Commit 10df921c authored by serg@serg.mylan's avatar serg@serg.mylan

documenting HA_STATUS_xxx flags

parent e6708aa0
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......@@ -260,14 +260,47 @@ enum ha_base_keytype {
/* Bits in flag to _status */
The following flags (OR-ed) are passed to handler::info() method.
The method copies misc handler information out of the storage engine
to data structures accessible from MySQL
Same flags are also passed down to mi_status, myrg_status, etc.
#define HA_STATUS_POS 1 /* Return position */
#define HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK 2 /* Don't use external lock */
#define HA_STATUS_TIME 4 /* Return update time */
#define HA_STATUS_CONST 8 /* Return constants values */
/* this one is not used */
#define HA_STATUS_POS 1
assuming the table keeps shared actual copy of the 'info' and
local, possibly outdated copy, the following flag means that
it should not try to get the actual data (locking the shared structure)
slightly outdated version will suffice
/* update the time of the last modification (in handler::update_time) */
#define HA_STATUS_TIME 4
update the 'constant' part of the info:
handler::max_data_file_length, max_index_file_length, create_time
sortkey, ref_length, block_size, data_file_name, index_file_name.
handler::table->s->keys_in_use, keys_for_keyread, rec_per_key
update the 'variable' part of the info:
handler::records, deleted, data_file_length, index_file_length,
delete_length, check_time, mean_rec_length
get the information about the key that caused last duplicate value error
update handler::errkey and handler::dupp_ref
see handler::get_dup_key()
update handler::auto_increment_value
#define HA_STATUS_AUTO 64
/* Errorcodes given by functions */
......@@ -480,6 +480,8 @@ int ha_example::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
::info() is used to return information to the optimizer.
see my_base.h for the complete description
Currently this table handler doesn't implement most of the fields
really needed. SHOW also makes use of this data
Another note, you will probably want to have the following in your
......@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ public:
key_range *max_key)
{ return (ha_rows) 10; }
virtual void position(const byte *record)=0;
virtual void info(uint)=0;
virtual void info(uint)=0; // see my_base.h for full description
virtual int extra(enum ha_extra_function operation)
{ return 0; }
virtual int extra_opt(enum ha_extra_function operation, ulong cache_size)
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