Commit 7e97d274 authored by Marc Kleine-Budde's avatar Marc Kleine-Budde

can: uapi: update CAN-FD frame description

Since an early version of the CAN-FD specification the bit that
defines a CAN-FD frame on the wire, has been renamed from Extended
Data Length (EDL) to FD Frame (FDF).

To avoid confusion, update the struct canfd_frame description in the
UAPI headers accordingly.

Link: default avatarAyoub Kaanich <>
Acked-by: default avatarOliver Hartkopp <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMarc Kleine-Budde <>
parent 8a5e7d19
......@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ struct can_frame {
* defined bits for canfd_frame.flags
* The use of struct canfd_frame implies the Extended Data Length (EDL) bit to
* be set in the CAN frame bitstream on the wire. The EDL bit switch turns
* The use of struct canfd_frame implies the FD Frame (FDF) bit to
* be set in the CAN frame bitstream on the wire. The FDF bit switch turns
* the CAN controllers bitstream processor into the CAN FD mode which creates
* two new options within the CAN FD frame specification:
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