diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_44x.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_44x.S
index 2944529e8bf98407d5a11747af892164a0c1c4b6..f3a1ea9d7fe44d8e45371d3f9b91863277fa4756 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_44x.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_44x.S
@@ -293,119 +293,9 @@ interrupt_base:
 	MCHECK_EXCEPTION(0x0210, MachineCheckA, machine_check_exception)
 	/* Data Storage Interrupt */
-	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG0, r10		/* Save some working registers */
-	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG1, r11
-	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG4W, r12
-	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG5W, r13
-	mfcr	r11
-	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG7W, r11
-	/*
-	 * Check if it was a store fault, if not then bail
-	 * because a user tried to access a kernel or
-	 * read-protected page.  Otherwise, get the
-	 * offending address and handle it.
-	 */
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_ESR
-	andis.	r10, r10, ESR_ST@h
-	beq	2f
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_DEAR		/* Get faulting address */
-	/* If we are faulting a kernel address, we have to use the
-	 * kernel page tables.
-	 */
-	lis	r11, PAGE_OFFSET@h
-	cmplw	r10, r11
-	blt+	3f
-	lis	r11, swapper_pg_dir@h
-	ori	r11, r11, swapper_pg_dir@l
-	mfspr   r12,SPRN_MMUCR
-	rlwinm	r12,r12,0,0,23		/* Clear TID */
-	b	4f
-	/* Get the PGD for the current thread */
-	mfspr	r11,SPRN_SPRG3
-	lwz	r11,PGDIR(r11)
-	/* Load PID into MMUCR TID */
-	mfspr	r12,SPRN_MMUCR		/* Get MMUCR */
-	mfspr   r13,SPRN_PID		/* Get PID */
-	rlwimi	r12,r13,0,24,31		/* Set TID */
-	mtspr   SPRN_MMUCR,r12
-	rlwinm  r12, r10, 13, 19, 29    /* Compute pgdir/pmd offset */
-	lwzx    r11, r12, r11           /* Get pgd/pmd entry */
-	rlwinm. r12, r11, 0, 0, 20      /* Extract pt base address */
-	beq     2f                      /* Bail if no table */
-	rlwimi  r12, r10, 23, 20, 28    /* Compute pte address */
-	lwz     r11, 4(r12)             /* Get pte entry */
-	andi.	r13, r11, _PAGE_RW	/* Is it writeable? */
-	beq	2f			/* Bail if not */
-	/* Update 'changed'.
-	*/
-	stw	r11, 4(r12)		/* Update Linux page table */
-	li	r13, PPC44x_TLB_SR@l	/* Set SR */
-	rlwimi	r13, r11, 29, 29, 29	/* SX = _PAGE_HWEXEC */
-	rlwimi	r13, r11, 0, 30, 30	/* SW = _PAGE_RW */
-	rlwimi	r13, r11, 29, 28, 28	/* UR = _PAGE_USER */
-	rlwimi	r12, r11, 31, 26, 26	/* (_PAGE_USER>>1)->r12 */
-	rlwimi	r12, r11, 29, 30, 30	/* (_PAGE_USER>>3)->r12 */
-	and	r12, r12, r11		/* HWEXEC/RW & USER */
-	rlwimi	r13, r12, 0, 26, 26	/* UX = HWEXEC & USER */
-	rlwimi	r13, r12, 3, 27, 27	/* UW = RW & USER */
-	rlwimi	r11,r13,0,26,31		/* Insert static perms */
-	/*
-	 * Clear U0-U3 and WL1 IL1I IL1D IL2I IL2D bits which are added
-	 * on newer 440 cores like the 440x6 used on AMCC 460EX/460GT (see
-	 * include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h for details).
-	 */
-	rlwinm	r11,r11,0,20,10
-	/* find the TLB index that caused the fault.  It has to be here. */
-	tlbsx	r10, 0, r10
-	tlbwe	r11, r10, PPC44x_TLB_ATTRIB	/* Write ATTRIB */
-	/* Done...restore registers and get out of here.
-	*/
-	mfspr	r11, SPRN_SPRG7R
-	mtcr	r11
-	mfspr	r13, SPRN_SPRG5R
-	mfspr	r12, SPRN_SPRG4R
-	mfspr	r11, SPRN_SPRG1
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_SPRG0
-	rfi			/* Force context change */
-	/*
-	 * The bailout.  Restore registers to pre-exception conditions
-	 * and call the heavyweights to help us out.
-	 */
-	mfspr	r11, SPRN_SPRG7R
-	mtcr	r11
-	mfspr	r13, SPRN_SPRG5R
-	mfspr	r12, SPRN_SPRG4R
-	mfspr	r11, SPRN_SPRG1
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_SPRG0
-	b	data_access
-	/* Instruction Storage Interrupt */
+		/* Instruction Storage Interrupt */
 	/* External Input Interrupt */
@@ -423,7 +313,6 @@ interrupt_base:
 	EXCEPTION(0x2010, FloatingPointUnavailable, unknown_exception, EXC_XFER_EE)
 	/* System Call Interrupt */
@@ -484,18 +373,57 @@ interrupt_base:
 	mtspr	SPRN_MMUCR,r12
+	/* Mask of required permission bits. Note that while we
+	 * do copy ESR:ST to _PAGE_RW position as trying to write
+	 * to an RO page is pretty common, we don't do it with
+	 * _PAGE_DIRTY. We could do it, but it's a fairly rare
+	 * event so I'd rather take the overhead when it happens
+	 * rather than adding an instruction here. We should measure
+	 * whether the whole thing is worth it in the first place
+	 * as we could avoid loading SPRN_ESR completely in the first
+	 * place...
+	 *
+	 * TODO: Is it worth doing that mfspr & rlwimi in the first
+	 *       place or can we save a couple of instructions here ?
+	 */
+	mfspr	r12,SPRN_ESR
+	rlwimi	r13,r12,10,30,30
+	/* Load the PTE */
 	rlwinm 	r12, r10, 13, 19, 29	/* Compute pgdir/pmd offset */
 	lwzx	r11, r12, r11		/* Get pgd/pmd entry */
 	rlwinm.	r12, r11, 0, 0, 20	/* Extract pt base address */
 	beq	2f			/* Bail if no table */
 	rlwimi	r12, r10, 23, 20, 28	/* Compute pte address */
-	lwz	r11, 4(r12)		/* Get pte entry */
-	andi.	r13, r11, _PAGE_PRESENT	/* Is the page present? */
-	beq	2f			/* Bail if not present */
+	lwz	r11, 0(r12)		/* Get high word of pte entry */
+	lwz	r12, 4(r12)		/* Get low word of pte entry */
-	ori	r11, r11, _PAGE_ACCESSED
-	stw	r11, 4(r12)
+	lis	r10,tlb_44x_index@ha
+	andc.	r13,r13,r12		/* Check permission */
+	/* Load the next available TLB index */
+	lwz	r13,tlb_44x_index@l(r10)
+	bne	2f			/* Bail if permission mismach */
+	/* Increment, rollover, and store TLB index */
+	addi	r13,r13,1
+	/* Compare with watermark (instruction gets patched) */
+	.globl tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D
+	cmpwi	0,r13,1			/* reserve entries */
+	ble	5f
+	li	r13,0
+	/* Store the next available TLB index */
+	stw	r13,tlb_44x_index@l(r10)
+	/* Re-load the faulting address */
+	mfspr	r10,SPRN_DEAR
 	 /* Jump to common tlb load */
 	b	finish_tlb_load
@@ -510,7 +438,7 @@ interrupt_base:
 	mfspr	r12, SPRN_SPRG4R
 	mfspr	r11, SPRN_SPRG1
 	mfspr	r10, SPRN_SPRG0
-	b	data_access
+	b	DataStorage
 	/* Instruction TLB Error Interrupt */
@@ -554,18 +482,42 @@ interrupt_base:
 	mtspr	SPRN_MMUCR,r12
+	/* Make up the required permissions */
 	rlwinm	r12, r10, 13, 19, 29	/* Compute pgdir/pmd offset */
 	lwzx	r11, r12, r11		/* Get pgd/pmd entry */
 	rlwinm.	r12, r11, 0, 0, 20	/* Extract pt base address */
 	beq	2f			/* Bail if no table */
 	rlwimi	r12, r10, 23, 20, 28	/* Compute pte address */
-	lwz	r11, 4(r12)		/* Get pte entry */
-	andi.	r13, r11, _PAGE_PRESENT	/* Is the page present? */
-	beq	2f			/* Bail if not present */
+	lwz	r11, 0(r12)		/* Get high word of pte entry */
+	lwz	r12, 4(r12)		/* Get low word of pte entry */
-	ori	r11, r11, _PAGE_ACCESSED
-	stw	r11, 4(r12)
+	lis	r10,tlb_44x_index@ha
+	andc.	r13,r13,r12		/* Check permission */
+	/* Load the next available TLB index */
+	lwz	r13,tlb_44x_index@l(r10)
+	bne	2f			/* Bail if permission mismach */
+	/* Increment, rollover, and store TLB index */
+	addi	r13,r13,1
+	/* Compare with watermark (instruction gets patched) */
+	.globl tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I
+	cmpwi	0,r13,1			/* reserve entries */
+	ble	5f
+	li	r13,0
+	/* Store the next available TLB index */
+	stw	r13,tlb_44x_index@l(r10)
+	/* Re-load the faulting address */
+	mfspr	r10,SPRN_SRR0
 	/* Jump to common TLB load point */
 	b	finish_tlb_load
@@ -587,86 +539,40 @@ interrupt_base:
  * Local functions
- */
-	/*
-	 * Data TLB exceptions will bail out to this point
-	 * if they can't resolve the lightweight TLB fault.
-	 */
-	mfspr	r5,SPRN_ESR		/* Grab the ESR, save it, pass arg3 */
-	stw	r5,_ESR(r11)
-	mfspr	r4,SPRN_DEAR		/* Grab the DEAR, save it, pass arg2 */
-	EXC_XFER_EE_LITE(0x0300, handle_page_fault)
+  */
  * Both the instruction and data TLB miss get to this
  * point to load the TLB.
  * 	r10 - EA of fault
- * 	r11 - available to use
- *	r12 - Pointer to the 64-bit PTE
- *	r13 - available to use
+ * 	r11 - PTE high word value
+ *	r12 - PTE low word value
+ *	r13 - TLB index
  *	MMUCR - loaded with proper value when we get here
  *	Upon exit, we reload everything and RFI.
-	/*
-	 * We set execute, because we don't have the granularity to
-	 * properly set this at the page level (Linux problem).
-	 * If shared is set, we cause a zero PID->TID load.
-	 * Many of these bits are software only.  Bits we don't set
-	 * here we (properly should) assume have the appropriate value.
-	 */
-	/* Load the next available TLB index */
-	lis	r13, tlb_44x_index@ha
-	lwz	r13, tlb_44x_index@l(r13)
-	/* Load the TLB high watermark */
-	lis	r11, tlb_44x_hwater@ha
-	lwz	r11, tlb_44x_hwater@l(r11)
-	/* Increment, rollover, and store TLB index */
-	addi	r13, r13, 1
-	cmpw	0, r13, r11			/* reserve entries */
-	ble	7f
-	li	r13, 0
-	/* Store the next available TLB index */
-	lis	r11, tlb_44x_index@ha
-	stw	r13, tlb_44x_index@l(r11)
-	lwz	r11, 0(r12)			/* Get MS word of PTE */
-	lwz	r12, 4(r12)			/* Get LS word of PTE */
-	rlwimi	r11, r12, 0, 0 , 19		/* Insert RPN */
-	tlbwe	r11, r13, PPC44x_TLB_XLAT	/* Write XLAT */
+	/* Combine RPN & ERPN an write WS 0 */
+	rlwimi	r11,r12,0,0,19
+	tlbwe	r11,r13,PPC44x_TLB_XLAT
-	 * Create PAGEID. This is the faulting address,
+	 * Create WS1. This is the faulting address (EPN),
 	 * page size, and valid flag.
-	li	r11, PPC44x_TLB_VALID | PPC44x_TLB_4K
-	rlwimi	r10, r11, 0, 20, 31		/* Insert valid and page size */
-	tlbwe	r10, r13, PPC44x_TLB_PAGEID	/* Write PAGEID */
-	li	r10, PPC44x_TLB_SR@l		/* Set SR */
-	rlwimi	r10, r12, 0, 30, 30		/* Set SW = _PAGE_RW */
-	rlwimi	r10, r12, 29, 29, 29		/* SX = _PAGE_HWEXEC */
-	rlwimi	r10, r12, 29, 28, 28		/* UR = _PAGE_USER */
-	rlwimi	r11, r12, 31, 26, 26		/* (_PAGE_USER>>1)->r12 */
-	and	r11, r12, r11			/* HWEXEC & USER */
-	rlwimi	r10, r11, 0, 26, 26		/* UX = HWEXEC & USER */
-	rlwimi	r12, r10, 0, 26, 31		/* Insert static perms */
-	/*
-	 * Clear U0-U3 and WL1 IL1I IL1D IL2I IL2D bits which are added
-	 * on newer 440 cores like the 440x6 used on AMCC 460EX/460GT (see
-	 * include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h for details).
-	 */
-	rlwinm	r12, r12, 0, 20, 10
-	tlbwe	r12, r13, PPC44x_TLB_ATTRIB	/* Write ATTRIB */
+	li	r11,PPC44x_TLB_VALID | PPC44x_TLB_4K
+	rlwimi	r10,r11,0,20,31			/* Insert valid and page size*/
+	tlbwe	r10,r13,PPC44x_TLB_PAGEID	/* Write PAGEID */
+	/* And WS 2 */
+	li	r10,0xf85			/* Mask to apply from PTE */
+	rlwimi	r10,r12,29,30,30		/* DIRTY -> SW position */
+	and	r11,r12,r10			/* Mask PTE bits to keep */
+	andi.	r10,r12,_PAGE_USER		/* User page ? */
+	beq	1f				/* nope, leave U bits empty */
+	rlwimi	r11,r11,3,26,28			/* yes, copy S bits to U */
+1:	tlbwe	r11,r13,PPC44x_TLB_ATTRIB	/* Write ATTRIB */
 	/* Done...restore registers and get out of here.
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_booke.h b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_booke.h
index b0461be1c9286bcd1b217178d20423e7a041edf7..fce2df988504d6e8962b31656ceec6dceff7ac44 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_booke.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_booke.h
@@ -340,6 +340,14 @@
 	addi	r3,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD;				      \
 	EXC_XFER_TEMPLATE(DebugException, 0x2002, (MSR_KERNEL & ~(MSR_ME|MSR_DE|MSR_CE)), NOCOPY, crit_transfer_to_handler, ret_from_crit_exc)
+#define DATA_STORAGE_EXCEPTION						      \
+	START_EXCEPTION(DataStorage)					      \
+	mfspr	r5,SPRN_ESR;		/* Grab the ESR and save it */	      \
+	stw	r5,_ESR(r11);						      \
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_DEAR;		/* Grab the DEAR */		      \
+	EXC_XFER_EE_LITE(0x0300, handle_page_fault)
 	START_EXCEPTION(InstructionStorage)				      \
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/44x_mmu.c b/arch/powerpc/mm/44x_mmu.c
index 953fb919eb06da65f004f18943490028cd93538a..98052ac96580d69dc0566fb711594625f2f470b2 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/mm/44x_mmu.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/44x_mmu.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <asm/mmu.h>
 #include <asm/system.h>
 #include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/cacheflush.h>
 #include "mmu_decl.h"
@@ -37,11 +38,35 @@ unsigned int tlb_44x_index; /* = 0 */
 unsigned int tlb_44x_hwater = PPC44x_TLB_SIZE - 1 - PPC44x_EARLY_TLBS;
 int icache_44x_need_flush;
+static void __init ppc44x_update_tlb_hwater(void)
+	extern unsigned int tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D[];
+	extern unsigned int tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I[];
+	/* The TLB miss handlers hard codes the watermark in a cmpli
+	 * instruction to improve performances rather than loading it
+	 * from the global variable. Thus, we patch the instructions
+	 * in the 2 TLB miss handlers when updating the value
+	 */
+	tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D[0] = (tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D[0] & 0xffff0000) |
+		tlb_44x_hwater;
+	flush_icache_range((unsigned long)&tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D[0],
+			   (unsigned long)&tlb_44x_patch_hwater_D[1]);
+	tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I[0] = (tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I[0] & 0xffff0000) |
+		tlb_44x_hwater;
+	flush_icache_range((unsigned long)&tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I[0],
+			   (unsigned long)&tlb_44x_patch_hwater_I[1]);
  * "Pins" a 256MB TLB entry in AS0 for kernel lowmem
 static void __init ppc44x_pin_tlb(unsigned int virt, unsigned int phys)
+	unsigned int entry = tlb_44x_hwater--;
+	ppc44x_update_tlb_hwater();
 	__asm__ __volatile__(
 		"tlbwe	%2,%3,%4\n"
 		"tlbwe	%1,%3,%5\n"
@@ -50,7 +75,7 @@ static void __init ppc44x_pin_tlb(unsigned int virt, unsigned int phys)
 	: "r" (PPC44x_TLB_SW | PPC44x_TLB_SR | PPC44x_TLB_SX | PPC44x_TLB_G),
 	  "r" (phys),
 	  "r" (virt | PPC44x_TLB_VALID | PPC44x_TLB_256M),
-	  "r" (tlb_44x_hwater--), /* slot for this TLB entry */
+	  "r" (entry),
 	  "i" (PPC44x_TLB_PAGEID),
 	  "i" (PPC44x_TLB_XLAT),
 	  "i" (PPC44x_TLB_ATTRIB));
@@ -58,6 +83,8 @@ static void __init ppc44x_pin_tlb(unsigned int virt, unsigned int phys)
 void __init MMU_init_hw(void)
+	ppc44x_update_tlb_hwater();
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c b/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c
index 7b2510799266654e4fb8ec1283adfbbbfb159158..1707d00331fc931dde7e7865def1422ff8e8c1e9 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/fault.c
@@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ int __kprobes do_page_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long address,
 					set_bit(PG_arch_1, &page->flags);
-				pte_update(ptep, 0, _PAGE_HWEXEC);
+				pte_update(ptep, 0, _PAGE_HWEXEC |
+					   _PAGE_ACCESSED);
 				_tlbie(address, mm->context.id);
 				pte_unmap_unlock(ptep, ptl);
diff --git a/include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h b/include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h
index e1d2bb57f1d5d05c79354a5ad3dbd7ad43117792..11eede4a2906d43f8a46105d41106dc8bd2c13f6 100644
--- a/include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h
+++ b/include/asm-powerpc/pgtable-ppc32.h
@@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
 #define _PMD_SIZE_16M	0x0e0
 #define PMD_PAGE_SIZE(pmdval)	(1024 << (((pmdval) & _PMD_SIZE) >> 4))
+/* Until my rework is finished, 40x still needs atomic PTE updates */
 #elif defined(CONFIG_44x)
  * Definitions for PPC440
@@ -253,17 +256,17 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
 #define _PAGE_PRESENT	0x00000001		/* S: PTE valid */
-#define	_PAGE_RW	0x00000002		/* S: Write permission */
+#define _PAGE_RW	0x00000002		/* S: Write permission */
 #define _PAGE_FILE	0x00000004		/* S: nonlinear file mapping */
+#define _PAGE_HWEXEC	0x00000004		/* H: Execute permission */
 #define _PAGE_ACCESSED	0x00000008		/* S: Page referenced */
-#define _PAGE_HWWRITE	0x00000010		/* H: Dirty & RW */
-#define _PAGE_HWEXEC	0x00000020		/* H: Execute permission */
-#define	_PAGE_USER	0x00000040		/* S: User page */
-#define	_PAGE_ENDIAN	0x00000080		/* H: E bit */
-#define	_PAGE_GUARDED	0x00000100		/* H: G bit */
-#define	_PAGE_DIRTY	0x00000200		/* S: Page dirty */
-#define	_PAGE_NO_CACHE	0x00000400		/* H: I bit */
-#define	_PAGE_WRITETHRU	0x00000800		/* H: W bit */
+#define _PAGE_DIRTY	0x00000010		/* S: Page dirty */
+#define _PAGE_USER	0x00000040		/* S: User page */
+#define _PAGE_ENDIAN	0x00000080		/* H: E bit */
+#define _PAGE_GUARDED	0x00000100		/* H: G bit */
+#define _PAGE_COHERENT	0x00000200		/* H: M bit */
+#define _PAGE_NO_CACHE	0x00000400		/* H: I bit */
+#define _PAGE_WRITETHRU	0x00000800		/* H: W bit */
 /* TODO: Add large page lowmem mapping support */
 #define _PMD_PRESENT	0
@@ -273,6 +276,7 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
 /* ERPN in a PTE never gets cleared, ignore it */
 #define _PTE_NONE_MASK	0xffffffff00000000ULL
 #elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_BOOKE)
    MMU Assist Register 3:
@@ -315,6 +319,9 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
 #define _PMD_BAD	(~PAGE_MASK)
+/* Until my rework is finished, FSL BookE still needs atomic PTE updates */
 #elif defined(CONFIG_8xx)
 /* Definitions for 8xx embedded chips. */
 #define _PAGE_PRESENT	0x0001	/* Page is valid */
@@ -345,6 +352,9 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
+/* Until my rework is finished, 8xx still needs atomic PTE updates */
 #else /* CONFIG_6xx */
 /* Definitions for 60x, 740/750, etc. */
 #define _PAGE_PRESENT	0x001	/* software: pte contains a translation */
@@ -365,6 +375,10 @@ extern int icache_44x_need_flush;
 #define _PMD_PRESENT	0
 #define _PMD_BAD	(~PAGE_MASK)
+/* Hash table based platforms need atomic updates of the linux PTE */
@@ -557,9 +571,11 @@ extern void add_hash_page(unsigned context, unsigned long va,
  * low PTE word since we expect ALL flag bits to be there
 #ifndef CONFIG_PTE_64BIT
-static inline unsigned long pte_update(pte_t *p, unsigned long clr,
+static inline unsigned long pte_update(pte_t *p,
+				       unsigned long clr,
 				       unsigned long set)
 	unsigned long old, tmp;
 	__asm__ __volatile__("\
@@ -572,16 +588,26 @@ static inline unsigned long pte_update(pte_t *p, unsigned long clr,
 	: "=&r" (old), "=&r" (tmp), "=m" (*p)
 	: "r" (p), "r" (clr), "r" (set), "m" (*p)
 	: "cc" );
+	unsigned long old = pte_val(*p);
+	*p = __pte((old & ~clr) | set);
+#endif /* !PTE_ATOMIC_UPDATES */
 #ifdef CONFIG_44x
 	if ((old & _PAGE_USER) && (old & _PAGE_HWEXEC))
 		icache_44x_need_flush = 1;
 	return old;
-static inline unsigned long long pte_update(pte_t *p, unsigned long clr,
-				       unsigned long set)
+#else /* CONFIG_PTE_64BIT */
+/* TODO: Change that to only modify the low word and move set_pte_at()
+ * out of line
+ */
+static inline unsigned long long pte_update(pte_t *p,
+					    unsigned long clr,
+					    unsigned long set)
 	unsigned long long old;
 	unsigned long tmp;
@@ -596,13 +622,18 @@ static inline unsigned long long pte_update(pte_t *p, unsigned long clr,
 	: "=&r" (old), "=&r" (tmp), "=m" (*p)
 	: "r" (p), "r" ((unsigned long)(p) + 4), "r" (clr), "r" (set), "m" (*p)
 	: "cc" );
+	unsigned long long old = pte_val(*p);
+	*p = __pte((old & ~clr) | set);
+#endif /* !PTE_ATOMIC_UPDATES */
 #ifdef CONFIG_44x
 	if ((old & _PAGE_USER) && (old & _PAGE_HWEXEC))
 		icache_44x_need_flush = 1;
 	return old;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PTE_64BIT */
  * set_pte stores a linux PTE into the linux page table.
@@ -671,7 +702,7 @@ static inline void __ptep_set_access_flags(pte_t *ptep, pte_t entry, int dirty)
 ({									   \
 	int __changed = !pte_same(*(__ptep), __entry);			   \
 	if (__changed) {						   \
-		__ptep_set_access_flags(__ptep, __entry, __dirty);    	   \
+		__ptep_set_access_flags(__ptep, __entry, __dirty);         \
 		flush_tlb_page_nohash(__vma, __address);		   \
 	}								   \
 	__changed;							   \