes indirection
(pointers, arrays, maps, and interfaces).
A field may contain a format specifier of the form
: Expression
which specifies the field format irrespective of the field type.
Default formats are used for types without specific formating rules:
The "%v" format is used for values of all types expect pointer, array,
map, and interface types. They are using the "^" designator.
TODO complete this description
type Format map [string] expr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing
- EBNF vs Kleene notation
- default formatters for basic types (may imply scopes so we can override)
- installable custom formatters (like for template.go)
- format strings
- have a format to select type name, field tag, field offset?
- use field tag as default format for that field
- field format override (":") is not working as it should
(cannot refer to another production - syntactially not possible
at the moment)
/* Format = { Production } .
Production = Name [ "=" [ Expression ] ] ";" .
Name = identifier { "." identifier } .
Expression = Term { "|" Term } .
Term = Factor { Factor } .
Factor = string_literal | Field | Group | Option | Repetition .
Field = ( "^" | "*" | Name ) [ ":" Expression ] .
Group = "(" Expression ")" .
Option = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .
type parser struct {
scanner scanner.Scanner;
......@@ -181,52 +263,21 @@ func writeByte(buf *io.ByteBuffer, b byte) {
// TODO make this complete
func escapeString(s []byte) []byte {
// the string syntax is correct since it comes from the scannner
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
i0 := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
if s[i] == '\\' {
buf.Write(s[i0 : i]);
var esc byte;
switch s[i] {
case 'n': esc = '\n';
case 't': esc = '\t';
default: panic("unhandled escape:", string(s[i]));
writeByte(&buf, esc);
i0 = i;
} else {
if i0 == 0 {
// no escape sequences
return s;
buf.Write(s[i0 : len(s)]);
return buf.Data();
func (p *parser) parseValue() []byte {
if p.tok != token.STRING {
return nil;
return nil; // TODO should return something else?
s := p.lit[1 : len(p.lit)-1]; // strip quotes
if p.lit[0] == '"' {
s = escapeString(s);
// TODO get rid of back-and-forth conversions
// (change value to string?)
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
if err != nil {
panic("scanner error?");
return s;
return io.StringBytes(s);
......@@ -244,24 +295,21 @@ func (p *parser) parseField() expr {
case token.IDENT:
name = p.parseName();
return nil;
var format expr;
var fexpr expr;
if p.tok == token.COLON {;
format = p.parseExpr();
fexpr = p.parseExpr();
return &field{name, format};
return &field{name, fexpr};
func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr) {
switch p.tok {
case token.XOR, token.MUL, token.IDENT:
x = p.parseField();
case token.STRING:
x = &literal{p.parseValue()};
......@@ -281,8 +329,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr) {
p.error_expected(p.pos, "factor");; // make progress
x = p.parseField();
return x;
......@@ -291,16 +338,17 @@ func (p *parser) parseFactor() (x expr) {
func (p *parser) parseTerm() expr {
x := p.parseFactor();
if x == nil {
p.error_expected(p.pos, "factor");; // make progress
return nil;
for p.tok == token.XOR ||
p.tok == token.MUL ||
p.tok == token.IDENT ||
p.tok == token.STRING ||
p.tok == token.LPAREN ||
p.tok == token.LBRACK ||
p.tok == token.LBRACE
for {
y := p.parseFactor();
if y == nil {
x = &sequence{x, y};
......@@ -321,51 +369,37 @@ func (p *parser) parseExpr() expr {
func (p *parser) parseProduction() (string, expr) {
name := p.parseName();
var x expr;
if p.tok == token.ASSIGN {;
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
x = &empty{};
} else {
x = p.parseExpr();
return name, x;
func (p *parser) parseFormat() Format {
format := make(Format);
prefix := "";
for p.tok != token.EOF {
pos := p.pos;
name, x := p.parseProduction();
if x == nil {
// prefix declaration
prefix = name + ".";
} else {
// production declaration
// add package prefix, if any
if prefix != "" {
name = prefix + name;
name := p.parseName();
if p.tok == token.ASSIGN {
// production;
var x expr;
if p.tok != token.SEMICOLON {
x = p.parseExpr();
// add production to format
name = prefix + name;
if t, found := format[name]; !found {
format[name] = x;
} else {
p.Error(pos, "production already declared: " + name);
} else {
// prefix only
prefix = name + ".";
return format;
......@@ -401,6 +435,12 @@ func readSource(src interface{}, err scanner.ErrorHandler) []byte {
// TODO do better error handling
// Parse parses a set of format productions. The format src may be
// a string, a []byte, or implement io.Read. The result is a Format
// if no errors occured; otherwise Parse returns nil.
func Parse(src interface{}) Format {
// initialize parser
var p parser;
......@@ -416,8 +456,8 @@ func Parse(src interface{}) Format {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Formatting
func fieldIndex(v reflect.StructValue, fieldname string) int {
t := v.Type().(reflect.StructType);
......@@ -479,14 +519,25 @@ func typename(value reflect.Value) string {
var defaultFormat = &literal{io.StringBytes("%v")};
var defaults = map [int] expr {
reflect.ArrayKind: &field{"*", nil},
reflect.MapKind: &field{"*", nil},
reflect.PtrKind: &field{"*", nil},
var catchAll = &literal{io.StringBytes("%v")};
func (f Format) getFormat(value reflect.Value) expr {
if format, found := f[typename(value)]; found {
return format;
if fexpr, found := f[typename(value)]; found {
return fexpr;
// no fexpr found - return kind-specific default value, if any
if fexpr, found := defaults[value.Kind()]; found {
return fexpr;
// no format found
return defaultFormat;
return catchAll;
......@@ -518,78 +569,121 @@ func printf(w io.Write, format []byte, value reflect.Value) {
// Returns true if a non-empty field value was found.
func (f Format) print(w io.Write, format expr, value reflect.Value, index int) bool {
switch t := format.(type) {
case *empty:
func (f Format) print(w io.Write, fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index int) bool {
debug := false; // enable for debugging
if debug {
fmt.Printf("print(%v, = %v, %v, %d)\n", w, fexpr, value.Interface(), index);
if fexpr == nil {
return true;
switch t := fexpr.(type) {
case *alternative:
// print the contents of the first alternative with a non-empty field
// - print the contents of the first alternative with a non-empty field
// - result is true if there is at least one non-empty field
b := false;
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
b := f.print(&buf, t.x, value, index);
if !b {
b = f.print(&buf, t.y, value, index);
if b {
if f.print(&buf, t.x, value, index) {
b = true;
} else {
if f.print(&buf, t.y, value, 0) {
b = true;
return index < 0 || b;
return b;
case *sequence:
// - print the contents of the sequence
// - result is true if there is no empty field
// TODO do we need to buffer here? why not?
b1 := f.print(w, t.x, value, index);
b2 := f.print(w, t.y, value, index);
return index < 0 || b1 && b2;
return b1 && b2;
case *field:
var x reflect.Value;
// - print the contents of the field
// - format is either the field format or the type-specific format
// - TODO look at field tag for default format
// - result is true if the field is not empty
switch {
case "^":
if v, is_ptr := value.(reflect.PtrValue); is_ptr {
// identity - value doesn't change
case "*":
// indirect
switch v := value.(type) {
case reflect.PtrValue:
if v.Get() == nil {
return false;
x = v.Sub();
} else if v, is_array := value.(reflect.ArrayValue); is_array {
value = v.Sub();
case reflect.ArrayValue:
if index < 0 || v.Len() <= index {
return false;
x = v.Elem(index);
} else if v, is_interface := value.(reflect.InterfaceValue); is_interface {
value = v.Elem(index);
case reflect.MapValue:
panic("reflection support for maps incomplete");
case reflect.InterfaceValue:
if v.Get() == nil {
return false;
x = v.Value();
} else {
panic("not a ptr, array, or interface"); // TODO fix this
value = v.Value();
panic("not a ptr, array, map, or interface"); // TODO fix this
case "*":
x = value;
if v, is_struct := value.(reflect.StructValue); is_struct {
x = getField(v,;
// field
if s, is_struct := value.(reflect.StructValue); is_struct {
value = getField(s,;
} else {
panic ("not a struct"); // TODO fix this
format = t.format;
if format == nil {
format = f.getFormat(x);
// determine format
fexpr = t.fexpr;
if fexpr == nil {
// no field format - use type-specific format
fexpr = f.getFormat(value);
return f.print(w, fexpr, value, index);
// BUG (6g?) crash with code below
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if f.print(&buf, fexpr, value, index) {
return true;
b := f.print(w, format, x, index);
return index < 0 || b;
return false;
case *literal:
// - print the literal
// - result is always true (literal is never empty)
printf(w, t.value, value);
return true;
case *option:
// print the contents of the option if there is a non-empty field
// print the contents of the option if it contains a non-empty field
//var foobar bool; // BUG w/o this declaration the code works!!!
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
b := f.print(&buf, t.x, value, -1);
if b {
if f.print(&buf, t.x, value, 0) {
return true;
return index < 0 || b;
return false;
case *repetition:
// print the contents of the repetition while there is a non-empty field
......@@ -603,19 +697,44 @@ func (f Format) print(w io.Write, format expr, value reflect.Value, index int) b
return index < 0 || b;
return b;
case *custom:
b := t.f(w, value.Interface(),;
return index < 0 || b;
return t.f(w, value.Interface(),;
return false;
func (f Format) Apply(w io.Write, data interface{}) {
value := reflect.NewValue(data);
f.print(w, f.getFormat(value), value, -1);
// TODO proper error reporting
// Fprint formats each argument according to the format f
// and writes to w.
func (f Format) Fprint(w io.Write, args ...) {
value := reflect.NewValue(args).(reflect.StructValue);
for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
fld := value.Field(i);
f.print(w, f.getFormat(fld), fld, -1);
// Fprint formats each argument according to the format f
// and writes to standard output.
func (f Format) Print(args ...) {
f.Print(os.Stdout, args);
// Fprint formats each argument according to the format f
// and returns the resulting string.
func (f Format) Sprint(args ...) string {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
f.Fprint(&buf, args);
return string(buf.Data());
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package format
import (
func check(t *testing.T, form, expected string, args ...) {
result := format.Parse(form).Sprint(args);
if result != expected {
"format : %s\nresult : %s\nexpected: %s\n\n",
form, result, expected
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - formatting of basic type int
const F0 =
`int = "0x%x";`
func Test0(t *testing.T) {
check(t, F0, "0x2a", 42);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - default formatting of basic type int
// - formatting of a struct
type T1 struct {
a int;
const F1 =
`format.T1 = "<" a ">";`
func Test1(t *testing.T) {
check(t, F1, "<42>", T1{42});
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - formatting of a struct with an optional field (pointer)
// - default formatting for pointers
type T2 struct {
s string;
p *T1;
const F2a =
F1 +
`pointer = *;`
`format.T2 = s ["-" p "-"];`;
const F2b =
F1 +
`format.T2 = s ("-" p "-" | "empty");`;
func Test2(t *testing.T) {
check(t, F2a, "foo", T2{"foo", nil});
check(t, F2a, "bar-<17>-", T2{"bar", &T1{17}});
check(t, F2b, "fooempty", T2{"foo", nil});
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - formatting of a struct with a repetitive field (slice)
type T3 struct {
s string;
a []int;
const F3a =
`format.T3 = s { " " a a "," };`;
const F3b =
`format.T3 = [a:""] s | "nothing";`; // use 'a' to select alternative w/o printing a
func Test3(t *testing.T) {
check(t, F3a, "foo", T3{"foo", nil});
check(t, F3a, "foo 00, 11, 22,", T3{"foo", []int{0, 1, 2}});
//check(t, F3b, "nothing", T3{"bar", nil}); // TODO fix this
check(t, F3b, "bar", T3{"bar", []int{0}});
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func main() {
if ok && !*silent {
tw := makeTabwriter(os.Stdout);
if *formatter {
ast_format.Apply(tw, prog);
ast_format.Fprint(tw, prog);
} else {
var p astPrinter.Printer;
p.Init(tw, nil, nil /*prog.Comments*/, false);
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