Commit c97c9fe4 authored by Roi Dayan's avatar Roi Dayan Committed by Saeed Mahameed

net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Update when to set other vport context

Other vport context should be set if vport number is not 0.
In case of ECPF, vport 0 represents the host PF representor so also
need to set other vport context.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRoi Dayan <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMaor Dickman <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarSaeed Mahameed <>
parent 806815bf
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ esw_acl_table_create(struct mlx5_eswitch *esw, struct mlx5_vport *vport, int ns,
ft_attr.max_fte = size;
if (vport_num || mlx5_core_is_ecpf(esw->dev))
ft_attr.flags = MLX5_FLOW_TABLE_OTHER_VPORT;
acl = mlx5_create_vport_flow_table(root_ns, &ft_attr, vport_num);
if (IS_ERR(acl)) {
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ static int arm_vport_context_events_cmd(struct mlx5_core_dev *dev, u16 vport,
MLX5_SET(modify_nic_vport_context_in, in, field_select.change_event, 1);
MLX5_SET(modify_nic_vport_context_in, in, vport_number, vport);
if (vport || mlx5_core_is_ecpf(dev))
MLX5_SET(modify_nic_vport_context_in, in, other_vport, 1);
nic_vport_ctx = MLX5_ADDR_OF(modify_nic_vport_context_in,
in, nic_vport_context);
......@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ int mlx5_query_nic_vport_mac_list(struct mlx5_core_dev *dev,
MLX5_SET(query_nic_vport_context_in, in, allowed_list_type, list_type);
MLX5_SET(query_nic_vport_context_in, in, vport_number, vport);
if (vport || mlx5_core_is_ecpf(dev))
MLX5_SET(query_nic_vport_context_in, in, other_vport, 1);
err = mlx5_cmd_exec(dev, in, sizeof(in), out, out_sz);
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