From c7498081a6f5d96c9f3243b6b5e020352903bfd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "David S. Miller" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 02:03:49 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] sparc64: Fix recursion in stack overflow detection handling.

The calls down into prom_printf() when we detect an overflowed stack
can recurse again since the overflow stack will be "below" the current
kernel stack limit.

Prevent this by just returning straight if we are on the stack
overflow safe stack already.

Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
 arch/sparc64/lib/mcount.S | 17 ++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/sparc64/lib/mcount.S b/arch/sparc64/lib/mcount.S
index 7735a7a60533..734caf0cec09 100644
--- a/arch/sparc64/lib/mcount.S
+++ b/arch/sparc64/lib/mcount.S
@@ -48,12 +48,23 @@ mcount:
 	sub		%g3, STACK_BIAS, %g3
 	cmp		%sp, %g3
 	bg,pt		%xcc, 1f
-	 sethi		%hi(panicstring), %g3
+	 nop
+	/* If we are already on ovstack, don't hop onto it
+	 * again, we are already trying to output the stack overflow
+	 * message.
+	 */
 	sethi		%hi(ovstack), %g7		! cant move to panic stack fast enough
 	 or		%g7, %lo(ovstack), %g7
-	add		%g7, OVSTACKSIZE, %g7
+	add		%g7, OVSTACKSIZE, %g3
+	sub		%g3, STACK_BIAS + 192, %g3
 	sub		%g7, STACK_BIAS, %g7
-	mov		%g7, %sp
+	cmp		%sp, %g7
+	blu,pn		%xcc, 2f
+	 cmp		%sp, %g3
+	bleu,pn		%xcc, 1f
+	 nop
+2:	mov		%g3, %sp
+	sethi		%hi(panicstring), %g3
 	call		prom_printf
 	 or		%g3, %lo(panicstring), %o0
 	call		prom_halt