Commit caa976eb authored by Fabio Aiuto's avatar Fabio Aiuto Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: rtl8723bs: do some code cleaning in modified function

do some code cleaning after changes of previous commit.
Fixed comments, camel case names, variable naming conventions;
kept function names without chip series numbers (this is
just code for 8723), fixed indentations, blank lines and
other minor stuff.
Signed-off-by: default avatarFabio Aiuto <>
Link: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 7942bdd4
......@@ -188,26 +188,28 @@ void ODM_CfoTracking(void *pDM_VOID)
void ODM_ParsingCFO(void *pDM_VOID, void *pPktinfo_VOID, s8 *pcfotail)
void odm_parsing_cfo(void *dm_void, void *pkt_info_void, s8 *cfotail)
struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm = (struct dm_odm_t *)pDM_VOID;
struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo = pPktinfo_VOID;
struct cfo_tracking *pCfoTrack = &pDM_Odm->DM_CfoTrack;
struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm = (struct dm_odm_t *)dm_void;
struct odm_packet_info *pkt_info = pkt_info_void;
struct cfo_tracking *cfo_track = &dm_odm->DM_CfoTrack;
u8 i;
if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_CFO_TRACKING))
if (!(dm_odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_CFO_TRACKING))
if (pPktinfo->station_id != 0) {
/* 3 Update CFO report for path-A & path-B */
/* Only paht-A and path-B have CFO tail and short CFO */
if (pkt_info->station_id != 0) {
* 3 Update CFO report for path-A & path-B
* Only paht-A and path-B have CFO tail and short CFO
for (i = ODM_RF_PATH_A; i <= ODM_RF_PATH_B; i++)
pCfoTrack->CFO_tail[i] = (int)pcfotail[i];
cfo_track->CFO_tail[i] = (int)cfotail[i];
/* 3 Update packet counter */
if (pCfoTrack->packetCount == 0xffffffff)
pCfoTrack->packetCount = 0;
if (cfo_track->packetCount == 0xffffffff)
cfo_track->packetCount = 0;
......@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ void ODM_CfoTrackingInit(void *pDM_VOID);
void ODM_CfoTracking(void *pDM_VOID);
void ODM_ParsingCFO(void *pDM_VOID, void *pPktinfo_VOID, s8 *pcfotail);
void odm_parsing_cfo(void *pDM_VOID, void *pPktinfo_VOID, s8 *pcfotail);
......@@ -10,51 +10,51 @@
#define READ_AND_CONFIG_MP(ic, txt) (ODM_ReadAndConfig_MP_##ic##txt(pDM_Odm))
static u8 odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(s8 AntPower)
static u8 odm_query_rx_pwr_percentage(s8 ant_power)
if ((AntPower <= -100) || (AntPower >= 20))
if ((ant_power <= -100) || (ant_power >= 20))
return 0;
else if (AntPower >= 0)
else if (ant_power >= 0)
return 100;
return 100 + AntPower;
return 100 + ant_power;
s32 odm_SignalScaleMapping(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, s32 CurrSig)
s32 odm_signal_scale_mapping(struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm, s32 curr_sig)
s32 RetSig = 0;
if (pDM_Odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_SDIO) {
if (CurrSig >= 51 && CurrSig <= 100)
RetSig = 100;
else if (CurrSig >= 41 && CurrSig <= 50)
RetSig = 80 + ((CurrSig - 40)*2);
else if (CurrSig >= 31 && CurrSig <= 40)
RetSig = 66 + (CurrSig - 30);
else if (CurrSig >= 21 && CurrSig <= 30)
RetSig = 54 + (CurrSig - 20);
else if (CurrSig >= 10 && CurrSig <= 20)
RetSig = 42 + (((CurrSig - 10) * 2) / 3);
else if (CurrSig >= 5 && CurrSig <= 9)
RetSig = 22 + (((CurrSig - 5) * 3) / 2);
else if (CurrSig >= 1 && CurrSig <= 4)
RetSig = 6 + (((CurrSig - 1) * 3) / 2);
s32 ret_sig = 0;
if (dm_odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_SDIO) {
if (curr_sig >= 51 && curr_sig <= 100)
ret_sig = 100;
else if (curr_sig >= 41 && curr_sig <= 50)
ret_sig = 80 + ((curr_sig - 40)*2);
else if (curr_sig >= 31 && curr_sig <= 40)
ret_sig = 66 + (curr_sig - 30);
else if (curr_sig >= 21 && curr_sig <= 30)
ret_sig = 54 + (curr_sig - 20);
else if (curr_sig >= 10 && curr_sig <= 20)
ret_sig = 42 + (((curr_sig - 10) * 2) / 3);
else if (curr_sig >= 5 && curr_sig <= 9)
ret_sig = 22 + (((curr_sig - 5) * 3) / 2);
else if (curr_sig >= 1 && curr_sig <= 4)
ret_sig = 6 + (((curr_sig - 1) * 3) / 2);
RetSig = CurrSig;
ret_sig = curr_sig;
return RetSig;
return ret_sig;
static u8 odm_EVMdbToPercentage(s8 Value)
static u8 odm_evm_db_to_percentage(s8 value)
/* */
/* -33dB~0dB to 0%~99% */
/* */
s8 ret_val;
ret_val = Value;
ret_val = value;
ret_val /= 2;
if (ret_val >= 0)
......@@ -71,116 +71,116 @@ static u8 odm_EVMdbToPercentage(s8 Value)
return ret_val;
static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(
struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo,
u8 *pPhyStatus,
struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo
static void odm_rx_phy_status_parsing(struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_info *phy_info,
u8 *phy_status,
struct odm_packet_info *pkt_info)
u8 i;
s8 rx_pwr[4], rx_pwr_all = 0;
u8 RSSI, total_rssi = 0;
bool isCCKrate = false;
u8 evm, pwdb_all = 0, pwdb_all_bt;
u8 rssi, total_rssi = 0;
bool is_cck_rate = false;
u8 rf_rx_num = 0;
u8 LNA_idx, VGA_idx;
struct phy_status_rpt_8192cd_t *pPhyStaRpt = (struct phy_status_rpt_8192cd_t *)pPhyStatus;
u8 lna_idx, vga_idx;
struct phy_status_rpt_8192cd_t *phy_sta_rpt = (struct phy_status_rpt_8192cd_t *)phy_status;
isCCKrate = pPktinfo->data_rate <= DESC_RATE11M;
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = -1;
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
is_cck_rate = pkt_info->data_rate <= DESC_RATE11M;
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = -1;
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
if (isCCKrate) {
if (is_cck_rate) {
u8 cck_agc_rpt;
/* */
/* (1)Hardware does not provide RSSI for CCK */
/* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB calculated by hardware (for rate adaptive) */
/* */
cck_agc_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a;
/* 2011.11.28 LukeLee: 88E use different LNA & VGA gain table */
/* The RSSI formula should be modified according to the gain table */
LNA_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0)>>5);
VGA_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
rx_pwr_all = odm_CCKRSSI_8723B(LNA_idx, VGA_idx);
PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
if (PWDB_ALL > 100)
PWDB_ALL = 100;
pPhyInfo->rx_pwd_ba11 = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->bt_rx_rssi_percentage = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->recv_signal_power = rx_pwr_all;
/* */
* (1)Hardware does not provide RSSI for CCK/
* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB calculated by
* hardware (for rate adaptive)
cck_agc_rpt = phy_sta_rpt->cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a;
* 2011.11.28 LukeLee: 88E use different LNA & VGA gain table
* The RSSI formula should be modified according to the gain table
lna_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0)>>5);
vga_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
rx_pwr_all = odm_cck_rssi(lna_idx, vga_idx);
pwdb_all = odm_query_rx_pwr_percentage(rx_pwr_all);
if (pwdb_all > 100)
pwdb_all = 100;
phy_info->rx_pwd_ba11 = pwdb_all;
phy_info->bt_rx_rssi_percentage = pwdb_all;
phy_info->recv_signal_power = rx_pwr_all;
/* (3) Get Signal Quality (EVM) */
/* */
/* if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) */
u8 SQ, SQ_rpt;
u8 sq, sq_rpt;
if (pPhyInfo->rx_pwd_ba11 > 40 && !pDM_Odm->bInHctTest)
SQ = 100;
if (phy_info->rx_pwd_ba11 > 40 && !dm_odm->bInHctTest)
sq = 100;
else {
SQ_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all;
sq_rpt = phy_sta_rpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all;
if (SQ_rpt > 64)
SQ = 0;
else if (SQ_rpt < 20)
SQ = 100;
if (sq_rpt > 64)
sq = 0;
else if (sq_rpt < 20)
sq = 100;
SQ = ((64-SQ_rpt) * 100) / 44;
sq = ((64-sq_rpt) * 100) / 44;
pPhyInfo->signal_quality = SQ;
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = SQ;
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
phy_info->signal_quality = sq;
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = sq;
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
} else { /* is OFDM rate */
/* */
/* (1)Get RSSI for HT rate */
/* */
* (1)Get RSSI for HT rate
for (i = ODM_RF_PATH_A; i < ODM_RF_PATH_MAX; i++) {
/* 2008/01/30 MH we will judge RF RX path now. */
if (pDM_Odm->RFPathRxEnable & BIT(i))
if (dm_odm->RFPathRxEnable & BIT(i))
/* else */
/* continue; */
rx_pwr[i] = ((pPhyStaRpt->path_agc[i].gain&0x3F)*2) - 110;
rx_pwr[i] = ((phy_sta_rpt->path_agc[i].gain & 0x3F) * 2) - 110;
pPhyInfo->rx_pwr[i] = rx_pwr[i];
phy_info->rx_pwr[i] = rx_pwr[i];
/* Translate DBM to percentage. */
RSSI = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr[i]);
total_rssi += RSSI;
rssi = odm_query_rx_pwr_percentage(rx_pwr[i]);
total_rssi += rssi;
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_strength[i] = (u8) RSSI;
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_strength[i] = (u8)rssi;
/* Get Rx snr value in DB */
pPhyInfo->rx_snr[i] = pDM_Odm->PhyDbgInfo.RxSNRdB[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
phy_info->rx_snr[i] = dm_odm->PhyDbgInfo.RxSNRdB[i] = (s32)(phy_sta_rpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB calculated by hardware (for rate adaptive)
rx_pwr_all = ((phy_sta_rpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all >> 1) & 0x7f) - 110;
/* */
/* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB calculated by hardware (for rate adaptive) */
/* */
rx_pwr_all = (((pPhyStaRpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all) >> 1)&0x7f)-110;
PWDB_ALL_BT = PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
pwdb_all_bt = pwdb_all = odm_query_rx_pwr_percentage(rx_pwr_all);
pPhyInfo->rx_pwd_ba11 = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->bt_rx_rssi_percentage = PWDB_ALL_BT;
pPhyInfo->rx_power = rx_pwr_all;
pPhyInfo->recv_signal_power = rx_pwr_all;
phy_info->rx_pwd_ba11 = pwdb_all;
phy_info->bt_rx_rssi_percentage = pwdb_all_bt;
phy_info->rx_power = rx_pwr_all;
phy_info->recv_signal_power = rx_pwr_all;
* (3)EVM of HT rate
......@@ -195,23 +195,26 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(
* is supposed to be negative) is not correct
* anymore.
EVM = odm_EVMdbToPercentage(pPhyStaRpt->stream_rxevm[0]); /* dbm */
evm = odm_evm_db_to_percentage(phy_sta_rpt->stream_rxevm[0]); /* dbm */
/* Fill value in RFD, Get the first spatial stream only */
pPhyInfo->signal_quality = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
phy_info->signal_quality = (u8)(evm & 0xff);
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
phy_info->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = (u8)(evm & 0xff);
ODM_ParsingCFO(pDM_Odm, pPktinfo, pPhyStaRpt->path_cfotail);
odm_parsing_cfo(dm_odm, pkt_info, phy_sta_rpt->path_cfotail);
/* UI BSS List signal strength(in percentage), make it good looking, from 0~100. */
/* It is assigned to the BSS List in GetValueFromBeaconOrProbeRsp(). */
if (isCCKrate) {
pPhyInfo->signal_strength = (u8)(odm_SignalScaleMapping(pDM_Odm, PWDB_ALL));/* PWDB_ALL; */
* UI BSS List signal strength(in percentage), make it good
* looking, from 0~100.
* It is assigned to the BSS List in GetValueFromBeaconOrProbeRsp().
if (is_cck_rate) {
phy_info->signal_strength = (u8)(odm_signal_scale_mapping(dm_odm, pwdb_all));
} else {
if (rf_rx_num != 0) {
pPhyInfo->signal_strength = (u8)(odm_SignalScaleMapping(pDM_Odm, total_rssi /= rf_rx_num));
phy_info->signal_strength = (u8)(odm_signal_scale_mapping(dm_odm, total_rssi /= rf_rx_num));
......@@ -364,17 +367,17 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(
/* Endianness before calling this API */
/* */
static void ODM_PhyStatusQuery_92CSeries(
struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo,
u8 *pPhyStatus,
struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo
struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_info *phy_info,
u8 *phy_status,
struct odm_packet_info *pkt_info
odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(pDM_Odm, pPhyInfo, pPhyStatus, pPktinfo);
odm_rx_phy_status_parsing(dm_odm, phy_info, phy_status, pkt_info);
if (!pDM_Odm->RSSI_test)
odm_Process_RSSIForDM(pDM_Odm, pPhyInfo, pPktinfo);
if (!dm_odm->RSSI_test)
odm_Process_RSSIForDM(dm_odm, phy_info, pkt_info);
void ODM_PhyStatusQuery(
......@@ -102,6 +102,6 @@ enum hal_status ODM_ConfigFWWithHeaderFile(
u32 *pSize
s32 odm_SignalScaleMapping(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, s32 CurrSig);
s32 odm_signal_scale_mapping(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, s32 CurrSig);
......@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
#include "odm_precomp.h"
s8 odm_CCKRSSI_8723B(u8 LNA_idx, u8 VGA_idx)
s8 odm_cck_rssi(u8 lna_idx, u8 vga_idx)
s8 rx_pwr_all = 0x00;
switch (LNA_idx) {
switch (lna_idx) {
/* 46 53 73 95 201301231630 */
/* 46 53 77 99 201301241630 */
case 6:
rx_pwr_all = -34 - (2 * VGA_idx);
rx_pwr_all = -34 - (2 * vga_idx);
case 4:
rx_pwr_all = -14 - (2 * VGA_idx);
rx_pwr_all = -14 - (2 * vga_idx);
case 1:
rx_pwr_all = 6 - (2 * VGA_idx);
rx_pwr_all = 6 - (2 * vga_idx);
case 0:
rx_pwr_all = 16 - (2 * VGA_idx);
rx_pwr_all = 16 - (2 * vga_idx);
/* rx_pwr_all = -53+(2*(31-VGA_idx)); */
......@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
#define DM_DIG_MIN_NIC_8723 0x1C
s8 odm_CCKRSSI_8723B(u8 LNA_idx, u8 VGA_idx);
s8 odm_cck_rssi(u8 LNA_idx, u8 VGA_idx);
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