Commit 384879e7 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:3218] Merge the #3218 changes back onto the main line. The tests ran on...

[t:3218] Merge the #3218 changes back onto the main line.  The tests ran on pointy (43 minutes elapsed, by the way.  I did this merge (and added a comment):
svn merge -r27967:28141
Refs #3218.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@28175 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 5bc34118
......@@ -9,17 +9,12 @@
// It's not very fast at allocating or freeing.
// Previous implementation used next_fit, but now use first_fit since we are moving blocks around to reduce file size.
struct blockpair {
u_int64_t offset;
u_int64_t size;
struct block_allocator {
u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning; // How much to reserve at the beginning
u_int64_t alignment; // Block alignment
u_int64_t n_blocks; // How many blocks
u_int64_t blocks_array_size; // How big is the blocks_array. Must be >= n_blocks.
struct blockpair *blocks_array; // These blocks are sorted by address.
struct block_allocator_blockpair *blocks_array; // These blocks are sorted by address.
u_int64_t n_bytes_in_use; // including the reserve_at_beginning
......@@ -77,42 +72,100 @@ destroy_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *bap) {
static void
grow_blocks_array (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
if (ba->n_blocks >= ba->blocks_array_size) {
ba->blocks_array_size *= 2;
grow_blocks_array_by (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t n_to_add) {
if (ba->n_blocks + n_to_add > ba->blocks_array_size) {
int new_size = ba->n_blocks + n_to_add;
int at_least = ba->blocks_array_size * 2;
if (at_least > new_size) {
new_size = at_least;
ba->blocks_array_size = new_size;
XREALLOC_N(ba->blocks_array_size, ba->blocks_array);
static void
grow_blocks_array (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
grow_blocks_array_by(ba, 1);
static void
merge_blockpairs_into (u_int64_t d, struct block_allocator_blockpair dst[/*d*/],
u_int64_t s, struct block_allocator_blockpair src[/*s*/])
// Effect: Merge dst[d] and src[s] into dst[d+s], merging in place.
// Initially dst and src hold sorted arrays (sorted by increasing offset).
// Finally dst contains all d+s elements sorted in order.
// dst must be large enough.
// Requires no overlaps.
u_int64_t tail = d+s;
while (d>0 && s>0) {
struct block_allocator_blockpair *dp = &dst[d-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *sp = &src[s-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *tp = &dst[tail-1];
if (dp->offset > sp->offset) {
*tp = *dp;
} else {
*tp = *sp;
while (d>0) {
struct block_allocator_blockpair *dp = &dst[d-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *tp = &dst[tail-1];
*tp = *dp;
while (s>0) {
struct block_allocator_blockpair *sp = &src[s-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *tp = &dst[tail-1];
*tp = *sp;
static int
compare_blockpairs (const void *av, const void *bv) {
const struct block_allocator_blockpair *a = av;
const struct block_allocator_blockpair *b = bv;
if (a->offset < b->offset) return -1;
if (a->offset > b->offset) return +1;
return 0;
block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t offset) {
assert(offset%ba->alignment == 0);
u_int64_t i;
assert(offset >= ba->reserve_at_beginning);
// Just do a linear search for the block
ba->n_bytes_in_use += size;
for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++) {
if (ba->blocks_array[i].offset > offset) {
// allocate it in that slot
// Don't do error checking, since we require that the blocks don't overlap.
// Slide everything over
memmove(ba->blocks_array+i+1, ba->blocks_array+i, (ba->n_blocks - i)*sizeof(struct blockpair));
ba->blocks_array[i].offset = offset;
ba->blocks_array[i].size = size;
block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t n_blocks, struct block_allocator_blockpair *pairs)
qsort(pairs, n_blocks, sizeof(*pairs), compare_blockpairs);
for (u_int64_t i=0; i<n_blocks; i++) {
assert(pairs[i].offset >= ba->reserve_at_beginning);
assert(pairs[i].offset%ba->alignment == 0);
ba->n_bytes_in_use += pairs[i].size;
// Goes at the end
ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks].offset = offset;
ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks].size = size;
grow_blocks_array_by(ba, n_blocks);
merge_blockpairs_into(ba->n_blocks, ba->blocks_array,
n_blocks, pairs);
ba->n_blocks += n_blocks;
block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t offset) {
struct block_allocator_blockpair p = {.size = size, .offset=offset};
// Just do a linear search for the block.
// This data structure is a sorted array (no gaps or anything), so the search isn't really making this any slower than the insertion.
// To speed up the insertion when opening a file, we provide the block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at function.
block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at(ba, 1, &p);
static inline u_int64_t
align (u_int64_t value, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba)
// Effect: align a value by rounding up.
......@@ -137,8 +190,8 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offs
u_int64_t end_of_reserve = align(ba->reserve_at_beginning, ba);
if (end_of_reserve + size <= ba->blocks_array[0].offset ) {
// Check to see if the space immediately after the reserve is big enough to hold the new block.
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[0];
memmove(bp+1, bp, (ba->n_blocks)*sizeof(struct blockpair));
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[0];
memmove(bp+1, bp, (ba->n_blocks)*sizeof(*bp));
bp[0].offset = end_of_reserve;
bp[0].size = size;
......@@ -149,13 +202,13 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offs
for (u_int64_t blocknum = 0; blocknum +1 < ba->n_blocks; blocknum ++) {
// Consider the space after blocknum
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum];
u_int64_t this_offset = bp[0].offset;
u_int64_t this_size = bp[0].size;
u_int64_t answer_offset = align(this_offset + this_size, ba);
if (answer_offset + size > bp[1].offset) continue; // The block we want doesn't fit after this block.
// It fits, so allocate it here.
memmove(bp+2, bp+1, (ba->n_blocks - blocknum -1)*sizeof(struct blockpair));
memmove(bp+2, bp+1, (ba->n_blocks - blocknum -1)*sizeof(*bp));
bp[1].offset = answer_offset;
bp[1].size = size;
......@@ -164,7 +217,8 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offs
// It didn't fit anywhere, so fit it on the end.
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks];
assert(ba->n_blocks < ba->blocks_array_size);
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks];
u_int64_t answer_offset = align(bp[-1].offset+bp[-1].size, ba);
bp->offset = answer_offset;
bp->size = size;
......@@ -206,7 +260,7 @@ block_allocator_free_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t offset) {
int64_t bn = find_block(ba, offset);
assert(bn>=0); // we require that there is a block with that offset. Might as well abort if no such block exists.
ba->n_bytes_in_use -= ba->blocks_array[bn].size;
memmove(&ba->blocks_array[bn], &ba->blocks_array[bn+1], (ba->n_blocks-bn-1) * sizeof(struct blockpair));
memmove(&ba->blocks_array[bn], &ba->blocks_array[bn+1], (ba->n_blocks-bn-1) * sizeof(struct block_allocator_blockpair));
......@@ -222,7 +276,7 @@ u_int64_t
block_allocator_allocated_limit (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
if (ba->n_blocks==0) return ba->reserve_at_beginning;
else {
struct blockpair *last = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *last = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks-1];
return last->offset + last->size;
......@@ -260,7 +314,7 @@ block_allocator_get_unused_statistics(BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, TOKU_DB_FRAGMENTATION
if (ba->n_blocks > 0) {
//Deal with space before block 0 and after reserve:
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[0];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[0];
assert(bp->offset >= align(ba->reserve_at_beginning, ba));
uint64_t free_space = bp->offset - align(ba->reserve_at_beginning, ba);
if (free_space > 0) {
......@@ -275,7 +329,7 @@ block_allocator_get_unused_statistics(BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, TOKU_DB_FRAGMENTATION
//Deal with space between blocks:
for (u_int64_t blocknum = 0; blocknum +1 < ba->n_blocks; blocknum ++) {
// Consider the space after blocknum
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum];
uint64_t this_offset = bp[0].offset;
uint64_t this_size = bp[0].size;
uint64_t end_of_this_block = align(this_offset+this_size, ba);
......@@ -292,7 +346,7 @@ block_allocator_get_unused_statistics(BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, TOKU_DB_FRAGMENTATION
//Deal with space after last block
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks-1];
struct block_allocator_blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks-1];
uint64_t this_offset = bp[0].offset;
uint64_t this_size = bp[0].size;
uint64_t end_of_this_block = align(this_offset+this_size, ba);
......@@ -62,13 +62,24 @@ void
block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t offset);
// Effect: Allocate a block of the specified size at a particular offset.
// Aborts if anything goes wrong.
// The performance of this function may be as bad as Theta(N), where N is the number of blocks currently in use.
// Usage note: To allocate several blocks (e.g., when opening a BRT), use block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at().
// Requires: The resulting block may not overlap any other allocated block.
// And the offset must be a multiple of the block alignment.
// Parameters:
// ba (IN/OUT): The block allocator. (Modifies ba.)
// size (IN): The size of the block.
// offset (IN): The location of the block.
struct block_allocator_blockpair {
u_int64_t offset;
u_int64_t size;
block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t n_blocks, struct block_allocator_blockpair *pairs);
// Effect: Take pairs in any order, and add them all, as if we did block_allocator_alloc_block() on each pair.
// This should run in time O(N + M log M) where N is the number of blocks in ba, and M is the number of new blocks.
block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offset);
......@@ -785,14 +785,20 @@ static void
blocktable_note_translation (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR allocator, struct translation *t) {
//This is where the space for them will be reserved (in addition to normal blocks).
int64_t i;
for (i=0; i<t->smallest_never_used_blocknum.b; i++) {
// Previously this added blocks one at a time. Now we make an array and pass it in so it can be sorted and merged. See #3218.
struct block_allocator_blockpair *MALLOC_N(t->smallest_never_used_blocknum.b, pairs);
u_int64_t n_pairs = 0;
for (int64_t i=0; i<t->smallest_never_used_blocknum.b; i++) {
struct block_translation_pair pair = t->block_translation[i];
if (pair.size > 0) {
assert(pair.u.diskoff != diskoff_unused);
block_allocator_alloc_block_at(allocator, pair.size, pair.u.diskoff);
pairs[n_pairs++] = (struct block_allocator_blockpair){.size = pair.size,
.offset = pair.u.diskoff};
block_allocator_alloc_blocks_at(allocator, n_pairs, pairs);
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