diff --git a/scripts/mysqld_safe.sh b/scripts/mysqld_safe.sh
index 1f4d17f88853d848ab5fd17015113d7e96beb505..270c08679eb379371f630af4819242793c9d6883 100644
--- a/scripts/mysqld_safe.sh
+++ b/scripts/mysqld_safe.sh
@@ -322,13 +322,13 @@ do
     # but should work for the rest of the servers.
     # The only thing is ps x => redhat 5 gives warnings when using ps -x.
     # kill -9 is used or the process won't react on the kill.
-    numofproces=`ps xa | grep -v "grep" | grep "$ledir/$MYSQLD\>" | grep -c "pid-file=$pid_file"`
+    numofproces=`ps xaww | grep -v "grep" | grep "$ledir/$MYSQLD\>" | grep -c "pid-file=$pid_file"`
     echo -e "\nNumber of processes running now: $numofproces" | tee -a $err_log
     while test "$I" -le "$numofproces"
-      PROC=`ps xa | grep "$ledir/$MYSQLD\>" | grep -v "grep" | grep "pid-file=$pid_file" | sed -n '$p'` 
+      PROC=`ps xaww | grep "$ledir/$MYSQLD\>" | grep -v "grep" | grep "pid-file=$pid_file" | sed -n '$p'` 
       for T in $PROC