Commit fdce27f7 authored by Marcel van Lohuizen's avatar Marcel van Lohuizen

exp/locale/collate: Added Builder type for generating a complete

collation table. At this moment, it only implements the generation of
a root table.

parent 52f0afe0
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package build
import (
// TODO: optimizations:
// - expandElem is currently 20K. By putting unique colElems in a separate
// table and having a byte array of indexes into this table, we can reduce
// the total size to about 7K. By also factoring out the length bytes, we
// can reduce this to about 6K.
// - trie valueBlocks are currently 100K. There are a lot of sparse blocks
// and many consecutive values with the same stride. This can be further
// compacted.
// entry is used to keep track of a single entry in the collation element table
// during building. Examples of entries can be found in the Default Unicode
// Collation Element Table.
// See
type entry struct {
runes []rune
elems [][]int // the collation elements for runes
str string // same as string(runes)
decompose bool // can use NFKD decomposition to generate elems
expansionIndex int // used to store index into expansion table
contractionHandle ctHandle
contractionIndex int // index into contraction elements
func (e *entry) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%X -> %X (ch:%x; ci:%d, ei:%d)",
e.runes, e.elems, e.contractionHandle, e.contractionIndex, e.expansionIndex)
func (e *entry) skip() bool {
return e.contraction()
func (e *entry) expansion() bool {
return !e.decompose && len(e.elems) > 1
func (e *entry) contraction() bool {
return len(e.runes) > 1
func (e *entry) contractionStarter() bool {
return e.contractionHandle.n != 0
// A Builder builds collation tables. It can generate both the root table and
// locale-specific tables defined as tailorings to the root table.
// The typical use case is to specify the data for the root table and all locale-specific
// tables using Add and AddTailoring before making any call to Build. This allows
// Builder to ensure that a root table can support tailorings for each locale.
type Builder struct {
entryMap map[string]*entry
entry []*entry
t *table
err error
// NewBuilder returns a new Builder.
func NewBuilder() *Builder {
b := &Builder{
entryMap: make(map[string]*entry),
return b
// Add adds an entry for the root collation element table, mapping
// a slice of runes to a sequence of collation elements.
// A collation element is specified as list of weights: []int{primary, secondary, ...}.
// The entries are typically obtained from a collation element table
// as defined in
// Note that the collation elements specified by colelems are only used
// as a guide. The actual weights generated by Builder may differ.
func (b *Builder) Add(str []rune, colelems [][]int) error {
e := &entry{
runes: make([]rune, len(str)),
elems: make([][]int, len(colelems)),
str: string(str),
copy(e.runes, str)
for i, ce := range colelems {
e.elems[i] = append(e.elems[i], ce...)
if len(ce) == 0 {
e.elems[i] = append(e.elems[i], []int{0, 0, 0, 0}...)
if len(ce) == 1 {
e.elems[i] = append(e.elems[i], defaultSecondary)
if len(ce) <= 2 {
e.elems[i] = append(e.elems[i], defaultTertiary)
if len(ce) <= 3 {
e.elems[i] = append(e.elems[i], ce[0])
b.entryMap[string(str)] = e
b.entry = append(b.entry, e)
return nil
// AddTailoring defines a tailoring x <_level y for the given locale.
// For example, AddTailoring("se", "z", "ä", Primary) sorts "ä" after "z"
// at the primary level for Swedish. AddTailoring("de", "ue", "ü", Secondary)
// sorts "ü" after "ue" at the secondary level for German.
// See for details
// on parametric tailoring.
func (b *Builder) AddTailoring(locale, x, y string, l collate.Level) error {
// TODO: implement.
return nil
func (b *Builder) baseColElem(e *entry) uint32 {
ce := uint32(0)
var err error
switch {
case e.expansion():
ce, err = makeExpandIndex(e.expansionIndex)
if e.decompose {
log.Fatal("decompose should be handled elsewhere")
ce, err = makeCE(e.elems[0])
if err != nil {
b.error(fmt.Errorf("%s: %X -> %X", err, e.runes, e.elems))
return ce
func (b *Builder) colElem(e *entry) uint32 {
if e.skip() {
log.Fatal("cannot build colElem for entry that should be skipped")
ce := uint32(0)
var err error
switch {
case e.decompose:
t1 := e.elems[0][2]
t2 := 0
if len(e.elems) > 1 {
t2 = e.elems[1][2]
ce, err = makeDecompose(t1, t2)
case e.contractionStarter():
ce, err = makeContractIndex(e.contractionHandle, e.contractionIndex)
if len(e.runes) > 1 {
log.Fatal("colElem: contractions are handled in contraction trie")
ce = b.baseColElem(e)
if err != nil {
return ce
func (b *Builder) error(e error) {
if e != nil {
b.err = e
func (b *Builder) build() (*table, error) {
b.t = &table{}
b.simplify() // requires contractCJK
b.processExpansions() // requires simplify
b.processContractions() // requires simplify
b.buildTrie() // requires process*
if b.err != nil {
return nil, b.err
return b.t, nil
// Build builds a Collator for the given locale. To build the root table, set locale to "".
func (b *Builder) Build(locale string) (*collate.Collator, error) {
t, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: support multiple locales
return collate.Init(t), nil
// Print prints all tables to a Go file that can be included in
// the Collate package.
func (b *Builder) Print(w io.Writer) (int, error) {
t, err :=
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// TODO: support multiple locales
n, _, err := t.print(w, "root")
return n, err
// reproducibleFromNFKD checks whether the given expansion could be generated
// from an NFKD expansion.
func reproducibleFromNFKD(e *entry, exp, nfkd [][]int) bool {
// Length must be equal.
if len(exp) != len(nfkd) {
return false
for i, ce := range exp {
// Primary and secondary values should be equal.
if ce[0] != nfkd[i][0] || ce[1] != nfkd[i][1] {
return false
// Tertiary values should be equal to maxTertiary for third element onwards.
if i >= 2 && ce[2] != maxTertiary {
return false
return true
func equalCE(a, b []int) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if b[i] != a[i] {
return false
return true
func equalCEArrays(a, b [][]int) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !equalCE(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
// genColElems generates a collation element array from the runes in str. This
// assumes that all collation elements have already been added to the Builder.
func (b *Builder) genColElems(str string) [][]int {
elems := [][]int{}
for _, r := range []rune(str) {
if ee, ok := b.entryMap[string(r)]; !ok {
elem := []int{implicitPrimary(r), defaultSecondary, defaultTertiary, int(r)}
elems = append(elems, elem)
} else {
elems = append(elems, ee.elems...)
return elems
func (b *Builder) simplify() {
// Runes that are a starter of a contraction should not be removed.
// (To date, there is only Kannada character 0CCA.)
keep := make(map[rune]bool)
for _, e := range b.entry {
if len(e.runes) > 1 {
keep[e.runes[0]] = true
// Remove entries for which the runes normalize (using NFD) to identical values.
for _, e := range b.entry {
s := e.str
nfd := norm.NFD.String(s)
if len(e.runes) > 1 || keep[e.runes[0]] || nfd == s {
if equalCEArrays(b.genColElems(nfd), e.elems) {
delete(b.entryMap, s)
// Remove entries in b.entry that were removed from b.entryMap
k := 0
for _, e := range b.entry {
if _, ok := b.entryMap[e.str]; ok {
b.entry[k] = e
b.entry = b.entry[:k]
// Tag entries for which the runes NFKD decompose to identical values.
for _, e := range b.entry {
s := e.str
nfkd := norm.NFKD.String(s)
if len(e.runes) > 1 || keep[e.runes[0]] || nfkd == s {
if reproducibleFromNFKD(e, e.elems, b.genColElems(nfkd)) {
e.decompose = true
// convertLargeWeights converts collation elements with large
// primaries (either double primaries or for illegal runes)
// to our own representation.
// See
func convertLargeWeights(elems [][]int) (res [][]int, err error) {
const (
firstLargePrimary = 0xFB40
illegalPrimary = 0xFFFE
highBitsMask = 0x3F
lowBitsMask = 0x7FFF
lowBitsFlag = 0x8000
shiftBits = 15
for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ {
ce := elems[i]
p := ce[0]
if p < firstLargePrimary {
if p >= illegalPrimary {
ce[0] = illegalOffset + p - illegalPrimary
} else {
if i+1 >= len(elems) {
return elems, fmt.Errorf("second part of double primary weight missing: %v", elems)
if elems[i+1][0]&lowBitsFlag == 0 {
return elems, fmt.Errorf("malformed second part of double primary weight: %v", elems)
r := rune(((p & highBitsMask) << shiftBits) + elems[i+1][0]&lowBitsMask)
ce[0] = implicitPrimary(r)
for j := i + 1; j+1 < len(elems); j++ {
elems[j] = elems[j+1]
elems = elems[:len(elems)-1]
return elems, nil
// A CJK character C is represented in the DUCET as
// [.FBxx.0020.0002.C][.BBBB.0000.0000.C]
// We will rewrite these characters to a single CE.
// We assume the CJK values start at 0x8000.
func (b *Builder) contractCJK() {
for _, e := range b.entry {
elms, err := convertLargeWeights(e.elems)
e.elems = elms
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%U: %s", e.runes, err)
// appendExpansion converts the given collation sequence to
// collation elements and adds them to the expansion table.
// It returns an index to the expansion table.
func (b *Builder) appendExpansion(e *entry) int {
t := b.t
i := len(t.expandElem)
ce := uint32(len(e.elems))
t.expandElem = append(t.expandElem, ce)
for _, w := range e.elems {
ce, err := makeCE(w)
if err != nil {
return -1
t.expandElem = append(t.expandElem, ce)
return i
// processExpansions extracts data necessary to generate
// the extraction tables.
func (b *Builder) processExpansions() {
eidx := make(map[string]int)
for _, e := range b.entry {
if !e.expansion() {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.elems)
i, ok := eidx[key]
if !ok {
i = b.appendExpansion(e)
eidx[key] = i
e.expansionIndex = i
func (b *Builder) processContractions() {
// Collate contractions per starter rune.
starters := []rune{}
cm := make(map[rune][]*entry)
for _, e := range b.entry {
if e.contraction() {
r := e.runes[0]
if _, ok := cm[r]; !ok {
starters = append(starters, r)
cm[r] = append(cm[r], e)
// Add entries of single runes that are at a start of a contraction.
for _, e := range b.entry {
if !e.contraction() {
r := e.runes[0]
if _, ok := cm[r]; ok {
cm[r] = append(cm[r], e)
// Build the tries for the contractions.
t := b.t
handlemap := make(map[string]ctHandle)
for _, r := range starters {
l := cm[r]
// Compute suffix strings. There are 31 different contraction suffix
// sets for 715 contractions and 82 contraction starter runes as of
// version 6.0.0.
sufx := []string{}
hasSingle := false
for _, e := range l {
if len(e.runes) > 1 {
sufx = append(sufx, string(e.runes[1:]))
} else {
hasSingle = true
if !hasSingle {
b.error(fmt.Errorf("no single entry for starter rune %U found", r))
// Unique the suffix set.
key := strings.Join(sufx, "\n")
handle, ok := handlemap[key]
if !ok {
var err error
handle, err = t.contractTries.appendTrie(sufx)
if err != nil {
handlemap[key] = handle
// Bucket sort entries in index order.
es := make([]*entry, len(l))
for _, e := range l {
var o, sn int
if len(e.runes) > 1 {
str := []byte(string(e.runes[1:]))
o, sn = t.contractTries.lookup(handle, str)
if sn != len(str) {
log.Fatalf("processContractions: unexpected length for '%X'; len=%d; want %d", []rune(string(str)), sn, len(str))
if es[o] != nil {
log.Fatalf("Multiple contractions for position %d for rune %U", o, e.runes[0])
es[o] = e
// Store info in entry for starter rune.
es[0].contractionIndex = len(t.contractElem)
es[0].contractionHandle = handle
// Add collation elements for contractions.
for _, e := range es {
t.contractElem = append(t.contractElem, b.baseColElem(e))
func (b *Builder) buildTrie() {
t := newNode()
for _, e := range b.entry {
if !e.skip() {
ce := b.colElem(e)
t.insert(e.runes[0], ce)
i, err := t.generate()
b.t.index = *i
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package build
import "testing"
// cjk returns an implicit collation element for a CJK rune.
func cjk(r rune) [][]int {
// A CJK character C is represented in the DUCET as
// [.AAAA.0020.0002.C][.BBBB.0000.0000.C]
// Where AAAA is the most significant 15 bits plus a base value.
// Any base value will work for the test, so we pick the common value of FB40.
const base = 0xFB40
return [][]int{
[]int{base + int(r>>15), defaultSecondary, defaultTertiary, int(r)},
[]int{int(r&0x7FFF) | 0x8000, 0, 0, int(r)},
func pCE(p int) [][]int {
return [][]int{[]int{p, defaultSecondary, defaultTertiary, 0}}
func pqCE(p, q int) [][]int {
return [][]int{[]int{p, defaultSecondary, defaultTertiary, q}}
func ptCE(p, t int) [][]int {
return [][]int{[]int{p, defaultSecondary, t, 0}}
func sCE(s int) [][]int {
return [][]int{[]int{0, s, defaultTertiary, 0}}
func stCE(s, t int) [][]int {
return [][]int{[]int{0, s, t, 0}}
// ducetElem is used to define test data that is used to generate a table.
type ducetElem struct {
str string
ces [][]int
func newBuilder(t *testing.T, ducet []ducetElem) *Builder {
b := NewBuilder()
for _, e := range ducet {
if err := b.Add([]rune(e.str), e.ces); err != nil {
b.t = &table{}
return b
type convertTest struct {
in, out [][]int
err bool
var convLargeTests = []convertTest{
{pCE(0xFB39), pCE(0xFB39), false},
{cjk(0x2F9B2), pqCE(0x7F4F2, 0x2F9B2), false},
{pCE(0xFB40), pCE(0), true},
{append(pCE(0xFB40), pCE(0)[0]), pCE(0), true},
{pCE(0xFFFE), pCE(illegalOffset), false},
{pCE(0xFFFF), pCE(illegalOffset + 1), false},
func TestConvertLarge(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range convLargeTests {
e := &entry{elems:}
elems, err := convertLargeWeights(e.elems)
if tt.err {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%d: expected error; none found", i)
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
if !equalCEArrays(elems, tt.out) {
t.Errorf("%d: conversion was %x; want %x", i, elems, tt.out)
// Collation element table for simplify tests.
var simplifyTest = []ducetElem{
{"\u0300", sCE(30)}, // grave
{"\u030C", sCE(40)}, // caron
{"A", ptCE(100, 8)},
{"D", ptCE(104, 8)},
{"E", ptCE(105, 8)},
{"I", ptCE(110, 8)},
{"z", ptCE(130, 8)},
{"\u05F2", append(ptCE(200, 4), ptCE(200, 4)[0])},
{"\u05B7", sCE(80)},
{"\u00C0", append(ptCE(100, 8), sCE(30)...)}, // A with grave, can be removed
{"\u00C8", append(ptCE(105, 8), sCE(30)...)}, // E with grave
{"\uFB1F", append(ptCE(200, 4), ptCE(200, 4)[0], sCE(80)[0])}, // eliminated by NFD
{"\u00C8\u0302", ptCE(106, 8)}, // block previous from simplifying
{"\u01C5", append(ptCE(104, 9), ptCE(130, 4)[0], stCE(40, maxTertiary)[0])}, // eliminated by NFKD
// no removal: tertiary value of third element is not maxTertiary
{"\u2162", append(ptCE(110, 9), ptCE(110, 4)[0], ptCE(110, 8)[0])},
var genColTests = []ducetElem{
{"\uFA70", pqCE(0x1F5B0, 0xFA70)},
{"A\u0300", append(ptCE(100, 8), sCE(30)...)},
{"A\u0300\uFA70", append(ptCE(100, 8), sCE(30)[0], pqCE(0x1F5B0, 0xFA70)[0])},
{"A\u0300A\u0300", append(ptCE(100, 8), sCE(30)[0], ptCE(100, 8)[0], sCE(30)[0])},
func TestGenColElems(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilder(t, simplifyTest[:5])
for i, tt := range genColTests {
res := b.genColElems(tt.str)
if !equalCEArrays(tt.ces, res) {
t.Errorf("%d: result %X; want %X", i, res, tt.ces)
type strArray []string
func (sa strArray) contains(s string) bool {
for _, e := range sa {
if e == s {
return true
return false
var simplifyRemoved = strArray{"\u00C0", "\uFB1F"}
var simplifyMarked = strArray{"\u01C5"}
func TestSimplify(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilder(t, simplifyTest)
k := 0
for i, tt := range simplifyTest {
if simplifyRemoved.contains(tt.str) {
e := b.entry[k]
if e.str != tt.str || !equalCEArrays(e.elems, tt.ces) {
t.Errorf("%d: found element %s -> %X; want %s -> %X", i, e.str, e.elems, tt.str, tt.ces)
k = 0
for i, e := range b.entry {
gold := simplifyMarked.contains(e.str)
if gold {
if gold != e.decompose {
t.Errorf("%d: %s has decompose %v; want %v", i, e.str, e.decompose, gold)
if k != len(simplifyMarked) {
t.Errorf(" an entry that should be marked as decompose was deleted")
var expandTest = []ducetElem{
{"\u00C0", append(ptCE(100, 8), sCE(30)...)},
{"\u00C8", append(ptCE(105, 8), sCE(30)...)},
{"\u00C9", append(ptCE(105, 8), sCE(30)...)}, // identical expansion
{"\u05F2", append(ptCE(200, 4), ptCE(200, 4)[0], ptCE(200, 4)[0])},
func TestExpand(t *testing.T) {
const (
totalExpansions = 3
totalElements = 2 + 2 + 3 + totalExpansions
b := newBuilder(t, expandTest)
for i, tt := range expandTest {
e := b.entry[i]
exp := b.t.expandElem[e.expansionIndex:]
if int(exp[0]) != len(tt.ces) {
t.Errorf("%U: len(expansion)==%d; want %d", []rune(tt.str)[0], exp[0], len(tt.ces))
exp = exp[1:]
for j, w := range tt.ces {
if ce, _ := makeCE(w); exp[j] != ce {
t.Errorf("%U: element %d is %X; want %X", []rune(tt.str)[0], j, exp[j], ce)
// Verify uniquing.
if len(b.t.expandElem) != totalElements {
t.Errorf("len(expandElem)==%d; want %d", len(b.t.expandElem), totalElements)
var contractTest = []ducetElem{
{"abc", pCE(102)},
{"abd", pCE(103)},
{"a", pCE(100)},
{"ab", pCE(101)},
{"ac", pCE(104)},
{"bcd", pCE(202)},
{"b", pCE(200)},
{"bc", pCE(201)},
{"bd", pCE(203)},
// shares suffixes with a*
{"Ab", pCE(301)},
{"A", pCE(300)},
{"Ac", pCE(304)},
{"Abc", pCE(302)},
{"Abd", pCE(303)},
// starter to be ignored
{"z", pCE(1000)},
func TestContract(t *testing.T) {
const (
totalElements = 5 + 5 + 4
b := newBuilder(t, contractTest)
indexMap := make(map[int]bool)
handleMap := make(map[rune]*entry)
for _, e := range b.entry {
if e.contractionHandle.n > 0 {
handleMap[e.runes[0]] = e
indexMap[e.contractionHandle.index] = true
// Verify uniquing.
if len(indexMap) != 2 {
t.Errorf("number of tries is %d; want %d", len(indexMap), 2)
for _, tt := range contractTest {
e, ok := handleMap[[]rune(tt.str)[0]]
if !ok {
str := tt.str[1:]
offset, n := b.t.contractTries.lookup(e.contractionHandle, []byte(str))
if len(str) != n {
t.Errorf("%s: bytes consumed==%d; want %d", tt.str, n, len(str))
ce := b.t.contractElem[offset+e.contractionIndex]
if want, _ := makeCE(tt.ces[0]); want != ce {
t.Errorf("%s: element %X; want %X", tt.str, ce, want)
if len(b.t.contractElem) != totalElements {
t.Errorf("len(expandElem)==%d; want %d", len(b.t.contractElem), totalElements)
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