Yet another SQLite binding based on: - original [Russ Cox's]( implementation, - the [Patrick Crosby's]( fork. This binding implements the "exp/sql/driver" interface. Open supports flags. Conn#Exec handles multiple statements (separated by semicolons) properly. Conn#Prepare can optionnaly #Bind as well. Conn#Close ensures that all dangling statements are finalized. Stmt#Exec is renamed in Stmt#Bind and a new Stmt#Exec method is introduced to #Bind and #Step. Stmt#Bind uses native sqlite3_bind_x methods and failed if unsupported type. Stmt#NamedBind can be used to bind by name. Stmt#Next returns a (bool, os.Error) couple like Reader#Read. Stmt#Scan uses native sqlite3_column_x methods. Stmt#NamedScan is added. It's compliant with [go-dbi]( Stmt#ScanByIndex/ScanByName are added to test NULL value. Currently, the weak point of the binding is the *Scan* methods: The original implementation is using this strategy: - convert the stored value to a []byte by calling sqlite3_column_bytes, - convert the bytes to the desired Go type with correct feedback in case of illegal conversion, - but apparently no support for NULL value. Using the native sqlite3_column_x implies: - optimal conversion from the storage type to Go type (when they match), - loosy conversion when types mismatch (select cast('M' as int); --> 0), - NULL value can be returned only for **type, otherwise a default value (0, false, "") is returned. Misc: Conn#Exists Conn#OneValue Conn#OpenVfs Conn#EnableFkey/IsFKeyEnabled Conn#Changes/TotalChanges Conn#LastInsertRowid Conn#Interrupt Conn#Begin/BeginTransaction(type)/Commit/Rollback Conn#GetAutocommit Conn#EnableLoadExtension/LoadExtension Conn#IntegrityCheck Stmt#ExecInsert/ExecUpdate Stmt#BindParameterCount/BindParameterIndex(name)/BindParameterName(index) Stmt#ClearBindings Stmt#ColumnCount/ColumnNames/ColumnIndex(name)/ColumnName(index)/ColumnType(index) Stmt#ReadOnly Blob: ZeroBlobLength Conn#NewBlobReader Conn#NewBlobReadWriter Meta: Conn#Databases Conn#Tables Conn#Columns Conn#ForeignKeys Conn#Indexes/IndexColumns Time: JulianDay JulianDayToUTC JulianDayToLocalTime Trace: Conn#BusyHandler Conn#Profile Conn#ProgressHandler Conn#SetAuthorizer Conn#Trace Stmt#Status Hook: Conn#CommitHook Conn#RollbackHook Conn#UpdateHook