From 9057d69d17a8f37b33251ba14c8eebc51be07cfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Barry Perlman <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 15:55:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [t:3988] #3988 Make thrashing stats available via engine
 status.  Must still display in handlerton.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@35888 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
 buildheader/db.h_4_1    |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/db.h_4_3    |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/db.h_4_4    |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/db.h_4_5    |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/db.h_4_6    |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/make_db_h.c |  7 +++++++
 buildheader/tdb.h       |  7 +++++++
 include/db.h            |  7 +++++++
 src/ydb.c               | 14 ++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 70 insertions(+)

diff --git a/buildheader/db.h_4_1 b/buildheader/db.h_4_1
index da9d12d7d1..762174b2f6 100644
--- a/buildheader/db.h_4_1
+++ b/buildheader/db.h_4_1
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/buildheader/db.h_4_3 b/buildheader/db.h_4_3
index 77d27b4983..37608496fe 100644
--- a/buildheader/db.h_4_3
+++ b/buildheader/db.h_4_3
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/buildheader/db.h_4_4 b/buildheader/db.h_4_4
index 53e9403098..1fc87ae8bd 100644
--- a/buildheader/db.h_4_4
+++ b/buildheader/db.h_4_4
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/buildheader/db.h_4_5 b/buildheader/db.h_4_5
index 53937fb657..043bd65d31 100644
--- a/buildheader/db.h_4_5
+++ b/buildheader/db.h_4_5
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/buildheader/db.h_4_6 b/buildheader/db.h_4_6
index 133ae83740..361fd3f816 100644
--- a/buildheader/db.h_4_6
+++ b/buildheader/db.h_4_6
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/buildheader/make_db_h.c b/buildheader/make_db_h.c
index beac885352..c0941cbf04 100644
--- a/buildheader/make_db_h.c
+++ b/buildheader/make_db_h.c
@@ -550,6 +550,13 @@ int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *const argv[] __attribute__
     printf("  u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ \n");
     printf("  u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ \n");
     printf("  u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ \n");
+    printf("  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ \n");
     printf("  u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ \n");
     printf("  u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ \n");
     printf("  u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ \n");
diff --git a/buildheader/tdb.h b/buildheader/tdb.h
index d608220d31..8e984510e7 100644
--- a/buildheader/tdb.h
+++ b/buildheader/tdb.h
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/include/db.h b/include/db.h
index d608220d31..8e984510e7 100644
--- a/include/db.h
+++ b/include/db.h
@@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
   u_int64_t        msn_discards;             /* how many messages were ignored by leaf because of msn */ 
   u_int64_t        max_workdone;             /* max workdone value of any buffer  */ 
   u_int64_t        dsn_gap;                  /* dsn has detected a gap in continuity of root-to-leaf path (internal node was evicted and re-read) */ 
+  uint64_t         total_searches;              /* total number of searches */ 
+  uint64_t         total_retries;               /* total number of search retries due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_excess_retries;   /* max number of excess search retries (retries - treeheight) due to TRY_AGAIN */ 
+  uint64_t         max_search_root_tries;       /* max number of times root node was fetched in a single search */ 
+  uint64_t         search_root_retries;         /* number of searches that required the root node to be fetched more than once */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_height;      /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree */ 
+  uint64_t         search_tries_gt_heightplus3; /* number of searches that required more tries than the height of the tree plus three */ 
   u_int64_t        point_queries;           /* ydb point queries                      */ 
   u_int64_t        sequential_queries;      /* ydb sequential queries                 */ 
   u_int64_t        le_max_committed_xr;     /* max committed transaction records in any packed le  */ 
diff --git a/src/ydb.c b/src/ydb.c
index 067ad76707..2a3e374ef3 100644
--- a/src/ydb.c
+++ b/src/ydb.c
@@ -1969,6 +1969,13 @@ env_get_engine_status(DB_ENV * env, ENGINE_STATUS * engstat, char * env_panic_st
 	    engstat->msn_discards = brt_stat.msn_discards;
 	    engstat->max_workdone = brt_stat.max_workdone;
 	    engstat->dsn_gap = brt_stat.dsn_gap;	    
+	    engstat->total_searches = brt_stat.total_searches;              
+	    engstat->total_retries = brt_stat.total_retries;
+	    engstat->max_search_excess_retries = brt_stat.max_search_excess_retries;
+	    engstat->max_search_root_tries = brt_stat.max_search_root_tries;
+	    engstat->search_root_retries = brt_stat.search_root_retries;
+	    engstat->search_tries_gt_height = brt_stat.search_tries_gt_height;
+	    engstat->search_tries_gt_heightplus3 = brt_stat.search_tries_gt_heightplus3;	    
 	    engstat->cachetable_size_leaf = brt_stat.bytes_leaf;
 	    engstat->cachetable_size_nonleaf = brt_stat.bytes_nonleaf;
@@ -2181,6 +2188,13 @@ env_get_engine_status_text(DB_ENV * env, char * buff, int bufsiz) {
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "msn_discards                     %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.msn_discards);
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "max_workdone                     %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.max_workdone);
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "dsn_gap                          %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.dsn_gap);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "total_searches                   %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.total_searches);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "total_retries                    %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.total_retries);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "max_search_excess_retries        %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.max_search_excess_retries);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "max_search_root_tries            %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.max_search_root_tries);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "search_root_retries              %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.search_root_retries);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "search_tries_gt_height           %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.search_tries_gt_height);
+	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "search_tries_gt_heightplus3      %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.search_tries_gt_heightplus3);
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "multi_inserts                    %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.multi_inserts);
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "multi_inserts_fail               %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.multi_inserts_fail);
 	n += snprintf(buff + n, bufsiz - n, "multi_deletes                    %"PRIu64"\n", engstat.multi_deletes);