Commit 032ef1fa authored by Michael Widenius's avatar Michael Widenius

Merge with trunk

parents 46db8aac 90151609
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package My::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Storable();
sub new {
......@@ -30,18 +31,6 @@ sub key {
sub _encode {
my ($value)= @_;
$value =~ s/([|\\\x{0a}\x{0d}])/sprintf('\%02X', ord($1))/eg;
return $value;
sub _decode {
my ($value)= @_;
$value =~ s/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
return $value;
sub is_failed {
my ($self)= @_;
my $result= $self->{result};
......@@ -58,66 +47,22 @@ sub write_test {
# Give the test a unique key before serializing it
$test->{key}= "$test" unless defined $test->{key};
print $sock $header, "\n";
while ((my ($key, $value)) = each(%$test)) {
print $sock $key, "= ";
if (ref $value eq "ARRAY") {
print $sock "[", _encode(join(", ", @$value)), "]";
} else {
print $sock _encode($value);
print $sock "\n";
print $sock "\n";
my $serialized= Storable::freeze($test);
$serialized =~ s/([\x0d\x0a\\])/sprintf("\\%02x", ord($1))/eg;
print $sock $header, "\n", $serialized, "\n";
sub read_test {
my ($sock)= @_;
my $test= My::Test->new();
# Read the : separated key value pairs until a
# single newline on it's own line
my $line;
while (defined($line= <$sock>)) {
# List is terminated by newline on it's own
if ($line eq "\n") {
# Correctly terminated reply
# print "Got newline\n";
# Split key/value on the first "="
my ($key, $value)= split("= ", $line, 2);
if ($value =~ /^\[(.*)\]/){
my @values= split(", ", _decode($1));
push(@{$test->{$key}}, @values);
$test->{$key}= _decode($value);
my $serialized= <$sock>;
$serialized =~ s/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
my $test= Storable::thaw($serialized);
die "wrong class (hack attempt?)"
unless ref($test) eq 'My::Test';
return $test;
sub print_test {
my ($self)= @_;
print "[", $self->{name}, "]", "\n";
while ((my ($key, $value)) = each(%$self)) {
print " ", $key, "= ";
if (ref $value eq "ARRAY") {
print "[", join(", ", @$value), "]";
} else {
print $value;
print "\n";
print "\n";
......@@ -799,15 +799,6 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
push(@{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}, @$suite_opts);
push(@{$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}}, @$suite_opts);
# Check for test specific config file
my $test_cnf_file= "$testdir/$tname.cnf";
if ( -f $test_cnf_file) {
# Specifies the configuration file to use for this test
$tinfo->{'template_path'}= $test_cnf_file;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check for test specific config file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ sub main {
my $completed= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
my ($completed, $fail)= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
# Send Ctrl-C to any children still running
kill("INT", keys(%children));
......@@ -393,6 +393,10 @@ sub main {
mtr_error("Not all tests completed");
if ($fail) {
mtr_error("Test suite failure.");
if ( $opt_gcov ) {
......@@ -412,6 +416,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_saved_datadir= 0; # Number of datadirs saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far
my $test_failure= 0;
# Scheduler variables
my $max_ndb= $childs / 2;
......@@ -445,7 +450,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
if (--$childs == 0){
return $completed;
return ($completed, $test_failure);
......@@ -509,18 +514,19 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
$test_failure= 1;
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
push(@$completed, $result);
return $completed;
return ($completed, 1);
elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and
$num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) {
mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!",
return undef;
return (undef, 1);
......@@ -571,7 +577,18 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
elsif ($line eq 'START'){
; # Send first test
else {
elsif ($line eq 'WARNINGS'){
my $fake_test= My::Test::read_test($sock);
my $test_list= join (" ", @{$fake_test->{testnames}});
mtr_report("***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown ".
"after running tests: $test_list");
$test_failure= 1;
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test failure due to warnings, force is off
return ($completed, 1);
} else {
mtr_error("Unknown response: '$line' from client");
......@@ -649,7 +666,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
if ( ! $suite_timeout_proc->wait_one(0) )
mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating...");
return undef;
return (undef, 1);
......@@ -717,7 +734,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
run_testcase($test, $server);
#$test->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED';
# Send it back, now with results set
......@@ -725,6 +742,15 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){
mtr_report("Server said BYE");
# We need to gracefully shut down the servers to see any
# Valgrind memory leak errors etc. since last server restart.
if ($opt_warnings) {
if(check_warnings_post_shutdown($server)) {
# Warnings appeared in log file(s) during final server shutdown.
else {
......@@ -732,9 +758,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
die "Internal error: should not reach this place.";
......@@ -3109,6 +3133,7 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
sub mark_log {
my ($log, $tinfo)= @_;
my $log_msg= "CURRENT_TEST: $tinfo->{name}\n";
pre_write_errorlog($log, $tinfo->{name});
mtr_tofile($log, $log_msg);
......@@ -3181,8 +3206,8 @@ my %old_env;
# > 0 failure
sub run_testcase ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
sub run_testcase ($$) {
my ($tinfo, $server_socket)= @_;
mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name});
......@@ -3197,7 +3222,12 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
my @restart= servers_need_restart($tinfo);
if ( @restart != 0) {
stop_servers($tinfo, @restart );
# Remember that we restarted for this test case (count restarts)
$tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1;
stop_servers(@restart );
if ($opt_warnings) {
if ( started(all_servers()) == 0 )
......@@ -3336,7 +3366,18 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ($check_res == 1) {
# Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue
if ($opt_warnings) {
# Checking error logs for warnings, so need to stop server
# gracefully so that memory leaks etc. can be properly detected.
# Even if we got warnings here, we should not fail this
# particular test, as the warnings may be caused by an earlier
# test.
} else {
# Not checking warnings, so can do a hard shutdown.
mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n");
else {
......@@ -3468,6 +3509,64 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# We want to preserve the error log between server restarts, as it may contain
# valuable debugging information even if there is no test failure recorded.
sub _preserve_error_log_names {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my $error_log_file= $mysqld->value('log-error');
my $error_log_dir= dirname($error_log_file);
my $save_name= $error_log_dir ."/../". $mysqld->name() .".error.log";
return ($error_log_file, $save_name);
sub preserve_error_log {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my ($error_log_file, $save_name)= _preserve_error_log_names($mysqld);
my $res= rename($error_log_file, $save_name);
# Ignore any errors, as it's just a best-effort to keep the log if possible.
sub restore_error_log {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my ($error_log_file, $save_name)= _preserve_error_log_names($mysqld);
my $res= rename($save_name, $error_log_file);
# Keep track of last position in mysqld error log where we scanned for
# warnings, so we can attribute any warnings found to the correct test
# suite or server restart.
my $last_warning_position= { };
# Called just before a mysqld server is started or a testcase is run,
# to keep track of which tests have been run since last restart, and
# of when the error log is reset.
# Second argument $test_name is test name, or undef for server restart.
sub pre_write_errorlog {
my ($error_log, $test_name)= @_;
if (! -e $error_log) {
# If the error log is moved away, reset the warning parse position.
delete $last_warning_position->{$error_log};
if (defined($test_name)) {
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= []
unless exists($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names});
push @{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}, $test_name;
} else {
# Server restart, so clear the list of tests run since last restart.
# (except the last one (if any), which is the test about to be run).
if (defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}) &&
@{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}) {
} else {
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= [];
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
......@@ -3479,18 +3578,14 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($) {
# Open the servers .err log file and read all lines
# belonging to current tets into @lines
my $Ferr = IO::File->new($error_log)
or mtr_error("Could not open file '$error_log' for reading: $!");
my @lines;
while ( my $line = <$Ferr> )
if ( $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST:/ )
# Throw away lines from previous tests
@lines = ();
push(@lines, $line);
or return [];
my $last_pos= $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos};
$Ferr->seek($last_pos, 0) if defined($last_pos);
# If the seek fails, we will parse the whole error log, at least we will not
# miss any warnings.
my @lines= <$Ferr>;
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos}= $Ferr->tell();
$Ferr = undef; # Close error log file
# mysql_client_test.test sends a COM_DEBUG packet to the server
......@@ -3537,20 +3632,47 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($) {
qr/Attempting backtrace/,
qr/Assertion .* failed/,
# These are taken from the include/mtr_warnings.sql global suppression
# list. They occur delayed, so they can be parsed during shutdown rather
# than during the per-test check.
# ToDo: having the warning suppressions inside the mysqld we are trying to
# check is in any case horrible. We should change it to all be done here
# within the Perl code, which is both simpler, easier, faster, and more
# robust. We could still have individual test cases put in suppressions by
# parsing statically or by writing dynamically to a CSV table read by the
# Perl code.
my @antipatterns =
qr/InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE `test`.`t[12]`/,
qr/InnoDB: Error: table `test`.`t[12]` does not exist in the InnoDB internal/,
foreach my $line ( @lines )
my $match_count= 0;
LINE: foreach my $line ( @lines )
foreach my $pat ( @patterns )
PAT: foreach my $pat ( @patterns )
if ( $line =~ /$pat/ )
foreach my $apat (@antipatterns)
next LINE if $line =~ $apat;
print $Fwarn $line;
last PAT;
$Fwarn = undef; # Close file
if ($match_count > 0 &&
defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names})) {
return $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names};
} else {
return [];
......@@ -3717,6 +3839,22 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_warnings");
# Check for warnings generated during shutdown of a mysqld server.
# If any, report them to master server, and return true; else just return false.
sub check_warnings_post_shutdown {
my ($server_socket)= @_;
my $testname_hash= { };
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds())
my $testlist= extract_warning_lines($mysqld->value('log-error'));
$testname_hash->{$_}= 1 for @$testlist;
my @warning_tests= keys(%$testname_hash);
if (@warning_tests) {
my $fake_test= My::Test->new(testnames => \@warning_tests);
$fake_test->write_test($server_socket, 'WARNINGS');
# Loop through our list of processes and look for and entry
......@@ -3814,6 +3952,7 @@ sub clean_datadir {
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
my $mysqld_dir= dirname($mysqld->value('datadir'));
if (-d $mysqld_dir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$mysqld_dir'");
......@@ -4142,6 +4281,7 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
if ( defined $exe )
$mysqld->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $mysqld->name(),
......@@ -4371,10 +4511,7 @@ sub get_extra_opts {
sub stop_servers($$) {
my ($tinfo, @servers)= @_;
# Remember if we restarted for this test case (count restarts)
$tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1;
my (@servers)= @_;
if ( join('|', @servers) eq join('|', all_servers()) )
......@@ -4466,6 +4603,7 @@ sub start_servers($) {
if (-d $datadir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$datadir'");
......@@ -4491,6 +4629,7 @@ sub start_servers($) {
unless -d $datadir;
# Create the servers tmpdir
my $tmpdir= $mysqld->value('tmpdir');
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Test of update statement that uses many tables.
# This is a big test.
--source include/
......@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ struct st_translog_descriptor
my_bool is_everything_flushed;
/* True when flush pass is in progress */
my_bool flush_in_progress;
/* The flush number (used to distinguish two flushes goes one by one) */
volatile int flush_no;
/* Next flush pass variables */
TRANSLOG_ADDRESS next_pass_max_lsn;
pthread_t max_lsn_requester;
......@@ -3484,6 +3486,8 @@ my_bool translog_init_with_table(const char *directory,
id_to_share= NULL;
log_descriptor.directory_fd= -1;
log_descriptor.is_everything_flushed= 1;
log_descriptor.flush_in_progress= 0;
log_descriptor.flush_no= 0;
log_descriptor.next_pass_max_lsn= LSN_IMPOSSIBLE;
......@@ -7548,6 +7552,7 @@ void translog_flush_wait_for_end(LSN lsn)
void translog_flush_set_new_goal_and_wait(TRANSLOG_ADDRESS lsn)
int flush_no= log_descriptor.flush_no;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("LSN: (%lu,0x%lx)", LSN_IN_PARTS(lsn)));
......@@ -7556,7 +7561,7 @@ void translog_flush_set_new_goal_and_wait(TRANSLOG_ADDRESS lsn)
log_descriptor.next_pass_max_lsn= lsn;
log_descriptor.max_lsn_requester= pthread_self();
while (log_descriptor.flush_in_progress)
while (flush_no == log_descriptor.flush_no)
......@@ -7735,6 +7740,7 @@ out:
if (sent_to_disk != LSN_IMPOSSIBLE)
log_descriptor.flushed= sent_to_disk;
log_descriptor.flush_in_progress= 0;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("flush_in_progress is dropped"));
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