.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-

.. _lirc_dev_intro:


The LIRC device interface is a bi-directional interface for transporting
raw IR data between userspace and kernelspace. Fundamentally, it is just
a chardev (/dev/lircX, for X = 0, 1, 2, ...), with a number of standard
struct file_operations defined on it. With respect to transporting raw
IR data to and fro, the essential fops are read, write and ioctl.

Example dmesg output upon a driver registering w/LIRC:

.. code-block:: none

    $ dmesg |grep lirc_dev
    lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 248
    rc rc0: lirc_dev: driver ir-lirc-codec (mceusb) registered at minor = 0

What you should see for a chardev:

.. code-block:: none

    $ ls -l /dev/lirc*
    crw-rw---- 1 root root 248, 0 Jul 2 22:20 /dev/lirc0

.. _lirc_modes:

LIRC modes

LIRC supports some modes of receiving and sending IR codes, as shown
on the following table.

.. _lirc-mode-mode2:


    The driver returns a sequence of pulse and space codes to userspace,
    as a series of u32 values.

    This mode is used only for IR receive.

    The upper 8 bits determine the packet type, and the lower 24 bits
    the payload. Use ``LIRC_VALUE()`` macro to get the payload, and
    the macro ``LIRC_MODE2()`` will give you the type, which
    is one of:


        Signifies the presence of IR in microseconds.


        Signifies absence of IR in microseconds.


        If measurement of the carrier frequency was enabled with
        :ref:`lirc_set_measure_carrier_mode` then this packet gives you
        the carrier frequency in Hertz.


        If timeout reports are enabled with
        :ref:`lirc_set_rec_timeout_reports`, when the timeout set with
        :ref:`lirc_set_rec_timeout` expires due to no IR being detected,
        this packet will be sent, with the number of microseconds with
        no IR.

.. _lirc-mode-pulse:


    In pulse mode, a sequence of pulse/space integer values are written to the
    lirc device using :ref:`lirc-write`.

    The values are alternating pulse and space lengths, in microseconds. The
    first and last entry must be a pulse, so there must be an odd number
    of entries.

    This mode is used only for IR send.