Commit 3c5aef7d authored by Jonathan Perkin's avatar Jonathan Perkin


parent b2c4dd80
......@@ -121,21 +121,39 @@
%define distro_specific 0
%if %{distro_specific}
%if %(test -f /etc/enterprise-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
%define oelver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/enterprise-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
%if "%oelver" == "4"
%define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 4
%define distro_releasetag oel4
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
%if "%oelver" == "5"
%define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 5
%define distro_releasetag oel5
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
%{error:Oracle Enterprise Linux %{oelver} is unsupported}
%if %(test -f /etc/redhat-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
%define elver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
%if "%elver" == "4"
%define distro_description Enterprise Linux 4
%define distro_releasetag el4
%define rhelver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
%if "%rhelver" == "4"
%define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
%define distro_releasetag rhel4
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
%if "%elver" == "5"
%define distro_description Enterprise Linux 5
%define distro_releasetag el5
%if "%rhelver" == "5"
%define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
%define distro_releasetag rhel5
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
%{error:Enterprise Linux %{elver} is unsupported}
%{error:Red Hat Enterprise Linux %{rhelver} is unsupported}
......@@ -160,6 +178,7 @@
%{error:Unsupported distribution}
%define generic_kernel %(uname -r | cut -d. -f1-2)
%define distro_description Generic Linux (kernel %{generic_kernel})
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