Commit 69620b3a authored by Thomas Weißschuh's avatar Thomas Weißschuh

selftests/nolibc: support out-of-tree builds

Out of tree builds are much more convenient when building for multiple
architectures or configurations in parallel.

Only absolute O= parameters are supported as Makefile.include will
always resolve relative paths in relation to $(srctree) instead of the
current directory.

Add a call to "make outputmakefile" to verify that the sourcetree is

This is based on Zhangjins out-of-tree patch.
It extends that work for get_init_cpio support and also drops relative
O= specifications explicitly.

Link: default avatarZhangjin Wu <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarZhangjin Wu <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarThomas Weißschuh <>
Acked-by: default avatarWilly Tarreau <>
parent 7263c9d9
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Makefile for nolibc tests
include ../../../scripts/Makefile.include
include ../../../scripts/utilities.mak
# We need this for the "cc-option" macro.
include ../../../build/Build.include
ifneq ($(O),)
ifneq ($(call is-absolute,$(O)),y)
$(error Only absolute O= parameters are supported)
# we're in ".../tools/testing/selftests/nolibc"
ifeq ($(srctree),)
srctree := $(patsubst %/tools/testing/selftests/,%,$(dir $(CURDIR)))
......@@ -14,6 +21,8 @@ include $(srctree)/scripts/subarch.include
objtree ?= $(srctree)
# XARCH extends the kernel's ARCH with a few variants of the same
# architecture that only differ by the configuration, the toolchain
# and the Qemu program used. It is copied as-is into ARCH except for
......@@ -52,7 +61,7 @@ IMAGE_ppc64le = arch/powerpc/boot/zImage
IMAGE_riscv = arch/riscv/boot/Image
IMAGE_s390 = arch/s390/boot/bzImage
IMAGE_loongarch = arch/loongarch/boot/vmlinuz.efi
IMAGE = $(objtree)/$(IMAGE_$(XARCH))
IMAGE_NAME = $(notdir $(IMAGE))
# default kernel configurations that appear to be usable
......@@ -174,6 +183,7 @@ sysroot: sysroot/$(ARCH)/include
$(Q)rm -rf sysroot/$(ARCH) sysroot/sysroot
$(QUIET_MKDIR)mkdir -p sysroot
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(srctree) outputmakefile
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(srctree)/tools/include/nolibc ARCH=$(ARCH) OUTPUT=$(CURDIR)/sysroot/ headers_standalone
$(Q)mv sysroot/sysroot sysroot/$(ARCH)
......@@ -206,7 +216,7 @@ run-user: nolibc-test
$(Q)$(REPORT) $(CURDIR)/run.out
initramfs.cpio: kernel nolibc-test
$(QUIET_GEN)echo 'file /init nolibc-test 755 0 0' | $(srctree)/usr/gen_init_cpio - > initramfs.cpio
$(QUIET_GEN)echo 'file /init nolibc-test 755 0 0' | $(objtree)/usr/gen_init_cpio - > initramfs.cpio
initramfs: nolibc-test
$(QUIET_MKDIR)mkdir -p initramfs
......@@ -224,12 +234,12 @@ kernel-standalone: initramfs
# run the tests after building the kernel
run: kernel initramfs.cpio
$(Q)qemu-system-$(QEMU_ARCH) -display none -no-reboot -kernel "$(srctree)/$(IMAGE)" -initrd initramfs.cpio -serial stdio $(QEMU_ARGS) > "$(CURDIR)/run.out"
$(Q)qemu-system-$(QEMU_ARCH) -display none -no-reboot -kernel "$(IMAGE)" -initrd initramfs.cpio -serial stdio $(QEMU_ARGS) > "$(CURDIR)/run.out"
$(Q)$(REPORT) $(CURDIR)/run.out
# re-run the tests from an existing kernel
$(Q)qemu-system-$(QEMU_ARCH) -display none -no-reboot -kernel "$(srctree)/$(IMAGE)" -initrd initramfs.cpio -serial stdio $(QEMU_ARGS) > "$(CURDIR)/run.out"
$(Q)qemu-system-$(QEMU_ARCH) -display none -no-reboot -kernel "$(IMAGE)" -initrd initramfs.cpio -serial stdio $(QEMU_ARGS) > "$(CURDIR)/run.out"
$(Q)$(REPORT) $(CURDIR)/run.out
# report with existing test log
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