Commit 33a476ca authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Attempt to do what the documentation now says.

parent 7c543380
......@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ func (c *Connection) kernelResponseForOp(
out.St.Files = o.Inodes
out.St.Ffree = o.InodesFree
// The posix spec for sys/statvfs.h defines the following fields, among
// others:
// The posix spec for sys/statvfs.h ( defines the
// following fields of statvfs, among others:
// f_bsize File system block size.
// f_frsize Fundamental file system block size.
......@@ -587,11 +587,10 @@ func (c *Connection) kernelResponseForOp(
// fragments in UNIX file systems first appeared in the early 1980s
// with the 4.2BSD Fast File System.)
// Confusingly, it appears as though osxfuse surfaces f_bsize as f_iosize
// (of advisory use only), and f_frsize as f_bsize (which affects free
// space display in the Finder). In any case, we don't care to let the user
// distinguish, so set both to the same value.
out.St.Bsize = o.BlockSize
// Confusingly, it appears as though osxfuse surfaces fuse_kstatfs::bsize
// as statfs::f_iosize (of advisory use only), and fuse_kstatfs::frsize as
// statfs::f_bsize (which affects free space display in the Finder).
out.St.Bsize = o.IoSize
out.St.Frsize = o.BlockSize
case *initOp:
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