Commit fd4f9a4e authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

xnet/lonet: New package to provide TCP network simulated on top of localhost TCP loopback.

Lonet is the virtnet network that, contrary to pipenet, could be used
when there are several OS-level processes involved.

It uses SQLite for its registry and native OS-level TCP over loopback
for data exchange. There is small text-based connection handshake
protocol prelude that have to be carried out when a connection is tried
to be established to host via its subnetwork, but after it data exchange
goes directly through OS TCP stack.

Lonet documentation follows:

Package lonet provides TCP network simulated on top of localhost TCP loopback.

For testing distributed systems it is sometimes handy to imitate network of
several TCP hosts. It is also handy that ports allocated on Dial/Listen/Accept on
that hosts be predictable - that would help tests to verify network events
against expected sequence. When whole system could be imitated in 1 OS-level
process, package serves the task via
providing TCP-like synchronous in-memory network of net.Pipes. However
pipenet cannot be used for cases where tested system consists of 2 or more
OS-level processes. This is where lonet comes into play:

Similarly to pipenet addresses on lonet are host:port pairs and several
hosts could be created with different names. A host is xnet.Networker and
so can be worked with similarly to regular TCP network access-point with
Dial/Listen/Accept. Host's ports allocation is predictable: ports of a host
are contiguous integer sequence starting from 1 that are all initially free,
and whenever autobind is requested the first free port of the host will be

Internally lonet network maintains registry of hosts so that lonet
addresses could be resolved to OS-level addresses, for example α:1 and β:1
to and, and once lonet connection is
established it becomes served by OS-level TCP connection over loopback.


net, err := lonet.Join(ctx, "mynet")
hα, err := net.NewHost(ctx, "α")
hβ, err := net.NewHost(ctx, "β")

// starts listening on address "α:10"
l, err := hα.Listen(":10")
go func() {
 csrv, err := l.Accept()   // csrv will have LocalAddr "α:1"
ccli, err := hβ.Dial(ctx, "α:10") // ccli will be connection between "β:1" - "α:1"

Once again lonet is similar to pipenet, but since it works via OS TCP stack
it could be handy for testing networked application when there are several
OS-level processes involved.

Lonet organization

For every lonet network there is a registry with information about hosts
available on the network, and for each host its OS-level listening address.
The registry is kept as SQLite database under


Whenever host α needs to establish connection to address on host β, it
queries the registry for β and further talks to β on that address.
Correspondingly when a host joins the network, it announces itself to the
registry so that other hosts could see it.

Handshake protocol

After α establishes OS-level connection to β via main β address, it sends
request to further establish lonet connection on top of that:

> lonet "<network>" dial "<α:portα>" "<β:portβ>"\n

β checks whether portβ is listening, and if yes, accepts the connection on
corresponding on-β listener with giving feedback to α that connection was

< lonet "<network>" connected "<β:portβ'>"\n

After that connection is considered to be lonet-established and all further
exchange on it is directly controlled by corresponding lonet-level
Read/Write on α and β.

If, on the other hand, lonet-level connection cannot be established, β replies:

< lonet "<networkβ>" E "<error>"\n

where <error> could be:

- connection refused if <β:portβ> is not listening
- network mismatch if β thinks it works on different lonet network than α
- protocol error if β thinks that α send incorrect dial request
- ...
parent 40120cb0
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// Package lonet provides TCP network simulated on top of localhost TCP loopback.
// For testing distributed systems it is sometimes handy to imitate network of
// several TCP hosts. It is also handy that ports allocated on Dial/Listen/Accept on
// that hosts be predictable - that would help tests to verify network events
// against expected sequence. When whole system could be imitated in 1 OS-level
// process, package serves the task via
// providing TCP-like synchronous in-memory network of net.Pipes. However
// pipenet cannot be used for cases where tested system consists of 2 or more
// OS-level processes. This is where lonet comes into play:
// Similarly to pipenet addresses on lonet are host:port pairs and several
// hosts could be created with different names. A host is xnet.Networker and
// so can be worked with similarly to regular TCP network access-point with
// Dial/Listen/Accept. Host's ports allocation is predictable: ports of a host
// are contiguous integer sequence starting from 1 that are all initially free,
// and whenever autobind is requested the first free port of the host will be
// used.
// Internally lonet network maintains registry of hosts so that lonet
// addresses could be resolved to OS-level addresses, for example α:1 and β:1
// to and, and once lonet connection is
// established it becomes served by OS-level TCP connection over loopback.
// Example:
// net, err := lonet.Join(ctx, "mynet")
// hα, err := net.NewHost(ctx, "α")
// hβ, err := net.NewHost(ctx, "β")
// // starts listening on address "α:10"
// l, err := hα.Listen(":10")
// go func() {
// csrv, err := l.Accept() // csrv will have LocalAddr "α:1"
// }()
// ccli, err := hβ.Dial(ctx, "α:10") // ccli will be connection between "β:1" - "α:1"
// Once again lonet is similar to pipenet, but since it works via OS TCP stack
// it could be handy for testing networked application when there are several
// OS-level processes involved.
package lonet
// Lonet organization
// For every lonet network there is a registry with information about hosts
// available on the network, and for each host its OS-level listening address.
// The registry is kept as SQLite database under
// /<tmp>/lonet/<network>/registry.db
// Whenever host α needs to establish connection to address on host β, it
// queries the registry for β and further talks to β on that address.
// Correspondingly when a host joins the network, it announces itself to the
// registry so that other hosts could see it.
// Handshake protocol
// After α establishes OS-level connection to β via main β address, it sends
// request to further establish lonet connection on top of that:
// > lonet "<network>" dial "<α:portα>" "<β:portβ>"\n
// β checks whether portβ is listening, and if yes, accepts the connection on
// corresponding on-β listener with giving feedback to α that connection was
// accepted:
// < lonet "<network>" connected "<β:portβ'>"\n
// After that connection is considered to be lonet-established and all further
// exchange on it is directly controlled by corresponding lonet-level
// Read/Write on α and β.
// If, on the other hand, lonet-level connection cannot be established, β replies:
// < lonet "<networkβ>" E "<error>"\n
// where <error> could be:
// - connection refused if <β:portβ> is not listening
// - network mismatch if β thinks it works on different lonet network than α
// - protocol error if β thinks that α send incorrect dial request
// - ...
import (
stderrors "errors"
const netPrefix = "lonet" // lonet package creates only "lonet*" networks
// protocolError represents logical error in lonet handshake exchange.
type protocolError struct {
err error
// subNetwork represents one subnetwork of a lonet network.
type subNetwork struct {
vnet *virtnet.SubNetwork
// OS-level listener of this subnetwork.
// whenever connection to subnet's host is tried to be established it goes here.
oslistener net.Listener
// accepted connections are further routed here for virtnet to handle.
vnotify virtnet.Notifier
// cancel for spawned .serve(ctx)
serveCancel func()
// vengine implements virtnet.Engine for subNetwork.
type vengine struct {
subnet *subNetwork
var tcp4 = xnet.NetPlain("tcp4")
// Join joins or creates new lonet network with given name.
// Network is the name of this network under "lonet" namespace, e.g. "α" will
// give full network name "lonetα".
// If network is "" new network with random unique name will be created.
// Join returns new subnetwork on the joined network.
// See package for documentation on how
// to use returned subnetwork.
func Join(ctx context.Context, network string) (_ *virtnet.SubNetwork, err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "lonet: join %q", network)
// create/join registry under /tmp/lonet/<network>/registry.db
lonet := os.TempDir() + "/lonet"
err = os.MkdirAll(lonet, 0777 | os.ModeSticky)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var netdir string
if network != "" {
netdir = lonet + "/" + network
err = os.MkdirAll(netdir, 0700)
} else {
// new with random name
netdir, err = ioutil.TempDir(lonet, "")
network = filepath.Base(netdir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
registry, err := openRegistrySQLite(ctx, netdir + "/registry.db", network)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// start OS listener
oslistener, err := tcp4.Listen("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// joined ok
losubnet := &subNetwork{oslistener: oslistener}
engine := &vengine{losubnet}
subnet, vnotify := virtnet.NewSubNetwork(netPrefix + network, engine, registry)
losubnet.vnet = subnet
losubnet.vnotify = vnotify
serveCtx, serveCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
losubnet.serveCancel = serveCancel
go losubnet.serve(serveCtx)
return subnet, nil
// ---- subnetwork OS-level serving ----
// Close implements virtnet.Engine .
func (v *vengine) Close() (err error) {
n := v.subnet
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "lonet %q: close",
n.serveCancel() // this will cancel loaccepts spawned by serve
return n.oslistener.Close() // this will interrupt Accept in serve
// serve serves incoming OS-level connections to this subnetwork.
// for every accepted connection lonet-handshake is initiated.
func (n *subNetwork) serve(ctx context.Context) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
// wait for incoming OS connections and do lonet protocol handshake on them.
// if successful - route handshaked connection to particular Host's listener.
for {
osconn, err := n.oslistener.Accept()
if err != nil {
// mark subnetwork as being down and stop
go func(osconn net.Conn) {
defer wg.Done()
err := n.loaccept(ctx, osconn)
if err == nil {
// log if error is unexpected
switch errors.Cause(err) {
case virtnet.ErrConnRefused,
return // all ok - don't log.
log.Printf("lonet %q: serve %s <- %s : %s",,
n.oslistener.Addr(), osconn.RemoteAddr(), err)
// ---- acceptor and dialer that talk to each other via lonet handshake protocol ----
// loaccept handles incoming OS-level connection.
// It performs lonet protocol handshake as listener, and if successful further
// conveys accepted connection to lonet-level Accept.
// If handshake is not successful the connection is closed.
func (n *subNetwork) loaccept(ctx context.Context, osconn net.Conn) (err error) {
defer xerr.Context(&err, "loaccept")
// close osconn on error
osconnClosed := false
defer func() {
if err != nil && !osconnClosed {
// spawn accept
type ret struct { err error }
doneq := make(chan ret)
go func() {
err := n._loaccept(ctx, osconn)
doneq <- ret{err}
// wait for completion / interrupt IO on ctx cancel
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
osconnClosed = true
return ctx.Err()
case ret := <-doneq:
return ret.err
func (n *subNetwork) _loaccept(ctx context.Context, osconn net.Conn) error {
// read handshake line and parse it
line, err := readline(osconn, 1024) // limit line length not to cause memory dos
if err != nil {
return err
// replyf performs formatted reply to osconn.
// the error returned is for result of osconn.Write.
replyf := func(format string, argv ...interface{}) error {
line := fmt.Sprintf("< lonet %q " + format + "\n",
append([]interface{}{}, argv...)...)
_, err := osconn.Write([]byte(line))
return err
// ereply performs error reply to osconn.
// for convenience returned error is the error itself, not the
// error returned from osconn.Write.
ereply := func(err error) error {
replyf("E %q", err) // ignore osconn.Write error
return err
// eproto prepares protocol error and replies it to osconn.
// the error sent to peer contains only ereason, not details.
// for convenience returned error is protocol error constructed from
// error reason and details.
// error from osconn.Write is ignored.
eproto := func(ereason, detailf string, argv ...interface{}) error {
return protocolErrorf(ereason + ": " + detailf, argv...)
var network, src, dst string
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(line, "> lonet %q dial %q %q\n", &network, &src, &dst)
if err != nil {
return eproto("invalid dial request", "%q", line)
if network != {
return eproto("network mismatch", "%q", network)
asrc, err := virtnet.ParseAddr(network, src)
if err != nil {
return eproto("src address invalid", "%q", src)
adst, err := virtnet.ParseAddr(network, dst)
if err != nil {
return eproto("dst address invalid", "%q", dst)
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s <- %s", dst, src)
accept, err := n.vnotify.VNetAccept(ctx, asrc, adst, osconn)
if err != nil {
return ereply(err)
err = replyf("connected %q", accept.Addr)
accept.Ack <- err
return err
func (n *subNetwork) _loconnect(osconn net.Conn, src, dst *virtnet.Addr) (*virtnet.Addr, error) {
_, err := osconn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("> lonet %q dial %q %q\n",, src, dst)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
line, err := readline(osconn, 1024)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var network, reply, arg string
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(line, "< lonet %q %s %q\n", &network, &reply, &arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, protocolErrorf("invalid dial reply: %q", line)
switch reply {
return nil, protocolErrorf("invalid reply verb: %q", reply)
case "E":
switch arg {
// handle canonical errors like ErrConnRefused
case "connection refused":
err = virtnet.ErrConnRefused
err = stderrors.New(arg)
return nil, err
case "connected":
// ok
if network != {
return nil, protocolErrorf("connected, but network mismatch: %q", network)
acceptAddr, err := virtnet.ParseAddr(network, arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, protocolErrorf("connected, but accept address invalid: %q", acceptAddr)
if acceptAddr.Host != dst.Host {
return nil, protocolErrorf("connected, but accept address is for different host: %q", acceptAddr.Host)
// everything is ok
return acceptAddr, nil
// loconnect tries to establish lonet connection on top of OS-level connection.
// It performs lonet protocol handshake as dialer, and if successful returns
// lonet-level peer's address of the accepted lonet connection.
// If handshake is not successful the connection is closed.
func (n *subNetwork) loconnect(ctx context.Context, osconn net.Conn, src, dst *virtnet.Addr) (acceptAddr *virtnet.Addr, err error) {
defer func() {
switch err {
//, src, dst will be provided by virtnet while
// wrapping us with net.OpError{"dial", ...}
xerr.Contextf(&err, "loconnect %s", osconn.RemoteAddr())
// this errors remain unwrapped
case nil:
case virtnet.ErrConnRefused:
// close osconn on error
osconnClosed := false
defer func() {
if err != nil && !osconnClosed {
// spawn connect
type ret struct { acceptAddr *virtnet.Addr; err error }
doneq := make(chan ret)
go func() {
acceptAddr, err := n._loconnect(osconn, src, dst)
doneq <- ret{acceptAddr, err}
// wait for completion / interrupt IO on ctx cancel
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
osconnClosed = true
return nil, ctx.Err()
case ret := <-doneq:
acceptAddr, err = ret.acceptAddr, ret.err
return acceptAddr, err
// VNetDial implements virtnet.Engine .
func (v *vengine) VNetDial(ctx context.Context, src, dst *virtnet.Addr, dstosladdr string) (_ net.Conn, addrAccept *virtnet.Addr, _ error) {
n := v.subnet
// dial to OS addr for host and perform lonet handshake
osconn, err := tcp4.Dial(ctx, dstosladdr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
addrAccept, err = n.loconnect(ctx, osconn, src, dst)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return osconn, addrAccept, nil
// ----------------------------------------
// VNetNewHost implements virtnet.Engine .
func (v *vengine) VNetNewHost(ctx context.Context, hostname string, registry virtnet.Registry) error {
n := v.subnet
// no need to create host resources - we accept all connections on 1
// port for whole subnetwork.
return registry.Announce(ctx, hostname, n.oslistener.Addr().String())
// network returns name of the network this subnetwork is part of.
func (n *subNetwork) network() string {
return n.vnet.Network()
// Error implements error.
func (e *protocolError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("protocol error: %s", e.err)
// protocolErrorf constructs protocolError with error formatted via fmt.Errorf .
func protocolErrorf(format string, argv ...interface{}) *protocolError {
return &protocolError{fmt.Errorf(format, argv...)}
// readline reads 1 line from r up to maxlen bytes.
func readline(r io.Reader, maxlen int) (string, error) {
buf1 := []byte{0}
var line []byte
for len(line) < maxlen {
n, err := r.Read(buf1)
if n == 1 {
err = nil
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return string(line), err
line = append(line, buf1...)
if buf1[0] == '\n' {
return string(line), nil
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package lonet
import (
func TestLonet(t *testing.T) {
subnet, err := Join(context.Background(), "")
if err != nil {
// XXX TestBasic shutdows subnet, but /tmp/lonet/<name> is left alive.
virtnettest.TestBasic(t, subnet)
var workRoot string
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// setup workroot for all tests
workRoot, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "t-lonet")
if err != nil {
exit := m.Run()
// xworkdir creates temp directory inside workRoot.
func xworkdir(t testing.TB) string {
work, err := ioutil.TempDir(workRoot, "")
if err != nil {
return work
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package lonet
// registry implemented as shared SQLite file.
import (
// registry schema (keep in sync wrt .setup())
// hosts:
// hostname text !null PK
// osladdr text !null
// meta:
// name text !null PK
// value text !null
// "schemaver" text - version of db schema.
// "network" text - name of lonet network this registry serves.
const schemaVer = "lonet.1"
type sqliteRegistry struct {
dbpool *sqlite.Pool
uri string // URI db was originally opened with
// openRegistrySQLite opens SQLite registry located at dburi.
// the registry is setup/verified to be serving specified lonet network.
func openRegistrySQLite(ctx context.Context, dburi, network string) (_ *sqliteRegistry, err error) {
r := &sqliteRegistry{uri: dburi}
defer r.regerr(&err, "open")
dbpool, err := sqlite.Open(dburi, 0, /* poolSize= */16) // XXX pool size ok?
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r.dbpool = dbpool
// initialize/check db
err = r.setup(ctx, network)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
// Close implements registry.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) Close() (err error) {
defer r.regerr(&err, "close")
return r.dbpool.Close()
// withConn runs f on a dbpool connection.
// connection is first allocated from dbpool and put back after call to f.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) withConn(ctx context.Context, f func(*sqlite.Conn) error) error {
conn := r.dbpool.Get(ctx.Done())
if conn == nil {
// either ctx cancel or dbpool close
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
return virtnet.ErrRegistryDown // db closed
defer r.dbpool.Put(conn)
return f(conn)
var errNoRows = errors.New("query: empty result")
var errManyRows = errors.New("query: multiple results")
// query1 is like sqliteutil.Exec but checks that exactly 1 row is returned.
// if query results in no rows - errNoRows is returned.
// if query results in more than 1 row - errManyRows is returned.
func query1(conn *sqlite.Conn, query string, resultf func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt), argv ...interface{}) error {
nrow := 0
err := sqliteutil.Exec(conn, query, func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) error {
if nrow == 1 {
return errManyRows
return nil
}, argv...)
if err != nil {
return err
if nrow == 0 {
return errNoRows
return nil
// setup initializes/checks registry database to be of expected schema and configuration.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) setup(ctx context.Context, network string) (err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "setup %q", network)
return r.withConn(ctx, func(conn *sqlite.Conn) (err error) {
// NOTE: keep in sync wrt top-level text.
err = sqliteutil.ExecScript(conn, `
if err != nil {
return err
// do whole checks/init under transaction, so that there is
// e.g. no race wrt another process setting config.
defer sqliteutil.Save(conn)(&err)
// check/init schema version
ver, err := r.config(conn, "schemaver")
if err != nil {
return err
if ver == "" {
ver = schemaVer
err = r.setConfig(conn, "schemaver", ver)
if err != nil {
return err
if ver != schemaVer {
return fmt.Errorf("schema version mismatch: want %q; have %q", schemaVer, ver)
// check/init network name
dbnetwork, err := r.config(conn, "network")
if err != nil {
return err
if dbnetwork == "" {
dbnetwork = network
err = r.setConfig(conn, "network", dbnetwork)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbnetwork != network {
return fmt.Errorf("network name mismatch: want %q; have %q", network, dbnetwork)
return nil
// config gets one registry configuration value by name.
// if there is no record corresponding to name - ("", nil) is returned.
// XXX add ok ret to indicate presence of value?
func (r *sqliteRegistry) config(conn *sqlite.Conn, name string) (value string, err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "config: get %q", name)
err = query1(conn, "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE name = ?", func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) {
value = stmt.ColumnText(0)
}, name)
switch err {
case errNoRows:
return "", nil
case errManyRows:
value = ""
return value, err
// setConfig sets one registry configuration value by name.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) setConfig(conn *sqlite.Conn, name, value string) (err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "config: set %q = %q", name, value)
err = sqliteutil.Exec(conn,
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO meta (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", nil,
name, value)
return err
// Announce implements registry.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) Announce(ctx context.Context, hostname, osladdr string) (err error) {
defer r.regerr(&err, "announce", hostname, osladdr)
return r.withConn(ctx, func(conn *sqlite.Conn) error {
err := sqliteutil.Exec(conn,
"INSERT INTO hosts (hostname, osladdr) VALUES (?, ?)", nil,
hostname, osladdr)
switch sqlite.ErrCode(err) {
err = virtnet.ErrHostDup
return err
var errRegDup = errors.New("registry broken: duplicate host entries")
// Query implements registry.
func (r *sqliteRegistry) Query(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (osladdr string, err error) {
defer r.regerr(&err, "query", hostname)
err = r.withConn(ctx, func(conn *sqlite.Conn) error {
err := query1(conn, "SELECT osladdr FROM hosts WHERE hostname = ?",
func (stmt *sqlite.Stmt) {
osladdr = stmt.ColumnText(0)
}, hostname)
switch err {
case errNoRows:
return virtnet.ErrNoHost
case errManyRows:
// hostname is PK - we should not get several results
osladdr = ""
return errRegDup
return err
return osladdr, err
// regerr is syntactic sugar to wrap !nil *errp into RegistryError.
// intended too be used like
// defer r.regerr(&err, "operation", arg1, arg2, ...)
func (r *sqliteRegistry) regerr(errp *error, op string, args ...interface{}) {
if *errp == nil {
*errp = &virtnet.RegistryError{
Registry: r.uri,
Op: op,
Args: args,
Err: *errp,
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package lonet
import (
// registryTester is handy utility to test sqliteRegistry
type registryTester struct {
r *sqliteRegistry
// Query checks that result of Query(hostname) is as expected.
// if expect is error - it checks that Query returns error with cause == expect.
// otherwise expect must be string and it will check that Query
// succeeds and returns osladdr == expect.
func (t *registryTester) Query(hostname string, expect interface{}) {
r := t.r
osladdr, err := r.Query(context.Background(), hostname)
if ewant, iserr := expect.(error); iserr {
// error expected
// XXX construct full registry error around ewant + reflect.DeepCompare?
e, ok := err.(*virtnet.RegistryError)
if !(ok && e.Err == ewant && osladdr == "") {
t.Fatalf("%s: query %q:\nwant: \"\", %v\nhave: %q, %v",
r.uri, hostname, ewant, osladdr, err)
} else {
// !error expected
laddr := expect.(string)
if !(osladdr == laddr && err == nil) {
t.Fatalf("%s: query %q:\nwant: %q, nil\nhave: %q, %v",
r.uri, hostname, laddr, osladdr, err)
// Announce checks that result of Announce(hostname, osladdr) is as expected.
// if len(errv) == 1 - it checks that Announce returns error with cause == errv[0].
// otherwise it will check that Announce succeeds and returns nil error.
func (t *registryTester) Announce(hostname, osladdr string, errv ...error) {
r := t.r
err := r.Announce(context.Background(), hostname, osladdr)
var ewant error
if len(errv) > 0 {
ewant = errv[0]
if len(errv) > 1 {
panic("only 1 error allowed in announce check")
if ewant != nil {
// error expected
// XXX construct full registry error around ewant + reflect.DeepCompare?
e, ok := err.(*virtnet.RegistryError)
if (!ok && e.Err == ewant) {
t.Fatalf("%s: announce %q %q:\nwant %v\nhave: %v",
r.uri, hostname, osladdr, ewant, err)
} else {
// !error expected
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: announce %q %q: %s", r.uri, hostname, osladdr, err)
// handy shortcuts for registry errors, ...
var ø = virtnet.ErrNoHost
var DUP = virtnet.ErrHostDup
var RDOWN = virtnet.ErrRegistryDown
var X = exc.Raiseif
var bg = context.Background()
func TestRegistrySQLite(t *testing.T) {
work := xworkdir(t)
dbpath := work + "/1.db"
r1, err := openRegistrySQLite(bg, dbpath, "aaa")
t1 := &registryTester{t, r1}
t1.Query("α", ø)
t1.Announce("α", "alpha:1234")
t1.Announce("α", "alpha:1234", DUP)
t1.Announce("α", "alpha:1235", DUP)
t1.Query("α", "alpha:1234")
t1.Query("β", ø)
r2, err := openRegistrySQLite(bg, dbpath, "aaa")
t2 := &registryTester{t, r2}
t2.Query("α", "alpha:1234")
t2.Query("β", ø)
t2.Announce("β", "beta:zzz")
t2.Query("β", "beta:zzz")
t1.Query("β", "beta:zzz")
t1.Query("α", RDOWN)
t1.Query("β", RDOWN)
t1.Announce("γ", "gamma:qqq", RDOWN)
t1.Query("γ", RDOWN)
t2.Query("α", "alpha:1234")
t2.Query("α", RDOWN)
// verify network mismatch detection works
r3, err := openRegistrySQLite(bg, dbpath, "bbb")
if !(r3 == nil && err != nil) {
t.Fatalf("network mismatch: not detected")
errWant := fmt.Sprintf(`%s: open []: setup "bbb": network name mismatch: want "bbb"; have "aaa"`, dbpath)
if err.Error() != errWant {
t.Fatalf("network mismatch: error:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", err.Error(), errWant)
...@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ ...@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
// //
// Pipenet might be handy for testing interaction of networked applications in 1 // Pipenet might be handy for testing interaction of networked applications in 1
// process without going to OS networking stack. // process without going to OS networking stack.
// See also package for similar network
// that can work across several OS-level processes.
package pipenet package pipenet
import ( import (
...@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ ...@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
// Starting from SubNetwork one can create Hosts and from those exchange data // Starting from SubNetwork one can create Hosts and from those exchange data
// throughout whole network. // throughout whole network.
// //
// Please see package for particular // Please see packages and
// well-known virtnet-based network. // for particular well-known
// virtnet-based networks.
// //
// //
// Implementing virtnet networks // Implementing virtnet networks
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