Commit 3dfd8b7d authored by James Simmons's avatar James Simmons

Updates against input CVS. Lots of typo fixs and new info. Added in Q40...

Updates against input CVS. Lots of typo fixs and new info. Added in Q40 keyboard controller for m68k platform.
parent 2ea1eab5
Amiga 4-joystick parport extension
Parallel port pins:
(2) - Up1 (6) - Up2
(3) - Down1 (7) - Down2
(4) - Left1 (8) - Left2
(5) - Right1 (9) - Right2
(13) - Fire1 (11) - Fire2
(18) - Gnd1 (18) - Gnd2
Amiga digital joystick pinout
(1) - Up
(2) - Down
(3) - Left
(4) - Right
(5) - n/c
(6) - Fire button
(7) - +5V (50mA)
(8) - Gnd
(9) - Thumb button
Amiga mouse pinout
(1) - V-pulse
(2) - H-pulse
(3) - VQ-pulse
(4) - HQ-pulse
(5) - Middle button
(6) - Left button
(7) - +5V (50mA)
(8) - Gnd
(9) - Right button
Amiga analog joystick pinout
(1) - Top button
(2) - Top2 button
(3) - Trigger button
(4) - Thumb button
(5) - Analog X
(6) - n/c
(7) - +5V (50mA)
(8) - Gnd
(9) - Analog Y
Amiga lightpen pinout
(1) - n/c
(2) - n/c
(3) - n/c
(4) - n/c
(5) - Touch button
(6) - /Beamtrigger
(7) - +5V (50mA)
(8) - Gnd
(9) - Stylus button
NAME rev ADDR type chip Description
JOY0DAT 00A R Denise Joystick-mouse 0 data (left vert, horiz)
JOY1DAT 00C R Denise Joystick-mouse 1 data (right vert,horiz)
These addresses each read a 16 bit register. These in turn
are loaded from the MDAT serial stream and are clocked in on
the rising edge of SCLK. MLD output is used to parallel load
the external parallel-to-serial converter.This in turn is
loaded with the 4 quadrature inputs from each of two game
controller ports (8 total) plus 8 miscellaneous control bits
which are new for LISA and can be read in upper 8 bits of
Register bits are as follows:
Mouse counter usage (pins 1,3 =Yclock, pins 2,4 =Xclock)
BIT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
JOY0DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
JOY1DAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
(4 counters total).The bit usage for both left and right
addresses is shown below. Each 6 bit counter (Y7-Y2,X7-X2) is
clocked by 2 of the signals input from the mouse serial
stream. Starting with first bit recived:
| Serial | Bit Name | Description |
| 0 | M0H | JOY0DAT Horizontal Clock |
| 1 | M0HQ | JOY0DAT Horizontal Clock (quadrature) |
| 2 | M0V | JOY0DAT Vertical Clock |
| 3 | M0VQ | JOY0DAT Vertical Clock (quadrature) |
| 4 | M1V | JOY1DAT Horizontall Clock |
| 5 | M1VQ | JOY1DAT Horizontall Clock (quadrature) |
| 6 | M1V | JOY1DAT Vertical Clock |
| 7 | M1VQ | JOY1DAT Vertical Clock (quadrature) |
Bits 1 and 0 of each counter (Y1-Y0,X1-X0) may be
read to determine the state of the related input signal pair.
This allows these pins to double as joystick switch inputs.
Joystick switch closures can be deciphered as follows:
| Directions | Pin# | Counter bits |
| Forward | 1 | Y1 xor Y0 (BIT#09 xor BIT#08) |
| Left | 3 | Y1 |
| Back | 2 | X1 xor X0 (BIT#01 xor BIT#00) |
| Right | 4 | X1 |
NAME rev ADDR type chip Description
JOYTEST 036 W Denise Write to all 4 joystick-mouse counters at once.
Mouse counter write test data:
BIT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
JOYxDAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 xx xx X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 xx xx
JOYxDAT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 xx xx X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 xx xx
NAME rev ADDR type chip Description
POT0DAT h 012 R Paula Pot counter data left pair (vert, horiz)
POT1DAT h 014 R Paula Pot counter data right pair (vert,horiz)
These addresses each read a pair of 8 bit pot counters.
(4 counters total). The bit assignment for both
addresses is shown below. The counters are stopped by signals
from 2 controller connectors (left-right) with 2 pins each.
BIT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
RIGHT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
LEFT Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
| Loc. | Dir. | Sym | pin | pin |
| RIGHT | Y | RX | 9 | 33 |
| RIGHT | X | RX | 5 | 32 |
| LEFT | Y | LY | 9 | 36 |
| LEFT | X | LX | 5 | 35 |
With normal (NTSC or PAL) horiz. line rate, the pots will
give a full scale (FF) reading with about 500kohms in one
frame time. With proportionally faster horiz line times,
the counters will count proportionally faster.
This should be noted when doing variable beam displays.
NAME rev ADDR type chip Description
POTGO 034 W Paula Pot port (4 bit) bi-direction and data, and pot counter start.
NAME rev ADDR type chip Description
POTINP 016 R Paula Pot pin data read
This register controls a 4 bit bi-direction I/O port
that shares the same 4 pins as the 4 pot counters above.
| 15 | OUTRY | Output enable for Paula pin 33 |
| 14 | DATRY | I/O data Paula pin 33 |
| 13 | OUTRX | Output enable for Paula pin 32 |
| 12 | DATRX | I/O data Paula pin 32 |
| 11 | OUTLY | Out put enable for Paula pin 36 |
| 10 | DATLY | I/O data Paula pin 36 |
| 09 | OUTLX | Output enable for Paula pin 35 |
| 08 | DATLX | I/O data Paula pin 35 |
| 07-01 | X | Not used |
| 00 | START | Start pots (dump capacitors,start counters) |
Intelligent Keyboard (ikbd) Protocol
1. Introduction
The Atari Corp. Intelligent Keyboard (ikbd) is a general purpose keyboard
controller that is flexible enough that it can be used in a variety of
products without modification. The keyboard, with its microcontroller,
provides a convenient connection point for a mouse and switch-type joysticks.
The ikbd processor also maintains a time-of-day clock with one second
The ikbd has been designed to be general enough that it can be used with a
ariety of new computer products. Product variations in a number of
keyswitches, mouse resolution, etc. can be accommodated.
The ikbd communicates with the main processor over a high speed bi-directional
serial interface. It can function in a variety of modes to facilitate
different applications of the keyboard, joysticks, or mouse. Limited use of
the controller is possible in applications in which only a unidirectional
communications medium is available by carefully designing the default modes.
3. Keyboard
The keyboard always returns key make/break scan codes. The ikbd generates
keyboard scan codes for each key press and release. The key scan make (key
closure) codes start at 1, and are defined in Appendix A. For example, the
ISO key position in the scan code table should exist even if no keyswitch
exists in that position on a particular keyboard. The break code for each key
is obtained by ORing 0x80 with the make code.
The special codes 0xF6 through 0xFF are reserved for use as follows:
0xF6 status report
0xF7 absolute mouse position record
0xF8-0xFB relative mouse position records(lsbs determind by
mouse button states)
0xFC time-of-day
0xFD joystick report (both sticks)
0xFE joystick 0 event
0xFF joystick 1 event
The two shift keys return different scan codes in this mode. The ENTER key
and the RETurn key are also distinct.
4. Mouse
The mouse port should be capable of supporting a mouse with resolution of
approximately 200 counts (phase changes or 'clicks') per inch of travel. The
mouse should be scanned at a rate that will permit accurate tracking at
velocities up to 10 inches per second.
The ikbd can report mouse motion in three distinctly different ways. It can
report relative motion, absolute motion in a coordinate system maintained
within the ikbd, or by converting mouse motion into keyboard cursor control
key equivalents.
The mouse buttons can be treated as part of the mouse or as additional
keyboard keys.
4.1 Relative Position Reporting
In relative position mode, the ikbd will return relative mouse position
records whenever a mouse event occurs. A mouse event consists of a mouse
button being pressed or released, or motion in either axis exceeding a
settable threshold of motion. Regardless of the threshold, all bits of
resolution are returned to the host computer.
Note that the ikbd may return mouse relative position reports with
significantly more than the threshold delta x or y. This may happen since no
relative mouse motion events will be generated: (a) while the keyboard has
been 'paused' ( the event will be stored until keyboard communications is
resumed) (b) while any event is being transmitted.
The relative mouse position record is a three byte record of the form
(regardless of keyboard mode):
%111110xy ; mouse position record flag
; where y is the right button state
; and x is the left button state
X ; delta x as twos complement integer
Y ; delta y as twos complement integer
Note that the value of the button state bits should be valid even if the
MOUSE BUTTON ACTION has set the buttons to act like part of the keyboard.
If the accumulated motion before the report packet is generated exceeds the
+127...-128 range, the motion is broken into multiple packets.
Note that the sign of the delta y reported is a function of the Y origin
4.2 Absolute Position reporting
The ikbd can also maintain absolute mouse position. Commands exist for
reseting the mouse position, setting X/Y scaling, and interrogating the
current mouse position.
4.3 Mouse Cursor Key Mode
The ikbd can translate mouse motion into the equivalent cursor keystrokes.
The number of mouse clicks per keystroke is independently programmable in
each axis. The ikbd internally maintains mouse motion information to the
highest resolution available, and merely generates a pair of cursor key events
for each multiple of the scale factor.
Mouse motion produces the cursor key make code immediately followed by the
break code for the appropriate cursor key. The mouse buttons produce scan
codes above those normally assigned for the largest envisioned keyboard (i.e.
LEFT=0x74 & RIGHT=0x75).
5. Joystick
5.1 Joystick Event Reporting
In this mode, the ikbd generates a record whever the joystick position is
changed (i.e. for each opening or closing of a joystick switch or trigger).
The joystick event record is two bytes of the form:
%1111111x ; Joystick event marker
; where x is Joystick 0 or 1
%x000yyyy ; where yyyy is the stick position
; and x is the trigger
5.2 Joystick Interrogation
The current state of the joystick ports may be interrogated at any time in
this mode by sending an 'Interrogate Joystick' command to the ikbd.
The ikbd response to joystick interrogation is a three byte report of the form
0xFD ; joystick report header
%x000yyyy ; Joystick 0
%x000yyyy ; Joystick 1
; where x is the trigger
; and yyy is the stick position
5.3 Joystick Monitoring
A mode is available that devotes nearly all of the keyboard communications
time to reporting the state of the joystick ports at a user specifiable rate.
It remains in this mode until reset or commanded into another mode. The PAUSE
command in this mode not only stop the output but also temporarily stops
scanning the joysticks (samples are not queued).
5.4 Fire Button Monitoring
A mode is provided to permit monitoring a single input bit at a high rate. In
this mode the ikbd monitors the state of the Joystick 1 fire button at the
maximum rate permitted by the serial communication channel. The data is packed
8 bits per byte for transmission to the host. The ikbd remains in this mode
until reset or commanded into another mode. The PAUSE command in this mode not
only stops the output but also temporarily stops scanning the button (samples
are not queued).
5.5 Joystick Key Code Mode
The ikbd may be commanded to translate the use of either joystick into the
equivalent cursor control keystroke(s). The ikbd provides a single breakpoint
velocity joystick cursor.
Joystick events produce the make code, immediately followed by the break code
for the appropriate cursor motion keys. The trigger or fire buttons of the
joysticks produce pseudo key scan codes above those used by the largest key
matrix envisioned (i.e. JOYSTICK0=0x74, JOYSTICK1=0x75).
6. Time-of-Day Clock
The ikbd also maintains a time-of-day clock for the system. Commands are
available to set and interrogate the timer-of-day clock. Time-keeping is
maintained down to a resolution of one second.
7. Status Inquiries
The current state of ikbd modes and parameters may be found by sending status
inquiry commands that correspond to the ikbd set commands.
8. Power-Up Mode
The keyboard controller will perform a simple self-test on power-up to detect
major controller faults (ROM checksum and RAM test) and such things as stuck
keys. Any keys down at power-up are presumed to be stuck, and their BREAK
(sic) code is returned (which without the preceding MAKE code is a flag for a
keyboard error). If the controller self-test completes without error, the code
0xF0 is returned. (This code will be used to indicate the version/rlease of
the ikbd controller. The first release of the ikbd is version 0xF0, should
there be a second release it will be 0xF1, and so on.)
The ikbd defaults to a mouse position reporting with threshold of 1 unit in
either axis and the Y=0 origin at the top of the screen, and joystick event
reporting mode for joystick 1, with both buttons being logically assigned to
the mouse. After any joystick command, the ikbd assumes that joysticks are
connected to both Joystick0 and Joystick1. Any mouse command (except MOUSE
DISABLE) then causes port 0 to again be scanned as if it were a mouse, and
both buttons are logically connected to it. If a mouse diable command is
received while port 0 is presumed to be a mouse, the button is logically
assigned to Joystick1 ( until the mouse is reenabled by another mouse command).
9. ikbd Command Set
This section contains a list of commands that can be sent to the ikbd. Command
codes (such as 0x00) which are not specified should perform no operation
N.B. The RESET command is the only two byte command understood by the ikbd.
Any byte following an 0x80 command byte other than 0x01 is ignored (and causes
the 0x80 to be ignored).
A reset may also be caused by sending a break lasting at least 200mS to the
Executing the RESET command returns the keyboard to its default (power-up)
mode and parameter settings. It does not affect the time-of-day clock.
The RESET command or function causes the ikbd to perform a simple self-test.
If the test is successful, the ikbd will send the code of 0xF0 within 300mS
of receipt of the RESET command (or the end of the break, or power-up). The
ikbd will then scan the key matrix for any stuck (closed) keys. Any keys found
closed will cause the break scan code to be generated (the break code arriving
without being preceded by the make code is a flag for a key matrix error).
%00000mss ; mouse button action
; (m is presumed = 1 when in MOUSE KEYCODE mode)
; mss=0xy, mouse button press or release causes mouse
; position report
; where y=1, mouse key press causes absolute report
; and x=1, mouse key release causes absolute report
; mss=100, mouse buttons act like keys
This command sets how the ikbd should treat the buttons on the mouse. The
default mouse button action mode is %00000000, the buttons are treated as part
of the mouse logically.
When buttons act like keys, LEFT=0x74 & RIGHT=0x75.
Set relative mouse position reporting. (DEFAULT) Mouse position packets are
generated asynchronously by the ikbd whenever motion exceeds the setable
threshold in either axis (see SET MOUSE THRESHOLD). Depending upon the mouse
key mode, mouse position reports may also be generated when either mouse
button is pressed or released. Otherwise the mouse buttons behave as if they
were keyboard keys.
XMSB ; X maximum (in scaled mouse clicks)
YMSB ; Y maximum (in scaled mouse clicks)
Set absolute mouse position maintenance. Resets the ikbd maintained X and Y
In this mode, the value of the internally maintained coordinates does NOT wrap
between 0 and large positive numbers. Excess motion below 0 is ignored. The
command sets the maximum positive value that can be attained in the scaled
coordinate system. Motion beyond that value is also ignored.
deltax ; distance in X clicks to return (LEFT) or (RIGHT)
deltay ; distance in Y clicks to return (UP) or (DOWN)
Set mouse monitoring routines to return cursor motion keycodes instead of
either RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE motion records. The ikbd returns the appropriate
cursor keycode after mouse travel exceeding the user specified deltas in
either axis. When the keyboard is in key scan code mode, mouse motion will
cause the make code immediately followed by the break code. Note that this
command is not affected by the mouse motion origin.
X ; x threshold in mouse ticks (positive integers)
Y ; y threshold in mouse ticks (positive integers)
This command sets the threshold before a mouse event is generated. Note that
it does NOT affect the resolution of the data returned to the host. This
command is valid only in RELATIVE MOUSE POSITIONING mode. The thresholds
default to 1 at RESET (or power-up).
X ; horizontal mouse ticks per internel X
Y ; vertical mouse ticks per internel Y
This command sets the scale factor for the ABSOLUTE MOUSE POSITIONING mode.
In this mode, the specified number of mouse phase changes ('clicks') must
occur before the internally maintained coordinate is changed by one
(independently scaled for each axis). Remember that the mouse position
information is available only by interrogating the ikbd in the ABSOLUTE MOUSE
POSITIONING mode unless the ikbd has been commanded to report on button press
or release (see SET MOSE BUTTON ACTION).
0xF7 ; absolute mouse position header
0000dcba ; where a is right button down since last interrogation
; b is right button up since last
; c is left button down since last
; d is left button up since last
XMSB ; X coordinate
YMSB ; Y coordinate
POSITIONING mode, regardless of the setting of the MOUSE BUTTON ACTION.
0x00 ; filler
XMSB ; X coordinate
XLSB ; (in scaled coordinate system)
YMSB ; Y coordinate
This command allows the user to preset the internally maintained absolute
mouse position.
This command makes the origin of the Y axis to be at the bottom of the
logical coordinate system internel to the ikbd for all relative or absolute
mouse motion. This causes mouse motion toward the user to be negative in sign
and away from the user to be positive.
9.11 SET Y=0 AT TOP
Makes the origin of the Y axis to be at the top of the logical coordinate
system within the ikbd for all relative or absolute mouse motion. (DEFAULT)
This causes mouse motion toward the user to be positive in sign and away from
the user to be negative.
Resume sending data to the host. Since any command received by the ikbd after
its output has been paused also causes an implicit RESUME this command can be
thought of as a NO OPERATION command. If this command is received by the ikbd
and it is not PAUSED, it is simply ignored.
All mouse event reporting is disabled (and scanning may be internally
disabled). Any valid mouse mode command resumes mouse motion monitoring. (The
valid mouse mode commands are SET RELATIVE MOUSE POSITION REPORTING, SET
N.B. If the mouse buttons have been commanded to act like keyboard keys, this
command DOES affect their actions.
Stop sending data to the host until another valid command is received. Key
matrix activity is still monitored and scan codes or ASCII characters enqueued
(up to the maximum supported by the microcontroller) to be sent when the host
allows the output to be resumed. If in the JOYSTICK EVENT REPORTING mode,
joystick events are also queued.
Mouse motion should be accumulated while the output is paused. If the ikbd is
in RELATIVE MOUSE POSITIONING REPORTING mode, motion is accumulated beyond the
normal threshold limits to produce the minimum number of packets necessary for
transmission when output is resumed. Pressing or releasing either mouse button
causes any accumulated motion to be immediately queued as packets, if the
Because of the limitations of the microcontroller memory this command should
be used sparingly, and the output should not be shut of for more than <tbd>
milliseconds at a time.
The output is stopped only at the end of the current 'even'. If the PAUSE
OUTPUT command is received in the middle of a multiple byte report, the packet
will still be transmitted to conclusion and then the PAUSE will take effect.
When the ikbd is in either the JOYSTICK MONITORING mode or the FIRE BUTTON
MONITORING mode, the PAUSE OUTPUT command also temporarily stops the
monitoring process (i.e. the samples are not enqueued for transmission).
Enter JOYSTICK EVENT REPORTING mode (DEFAULT). Each opening or closure of a
joystick switch or trigger causes a joystick event record to be generated.
Disables JOYSTICK EVENT REPORTING. Host must send individual JOYSTICK
INTERROGATE commands to sense joystick state.
Return a record indicating the current state of the joysticks. This command
is valid in either the JOYSTICK EVENT REPORTING mode or the JOYSTICK
rate ; time between samples in hundreths of a second
Returns: (in packets of two as long as in mode)
%000000xy ; where y is JOYSTICK1 Fire button
; and x is JOYSTICK0 Fire button
%nnnnmmmm ; where m is JOYSTICK1 state
; and n is JOYSTICK0 state
Sets the ikbd to do nothing but monitor the serial command lne, maintain the
time-of-day clock, and monitor the joystick. The rate sets the interval
between joystick samples.
N.B. The user should not set the rate higher than the serial communications
channel will allow the 2 bytes packets to be transmitted.
Returns: (as long as in mode)
%bbbbbbbb ; state of the JOYSTICK1 fire button packed
; 8 bits per byte, the first sample if the MSB
Set the ikbd to do nothing but monitor the serial command line, maintain the
time-of-day clock, and monitor the fire button on Joystick 1. The fire button
is scanned at a rate that causes 8 samples to be made in the time it takes for
the previous byte to be sent to the host (i.e. scan rate = 8/10 * baud rate).
The sample interval should be as constant as possible.
RX ; length of time (in tenths of seconds) until
; horizontal velocity breakpoint is reached
RY ; length of time (in tenths of seconds) until
; vertical velocity breakpoint is reached
TX ; length (in tenths of seconds) of joystick closure
; until horizontal cursor key is generated before RX
; has elapsed
TY ; length (in tenths of seconds) of joystick closure
; until vertical cursor key is generated before RY
; has elapsed
VX ; length (in tenths of seconds) of joystick closure
; until horizontal cursor keystokes are generated
; after RX has elapsed
VY ; length (in tenths of seconds) of joystick closure
; until vertical cursor keystokes are generated
; after RY has elapsed
In this mode, joystick 0 is scanned in a way that simulates cursor keystrokes.
On initial closure, a keystroke pair (make/break) is generated. Then up to Rn
tenths of seconds later, keystroke pairs are generated every Tn tenths of
seconds. After the Rn breakpoint is reached, keystroke pairs are generated
every Vn tenths of seconds. This provides a velocity (auto-repeat) breakpoint
Note that by setting RX and/or Ry to zero, the velocity feature can be
disabled. The values of TX and TY then become meaningless, and the generation
of cursor 'keystrokes' is set by VX and VY.
Disable the generation of any joystick events (and scanning may be internally
disabled). Any valid joystick mode command resumes joystick monitoring. (The
YY ; year (2 least significant digits)
MM ; month
DD ; day
hh ; hour
mm ; minute
ss ; second
All time-of-day data should be sent to the ikbd in packed BCD format.
Any digit that is not a valid BCD digit should be treated as a 'don't care'
and not alter that particular field of the date or time. This permits setting
only some subfields of the time-of-day clock.
0xFC ; time-of-day event header
YY ; year (2 least significant digits)
MM ; month
DD ; day
hh ; hour
mm ; minute
ss ; second
All time-of-day is sent in packed BCD format.
ADRMSB ; address in controller
ADRLSB ; memory to be loaded
NUM ; number of bytes (0-128)
{ data }
This command permits the host to load arbitrary values into the ikbd
controller memory. The time between data bytes must be less than 20ms.
ADRMSB ; address in controller
ADRLSB ; memory to be read
0xF6 ; status header
0x20 ; memory access
{ data } ; 6 data bytes starting at ADR
This comand permits the host to read from the ikbd controller memory.
ADRMSB ; address of subroutine in
ADRLSB ; controller memory to be called
This command allows the host to command the execution of a subroutine in the
ikbd controller memory.
Status commands are formed by inclusively ORing 0x80 with the
relevant SET command.
0x88 (or 0x89 or 0x8A) ; request mouse mode
0xF6 ; status response header
mode ; 0x08 is RELATIVE
; 0x09 is ABSOLUTE
; 0x0A is KEYCODE
param1 ; 0 is RELATIVE
; XMSB maximum if ABSOLUTE
param2 ; 0 is RELATIVE
; YMSB maximum if ABSOLUTE
param3 ; 0 if RELATIVE
param4 ; 0 if RELATIVE
0 ; pad
The STATUS INQUIRY commands request the ikbd to return either the current mode
or the parameters associated with a given command. All status reports are
padded to form 8 byte long return packets. The responses to the status
requests are designed so that the host may store them away (after stripping
off the status report header byte) and later send them back as commands to
ikbd to restore its state. The 0 pad bytes will be treated as NOPs by the
Valid STATUS INQUIRY commands are:
0x87 mouse button action
0x88 mouse mode
0x8B mnouse threshold
0x8C mouse scale
0x8F mouse vertical coordinates
0x90 ( returns 0x0F Y=0 at bottom
0x10 Y=0 at top )
0x92 mouse enable/disable
( returns 0x00 enabled)
0x12 disabled )
0x94 joystick mode
0x9A joystick enable/disable
( returns 0x00 enabled
0x1A disabled )
It is the (host) programmer's responsibility to have only one unanswered
inquiry in process at a time.
STATUS INQUIRY commands are not valid if the ikbd is in JOYSTICK MONITORING
The key scan codes return by the ikbd are chosen to simplify the
implementaion of GSX.
GSX Standard Keyboard Mapping.
Hex Keytop
01 Esc
02 1
03 2
04 3
05 4
06 5
07 6
08 7
09 8
0A 9
0B 0
0C -
0D ==
10 Q
11 W
12 E
13 R
14 T
15 Y
16 U
17 I
18 O
19 P
1A [
1B ]
1E A
1F S
20 D
21 F
22 G
23 H
24 J
25 K
26 L
27 ;
28 '
29 `
2B \
2C Z
2D X
2E C
2F V
30 B
31 N
32 M
33 ,
34 .
35 /
37 { NOT USED }
38 ALT
3B F1
3C F2
3D F3
3E F4
3F F5
40 F6
41 F7
42 F8
43 F9
44 F10
45 { NOT USED }
46 { NOT USED }
49 { NOT USED }
51 { NOT USED }
53 DEL
54 { NOT USED }
I have written a small patch that let's me use my Amiga CD32
joypad connected to the parallel port. Thought I'd share it with you so
you can add it to the list of supported joysticks (hopefully someone will
find it useful).
It needs the following wiring:
CD32 pad | Parallel port
1 (Up) | 2 (D0)
2 (Down) | 3 (D1)
3 (Left) | 4 (D2)
4 (Right) | 5 (D3)
5 (Fire3) | 14 (AUTOFD)
6 (Fire1) | 17 (SELIN)
7 (+5V) | 1 (STROBE)
8 (Gnd) | 18 (Gnd)
9 (Fire2) | 7 (D5)
Force feedback for Linux.
By Johann Deneux <> on 2001/04/22.
You can redistribute this file, provided you include shape.fig and
0. Introduction
......@@ -38,13 +39,10 @@ You also need inputattach.
You then need to insert the modules into the following order:
% modprobe joydev
% modprobe serport
% modprobe serport # Only for serial
% modprobe iforce
% modprobe evdev
% ./inputattach -ifor $2 & # Only for serial
For convenience, you may use the shell script named "ff" available from
the cvs tree of the Linux Console Project at sourceforge. You can also
retrieve it from
If you are using USB, you don't need the inputattach step.
Please check that you have all the /dev/input entries needed:
......@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ mknod input/event3 c 13 67
2.1 Does it work ?
There is an utility called fftest that will allow you to test the driver.
% fftest /dev/eventXX
% fftest /dev/input/eventXX
3. Instructions to the developper
......@@ -81,22 +79,28 @@ and write() on /dev/input/eventXX.
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
unsigned long features[1 + FF_MAX/sizeof(unsigned long)];
int ioctl(int file_descriptor, int request, unsigned long *features);
"request" must be EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, sizeof(unsigned long))
"request" must be EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, size of features array in bytes )
Returns the features supported by the device. features is a bitfield with the
following bits:
- FF_X has an X axis (should allways be the case)
- FF_Y has an Y axis (usually not the case for wheels)
- FF_X has an X axis (usually joysticks)
- FF_Y has an Y axis (usually joysticks)
- FF_WHEEL has a wheel (usually sterring wheels)
- FF_CONSTANT can render constant force effects
- FF_PERIODIC can render periodic effects (sine, ramp, square...)
- FF_SPRING can simulate the presence of a spring
- FF_FRICTION can simulate friction (aka drag, damper effect...)
- FF_FRICTION can simulate friction
- FF_DAMPER can simulate damper effects
- FF_RUMBLE rumble effects (normally the only effect supported by rumble
- 8 bits from FF_N_EFFECTS_0 containing the number of effects that can be
simultaneously played.
int ioctl(int fd, EVIOCGEFFECTS, int *n);
Returns the number of effects the device can keep in its memory.
3.2 Uploading effects to the device
......@@ -112,7 +116,11 @@ uploaded, but not played.
The content of effect may be modified. In particular, its field "id" is set
to the unique id assigned by the driver. This data is required for performing
some operations (removing an effect, controlling the playback).
See <linux/input.h> for a description of the ff_effect stuct.
This if field must be set to -1 by the user in order to tell the driver to
allocate a new effect.
See <linux/input.h> for a description of the ff_effect stuct. You should also
find help in a few sketches, contained in files shape.fig and interactive.fig.
You need xfig to visualize these files.
3.3 Removing an effect from the device
......@@ -187,8 +195,31 @@ A value of 0 means "no auto-center".
3.7 Dynamic update of an effect
This consists in changing some parameters of an effect while it's playing. The
driver currently does not support that. You still have the brute-force method,
which consists in erasing the effect and uploading the updated version. It
actually works pretty well. You don't need to stop-and-start the effect.
Proceed as if you wanted to upload a new effect, except that instead of
setting the id field to -1, you set it to the wanted effect id.
Normally, the effect is not stopped and restarted. However, depending on the
type of device, not all paramaters can be dynamically updated. For example,
the direction of an effect cannot be updated with iforce devices. In this
case, the driver stops the effect, up-load it, and restart it.
3.8 Information about the status of effects
Every time the status of an effect is changed, an event is sent. The values
and meanings of the fields of the event are as follows:
struct input_event {
/* When the status of the effect changed */
struct timeval time;
/* Set to EV_FF_STATUS */
unsigned short type;
/* Contains the id of the effect */
unsigned short code;
/* Indicates the status */
unsigned int value;
FF_STATUS_STOPPED The effect stopped playing
FF_STATUS_PLAYING The effect started to play
** Introduction
This document describes what I managed to discover about the protocol used to
specify force effects to I-Force 2.0 devices. None of this information comes
from Immerse. That's why you should not trust what is written in this
document. This document is intended to help understanding the protocol.
This is not a reference. Comments and corrections are welcome. To contact me,
send an email to:
I may not be held responsible for any dammage or harm caused if you try to
send data to your I-Force device based on what you read in this document.
** Preliminary Notes:
All values are hexadecimal with big-endian encoding (msb on the left). Beware,
values inside packets are encoded using little-endian. Bytes whose roles are
unknown are marked ??? Information that needs deeper inspection is marked (?)
** General form of a packet **
This is how packets look when the device uses the rs232 to communicate.
CS is the checksum. It is equal to the exclusive or of all bytes.
When using USB:
The 2B, LEN and CS fields have disappeared, probably because USB handles frames and
data corruption is handled or unsignificant.
First, I describe effects that are sent by the device to the computer
** Device input state
This packet is used to indicate the state of each button and the value of each
OP= 01 for a joystick, 03 for a wheel
LEN= Varies from device to device
00 X-Axis lsb
01 X-Axis msb
02 Y-Axis lsb, or gas pedal for a wheel
03 Y-Axis msb, or brake pedal for a wheel
04 Throttle
05 Buttons
06 Lower 4 bits: Buttons
Upper 4 bits: Hat
07 Rudder
** Device effects states
OP= 02
LEN= Varies
00 ? Bit 1 (Value 2) is the value of the deadman switch
01 Bit 8 is set if the effect is playing. Bits 0 to 7 are the effect id.
02 ??
03 Address of parameter block changed (lsb)
04 Address of parameter block changed (msb)
05 Address of second parameter block changed (lsb)
... depending on the number of parameter blocks updated
** Force effect **
OP= 01
LEN= 0e
00 Channel (when playing several effects at the same time, each must be assigned a channel)
01 Wave form
Val 00 Constant
Val 20 Square
Val 21 Triangle
Val 22 Sine
Val 23 Sawtooth up
Val 24 Sawtooth down
Val 40 Spring (Force = f(pos))
Val 41 Friction (Force = f(velocity)) and Inertia (Force = f(acceleration))
02 Axes affected and trigger
Bits 4-7: Val 2 = effect along one axis. Byte 05 indicates direction
Val 4 = X axis only. Byte 05 must contain 5a
Val 8 = Y axis only. Byte 05 must contain b4
Val c = X and Y axes. Bytes 05 must contain 60
Bits 0-3: Val 0 = No trigger
Val x+1 = Button x triggers the effect
When the whole byte is 0, cancel the previously set trigger
03-04 Duration of effect (little endian encoding, in ms)
05 Direction of effect, if applicable. Else, see 02 for value to assign.
06-07 Minimum time between triggering.
08-09 Address of periodicity or magnitude parameters
0a-0b Address of attack and fade parameters, or ffff if none.
08-09 Address of interactive parameters for X-axis, or ffff if not applicable
0a-0b Address of interactive parameters for Y-axis, or ffff if not applicable
0c-0d Delay before execution of effect (little endian encoding, in ms)
** Time based parameters **
*** Attack and fade ***
OP= 02
LEN= 08
00-01 Address where to store the parameteres
02-03 Duration of attack (little endian encoding, in ms)
04 Level at end of attack. Signed byte.
05-06 Duration of fade.
07 Level at end of fade.
*** Magnitude ***
OP= 03
LEN= 03
00-01 Address
02 Level. Signed byte.
*** Periodicity ***
OP= 04
LEN= 07
00-01 Address
02 Magnitude. Signed byte.
03 Offset. Signed byte.
04 Phase. Val 00 = 0 deg, Val 40 = 90 degs.
05-06 Period (little endian encoding, in ms)
** Interactive parameters **
OP= 05
LEN= 0a
00-01 Address
02 Positive Coeff
03 Negative Coeff
04+05 Offset (center)
06+07 Dead band (Val 01F4 = 5000 (decimal))
08 Positive saturation (Val 0a = 1000 (decimal) Val 64 = 10000 (decimal))
09 Negative saturation
The encoding is a bit funny here: For coeffs, these are signed values. The
maximum value is 64 (100 decimal), the min is 9c.
For the offset, the minimum value is FE0C, the maximum value is 01F4.
For the deadband, the minimum value is 0, the max is 03E8.
** Controls **
OP= 41
LEN= 03
00 Channel
01 Start/Stop
Val 00: Stop
Val 01: Start and play once.
Val 41: Start and play n times (See byte 02 below)
02 Number of iterations n.
** Init **
*** Querying features ***
OP= ff
Query command. Length varies according to the query type.
The general format of this packet is:
reponses are of the same form:
where LEN = 1 + length(VALUE_QUERIED)
**** Query ram size ****
QUERY = 42 ('B'uffer size)
The device should reply with the same packet plus two additionnal bytes
containing the size of the memory:
ff 03 42 03 e8 CS would mean that the device has 1000 bytes of ram available.
**** Query number of effects ****
QUERY = 4e ('N'umber of effects)
The device should respond by sending the number of effects that can be played
at the same time (one byte)
ff 02 4e 14 CS would stand for 20 effects.
**** Vendor's id ****
QUERY = 4d ('M'anufacturer)
Query the vendors'id (2 bytes)
**** Product id *****
QUERY = 50 ('P'roduct)
Query the product id (2 bytes)
**** Open device ****
QUERY = 4f ('O'pen)
No data returned.
**** Close device *****
QUERY = 43 ('C')lose
No data returned.
**** Query effect ****
QUERY = 45 ('E')
Send effect type.
Returns nonzero if supported (2 bytes)
**** Firmware Version ****
QUERY = 56 ('V'ersion)
Sends back 3 bytes - major, minor, subminor
*** Initialisation of the device ***
**** Set Control ****
!!! Device dependent, can be different on different models !!!
OP= 40 <idx> <val> [<val>]
LEN= 2 or 3
00 Idx
Idx 00 Set dead zone (0..2048)
Idx 01 Ignore Deadman sensor (0..1)
Idx 02 Enable comm watchdog (0..1)
Idx 03 Set the strength of the spring (0..100)
Idx 04 Enable or disable the spring (0/1)
Idx 05 Set axis saturation threshold (0..2048)
**** Set Effect State ****
OP= 42 <val>
LEN= 1
00 State
Bit 3 Pause force feedback
Bit 2 Enable force feedback
Bit 0 Stop all effects
**** Set overall gain ****
OP= 43 <val>
LEN= 1
00 Gain
Val 00 = 0%
Val 40 = 50%
Val 80 = 100%
** Parameter memory **
Each device has a certain amount of memory to store parameters of effects.
The amount of RAM may vary, I encountered values from 200 to 1000 bytes. Below
is the amount of memory apparently needed for every set of parameters:
- period : 0c
- magnitude : 02
- attack and fade : 0e
- interactive : 08
** Appendix: How to study the protocol ? **
1. Generate effects using the force editor provided with the DirectX SDK, or use Immersion Studio (freely available at their web site in the developer section:
2. Start a soft spying RS232 or USB (depending on where you connected your joystick/wheel). I used ComPortSpy from fCoder (alpha version!)
3. Play the effect, and watch what happens on the spy screen.
A few words about ComPortSpy:
At first glance, this soft seems, hum, well... buggy. In fact, data appear with a few seconds latency. Personnaly, I restart it every time I play an effect.
Remember it's free (as in free beer) and alpha!
** URLS **
Check for Immersion Studio, and for ComPortSpy.
** Author of this document **
Johann Deneux <>
Home page at
Additions by Vojtech Pavlik.
I-Force is trademark of Immersion Corp.
Linux Input drivers v1.0
(c) 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik <>
(c) 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik <>
Sponsored by SuSE
$Id: input.txt,v 1.5 2001/06/06 11:05:33 vojtech Exp $
$Id: input.txt,v 1.8 2002/05/29 03:15:01 bradleym Exp $
0. Disclaimer
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Should you need to contact me, the author, you can do so either by e-mail
- mail your message to <>, or by paper mail: Vojtech Pavlik,
- mail your message to <>, or by paper mail: Vojtech Pavlik,
Simunkova 1594, Prague 8, 182 00 Czech Republic
For your convenience, the GNU General Public License version 2 is included
......@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ in the package: See the file COPYING.
1. Introduction
This is a collection of drivers that is designed to support all input
devices under Linux. However, in the current kernels, although it's
possibilities are much bigger, it's limited to USB devices only. This is
also why it resides in the drivers/usb subdirectory.
devices under Linux. While it is currently used only on for USB input
devices, future use (say 2.5/2.6) is expected to expand to replace
most of the existing input system, which is why it lives in
drivers/input/ instead of drivers/usb/.
The center of the input drivers is the input.o module, which must be
The centre of the input drivers is the input.o module, which must be
loaded before any other of the input modules - it serves as a way of
communication between two groups of modules:
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ kernel):
usb-uhci.o or usb-ohci.o or uhci.o
After this, the USB keyboard will work straight away, and the USB mouse
......@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ will be available as a character device on major 13, minor 63:
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 63 Mar 28 22:45 mice
This device, has to be created, unless you use devfs, in which case it's
created automatically. The commands to do that are:
This device has to be created, unless you use devfs, in which case it's
created automatically. The commands to do create it by hand are:
cd /dev
mkdir input
......@@ -97,9 +98,9 @@ XFree to this device to use it - GPM should be called like:
however not useful without being handled, so you also will need to use some
of the modules from section 3.2.
3.1.1 hid.c
3.1.1 hid.o
Hid.c is the largest and most complex driver of the whole suite. It
hid.o is the largest and most complex driver of the whole suite. It
handles all HID devices, and because there is a very wide variety of them,
and because the USB HID specification isn't simple, it needs to be this big.
......@@ -120,59 +121,62 @@ detects it appropriately.
However, because the devices vary wildly, you might happen to have a
device that doesn't work well. In that case #define DEBUG at the beginning
of hid.c and send me the syslog traces.
of hid-core.c and send me the syslog traces.
3.1.2 usbmouse.c
3.1.2 usbmouse.o
For embedded systems, for mice with broken HID descriptors and just any
other use when the big hid.c wouldn't be a good choice, there is the
other use when the big hid.o wouldn't be a good choice, there is the
usbmouse.c driver. It handles USB mice only. It uses a simpler HIDBP
protocol. This also means the mice must support this simpler protocol. Not
all do. If you don't have any strong reason to use this module, use hid.c
all do. If you don't have any strong reason to use this module, use hid.o
3.1.3 usbkbd.c
3.1.3 usbkbd.o
Much like usbmouse.c, this module talks to keyboards with a simpplified
Much like usbmouse.c, this module talks to keyboards with a simplified
HIDBP protocol. It's smaller, but doesn't support any extra special keys.
Use hid.c instead if there isn't any special reason to use this.
Use hid.o instead if there isn't any special reason to use this.
3.1.4 wacom.c
3.1.4 wacom.o
This is a driver for Wacom Graphire and Intuos tablets. Not for Wacom
PenPartner, that one is handled by the HID driver. Although the Intuos and
Graphire tablets claim that they are HID tablets as well, they are not and
thus need this specific driver.
3.1.5 iforce.c
3.1.5 iforce.o
A driver for I-Force joysticks and wheels, both over USB and RS232.
It includes ForceFeedback support now, even though Immersion Corp. considers
the protocol a trade secret and won't disclose a word about it.
It includes ForceFeedback support now, even though Immersion
Corp. considers the protocol a trade secret and won't disclose a word
about it.
3.2 Event handlers
Event handlers distrubite the events from the devices to userland and
kernel, as needed.
3.2.1 keybdev.c
3.2.1 keybdev.o
Keybdev is currently a rather ugly hack that translates the input events
into architecture-specific keyboard raw mode (Xlated AT Set2 on x86), and
passes them into the handle_scancode function of the keyboard.c module. This
works well enough on all architectures that keybdev can generate rawmode on,
other architectures can be added to it.
The right way would be to pass the events to keyboard.c directly, best if
keyboard.c would itself be an event handler. This is done in the input
patch, available on the webpage mentioned below.
3.2.2 mousedev.c
keybdev is currently a rather ugly hack that translates the input
events into architecture-specific keyboard raw mode (Xlated AT Set2 on
x86), and passes them into the handle_scancode function of the
keyboard.c module. This works well enough on all architectures that
keybdev can generate rawmode on, other architectures can be added to
The right way would be to pass the events to keyboard.c directly,
best if keyboard.c would itself be an event handler. This is done in
the input patch, available on the webpage mentioned below.
3.2.2 mousedev.o
Mousedev is also a hack to make programs that use mouse input work. It
takes events from either mice or digitizers/tablets and makes a PS/2-style
(a la /dev/psaux) mouse device available to the userland. Ideally, the
programs could use a more reasonable interface, for example evdev.c
mousedev is also a hack to make programs that use mouse input
work. It takes events from either mice or digitizers/tablets and makes
a PS/2-style (a la /dev/psaux) mouse device available to the
userland. Ideally, the programs could use a more reasonable interface,
for example evdev.o
Mousedev devices in /dev/input (as shown above) are:
......@@ -185,30 +189,31 @@ programs could use a more reasonable interface, for example evdev.c
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 62 Apr 1 10:50 mouse30
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 63 Apr 1 10:50 mice
Each 'mouse' device is assigned to a single mouse or digitizer, except the last
one - 'mice'. This single character device is shared by all mice and
digitizers, and even if none are connected, the device is present. This is
useful for hotplugging USB mice, so that programs can open the device even when
no mice are present.
Each 'mouse' device is assigned to a single mouse or digitizer, except
the last one - 'mice'. This single character device is shared by all
mice and digitizers, and even if none are connected, the device is
present. This is useful for hotplugging USB mice, so that programs
can open the device even when no mice are present.
CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_[XY] in the kernel configuration are the size
of your screen (in pixels) in XFree86. This is needed if you want to use
your digitizer in X, because it's movement is sent to X via a virtual PS/2
mouse and thus needs to be scaled accordingly. These values won't be used if
you use a mouse only.
CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_[XY] in the kernel configuration are
the size of your screen (in pixels) in XFree86. This is needed if you
want to use your digitizer in X, because its movement is sent to X
via a virtual PS/2 mouse and thus needs to be scaled
accordingly. These values won't be used if you use a mouse only.
Mousedev will generate either PS/2, ImPS/2 (Microsoft IntelliMouse) or
ExplorerPS/2 (IntelliMouse Explorer) protocols, depending on what the program
reading the data wishes. You can set GPM and X to any of these. You'll need
ImPS/2 if you want to make use of a wheel on a USB mouse and ExplorerPS/2 if you
want to use extra (up to 5) buttons.
ExplorerPS/2 (IntelliMouse Explorer) protocols, depending on what the
program reading the data wishes. You can set GPM and X to any of
these. You'll need ImPS/2 if you want to make use of a wheel on a USB
mouse and ExplorerPS/2 if you want to use extra (up to 5) buttons.
3.2.3 joydev.c
Joydev implements v0.x and v1.x Linux joystick api, much like
drivers/char/joystick/joystick.c used to in earlier versions. See
joystick-api.txt in the Documentation subdirectory for details. As soon as
any joystick is connected, it can be accessed in /dev/input on:
joystick-api.txt in the Documentation subdirectory for details. As
soon as any joystick is connected, it can be accessed in /dev/input
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 0 Apr 1 10:50 js0
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 1 Apr 1 10:50 js1
......@@ -218,16 +223,17 @@ any joystick is connected, it can be accessed in /dev/input on:
And so on up to js31.
3.2.4 evdev.c
3.2.4 evdev.o
Evdev is the generic input event interface. It passes the events generated
in the kernel straight to the program, with timestamps. The API is still
evolving, but should be useable now. It's described in section 5.
evdev is the generic input event interface. It passes the events
generated in the kernel straight to the program, with timestamps. The
API is still evolving, but should be useable now. It's described in
section 5.
This should be the way for GPM and X to get keyboard and mouse mouse
events. It allows for multihead in X without any specific multihead kernel
support. The event codes are the same on all architectures and are hardware
events. It allows for multihead in X without any specific multihead
kernel support. The event codes are the same on all architectures and
are hardware independent.
The devices are in /dev/input:
......@@ -237,40 +243,27 @@ independent.
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 13, 67 Apr 1 10:50 event3
3. Contacts
This effort has it's home page at:
You'll find both the latest HID driver and the complete Input driver there
as well as information how to access the CVS repository for latest revisions
of the drivers.
There is also a mailing list for this:
Send "subscribe linux-input" to subscribe to it.
And so on up to event31.
4. Verifying if it works
Typing a couple keys on the keyboard should be enough to check that a USB
keyboard works and is correctly connected to the kernel keyboard driver.
Typing a couple keys on the keyboard should be enough to check that
a USB keyboard works and is correctly connected to the kernel keyboard
Doing a cat /dev/input/mouse0 (c, 13, 32) will verify that a mouse is also
emulated, characters should appear if you move it.
Doing a cat /dev/input/mouse0 (c, 13, 32) will verify that a mouse
is also emulated, characters should appear if you move it.
You can test the joystick emulation with the 'jstest' utility, available
in the joystick package (see Documentation/joystick.txt).
You can test the joystick emulation with the 'jstest' utility,
available in the joystick package (see Documentation/joystick.txt).
You can test the event devics with the 'evtest' utitily available on the
input driver homepage (see the URL above).
You can test the event devices with the 'evtest' utility available
in the LinuxConsole project CVS archive (see the URL below).
5. Event interface
Should you want to add event device support into any application (X, gpm,
svgalib ...) I <> will be happy to provide you any help I
svgalib ...) I <> will be happy to provide you any help I
can. Here goes a description of the current state of things, which is going
to be extended, but not changed incompatibly as time goes:
......@@ -295,3 +288,25 @@ list is in include/linux/input.h.
'value' is the value the event carries. Either a relative change for
EV_REL, absolute new value for EV_ABS (joysticks ...), or 0 for EV_KEY for
release, 1 for keypress and 2 for autorepeat.
6. Contacts
This effort has its home page at:
You'll find both the latest HID driver and the complete Input driver
there as well as information how to access the CVS repository for
latest revisions of the drivers.
There is also a mailing list for this:
Send "subscribe linux-input" to subscribe to it.
The input changes are also being worked on as part of the LinuxConsole
project, see:
#FIG 3.2
1200 2
2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 6.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
1200 3600 1800 3600 2400 4800 3000 4800 4200 5700 4800 5700
2 2 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
1200 3150 4800 3150 4800 6300 1200 6300 1200 3150
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
1200 4800 4800 4800
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 4
2400 4800 2400 6525 1950 7125 1950 7800
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 4
3000 4800 3000 6525 3600 7125 3600 7800
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 1 3
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
3825 5400 4125 5100 5400 5100
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 1 3
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
2100 4200 2400 3900 5400 3900
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
4800 5700 5400 5700
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
1800 3600 5400 3600
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 1 3
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
2700 4800 2700 4425 5400 4425
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
1950 7800 3600 7800
4 1 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 810 2775 7725 Dead band\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 1155 5400 5700 right saturation\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 1065 5400 3600 left saturation\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 2505 5400 3900 left coeff ( positive in that case )\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 2640 5475 5100 right coeff ( negative in that case )\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 105 480 5400 4425 center\001
Linux Joystick parport drivers v2.0
(c) 1998-2000 Vojtech Pavlik <>
(c) 1998-2000 Vojtech Pavlik <>
(c) 1998 Andree Borrmann <>
Sponsored by SuSE
$Id: joystick-parport.txt,v 1.5 2001/05/15 06:41:00 vojtech Exp $
$Id: joystick-parport.txt,v 1.6 2001/09/25 09:31:32 vojtech Exp $
0. Disclaimer
Linux Joystick driver v2.0.0
(c) 1996-2000 Vojtech Pavlik <>
(c) 1996-2000 Vojtech Pavlik <>
Sponsored by SuSE
$Id: joystick.txt,v 1.6 2001/06/05 09:57:01 vojtech Exp $
$Id: joystick.txt,v 1.12 2002/03/03 12:13:07 jdeneux Exp $
0. Disclaimer
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Should you need to contact me, the author, you can do so either by e-mail
- mail your message to <>, or by paper mail: Vojtech Pavlik,
Ucitelska 1576, Prague 8, 182 00 Czech Republic
- mail your message to <>, or by paper mail: Vojtech Pavlik,
Simunkova 1594, Prague 8, 182 00 Czech Republic
For your convenience, the GNU General Public License version 2 is included
in the package: See the file COPYING.
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ your needs:
alias tty-ldisc-2 serport
alias char-major-13 input
above input joydev ns558 analog
options analog js=gameport
options analog js=gamepad
2.5 Verifying that it works
......@@ -503,15 +503,16 @@ and the /dev/input/jsX device should become usable.
3.21 I-Force devices
All I-Force devices are supported by the iforce.c module. This includes:
All I-Force devices are supported by the iforce.o module. This includes:
* AVB Mag Turbo Force
* AVB Top Shot Pegasus
* AVB Top Shot Force Feedback Racing Wheel
* Logitech WingMan Force
* Logitech WingMan Force 3D
* Logitech WingMan Force Wheel
* Logitech WingMan Strike Force 3D
* Guillemot Race Leader Force Feedback
* Guillemot Force Feedback Racing Wheel
* Thrustmaster Motor Sport GT
To use it, you need to attach the serial port to the driver using the
......@@ -525,6 +526,10 @@ isn't needed.
The I-Force driver now supports force feedback via the event interface.
Please note that Logitech WingMan *3D devices are _not_ supported by this
module, rather by hid. Force feedback is not supported for those devices.
Logitech gamepads are also hid devices.
3.22 Gravis Stinger gamepad
The Gravis Stinger serial port gamepad, designed for use with laptop
#FIG 3.2
1200 2
2 1 0 2 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
4200 3600 4200 3075 4950 2325 7425 2325 8250 3150 8250 3600
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
4200 3675 4200 5400
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
8250 3675 8250 5400
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
3675 3600 8700 3600
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
8775 3600 10200 3600
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
8325 3150 9075 3150
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
7500 2325 10200 2325
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
3600 3600 3000 3600
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
4125 3075 3000 3075
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
4200 5400 8175 5400
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
10125 2325 10125 3600
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
3000 3150 3000 3600
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
9075 3150 9075 3600
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
4950 2325 4950 1200
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
7425 2325 7425 1200
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 4
4200 3075 4200 2400 3600 1800 3600 1200
2 1 1 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 4
8250 3150 8250 2475 8775 1950 8775 1200
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
3600 1275 4950 1275
2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
7425 1275 8700 1275
4 1 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 1140 6075 5325 Effect duration\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 1305 10200 3000 Effect magnitude\001
4 0 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 780 9150 3450 Fade level\001
4 1 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 1035 4275 1200 Attack length\001
4 1 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 180 885 8175 1200 Fade length\001
4 2 0 50 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 930 2925 3375 Attack level\001
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ if [ "$CONFIG_SERIO_I8042" != "n" ]; then
dep_tristate ' Serial port line discipline' CONFIG_SERIO_SERPORT $CONFIG_SERIO
dep_tristate ' ct82c710 Aux port controller' CONFIG_SERIO_CT82C710 $CONFIG_SERIO
dep_tristate ' Q40 keyboard controller' CONFIG_SERIO_Q40KBD $CONFIG_SERIO
dep_tristate ' Parallel port keyboard adapter' CONFIG_SERIO_PARKBD $CONFIG_SERIO $CONFIG_PARPORT
if [ "$CONFIG_ARCH_ACORN" = "y" ]; then
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SERIO_PARKBD) += parkbd.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIO_SERPORT) += serport.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIO_CT82C710) += ct82c710.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIO_RPCKBD) += rpckbd.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIO_Q40KBD) += q40kbd.o
# The global Rules.make.
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