Commit 71d1f358 authored by Nirbhay Choubey's avatar Nirbhay Choubey

Update SELinux policy to allow UDP for multicast repl in galera.

parent 32740944
Note: The included SELinux policy files can be used for MariaDB Galera cluster.
However, since these policies had been tested for a limited set of scenarios,
it is highly recommended to run SELinux in "permissive" mode even with these
policies installed and report any denials on
it is highly recommended that you run mysqld in "permissive" mode even with
these policies installed and report any denials on
How to generate and load the policy module of MariaDB Galera cluster ?
* Generate the SELinux policy module.
* Generate the SELinux policy module.
# cd <source>/policy/selinux/
# make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile mariadb-server.pp
* Load the generated policy module.
* Load the generated policy module.
# semodule -i /path/to/mariadb-server.pp
* Lastly, run the following command to allow 4568.
* Lastly, run the following command to allow tcp/4568 and udp/4567.
# semanage port -a -t mysqld_port_t -p tcp 4568
# semanage port -a -t mysqld_port_t -p udp 4567
How to run mysqld in permissve mode ?
# semanage permissive -a mysqld_t
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module mariadb-server 1.0;
require {
type user_tmp_t;
type kerberos_port_t;
#type kerberos_master_port_t;
type mysqld_safe_t;
type tmp_t;
type tmpfs_t;
......@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ require {
class dir { write search getattr add_name read remove_name open };
# MariaDB additions
type kerberos_port_t;
type tram_port_t;
type mysqld_port_t;
class udp_socket name_bind;
class process setpgid;
class netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read };
......@@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ allow mysqld_t tmpfs_t:file { write getattr read create unlink open };
allow mysqld_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { read write open };
allow mysqld_t ifconfig_exec_t:file { read execute open execute_no_trans getattr };
#This rule allows connecting on 4444
allow mysqld_t kerberos_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
#This rule allows connecting on 4444/4567/4568
#allow mysqld_t kerberos_master_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:dir { getattr search };
allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:file { read open };
......@@ -82,8 +85,13 @@ allow mysqld_t bin_t:file { getattr read execute open execute_no_trans ioctl };
# MariaDB additions
allow mysqld_t self:process setpgid;
# This rule allows port 4567
# This rule allows port tcp/4444
allow mysqld_t kerberos_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
# This rule allows port tcp/4567 (tram_port_t may not be available on
# older versions)
allow mysqld_t tram_port_t:tcp_socket name_bind;
# This rule allows port udp/4567 (see README)
allow mysqld_t mysqld_port_t:udp_socket name_bind;
# Rules related to XtraBackup
allow mysqld_t self:netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read };
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