Commit 972aeb03 authored by Tor Didriksen's avatar Tor Didriksen

local merge

parents d9ceec66 7295f6ea
......@@ -906,28 +906,29 @@ btr_page_alloc_for_ibuf(
Allocates a new file page to be used in an index tree. NOTE: we assume
that the caller has made the reservation for free extents!
@return new allocated block, x-latched; NULL if out of space */
@return allocated page number, FIL_NULL if out of space */
static __attribute__((nonnull(1,5), warn_unused_result))
dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
ulint hint_page_no, /*!< in: hint of a good page */
byte file_direction, /*!< in: direction where a possible
page split is made */
ulint level, /*!< in: level where the page is placed
in the tree */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
for the allocation */
mtr_t* init_mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
in which the page should be
initialized (may be the same
as mtr), or NULL if it should
not be initialized (the page
at hint was previously freed
in mtr) */
fseg_header_t* seg_header;
page_t* root;
buf_block_t* new_block;
ulint new_page_no;
if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
return(btr_page_alloc_for_ibuf(index, mtr));
root = btr_root_get(index, mtr);
......@@ -941,8 +942,42 @@ btr_page_alloc(
reservation for free extents, and thus we know that a page can
be allocated: */
new_page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page_general(seg_header, hint_page_no,
file_direction, TRUE, mtr);
seg_header, hint_page_no, file_direction,
TRUE, mtr, init_mtr));
Allocates a new file page to be used in an index tree. NOTE: we assume
that the caller has made the reservation for free extents!
@return new allocated block, x-latched; NULL if out of space */
dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
ulint hint_page_no, /*!< in: hint of a good page */
byte file_direction, /*!< in: direction where a possible
page split is made */
ulint level, /*!< in: level where the page is placed
in the tree */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
for the allocation */
mtr_t* init_mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
for x-latching and initializing
the page */
buf_block_t* new_block;
ulint new_page_no;
if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
return(btr_page_alloc_for_ibuf(index, mtr));
new_page_no = btr_page_alloc_low(
index, hint_page_no, file_direction, level, mtr, init_mtr);
if (new_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
......@@ -950,9 +985,16 @@ btr_page_alloc(
new_block = buf_page_get(dict_index_get_space(index),
new_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
new_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, init_mtr);
buf_block_dbg_add_level(new_block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
if (mtr->freed_clust_leaf) {
mtr_memo_release(mtr, new_block, MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF);
ut_ad(!mtr_memo_contains(mtr, new_block,
......@@ -1065,6 +1107,15 @@ btr_page_free_low(
buf_block_get_page_no(block), mtr);
/* The page was marked free in the allocation bitmap, but it
should remain buffer-fixed until mtr_commit(mtr) or until it
is explicitly freed from the mini-transaction. */
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
/* TODO: Discard any operations on the page from the redo log
and remove the block from the flush list and the buffer pool.
This would free up buffer pool earlier and reduce writes to
both the tablespace and the redo log. */
......@@ -1078,13 +1129,140 @@ btr_page_free(
buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block to be freed, x-latched */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
ulint level;
level = btr_page_get_level(buf_block_get_frame(block), mtr);
const page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
ulint level = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
ut_ad(fil_page_get_type(block->frame) == FIL_PAGE_INDEX);
btr_page_free_low(index, block, level, mtr);
/* The handling of MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF assumes this. */
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
if (level == 0 && dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
/* We may have to call btr_mark_freed_leaves() to
temporarily mark the block nonfree for invoking
btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func() after an
update. Remember that the block was freed. */
mtr->freed_clust_leaf = TRUE;
mtr_memo_push(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF);
Marks all MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF pages nonfree or free.
For invoking btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() after an update,
we must temporarily mark freed clustered index pages allocated, so
that off-page columns will not be allocated from them. Between the
btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() and mtr_commit() we have to
mark the pages free again, so that no pages will be leaked. */
dict_index_t* index, /*!< in/out: clustered index */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ibool nonfree)/*!< in: TRUE=mark nonfree, FALSE=mark freed */
/* This is loosely based on mtr_memo_release(). */
ulint offset;
ut_ad(mtr->magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
ut_ad(mtr->state == MTR_ACTIVE);
if (!mtr->freed_clust_leaf) {
offset = dyn_array_get_data_size(&mtr->memo);
while (offset > 0) {
mtr_memo_slot_t* slot;
buf_block_t* block;
offset -= sizeof *slot;
slot = dyn_array_get_element(&mtr->memo, offset);
if (slot->type != MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF) {
/* Because btr_page_alloc() does invoke
mtr_memo_release on MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF, all
blocks tagged with MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF in the
memo must still be clustered index leaf tree pages. */
block = slot->object;
== dict_index_get_space(index));
if (nonfree) {
/* Allocate the same page again. */
ulint page_no;
page_no = btr_page_alloc_low(
index, buf_block_get_page_no(block),
FSP_NO_DIR, 0, mtr, NULL);
ut_a(page_no == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
} else {
/* Assert that the page is allocated and free it. */
btr_page_free_low(index, block, 0, mtr);
Validates all pages marked MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF.
@see btr_mark_freed_leaves()
@return TRUE */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction */
ulint offset;
ut_ad(mtr->magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
ut_ad(mtr->state == MTR_ACTIVE);
offset = dyn_array_get_data_size(&mtr->memo);
while (offset > 0) {
const mtr_memo_slot_t* slot;
const buf_block_t* block;
offset -= sizeof *slot;
slot = dyn_array_get_element(&mtr->memo, offset);
if (slot->type != MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF) {
/* Because btr_page_alloc() does invoke
mtr_memo_release on MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF, all
blocks tagged with MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF in the
memo must still be clustered index leaf tree pages. */
block = slot->object;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
Sets the child node file address in a node pointer. */
......@@ -1809,7 +1987,7 @@ btr_root_raise_and_insert(
level = btr_page_get_level(root, mtr);
new_block = btr_page_alloc(index, 0, FSP_NO_DIR, level, mtr);
new_block = btr_page_alloc(index, 0, FSP_NO_DIR, level, mtr, mtr);
new_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
new_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
ut_a(!new_page_zip == !root_page_zip);
......@@ -2545,7 +2723,7 @@ func_start:
/* 2. Allocate a new page to the index */
new_block = btr_page_alloc(cursor->index, hint_page_no, direction,
btr_page_get_level(page, mtr), mtr);
btr_page_get_level(page, mtr), mtr, mtr);
new_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
new_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
btr_page_create(new_block, new_page_zip, cursor->index,
......@@ -2532,39 +2532,6 @@ return_after_reservations:
Commits and restarts a mini-transaction so that it will retain an
x-lock on index->lock and the cursor page. */
btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
buf_block_t* block;
block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(cursor->index),
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
/* Keep the locks across the mtr_commit(mtr). */
buf_block_buf_fix_inc(block, __FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Write out the redo log. */
/* Reassociate the locks with the mini-transaction.
They will be released on mtr_commit(mtr). */
mtr_memo_push(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(cursor->index),
mtr_memo_push(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX);
/*==================== B-TREE DELETE MARK AND UNMARK ===============*/
......@@ -4190,6 +4157,9 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
the "external storage" flags in offsets
will not correspond to rec when
this function returns */
const big_rec_t*big_rec_vec, /*!< in: vector containing fields
to be stored externally */
mtr_t* local_mtr, /*!< in: mtr containing the
latch to rec and to the tree */
......@@ -4198,9 +4168,11 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
ibool update_in_place,/*! in: TRUE if the record is updated
in place (not delete+insert) */
const big_rec_t*big_rec_vec) /*!< in: vector containing fields
to be stored externally */
mtr_t* alloc_mtr) /*!< in/out: in an insert, NULL;
in an update, local_mtr for
allocating BLOB pages and
updating BLOB pointers; alloc_mtr
must not have freed any leaf pages */
ulint rec_page_no;
byte* field_ref;
......@@ -4219,6 +4191,9 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(!alloc_mtr || alloc_mtr == local_mtr);
ut_ad(!update_in_place || alloc_mtr);
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(local_mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(local_mtr, rec_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
......@@ -4234,6 +4209,25 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
rec_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(rec_block);
ut_a(fil_page_get_type(page_align(rec)) == FIL_PAGE_INDEX);
if (alloc_mtr) {
/* Because alloc_mtr will be committed after
mtr, it is possible that the tablespace has been
extended when the B-tree record was updated or
inserted, or it will be extended while allocating
pages for big_rec.
TODO: In mtr (not alloc_mtr), write a redo log record
about extending the tablespace to its current size,
and remember the current size. Whenever the tablespace
grows as pages are allocated, write further redo log
records to mtr. (Currently tablespace extension is not
covered by the redo log. If it were, the record would
only be written to alloc_mtr, which is committed after
mtr.) */
} else {
alloc_mtr = &mtr;
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
int err;
......@@ -4310,7 +4304,7 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
block = btr_page_alloc(index, hint_page_no,
FSP_NO_DIR, 0, &mtr);
FSP_NO_DIR, 0, alloc_mtr, &mtr);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block == NULL)) {
......@@ -4437,11 +4431,15 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
goto next_zip_page;
rec_block = buf_page_get(space_id, zip_size,
RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
if (alloc_mtr == &mtr) {
rec_block = buf_page_get(
space_id, zip_size,
RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) {
......@@ -4475,7 +4473,8 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
page_zip, rec, index, offsets,
big_rec_vec->fields[i].field_no, &mtr);
prev_page_no = page_no;
......@@ -4520,19 +4519,23 @@ next_zip_page:
extern_len -= store_len;
rec_block = buf_page_get(space_id, zip_size,
RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
if (alloc_mtr == &mtr) {
rec_block = buf_page_get(
space_id, zip_size,
RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
mlog_write_ulint(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN, 0,
MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
MLOG_4BYTES, alloc_mtr);
- extern_len,
MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
MLOG_4BYTES, alloc_mtr);
if (prev_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
......@@ -4542,18 +4545,19 @@ next_zip_page:
MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
space_id, MLOG_4BYTES,
MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
page_no, MLOG_4BYTES,
MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
prev_page_no = page_no;
......@@ -1715,31 +1715,6 @@ buf_page_set_accessed_make_young(
Resets the check_index_page_at_flush field of a page if found in the buffer
pool. */
ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
ulint offset) /*!< in: page number */
buf_block_t* block;
buf_pool_t* buf_pool = buf_pool_get(space, offset);
block = (buf_block_t*) buf_page_hash_get(buf_pool, space, offset);
if (block && buf_block_get_state(block) == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE) {
ut_ad(!buf_pool_watch_is_sentinel(buf_pool, &block->page));
block->check_index_page_at_flush = FALSE;
Returns the current state of is_hashed of a page. FALSE if the page is
not in the pool. NOTE that this operation does not fix the page in the
Copyright (c) 1995, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -311,8 +311,9 @@ fsp_fill_free_list(
descriptor page and ibuf bitmap page;
then we do not allocate more extents */
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in: space header */
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in/out: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
UNIV_COLD __attribute__((nonnull));
Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements
the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space
......@@ -325,14 +326,20 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
or 0 for uncompressed pages */
fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /*!< in: segment inode */
fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /*!< in/out: segment inode */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction, /*!< in: if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
inserted there in order, into which
direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN,
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
mtr_t* init_mtr)/*!< in/out: mini-transaction in which the
page should be initialized
(may be the same as mtr), or NULL if it
should not be initialized (the page at hint
was previously freed in mtr) */
__attribute__((warn_unused_result, nonnull(3,6)));
#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
......@@ -700,17 +707,18 @@ list, if not free limit == space size. This adding is necessary to make the
descriptor defined, as they are uninitialized above the free limit.
@return pointer to the extent descriptor, NULL if the page does not
exist in the space or if the offset exceeds the free limit */
UNIV_INLINE __attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result))
fsp_header_t* sp_header,/*!< in/out: space header, x-latched */
ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
ulint offset, /*!< in: page offset;
if equal to the free limit,
we try to add new extents to
the space free list */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
fsp_header_t* sp_header, /*!< in/out: space header, x-latched
in mtr */
ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
ulint offset, /*!< in: page offset; if equal
to the free limit, we try to
add new extents to the space
free list */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ulint limit;
ulint size;
......@@ -718,11 +726,9 @@ xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(
ulint descr_page_no;
page_t* descr_page;
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space, NULL),
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, sp_header, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX)
|| mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, sp_header, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, sp_header, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
ut_ad(page_offset(sp_header) == FSP_HEADER_OFFSET);
/* Read free limit and space size */
limit = mach_read_from_4(sp_header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT);
......@@ -772,7 +778,7 @@ is necessary to make the descriptor defined, as they are uninitialized
above the free limit.
@return pointer to the extent descriptor, NULL if the page does not
exist in the space or if the offset exceeds the free limit */
static __attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result))
......@@ -781,7 +787,7 @@ xdes_get_descriptor(
or 0 for uncompressed pages */
ulint offset, /*!< in: page offset; if equal to the free limit,
we try to add new extents to the space free list */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
buf_block_t* block;
fsp_header_t* sp_header;
......@@ -1159,14 +1165,14 @@ fsp_header_get_tablespace_size(void)
Tries to extend a single-table tablespace so that a page would fit in the
data file.
@return TRUE if success */
static UNIV_COLD __attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result))
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
ulint page_no, /*!< in: page number */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in/out: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ibool success;
ulint actual_size;
......@@ -1191,7 +1197,7 @@ fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages(
Tries to extend the last data file of a tablespace if it is auto-extending.
@return FALSE if not auto-extending */
static UNIV_COLD __attribute__((nonnull))
......@@ -1201,8 +1207,8 @@ fsp_try_extend_data_file(
the actual file size rounded down to
megabyte */
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in/out: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ulint size;
ulint zip_size;
......@@ -1338,7 +1344,7 @@ fsp_fill_free_list(
then we do not allocate more extents */
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in/out: space header */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ulint limit;
ulint size;
......@@ -1536,10 +1542,47 @@ fsp_alloc_free_extent(
Allocates a single free page from a space. */
static __attribute__((nonnull))
fsp_header_t* header, /*!< in/out: tablespace header */
xdes_t* descr, /*!< in/out: extent descriptor */
ulint bit, /*!< in: slot to allocate in the extent */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ulint frag_n_used;
ut_ad(xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE_FRAG);
ut_a(xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, bit, mtr));
xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, bit, FALSE, mtr);
/* Update the FRAG_N_USED field */
frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES,
mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used, MLOG_4BYTES,
if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) {
/* The fragment is full: move it to another list */
flst_remove(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE,
xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FULL_FRAG, mtr);
flst_add_last(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE,
mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED,
Allocates a single free page from a space. The page is marked as used.
@return the page offset, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */
static __attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result))
......@@ -1547,19 +1590,22 @@ fsp_alloc_free_page(
ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
or 0 for uncompressed pages */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
mtr_t* init_mtr)/*!< in/out: mini-transaction in which the
page should be initialized
(may be the same as mtr) */
fsp_header_t* header;
fil_addr_t first;
xdes_t* descr;
buf_block_t* block;
ulint free;
ulint frag_n_used;
ulint page_no;
ulint space_size;
ibool success;
header = fsp_get_space_header(space, zip_size, mtr);
......@@ -1641,38 +1687,19 @@ fsp_alloc_free_page(
xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, free, FALSE, mtr);
/* Update the FRAG_N_USED field */
frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES,
mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used, MLOG_4BYTES,
if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) {
/* The fragment is full: move it to another list */
flst_remove(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE,
xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FULL_FRAG, mtr);
flst_add_last(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE,
mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED,
fsp_alloc_from_free_frag(header, descr, free, mtr);
/* Initialize the allocated page to the buffer pool, so that it can
be obtained immediately with buf_page_get without need for a disk
read. */
buf_page_create(space, page_no, zip_size, mtr);
buf_page_create(space, page_no, zip_size, init_mtr);
block = buf_page_get(space, zip_size, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
block = buf_page_get(space, zip_size, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, init_mtr);
buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_FSP_PAGE);
/* Prior contents of the page should be ignored */
fsp_init_file_page(block, mtr);
fsp_init_file_page(block, init_mtr);
......@@ -1908,7 +1935,7 @@ fsp_alloc_seg_inode_page(
zip_size = dict_table_flags_to_zip_size(
mach_read_from_4(FSP_SPACE_FLAGS + space_header));
page_no = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, zip_size, 0, mtr);
page_no = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, zip_size, 0, mtr, mtr);
if (page_no == FIL_NULL) {
......@@ -2320,7 +2347,7 @@ fseg_create_general(
if (page == 0) {
page = fseg_alloc_free_page_low(space, zip_size,
inode, 0, FSP_UP, mtr);
inode, 0, FSP_UP, mtr, mtr);
if (page == FIL_NULL) {
......@@ -2569,14 +2596,19 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
ulint space, /*!< in: space */
ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
or 0 for uncompressed pages */
fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /*!< in: segment inode */
fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /*!< in/out: segment inode */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction, /*!< in: if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
inserted there in order, into which
direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN,
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
mtr_t* init_mtr)/*!< in/out: mini-transaction in which the
page should be initialized
(may be the same as mtr), or NULL if it
should not be initialized (the page at hint
was previously freed in mtr) */
fsp_header_t* space_header;
ulint space_size;
......@@ -2587,7 +2619,6 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
ulint ret_page; /*!< the allocated page offset, FIL_NULL
if could not be allocated */
xdes_t* ret_descr; /*!< the extent of the allocated page */
ibool frag_page_allocated = FALSE;
ibool success;
ulint n;
......@@ -2609,6 +2640,8 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
if (descr == NULL) {
/* Hint outside space or too high above free limit: reset
hint */
/* The file space header page is always allocated. */
hint = 0;
descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, zip_size, hint, mtr);
......@@ -2619,15 +2652,20 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
&& mach_read_from_8(descr + XDES_ID) == seg_id
&& (xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT,
hint % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == TRUE)) {
/* 1. We can take the hinted page
ret_descr = descr;
ret_page = hint;
/* Skip the check for extending the tablespace. If the
page hint were not within the size of the tablespace,
we would have got (descr == NULL) above and reset the hint. */
goto got_hinted_page;
} else if ((xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE)
&& ((reserved - used) < reserved / FSEG_FILLFACTOR)
&& (used >= FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT)) {
} else if (xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE
&& (!init_mtr
|| ((reserved - used < reserved / FSEG_FILLFACTOR)
&& used >= FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT))) {
/* 2. We allocate the free extent from space and can take
......@@ -2645,8 +2683,20 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
/* Try to fill the segment free list */
fseg_fill_free_list(seg_inode, space, zip_size,
hint + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr);
ret_page = hint;
goto take_hinted_page;
} else if (!init_mtr) {
ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE_FRAG);
fsp_alloc_from_free_frag(space_header, descr,
hint % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr);
ret_page = hint;
ret_descr = NULL;
/* Put the page in the fragment page array of the segment */
n = fseg_find_free_frag_page_slot(seg_inode, mtr);
ut_a(n != FIL_NULL);
fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no(seg_inode, n, ret_page, mtr);
goto got_hinted_page;
} else if ((direction != FSP_NO_DIR)
&& ((reserved - used) < reserved / FSEG_FILLFACTOR)
&& (used >= FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT)
......@@ -2705,11 +2755,10 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
} else if (used < FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT) {
/* 6. We allocate an individual page from the space
ret_page = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, zip_size, hint, mtr);
ret_page = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, zip_size, hint,
mtr, init_mtr);
ret_descr = NULL;
frag_page_allocated = TRUE;
if (ret_page != FIL_NULL) {
/* Put the page in the fragment page array of the
segment */
......@@ -2719,6 +2768,10 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no(seg_inode, n, ret_page,
/* fsp_alloc_free_page() invoked fsp_init_file_page()
already. */
} else {
/* 7. We allocate a new extent and take its first page
......@@ -2766,26 +2819,34 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
if (!frag_page_allocated) {
/* Initialize the allocated page to buffer pool, so that it
can be obtained immediately with buf_page_get without need
for a disk read */
buf_block_t* block;
ulint zip_size = dict_table_flags_to_zip_size(
mach_read_from_4(FSP_SPACE_FLAGS + space_header));
mtr_t* block_mtr = init_mtr ? init_mtr : mtr;
block = buf_page_create(space, ret_page, zip_size, mtr);
block = buf_page_create(space, ret_page, zip_size, block_mtr);
buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_FSP_PAGE);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block != buf_page_get(space, zip_size,
ret_page, RW_X_LATCH,
mtr))) {
block_mtr))) {
/* The prior contents of the page should be ignored */
fsp_init_file_page(block, mtr);
if (init_mtr) {
/* The prior contents of the page should be ignored */
fsp_init_file_page(block, init_mtr);
/* ret_descr == NULL if the block was allocated from free_frag
if (ret_descr != NULL) {
/* At this point we know the extent and the page offset.
The extent is still in the appropriate list (FSEG_NOT_FULL
or FSEG_FREE), and the page is not yet marked as used. */
......@@ -2798,8 +2859,6 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_low(
fseg_mark_page_used(seg_inode, space, zip_size, ret_page, mtr);
buf_reset_check_index_page_at_flush(space, ret_page);
......@@ -2812,7 +2871,7 @@ UNIV_INTERN
fseg_header_t* seg_header,/*!< in: segment header */
fseg_header_t* seg_header,/*!< in/out: segment header */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction,/*!< in: if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
......@@ -2824,7 +2883,11 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_general(
with fsp_reserve_free_extents, then there
is no need to do the check for this individual
page */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction handle */
mtr_t* init_mtr)/*!< in/out: mtr or another mini-transaction
in which the page should be initialized,
or NULL if this is a "fake allocation" of
a page that was previously freed in mtr */
fseg_inode_t* inode;
ulint space;
......@@ -2866,7 +2929,8 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_general(
page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page_low(space, zip_size,
inode, hint, direction, mtr);
inode, hint, direction,
mtr, init_mtr);
if (!has_done_reservation) {
fil_space_release_free_extents(space, n_reserved);
......@@ -2874,28 +2938,6 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_general(
Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements
the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space
@return allocated page offset, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */
fseg_header_t* seg_header,/*!< in: segment header */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction,/*!< in: if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
inserted there in order, into which
direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN,
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr handle */
return(fseg_alloc_free_page_general(seg_header, hint, direction,
FALSE, mtr));
Checks that we have at least 2 frag pages free in the first extent of a
single-table tablespace, and they are also physically initialized to the data
......@@ -568,7 +568,12 @@ btr_page_alloc(
page split is made */
ulint level, /*!< in: level where the page is placed
in the tree */
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
for the allocation */
mtr_t* init_mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction
for x-latching and initializing
the page */
__attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result));
Frees a file page used in an index tree. NOTE: cannot free field external
storage pages because the page must contain info on its level. */
......@@ -591,6 +596,33 @@ btr_page_free_low(
buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block to be freed, x-latched */
ulint level, /*!< in: page level */
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */
Marks all MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF pages nonfree or free.
For invoking btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() after an update,
we must temporarily mark freed clustered index pages allocated, so
that off-page columns will not be allocated from them. Between the
btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() and mtr_commit() we have to
mark the pages free again, so that no pages will be leaked. */
dict_index_t* index, /*!< in/out: clustered index */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ibool nonfree)/*!< in: TRUE=mark nonfree, FALSE=mark freed */
UNIV_COLD __attribute__((nonnull));
Validates all pages marked MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF.
@see btr_mark_freed_leaves()
@return TRUE */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction */
__attribute__((nonnull, warn_unused_result));
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
Prints size info of a B-tree. */
......@@ -327,16 +327,6 @@ btr_cur_pessimistic_update(
que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr; must be committed before
latching any further pages */
Commits and restarts a mini-transaction so that it will retain an
x-lock on index->lock and the cursor page. */
btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
UNIV_COLD __attribute__((nonnull));
Marks a clustered index record deleted. Writes an undo log record to
undo log on this delete marking. Writes in the trx id field the id
......@@ -528,6 +518,8 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
the "external storage" flags in offsets
will not correspond to rec when
this function returns */
const big_rec_t*big_rec_vec, /*!< in: vector containing fields
to be stored externally */
mtr_t* local_mtr, /*!< in: mtr containing the
latch to rec and to the tree */
......@@ -536,9 +528,12 @@ btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields_func(
ibool update_in_place,/*! in: TRUE if the record is updated
in place (not delete+insert) */
const big_rec_t*big_rec_vec) /*!< in: vector containing fields
to be stored externally */
mtr_t* alloc_mtr) /*!< in/out: in an insert, NULL;
in an update, local_mtr for
allocating BLOB pages and
updating BLOB pointers; alloc_mtr
must not have freed any leaf pages */
__attribute__((nonnull(1,2,3,4,5), warn_unused_result));
/** Stores the fields in big_rec_vec to the tablespace and puts pointers to
them in rec. The extern flags in rec will have to be set beforehand.
......@@ -547,21 +542,22 @@ file segment of the index tree.
@param index in: clustered index; MUST be X-latched by mtr
@param b in/out: block containing rec; MUST be X-latched by mtr
@param rec in/out: clustered index record
@param offsets in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index);
@param offs in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index);
the "external storage" flags in offsets will not be adjusted
@param big in: vector containing fields to be stored externally
@param mtr in: mini-transaction that holds x-latch on index and b
@param upd in: TRUE if the record is updated in place (not delete+insert)
@param big in: vector containing fields to be stored externally
@param rmtr in/out: in updates, the mini-transaction that holds rec
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offsets,mtr,upd,big) \
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offs,big,mtr,upd,rmtr) \
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offsets,mtr,upd,big) \
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offs,big,mtr,upd,rmtr) \
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offsets,mtr,upd,big) \
# define btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(index,b,rec,offs,big,mtr,upd,rmtr) \
......@@ -491,15 +491,6 @@ buf_page_peek(
ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
ulint offset);/*!< in: page number */
Resets the check_index_page_at_flush field of a page if found in the buffer
pool. */
ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
ulint offset);/*!< in: page number */
Sets file_page_was_freed TRUE if the page is found in the buffer pool.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -176,19 +176,18 @@ fseg_n_reserved_pages(
Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements
the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize
file space fragmentation.
@return the allocated page offset FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */
fseg_header_t* seg_header, /*!< in: segment header */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction, /*!< in: if the new page is needed because
@param[in/out] seg_header segment header
@param[in] hint hint of which page would be desirable
@param[in] direction if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
inserted there in order, into which
direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN,
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr handle */
@param[in/out] mtr mini-transaction
@return the allocated page offset FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */
#define fseg_alloc_free_page(seg_header, hint, direction, mtr) \
fseg_alloc_free_page_general(seg_header, hint, direction, \
FALSE, mtr, mtr)
Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements
the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space
......@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ UNIV_INTERN
fseg_header_t* seg_header,/*!< in: segment header */
fseg_header_t* seg_header,/*!< in/out: segment header */
ulint hint, /*!< in: hint of which page would be desirable */
byte direction,/*!< in: if the new page is needed because
of an index page split, and records are
......@@ -210,7 +209,12 @@ fseg_alloc_free_page_general(
with fsp_reserve_free_extents, then there
is no need to do the check for this individual
page */
mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr handle */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
mtr_t* init_mtr)/*!< in/out: mtr or another mini-transaction
in which the page should be initialized,
or NULL if this is a "fake allocation" of
a page that was previously freed in mtr */
__attribute__((warn_unused_result, nonnull(1,5)));
Reserves free pages from a tablespace. All mini-transactions which may
use several pages from the tablespace should call this function beforehand
Copyright (c) 1995, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ first 3 values must be RW_S_LATCH, RW_X_LATCH, RW_NO_LATCH */
#define MTR_MEMO_MODIFY 54
#define MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK 55
#define MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK 56
/** The mini-transaction freed a clustered index leaf page. */
/** @name Log item types
The log items are declared 'byte' so that the compiler can warn if val
......@@ -378,11 +380,14 @@ struct mtr_struct{
dyn_array_t memo; /*!< memo stack for locks etc. */
dyn_array_t log; /*!< mini-transaction log */
ibool inside_ibuf;
unsigned inside_ibuf:1;
/*!< TRUE if inside ibuf changes */
ibool modifications;
/* TRUE if the mtr made modifications to
buffer pool pages */
unsigned modifications:1;
/*!< TRUE if the mini-transaction
modified buffer pool pages */
unsigned freed_clust_leaf:1;
was logged in the mini-transaction */
ulint n_log_recs;
/* count of how many page initial log records
have been written to the mtr log */
Copyright (c) 1995, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ mtr_start(
mtr->log_mode = MTR_LOG_ALL;
mtr->modifications = FALSE;
mtr->inside_ibuf = FALSE;
mtr->modifications = FALSE;
mtr->freed_clust_leaf = FALSE;
mtr->n_log_recs = 0;
ut_d(mtr->state = MTR_ACTIVE);
......@@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ mtr_memo_push(
ut_ad(type >= MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX);
ut_ad(type <= MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK);
ut_ad(type <= MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF);
ut_ad(type != MTR_MEMO_FREE_CLUST_LEAF || mtr->freed_clust_leaf);
ut_ad(mtr->magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
ut_ad(mtr->state == MTR_ACTIVE);
......@@ -272,11 +272,10 @@ pfs_mutex_enter_nowait_func(
ulint ret;
struct PSI_mutex_locker* locker = NULL;
PSI_mutex_locker_state state;
int result = 0;
if (UNIV_LIKELY(PSI_server && mutex->pfs_psi)) {
locker = PSI_server->get_thread_mutex_locker(
&state, mutex->pfs_psi, PSI_MUTEX_LOCK);
&state, mutex->pfs_psi, PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK);
if (locker) {
PSI_server->start_mutex_wait(locker, file_name, line);
......@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ pfs_mutex_enter_nowait_func(
ret = mutex_enter_nowait_func(mutex, file_name, line);
if (locker) {
PSI_server->end_mutex_wait(locker, result);
PSI_server->end_mutex_wait(locker, ret);
Copyright (c) 1995, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -64,12 +64,11 @@ mtr_memo_slot_release(
buf_page_release((buf_block_t*)object, type);
} else if (type == MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK) {
} else if (type != MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK) {
ut_ad(type == MTR_MEMO_MODIFY);
ut_ad(type == MTR_MEMO_MODIFY
ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, object,
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
} else {
......@@ -2088,15 +2088,20 @@ row_ins_index_entry_low(
if (big_rec) {
ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
/* Write out the externally stored
columns while still x-latching
index->lock and block->lock. We have
to mtr_commit(mtr) first, so that the
redo log will be written in the
correct order. Otherwise, we would run
into trouble on crash recovery if mtr
freed B-tree pages on which some of
the big_rec fields will be written. */
btr_cur_mtr_commit_and_start(&cursor, &mtr);
columns, but allocate the pages and
write the pointers using the
mini-transaction of the record update.
If any pages were freed in the update,
temporarily mark them allocated so
that off-page columns will not
overwrite them. We must do this,
because we will write the redo log for
the BLOB writes before writing the
redo log for the record update. Thus,
redo log application at crash recovery
will see BLOBs being written to free pages. */
btr_mark_freed_leaves(index, &mtr, TRUE);
rec = btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor);
offsets = rec_get_offsets(
......@@ -2105,7 +2110,8 @@ row_ins_index_entry_low(
err = btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(
index, btr_cur_get_block(&cursor),
rec, offsets, &mtr, FALSE, big_rec);
rec, offsets, big_rec, &mtr,
FALSE, &mtr);
/* If writing big_rec fails (for
example, because of DB_OUT_OF_FILE_SPACE),
the record will be corrupted. Even if
......@@ -2118,6 +2124,9 @@ row_ins_index_entry_low(
undo log, and thus the record cannot
be rolled back. */
ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
/* Free the pages again
in order to avoid a leak. */
btr_mark_freed_leaves(index, &mtr, FALSE);
goto stored_big_rec;
} else {
......@@ -2159,7 +2168,7 @@ function_exit:
err = btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(
index, btr_cur_get_block(&cursor),
rec, offsets, &mtr, FALSE, big_rec);
rec, offsets, big_rec, &mtr, FALSE, NULL);
if (modify) {
......@@ -2434,7 +2443,7 @@ row_ins(
node->index = dict_table_get_next_index(node->index);
node->entry = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(tuple_list, node->entry);
/* Skip corrupted secondar index and its entry */
/* Skip corrupted secondary index and its entry */
while (node->index && dict_index_is_corrupted(node->index)) {
node->index = dict_table_get_next_index(node->index);
......@@ -243,19 +243,20 @@ row_build(
#if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_BLOB_LIGHT_DEBUG
/* This condition can occur during crash recovery before
trx_rollback_active() has completed execution.
This condition is possible if the server crashed
during an insert or update before
btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() did mtr_commit() all
BLOB pointers to the clustered index record.
If the record contains a null BLOB pointer, look up the
transaction that holds the implicit lock on this record, and
assert that it was recovered (and will soon be rolled back). */
ut_a(!rec_offs_any_null_extern(rec, offsets)
|| trx_assert_recovered(row_get_rec_trx_id(rec, index, offsets)));
if (rec_offs_any_null_extern(rec, offsets)) {
/* This condition can occur during crash recovery
before trx_rollback_active() has completed execution.
This condition is possible if the server crashed
during an insert or update-by-delete-and-insert before
btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields() did mtr_commit() all
BLOB pointers to the freshly inserted clustered index
record. */
row_get_rec_trx_id(rec, index, offsets)));
row_get_rec_roll_ptr(rec, index, offsets)));
if (type != ROW_COPY_POINTERS) {
......@@ -2008,21 +2008,22 @@ row_upd_clust_rec(
ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
/* Write out the externally stored columns while still
x-latching index->lock and block->lock. We have to
mtr_commit(mtr) first, so that the redo log will be
written in the correct order. Otherwise, we would run
into trouble on crash recovery if mtr freed B-tree
pages on which some of the big_rec fields will be
written. */
btr_cur_mtr_commit_and_start(btr_cur, mtr);
/* Write out the externally stored columns, but
allocate the pages and write the pointers using the
mini-transaction of the record update. If any pages
were freed in the update, temporarily mark them
allocated so that off-page columns will not overwrite
them. We must do this, because we write the redo log
for the BLOB writes before writing the redo log for
the record update. */
btr_mark_freed_leaves(index, mtr, TRUE);
rec = btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur);
err = btr_store_big_rec_extern_fields(
index, btr_cur_get_block(btr_cur), rec,
rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_,
mtr, TRUE, big_rec);
big_rec, mtr, TRUE, mtr);
/* If writing big_rec fails (for example, because of
DB_OUT_OF_FILE_SPACE), the record will be corrupted.
Even if we did not update any externally stored
......@@ -2032,6 +2033,8 @@ row_upd_clust_rec(
to the undo log, and thus the record cannot be rolled
back. */
ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
/* Free the pages again in order to avoid a leak. */
btr_mark_freed_leaves(index, mtr, FALSE);
Copyright (c) 1996, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ trx_undo_add_page(
page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page_general(header_page + TRX_UNDO_SEG_HDR
undo->top_page_no + 1, FSP_UP,
TRUE, mtr);
TRUE, mtr, mtr);
fil_space_release_free_extents(undo->space, n_reserved);
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