Commit 1abb93de authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska Committed by Yoni Fogel

test large malloc failures in the brtloader writer. merge from...

test large malloc failures in the brtloader writer. merge from tokudb.2603.extractor.tests. refs[t:2603]

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@20276 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 0108e1d2
......@@ -88,12 +88,27 @@ toku_brtloader_set_size_factor(uint32_t factor) {
static void add_big_buffer(struct file_info *file) {
if (file->buffer == NULL)
static int add_big_buffer(struct file_info *file) {
int result = 0;
BOOL newbuffer = FALSE;
if (file->buffer == NULL) {
file->buffer = toku_malloc(file->buffer_size);
if (file->buffer) {
int r = setvbuf(file->file, (char *) file->buffer, _IOFBF, file->buffer_size); assert(r == 0);
if (file->buffer == NULL)
result = errno;
newbuffer = TRUE;
if (result == 0) {
int r = setvbuf(file->file, (char *) file->buffer, _IOFBF, file->buffer_size);
if (r != 0) {
result = errno;
if (newbuffer) {
file->buffer = NULL;
return result;
static void cleanup_big_buffer(struct file_info *file) {
......@@ -143,11 +158,12 @@ void brtloader_fi_destroy (struct file_infos *fi, BOOL is_error)
fi->file_infos = NULL;
static void open_file_add (struct file_infos *fi,
static int open_file_add (struct file_infos *fi,
FILE *file,
char *fname,
/* out */ FIDX *idx)
int result = 0;
int r = toku_pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
if (fi->n_files >= fi->n_files_limit) {
fi->n_files_limit *=2;
......@@ -161,12 +177,15 @@ static void open_file_add (struct file_infos *fi,
fi->file_infos[fi->n_files].n_rows = 0;
fi->file_infos[fi->n_files].buffer_size = 1<<20;
fi->file_infos[fi->n_files].buffer = NULL;
result = add_big_buffer(&fi->file_infos[fi->n_files]);
if (result == 0) {
idx->idx = fi->n_files;
r = toku_pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->lock); assert(r==0);
return result;
int brtloader_fi_reopen (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx, const char *mode) {
......@@ -224,17 +243,25 @@ int brtloader_open_temp_file (BRTLOADER bl, FIDX *file_idx)
* The open file will be saved in bl->file_infos so that even if errors happen we can free them all.
int result = 0;
char *fname = toku_strdup(bl->temp_file_template);
int fd = mkstemp(fname);
if (fd<0) { int r = errno; toku_free(fname); return r; }
if (fd < 0) {
result = errno;
} else {
FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "r+");
if (f==NULL) { int r = errno; toku_free(fname); close(fd); return r; }
open_file_add(&bl->file_infos, f, fname, file_idx);
static int counter=0;
//fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, counter, fname);
return 0;
if (f == NULL)
result = errno;
result = open_file_add(&bl->file_infos, f, fname, file_idx);
if (result != 0) {
if (fd >= 0)
if (fname != NULL)
return result;
static void brtloader_destroy (BRTLOADER bl, BOOL is_error) {
......@@ -2289,6 +2316,8 @@ static int write_literal(struct dbout *out, void*data, size_t len) {
static void finish_leafnode (struct dbout *out, struct leaf_buf *lbuf, int progress_allocation, BRTLOADER bl) {
int result = 0;
//printf(" finishing leaf node progress=%d fin at %d\n", bl->progress, bl->progress+progress_allocation);
//printf("local_fingerprint=%8x\n", lbuf->local_fingerprint);
putbuf_int32_at(&lbuf->dbuf, lbuf->local_fingerprint_p, lbuf->local_fingerprint);
......@@ -2332,7 +2361,9 @@ static void finish_leafnode (struct dbout *out, struct leaf_buf *lbuf, int progr
// allocate space for the compressed bufer
int bound = get_sum_compressed_size_bound(n_sub_blocks, sub_block);
unsigned char *MALLOC_N(header_len + bound, compressed_buf);
assert(compressed_buf); // LAZY
if (compressed_buf == NULL) {
result = errno;
} else {
// compress and checksum the sub blocks
int compressed_len = compress_all_sub_blocks(n_sub_blocks, sub_block,
......@@ -2369,7 +2400,7 @@ static void finish_leafnode (struct dbout *out, struct leaf_buf *lbuf, int progr
fprintf(stderr, "\ntotal bytes written = %d, last byte is \\%o\n", size, compressed_buf[size-1]);
int result = write_literal(out, compressed_buf, size);
result = write_literal(out, compressed_buf, size);
if (result == 0) {
//printf("translation[%lld].off = %lld\n", lbuf->blocknum, off_of_leaf);
out->translation[lbuf->blocknum].off = off_of_leaf;
......@@ -2378,6 +2409,8 @@ static void finish_leafnode (struct dbout *out, struct leaf_buf *lbuf, int progr
toku_free(sub_block); // RFP cilk++ bug
......@@ -2653,7 +2686,10 @@ static int write_nonleaves (BRTLOADER bl, FIDX pivots_fidx, struct dbout *out, s
FIDX next_pivots_file;
brtloader_open_temp_file (bl, &next_pivots_file);
int r = brtloader_open_temp_file (bl, &next_pivots_file);
if (r != 0) { result = r; break; }
struct subtrees_info next_sts;
......@@ -88,11 +88,15 @@ static void reset_my_malloc_counts(void) {
static void *my_malloc(size_t n) {
void *caller = __builtin_return_address(0);
if ((void*)toku_malloc <= caller && caller <= (void*)toku_xcalloc) {
if (!((void*)toku_malloc <= caller && caller <= (void*)toku_free))
goto skip;
if (n >= 64*1024) {
if (my_malloc_event) {
caller = __builtin_return_address(1);
if ((void*)toku_xmalloc <= caller && caller <= (void*)toku_malloc_report)
goto skip;
if (event_count == event_count_trigger) {
......@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ static void *my_malloc(size_t n) {
return malloc(n);
......@@ -206,6 +210,7 @@ static void write_dbfile (char *template, int n, char *output_name, BOOL expect_
brt_loader_set_poll_function(&bl.poll_callback, loader_poll_callback, NULL);
r = toku_loader_write_brt_from_q_in_C(&bl, &desc, fd, 1000, q2);
// if (!(expect_error ? r != 0 : r == 0)) printf("WARNING%%d expect_error=%d r=%d\n", __LINE__, expect_error, r);
assert(expect_error ? r != 0 : r == 0);
......@@ -217,14 +222,20 @@ static void write_dbfile (char *template, int n, char *output_name, BOOL expect_
r = queue_destroy(q2);
if (r != 0) printf("WARNING%d r=%d\n", __LINE__, r);
brtloader_fi_destroy(&bl.file_infos, expect_error);
static int usage(const char *progname, int n) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s [-v] [-q] [-r %d] [-s] directory\n", progname, n);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s [-v] [-q] [-r %d] [-s] [-m] directory\n", progname, n);
fprintf(stderr, "[-v] turn on verbose\n");
fprintf(stderr, "[-q] turn off verbose\n");
fprintf(stderr, "[-r %d] set the number of rows\n", n);
fprintf(stderr, "[-s] set the small loader size factor\n");
fprintf(stderr, "[-m] inject big malloc failures\n");
return 1;
......@@ -26,15 +26,6 @@ void *toku_malloc(size_t size) {
return p;
void *
toku_xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
size_t newsize = nmemb * size;
void *vp = toku_xmalloc(newsize);
if (vp) memset(vp, 0, newsize);
return vp;
void *
toku_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
......@@ -44,21 +35,6 @@ toku_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
return vp;
void *
toku_xmalloc(size_t size) {
void *r = toku_malloc(size);
if (r==0) abort();
return r;
void *
toku_xrealloc(void *v, size_t size)
void *r = toku_realloc(v, size);
if (r==0) abort();
return r;
void *
toku_tagmalloc(size_t size, enum typ_tag typtag)
......@@ -80,6 +56,20 @@ toku_realloc(void *p, size_t size)
return q;
void *
toku_memdup (const void *v, size_t len)
void *r=toku_malloc(len);
if (r) memcpy(r,v,len);
return r;
char *
toku_strdup (const char *s)
return toku_memdup(s, strlen(s)+1);
toku_free(void *p)
......@@ -96,31 +86,41 @@ toku_free_n(void* p, size_t size __attribute__((unused)))
void *
toku_xmemdup (const void *v, size_t len)
void *r=toku_xmalloc(len);
toku_xmalloc(size_t size) {
void *r = toku_malloc(size);
if (r==0) abort();
return r;
void *
toku_memdup (const void *v, size_t len)
toku_xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
void *r=toku_malloc(len);
if (r) memcpy(r,v,len);
size_t newsize = nmemb * size;
void *vp = toku_xmalloc(newsize);
if (vp) memset(vp, 0, newsize);
return vp;
void *
toku_xrealloc(void *v, size_t size)
void *r = toku_realloc(v, size);
if (r==0) abort();
return r;
char *
toku_xstrdup (const char *s)
void *
toku_xmemdup (const void *v, size_t len)
return toku_xmemdup(s, strlen(s)+1);
void *r=toku_xmalloc(len);
return r;
char *
toku_strdup (const char *s)
toku_xstrdup (const char *s)
return toku_memdup(s, strlen(s)+1);
return toku_xmemdup(s, strlen(s)+1);
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