diff --git a/Build-tools/mysql-copyright b/Build-tools/mysql-copyright
index 16f0738dc76b317061be49904694f894f5b794e5..92b8f13bf48ce25786b47667387b3da6e499ad68 100755
--- a/Build-tools/mysql-copyright
+++ b/Build-tools/mysql-copyright
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ sub main
     # fix file copyrights
+    # fix LICENSE tag in include/mysql_version.h
+    &fix_mysql_version();
     # rename the directory with new distribution name
@@ -141,6 +144,28 @@ sub main
+#### This function will s/GPL/Commercial/ in include/mysql_version.h for the
+#### LICENSE tag.
+sub fix_mysql_version
+    chdir("$destdir");
+    my $header_file= (-f 'include/mysql_version.h.in')? 'include/mysql_version.h.in' : 'include/mysql_version.h';
+    open(MYSQL_VERSION,"<$header_file") or die "Unable to open include/mysql_version.h for read: $!\n";
+    undef $/;
+    my $mysql_version= <MYSQL_VERSION>;
+    close(MYSQL_VERSION);
+    $mysql_version=~ s/\#define LICENSE[\s\t]+GPL/#define LICENSE Commercial/;
+    open(MYSQL_VERSION,">$header_file") or die "Unable to open include/mysql_version.h for write: $!\n";
+    print MYSQL_VERSION $mysql_version;
+    close(MYSQL_VERSION);
+    chdir("$cwd");
 #### This function will remove unwanted parts of a src tree for the mysqlcom
 #### distributions.
@@ -151,11 +176,7 @@ sub trim_the_fat
         my $cwd= getcwd();
         system("rm -rf $destdir/${the_fat}");
-        if ($win_flag)
-        {
-                chdir("$destdir") or die "Unable to change directory to $destdir!: $!\n";
-        }
-        else
+        if (!$win_flag)
                 unlink ("configure") or die "Can't delete $destdir/configure: $!\n";