• Luiz Augusto von Dentz's avatar
    Bluetooth: ISO: Rework sync_interval to be sync_factor · 14f0dcec
    Luiz Augusto von Dentz authored
    This rework sync_interval to be sync_factor as having sync_interval in
    the order of seconds is sometimes not disarable.
    Wit sync_factor the application can tell how many SDU intervals it wants
    to send an announcement with PA, the EA interval is set to 2 times that
    so a factor of 24 of BIG SDU interval of 10ms would look like the
    < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x0036) plen 25
            Handle: 0x01
            Properties: 0x0000
            Min advertising interval: 480.000 msec (0x0300)
            Max advertising interval: 480.000 msec (0x0300)
            Channel map: 37, 38, 39 (0x07)
            Own address type: Random (0x01)
            Peer address type: Public (0x00)
            Peer address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 (OUI 00-00-00)
            Filter policy: Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (0x00)
            TX power: Host has no preference (0x7f)
            Primary PHY: LE 1M (0x01)
            Secondary max skip: 0x00
            Secondary PHY: LE 2M (0x02)
            SID: 0x00
            Scan request notifications: Disabled (0x00)
    < HCI Command: LE Set Periodic Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x003e) plen 7
            Handle: 1
            Min interval: 240.00 msec (0x00c0)
            Max interval: 240.00 msec (0x00c0)
            Properties: 0x0000
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLuiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
iso.c 38.5 KB