diff --git a/mysql-test/README.stress b/mysql-test/README.stress
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..001ecceef1b5fec6a2b76411b23c8ee721f860c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/README.stress
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Stress script is designed to perform testsing of mysql server in 
+multi-thread environment. 
+Stress script allows:
+ - to use for stress testing mysqltest binary as test engine
+ - to use for stress testing both regular test suite and any
+   additional test suites (e.g. mysql-test-extra-5.0)
+ - to specify files with lists of tests both for initialization of
+   stress db and for further testing itself
+ - to define number of threads that will be concurrently used in testing
+ - to define limitations for test run. e.g. number of tests or loops
+   for execution or duration of testing, delay between test executions, etc.
+ - to get readable log file which can be used for identification of
+   errors arose during testing
+All functionality regarding stress testing was implemeted in 
+mysql-stress-test.pl script and there are two ways to run stress test:
+ - for most cases it is enough to use options below for starting of
+   stress test from mysql-test-run wrapper. In this case server will 
+   be run automatically, all preparation steps will be performed
+   and after that stress test will be started.
+ - in advanced case one can run mysql-stress-test.pl script directly. 
+   But it requires to perform some preparation steps and to specify a 
+   bunch of options as well so this way may look a bit complicate.
+Below is list of stress test specific options for mysql-test-run:
+  Enable stress mode
+--stress-suite=<suite name>
+  Test suite name that will be used in stress testing.
+  We assume that all suites are located in mysql-test/suite directory
+  There is one special suite name - <main|default> that corresponds
+  to regular test suite located in mysql-test directory. 
+--stress-threads=<number of threads>
+  Number of threads that will be used in stress testing
+--stress-tests-file=<filename with list of tests>
+  Filename with list of tests(without .test suffix) that will be used in 
+  stress testing. Default filename is stress_tests.txt and default 
+  location of this file is suite/<suite name>/stress_tests.txt
+--stress-init-file=<filename with list of tests>
+  Filename with list of tests(without .test suffix) that will be used in 
+  stress testing for initialization of stress db. These tests will be 
+  executed only once before starting of test itself. Default filename 
+  is stress_init.txt and default location of this file is 
+  suite/<suite name>/stress_init.txt
+--stress-mode=<method which will be used for choosing tests from the list>
+  Possible values are: random(default), seq 
+  There are two possible modes which affect order of selecting of tests
+  from the list:
+    - in random mode tests will be selected in random order
+    - in seq mode each thread will execute tests in the loop one by one as
+      they specified in the list file.
+--stress-test-count= <number>
+  Total number of tests that will be executed concurrently by all threads
+--stress-loop-count= <number>
+  Total number of loops in seq mode that will be executed concurrently 
+  by all threads
+--stress-test-duration= <number>
+  Duration of stress testing in seconds
+1. Example of simple command line to start stress test:
+ mysql-test-run --stress alias
+Runs stress test with default values for number of threads and number of tests,
+with test 'alias' from suite 'main'.
+2. Using in stress testing tests from other suites:
+ - mysql-test-run --stress --stress-threads=10 --stress-test-count=1000 \
+                 --stress-suite=example  --stress-tests-file=testslist.txt
+   Will run stress test with 10 threads, will execute 1000 tests by all 
+   threads, test will be used from suite 'example', list of test will be 
+   taken from file 'testslist.txt'
+ - mysql-test-run --stress --stress-threads=10 --stress-test-count=1000 \
+                  --stress-suite=example sum_distinct
+   Will run stress test with 10 threads, will execute 1000 tests by all 
+   threads, test will be used from suite 'example', list of test contains 
+   only one test 'sum_distinct'
+3. Debugging of issues found with stress test
+ Right now stress test is not fully integrated in mysql-test-run
+ and does not support --gdb option so to debug issue found with stress 
+ test you have to start separately mysql server under debuger and then 
+ run stress test as:
+ - mysql-test-run --extern --stress --stress-threads=10 \
+                  --stress-test-count=1000 --stress-suite=example \
+                  sum_distinct
diff --git a/mysql-test/mysql-stress-test.pl b/mysql-test/mysql-stress-test.pl
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..899dd06a74611ba325ed0c5bb9317b3f71239ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/mysql-stress-test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+# ======================================================================
+#                     MySQL server stress test system 
+# ======================================================================
+#                       SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS
+#   The system should perform stress testing of MySQL server with 
+# following requirements and basic scenarios:
+# Basic requirements:
+# Design of stress script should allow one:
+#   - to use for stress testing mysqltest binary as test engine
+#   - to use for stress testing both regular test suite and any
+#     additional test suites (e.g. mysql-test-extra-5.0)
+#   - to specify files with lists of tests both for initialization of
+#     stress db and for further testing itself
+#   - to define number of threads that will be concurrently used in testing
+#   - to define limitations for test run. e.g. number of tests or loops
+#     for execution or duration of testing, delay between test executions, etc.
+#   - to get readable log file which can be used for identification of
+#     errors arose during testing
+# Basic scenarios:
+#     * It should be possible to run stress script in standalone mode
+#       which will allow to create various scenarios of stress workloads:
+#       simple ones:
+#         box #1:
+#           - one instance of script with list of tests #1
+#       and more advanced ones:
+#         box #1:
+#           - one instance of script with list of tests #1
+#           - another instance of script with list of tests #2
+#         box #2:
+#           - one instance of script with list of tests #3
+#           - another instance of script with list of tests #4
+#             that will recreate whole database to back it to clean
+#             state
+#       One kind of such complex scenarios maybe continued testing
+#       when we want to run stress tests from many boxes with various
+#       lists of tests that will last very long time. And in such case
+#       we need some wrapper for MySQL server that will restart it in
+#       case of crashes.
+#     * It should be possible to run stress script in ad-hoc mode from
+#       shell or perl versions of mysql-test-run. This allows developers
+#       to reproduce and debug errors that was found in continued stress 
+#       testing
+use Config;
+if (!defined($Config{useithreads}))
+  die <<EOF;
+It is unable to run threaded version of stress test on this system 
+due to disabled ithreads. Please check that installed perl binary 
+was built with support of ithreads. 
+use threads;
+use threads::shared;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use Cwd;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $stress_suite_version="1.0";
+$opt_sleep_time = 0;
+$opt_mysqltest= ($^O =~ /mswin32/i) ? "mysqltest.exe" : "mysqltest";
+@mysqltest_args=("--silent", "-v", "--skip-safemalloc");
+# Client ip address
+$client_ip=~ s/\.//g;
+%tests_files=(client => {mtime => 0, data => []},
+              initdb => {mtime => 0, data => []});
+# Error codes and sub-strings with corresponding severity 
+# S1 - Critical errors - cause immediately abort of testing. These errors
+#                        could be caused by server crash or impossibility
+#                        of test execution
+# S2 - Serious errors - these errors are bugs for sure as it knowns that 
+#                       they shouldn't appear during stress testing  
+# S3 - Non-seriuos errros - these errors could be caused by fact that 
+#                           we execute simultaneously statements that
+#                           affect tests executed by other threads
+%error_strings = ( 'Failed in mysql_real_connect()' => S1,
+                   'not found (Errcode: 2)' => S1 );
+%error_codes = ( 1012 => S2, 1015 => S2, 1021 => S2,
+                 1027 => S2, 1037 => S2, 1038 => S2,
+                 1039 => S2, 1040 => S2, 1046 => S2, 
+                 1180 => S2, 1181 => S2, 1203 => S2,
+                 1205 => S2, 1206 => S2, 1207 => S2, 
+                 1223 => S2, 2013 => S1);
+%test_counters=( loop_count => 0, test_count=>0);
+$SIG{INT}= \&sig_INT_handler;
+$SIG{TERM}= \&sig_TERM_handler;
+GetOptions("server-host=s", "server-logs-dir=s", "server-port=s",
+           "server-socket=s", "server-user=s", "server-password=s",
+           "server-database=s",
+           "stress-suite-basedir=s", "suite=s", "stress-init-file:s", 
+           "stress-tests-file:s", "stress-basedir=s", "stress-mode=s",
+           "stress-datadir=s",
+           "threads=s", "sleep-time=s", "loop-count=i", "test-count=i",
+           "test-duration=i", "test-suffix=s", "check-tests-file", 
+           "verbose", "log-error-details", "cleanup", "mysqltest=s", 
+           "abort-on-error", "help") || usage();
+usage() if ($opt_help);
+$test_dirname.="-$opt_test_suffix" if ($opt_test_suffix ne '');
+print <<EOF;
+                  CONFIGURATION STAGE
+if ($opt_stress_basedir eq '' || $opt_stress_suite_basedir eq '' ||
+    $opt_server_logs_dir eq '')
+  die <<EOF;
+Options --stress-basedir, --stress-suite-basedir and --server-logs-dir are 
+required. Please use these options to specify proper basedir for 
+client, test suite and location of server logs.
+stress-basedir: '$opt_stress_basedir'
+stress-suite-basedir: '$opt_stress_suite_basedir'
+server-logs-dir: '$opt_server_logs_dir'
+#Workaround for case when we got relative but not absolute path 
+if ($opt_stress_datadir ne '')
+  $opt_stress_datadir=File::Spec->rel2abs($opt_stress_datadir);
+if (! -d "$opt_stress_basedir")
+  die <<EOF;
+Directory '$opt_stress_basedir' does not exist.
+Use --stress-basedir option to specify proper basedir for client
+if (!-d $opt_stress_suite_basedir)
+  die <<EOF;
+Directory '$opt_stress_suite_basedir' does not exist.
+Use --stress-suite-basedir option to specify proper basedir for test suite
+if ($opt_stress_datadir ne '')
+  if (-d $opt_stress_datadir)
+  {
+    $test_dataset_dir=$opt_stress_datadir;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    die <<EOF;
+Directory '$opt_stress_datadir' not exists. Please specify proper one 
+with --stress-datadir option.
+  }  
+if ($^O =~ /mswin32/i)
+  $test_dataset_dir=~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+  $test_dataset_dir.="/";
+if (!-d $opt_server_logs_dir)
+  die <<EOF;
+Directory server-logs-dir '$opt_server_logs_dir' does not exist.
+Use --server-logs-dir option to specify proper directory for storing 
+  #Create sub-directory for test session logs
+  mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname), 0, 0755);
+  #Define filename of global session log file
+  $stress_log_file=File::Spec->catfile($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname,
+                                       "mysql-stress-test.log");
+if ($opt_suite ne '' && $opt_suite ne 'main' && $opt_suite ne 'default')
+  $test_suite_dir=File::Spec->catdir($opt_stress_suite_basedir, "suite", $opt_suite);
+  $test_suite_dir= $opt_stress_suite_basedir;
+if (!-d $test_suite_dir)
+  die <<EOF
+Directory '$test_suite_dir' does not exist.
+Use --suite options to specify proper dir for test suite
+foreach my $suite_dir ($test_suite_t_path, $test_suite_r_path)
+  if (!-d $suite_dir)
+  {
+    die <<EOF;
+Directory '$suite_dir' does not exist.
+Please ensure that you specified proper source location for 
+test/result files with --stress-suite-basedir option and name 
+of test suite with --suite option
+  }
+foreach $test_dir ($test_t_path, $test_r_path)
+  if (-d $test_dir)
+  {
+    if ($opt_cleanup)
+    {
+      #Delete existing 't', 'r', 'r/*' subfolders in $stress_basedir
+      rmtree("$test_dir", 0, 0);
+      print "Cleanup $test_dir\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      die <<EOF;
+Directory '$test_dir' already exist. 
+Please ensure that you specified proper location of working dir
+for current test run with --stress-basedir option or in case of staled
+directories use --cleanup option to remove ones
+    }
+  }
+  #Create empty 't', 'r' subfolders that will be filled later
+  mkpath("$test_dir", 0, 0777);
+if (!defined($opt_stress_tests_file) && !defined($opt_stress_init_file))
+  die <<EOF;
+You should run stress script either with --stress-tests-file or with 
+--stress-init-file otions. See help for details.
+if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file))
+  if ($opt_stress_tests_file eq '')
+  {
+    #Default location of file with set of tests for current test run
+    $tests_files{client}->{filename}= File::Spec->catfile($opt_stress_suite_basedir,
+                                      "testslist_client.txt");
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $tests_files{client}->{filename}= $opt_stress_tests_file;
+  }
+  if (!-f $tests_files{client}->{filename})
+  {
+    die <<EOF;
+File '$tests_files{client}->{filename}' with list of tests not exists. 
+Please ensure that this file exists, readable or specify another one with 
+--stress-tests-file option.
+  }
+if (defined($opt_stress_init_file))
+  if ($opt_stress_init_file eq '')
+  {
+    #Default location of file with set of tests for current test run
+    $tests_files{initdb}->{filename}= File::Spec->catfile($opt_stress_suite_basedir,
+                                      "testslist_initdb.txt");
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $tests_files{initdb}->{filename}= $opt_stress_init_file;
+  }
+  if (!-f $tests_files{initdb}->{filename})
+  {
+    die <<EOF;
+File '$tests_files{initdb}->{filename}' with list of tests for initialization of database
+for stress test not exists. 
+Please ensure that this file exists, readable or specify another one with 
+--stress-init-file option.
+  }
+if ($opt_stress_mode !~ /^(random|seq)$/)
+  die <<EOF
+Was specified wrong --stress-mode. Correct values 'random' and 'seq'.
+if (open(TEST, "$opt_mysqltest -V |"))
+  $mysqltest_version=join("",<TEST>);
+  close(TEST);
+  print "FOUND MYSQLTEST BINARY: ", $mysqltest_version,"\n";
+  die <<EOF;
+ERROR: mysqltest binary $opt_mysqltest not found $!.
+You must either specify file location explicitly using --mysqltest
+option, or make sure path to mysqltest binary is listed 
+in your PATH environment variable.
+#Adding mysql server specific command line options for mysqltest binary
+$opt_server_host= $opt_server_host ? $opt_server_host : "localhost";
+$opt_server_port= $opt_server_port ? $opt_server_port : "3306";
+$opt_server_user= $opt_server_user ? $opt_server_user : "root";
+$opt_server_socket= $opt_server_socket ? $opt_server_socket : "/tmp/mysql.sock";
+$opt_server_database= $opt_server_database ? $opt_server_database : "test";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--host=$opt_server_host";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--port=$opt_server_port";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--user=$opt_server_user";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--password=$opt_server_password";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--socket=$opt_server_socket";
+unshift @mysqltest_args, "--database=$opt_server_database";
+#Export variables that could be used in tests
+print <<EOF;
+TEST-SUITE-BASEDIR: $opt_stress_suite_basedir
+SUITE:              $opt_suite
+TEST-BASE-DIR:      $opt_stress_basedir
+TEST-DATADIR:       $test_dataset_dir
+SERVER-LOGS-DIR:    $opt_server_logs_dir
+THREADS:            $opt_threads
+TEST-MODE:          $opt_stress_mode
+#At this stage we've already checked all needed pathes/files 
+#and ready to start the test
+if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file) || defined($opt_stress_init_file))
+  print <<EOF;
+                  PREPARATION STAGE
+  #Copy Test files from network share to 't' folder
+  print "\nCopying Test files from $test_suite_t_path to $test_t_path folder...";
+  find({wanted=>\&copy_test_files, bydepth=>1}, "$test_suite_t_path");
+  print "Done\n";
+  #$test_r_path/r0 dir reserved for initdb
+  $count_start= defined($opt_stress_init_file) ? 0 : 1;
+  our $r_folder='';
+  print "\nCreating 'r' folder and copying Protocol files to each 'r#' sub-folder...";
+  for($count=$count_start; $count <= $opt_threads; $count++)
+  {
+    $r_folder = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, "r".$count);
+    mkpath("$r_folder", 0, 0777); 
+    find(\&copy_result_files,"$test_suite_r_path");
+  }  
+  print "Done\n\n";
+if (defined($opt_stress_init_file))
+  print <<EOF;
+                  INITIALIZATION STAGE
+  #Set limits for stress db initialization 
+  %limits=(loop_count => 1, test_count => undef);
+  #Read list of tests from $opt_stress_init_file
+  read_tests_names($tests_files{initdb});
+  test_loop($client_ip, 0, 'seq', $tests_files{initdb});  
+  #print Dumper($tests_files{initdb}),"\n";
+  print <<EOF;
+Done initialization of stress database by tests from 
+$tests_files{initdb}->{filename} file.
+if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file))
+  print <<EOF;
+                  STRESS TEST RUNNING STAGE
+  $exiting=0;
+  #Read list of tests from $opt_stress_tests_file 
+  read_tests_names($tests_files{client});
+  #Reset current counter and set limits
+  %test_counters=( loop_count => 0, test_count=>0);
+  %limits=(loop_count => $opt_loop_count, test_count => $opt_test_count);
+  if (($opt_loop_count && $opt_threads > $opt_loop_count) || 
+      ($opt_test_count && $opt_threads > $opt_test_count))
+  {
+    warn <<EOF;
+WARNING: Possible inaccuracies in number of executed loops or 
+         tests because number of threads bigger than number of 
+         loops or tests:
+         Threads will be started: $opt_threads
+         Loops will be executed:  $opt_loop_count
+         Tests will be executed:  $opt_test_count    
+  }
+  #Create threads (number depending on the variable )
+  for ($id=1; $id<=$opt_threads && !$exiting; $id++)
+  {
+    $thrd[$id] = threads->create("test_loop", $client_ip, $id,
+                                 $opt_stress_mode, $tests_files{client});
+    print "main: Thread ID $id TID ",$thrd[$id]->tid," started\n";
+    select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5);
+  }
+  if ($opt_test_duration)
+  {
+    sleep($opt_test_duration);
+    kill INT, $$;                             #Interrupt child threads
+  }
+  #Let other threads to process INT signal
+  sleep(1);
+  for ($id=1; $id<=$opt_threads;$id++)
+  {
+    if (defined($thrd[$id]))
+    {
+      $thrd[$id]->join();
+    }
+  }
+  print "EXIT\n";
+sub test_init
+  my ($env)=@_;
+  $env->{session_id}=$env->{ip}."_".$env->{thread_id};
+  $env->{r_folder}='r'.$env->{thread_id}; 
+  $env->{screen_logs}=File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname, 
+                                         "screen_logs", $env->{session_id});
+  $env->{reject_logs}=File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname,
+                                         "reject_logs", $env->{session_id});
+  mkpath($env->{screen_logs}, 0, 0755) unless (-d $env->{screen_logs});
+  mkpath($env->{reject_logs}, 0, 0755) unless (-d $env->{reject_logs});
+  $env->{session_log}= File::Spec->catfile($env->{screen_logs}, $env->{session_id}.".log");     
+sub test_execute
+  my $env= shift;
+  my $test_name= shift;
+  my $g_start= "";
+  my $g_end= "";
+  my $mysqltest_cmd= "";
+  my @mysqltest_test_args=();
+  my @stderr=();
+  #Get time stamp
+  $g_start = get_timestamp();
+  $env->{errors}={};
+  @{$env->{test_status}}=();
+  my $test_file= $test_name.".test";
+  my $result_file= $test_name.".result";
+  my $reject_file = $test_name.'.reject';
+  my $output_file = $env->{session_id}.'_'.$test_name.'_'.$g_start."_".$env->{test_count}.'.txt';
+  my $test_filename = File::Spec->catfile($test_t_path, $test_file);
+  my $result_filename = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, $env->{r_folder}, $result_file);
+  my $reject_filename = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, $env->{r_folder}, $reject_file);
+  my $output_filename = File::Spec->catfile($env->{screen_logs}, $output_file);     
+  push @mysqltest_test_args, "--basedir=$opt_stress_suite_basedir/",
+                             "--tmpdir=$opt_stress_basedir",
+                             "-x $test_filename",
+                             "-R $result_filename",
+                             "2>$output_filename";
+  $cmd= "$opt_mysqltest --no-defaults ".join(" ", @mysqltest_args)." ".
+                                        join(" ", @mysqltest_test_args);
+  system($cmd);
+  $exit_value  = $? >> 8;
+  $signal_num  = $? & 127;
+  $dumped_core = $? & 128;
+  my $tid= threads->self->tid;
+  if (-s $output_filename > 0)
+  { 
+    #Read stderr for further analysis
+    open (STDERR_LOG, $output_filename) or 
+                             warn "Can't open file $output_filename";
+    @stderr=<STDERR_LOG>;
+    close(STDERR_LOG);
+    if ($opt_verbose)
+    {
+      $session_debug_file="$opt_stress_basedir/error$tid.txt";
+      stress_log($session_debug_file, 
+                "Something wrong happened during execution of this command line:");
+      stress_log($session_debug_file, "MYSQLTEST CMD - $cmd");    
+      stress_log($session_debug_file, "STDERR:".join("",@stderr));      
+      stress_log($session_debug_file, "EXIT STATUS:\n1. EXIT: $exit_value \n".
+                                      "2. SIGNAL: $signal_num\n".
+                                      "3. CORE: $dumped_core\n");
+    }
+  }
+  #If something wrong trying to analyse stderr 
+  if ($exit_value || $signal_num)
+  {
+    if (@stderr)
+    {
+      foreach my $line (@stderr)
+      {
+        #FIXME: we should handle case when for one sub-string/code 
+        #       we have several different error messages        
+        #       Now for both codes/substrings we assume that
+        #       first found message will represent error
+        #Check line for error codes
+        if (($err_msg, $err_code)= $line=~/failed: ((\d+):.+?$)/)
+        {
+          if (!exists($error_codes{$err_code}))
+          {
+            $severity="S3";
+            $err_code=0;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            $severity=$error_codes{$err_code};
+          }
+          if (!exists($env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_code}))
+          {
+            $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_code}=[0, $err_msg];
+          }
+          $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_code}->[0]++;
+          $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{total}++;          
+        }
+        #Check line for error patterns
+        foreach $err_string (keys %error_strings)
+        {
+          $pattern= quotemeta $err_string;
+          if ($line =~ /$pattern/i)
+          {
+            my $severity= $error_strings{$err_string};
+            if (!exists($env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_string}))
+            {
+              $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_string}=[0, $line];
+            }
+            $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_string}->[0]++;
+            $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{total}++;          
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      $env->{errors}->{S3}->{'Unknown error'}=
+                              [1,"Unknown error. Nothing was output to STDERR"];
+      $env->{errors}->{S3}->{total}=1;
+    }
+  }
+  #
+  #FIXME: Here we can perform further analysis of recognized 
+  #       error codes 
+  #
+  foreach my $severity (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$env->{errors}})
+  {
+    my $total=$env->{errors}->{$severity}->{total};
+    if ($total)
+    {
+      push @{$env->{test_status}}, "Severity $severity: $total";
+      $env->{errors}->{total}=+$total;
+    }
+  }
+  #FIXME: Should we take into account $exit_value here?
+  #       Now we assume that all stringified errors(i.e. errors without 
+  #       error codes) which are not exist in %error_string structure 
+  #       are OK
+  if (!$env->{errors}->{total})
+  {
+    push @{$env->{test_status}},"No Errors. Test Passed OK";
+  }
+  log_session_errors($env, $test_file);
+  if (!$exiting && ($signal_num == 2 || $signal_num == 15 || 
+      ($opt_abort_on_error && $env->{errors}->{S1} > 0)))
+  {
+    #mysqltest was interrupted with INT or TERM signals or test was 
+    #ran with --abort-on-error option and we got errors with severity S1
+    #so we assume that we should cancel testing and exit
+    $exiting=1;
+    print STDERR<<EOF;
+   mysqltest was interrupted with INT or TERM signals or test was 
+   ran with --abort-on-error option and we got errors with severity S1
+   (test cann't connect to the server or server crashed) so we assume that 
+   we should cancel testing and exit. Please check log file for this thread 
+   in $stress_log_file or 
+   inspect below output of the last test case executed with mysqltest to 
+   find out cause of error.
+   Output of mysqltest:
+   @stderr
+  }
+  if (-e $reject_filename)
+  {  
+    move_to_logs($env->{reject_logs}, $reject_filename, $reject_file);
+  }    
+  if (-e $output_filename)
+  {  
+    move_to_logs($env->{screen_logs}, $output_filename, $output_file);
+  }    
+sub test_loop
+  my %client_env=();
+  my $test_name="";
+  # KEY for session identification: IP-THREAD_ID
+  $client_env{ip} = shift;
+  $client_env{thread_id} = shift;
+  $client_env{mode} = shift;
+  $client_env{tests_file}=shift; 
+  $client_env{test_seq_idx}=0;
+  #Initialize session variables
+  test_init(\%client_env);
+  while(!$exiting)
+  {
+    if ($opt_check_tests_file)
+    {
+      #Check if tests_file was modified and reread it in this case
+      read_tests_names($client_env{tests_file}, 0);
+    }
+    {
+      lock($test_counters_lock);
+      if (($limits{loop_count} && $limits{loop_count} <= $test_counters{loop_count}*1) ||
+          ($limits{test_count} && $limits{test_count} <= $test_counters{test_count}*1) )
+      {
+        $exiting=1;
+        next LOOP;
+      }
+    }
+    #Get random file name 
+    if (($test_name = get_test(\%client_env)) ne '')
+    {
+      {
+        lock($test_counters_lock);
+        #Save current counters values 
+        $client_env{loop_count}=$test_counters{loop_count};
+        $client_env{test_count}=$test_counters{test_count};
+      }
+      #Run test and analyze results
+      test_execute(\%client_env, $test_name);
+      print "test_loop[".$limits{loop_count}.":".
+             $limits{test_count}." ".
+             $client_env{loop_count}.":".
+             $client_env{test_count}."]:".
+             " TID ".$client_env{thread_id}.
+             " test: '$test_name' ".
+             " Errors: ".join(" ",@{$client_env{test_status}}),"\n";
+      print "\n";
+    }
+    sleep($opt_sleep_time) if($opt_sleep_time);
+  }
+sub move_to_logs ($$$)
+  my $path_to_logs = shift;
+  my $src_file = shift;
+  my $random_filename = shift;
+  my $dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($path_to_logs, $random_filename);
+  move ($src_file, $dst_file) or warn<<EOF;
+ERROR: move_to_logs: File $src_file cannot be moved to $dst_file: $!
+sub copy_test_files ()
+  if (/\.test$/)
+  { 
+    $src_file = $File::Find::name;
+    #print "## $File::Find::topdir - $File::Find::dir - $src_file\n";
+    if ($File::Find::topdir eq $File::Find::dir && $src_file !~ /SCCS/)
+    {
+      $test_filename = basename($src_file);
+      $dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($test_t_path, $test_filename);
+      copy($src_file, $dst_file) or die "ERROR: copy_test_files: File cannot be copied. $!";
+    }
+  }
+sub copy_result_files ()
+  if (/\.result$/)
+  { 
+    $src_file = $File::Find::name;
+    if ($File::Find::topdir eq $File::Find::dir && $src_file !~ /SCCS/)
+    {
+      $result_filename = basename($src_file) ;
+      $dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($r_folder, $result_filename);
+      copy($src_file, $dst_file) or die "ERROR: copy_result_files: File cannot be copied. $!";
+    }
+  }
+sub get_timestamp
+  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst) = localtime();
+  return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+sub read_tests_names
+  my $tests_file = shift;
+  my $force_load = shift;
+  if ($force_load || ( (stat($tests_file->{filename}))[9] != $tests_file->{mtime}) )
+  {
+    open (TEST, $tests_file->{filename}) || die ("Could not open file <".
+                                                  $tests_file->{filename}."> $!");
+    @{$tests_file->{data}}= grep {!/^[#\r\n]|^$/} map { s/[\r\n]//g; $_ } <TEST>;
+    close (TEST); 
+    $tests_file->{mtime}=(stat(_))[9];
+  }
+sub get_random_test
+  my $envt=shift;
+  my $tests= $envt->{tests_file}->{data};
+  my $random = int(rand(@{$tests}));
+  my $test = $tests->[$random];
+  return $test;
+sub get_next_test
+  my $envt=shift;
+  my $test;
+  if (@{$envt->{tests_file}->{data}})
+  {
+    $test=${$envt->{tests_file}->{data}}[$envt->{test_seq_idx}];
+    $envt->{test_seq_idx}++;
+  }
+  #If we reach bound of array, reset seq index and increment loop counter
+  if ($envt->{test_seq_idx} == scalar(@{$envt->{tests_file}->{data}}))
+  {
+    $envt->{test_seq_idx}=0;
+    {
+      lock($test_counters_lock);
+      $test_counters{loop_count}++; 
+    }
+  }
+  return $test;  
+sub get_test
+   my $envt=shift;
+   {
+     lock($test_counters_lock);
+     $test_counters{test_count}++;
+   }
+   if ($envt->{mode} eq 'seq')
+   {
+     return get_next_test($envt);
+   }
+   elsif ($envt->{mode} eq 'random')
+   {
+     return get_random_test($envt);
+   }
+sub stress_log
+  my ($log_file, $line)=@_;
+  {
+    open(SLOG,">>$log_file") or warn "Error during opening log file $log_file";
+    print SLOG $line,"\n";
+    close(SLOG);
+  }
+sub log_session_errors
+  my ($env, $test_name) = @_;
+  my $line='';
+  {
+    lock ($log_file_lock);
+    #header in the begining of log file
+    if (!-e $stress_log_file)
+    {
+      stress_log($stress_log_file, 
+                   "TestID TID      Suite         TestFileName Found Errors");
+      stress_log($stress_log_file, 
+                   "=======================================================");    
+    }
+    $line=sprintf('%6d %3d %10s %20s %s', $env->{test_count}, threads->self->tid, 
+                                          $opt_suite, $test_name, 
+                                          join(",", @{$env->{test_status}}));
+    stress_log($stress_log_file, $line);
+    #stress_log_with_lock($stress_log_file, "\n");
+    if ($opt_log_error_details)
+    {
+      foreach $severity (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$env->{errors}})
+      {
+        stress_log($stress_log_file, "");
+        foreach $error (keys %{$env->{errors}->{$severity}})
+        {
+          if ($error ne 'total')
+          {
+            stress_log($stress_log_file, "$severity: Count:".
+                      $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$error}->[0].
+                      " Error:". $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$error}->[1]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+sub sig_INT_handler
+  $SIG{INT}= \&sig_INT_handler;
+  $exiting=1;
+  print STDERR "$$: Got INT signal-------------------------------------------\n";
+sub sig_TERM_handler
+  $SIG{TERM}= \&sig_TERM_handler;
+  $exiting=1;
+  print STDERR "$$: Got TERM signal\n";
+sub usage
+  print <<EOF;
+The MySQL Stress suite Ver $stress_suite_version
+mysql-stress-test.pl --stress-basedir=<dir> --stress-suite-basedir=<dir> --server-logs-dir=<dir>
+  Directory where all clients session logs will be stored. Usually 
+  this is shared directory associated with server that used 
+  in testing
+  Required option.
+  Directory that has r/ t/ subfolders with test/result files
+  which will be used for testing. Also by default we are looking 
+  in this directory for 'stress-tests.txt' file which contains 
+  list of tests.  It is possible to specify other location of this 
+  file with --stress-tests-file option.
+  Required option.
+  Working directory for this test run. This directory will be used 
+  as temporary location for results tracking during testing
+  Required option.
+  Location of data files used which will be used in testing.
+  By default we search for these files in <dir>/data where dir 
+  is value of --stress-suite-basedir option.
+--stress-init-file[=/path/to/file with tests for initialization of stress db]
+  Using of this option allows to perform initialization of database
+  by execution of test files. List of tests will be taken either from 
+  specified file or if it omited from default file 'stress-init.txt'
+  located in <--stress-suite-basedir/--suite> dir
+--stress-tests-file[=/path/to/file with tests] 
+  Using of this option allows to run stress test itself. Tests for testing 
+  will be taken either from specified file or if it omited from default 
+  file 'stress-tests.txt' located in <--stress-suite-basedir/--suite> dir
+--stress-mode= [random|seq]
+  There are two possible modes which affect order of selecting tests
+  from the list:
+    - in random mode tests will be selected in random order
+    - in seq mode each thread will execute tests in the loop one by one as 
+      they specified in the list file. 
+--sleep-time=<time in seconds>
+  Delay between test execution. Could be usefull in continued testsing 
+  when one of instance of stress script perform periodical cleanup or
+  recreating of some database objects
+--threads=#number of threads
+  Define number of threads
+  Check file with list of tests. If file was modified it will force to
+  reread list of tests. Could be usefull in continued testing for
+  adding/removing tests without script interruption 
+--mysqltest=/path/to/mysqltest binary
+  Force to clean up working directory (specified with --stress-basedir)
+  Enable errors details in the global error log file. (Default: off)
+--test-count=<number of executed tests before we have to exit>
+--loop-count=<number of executed loops in sequential mode before we have to exit>
+--test-duration=<number of seconds that stress test should run>
+Example of tool usage:
+perl mysql-stress-test.pl \
+--stress-suite-basedir=/opt/qa/mysql-test-extra-5.0/mysql-test \
+--stress-basedir=/opt/qa/test \
+--server-logs-dir=/opt/qa/logs \
+--test-count=20  \
+--stress-tests-file=innodb-tests.txt \
+--stress-init-file=innodb-init.txt \
+--threads=5 \
+--suite=funcs_1  \
+--mysqltest=/opt/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/mysqltest \
+--server-user=root \
+--server-database=test \
+--cleanup \
diff --git a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
index bd0851fa8b98e514c6b13ad4ebe42fed17b7b8bd..a4f8f2ac1f99e4163a8c86a309b89c26d41a8995 100644
--- a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
+++ b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
@@ -256,6 +256,17 @@ NDB_MGM_EXTRA_OPTS=
 while test $# -gt 0; do
   case "$1" in
@@ -344,6 +355,35 @@ while test $# -gt 0; do
+    --stress)
+      DO_STRESS=1
+      NO_SLAVE=1
+      SKIP_SLAVE=1
+      ;;
+    --stress-suite=*)
+      STRESS_SUITE=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-suite=;;"`
+      ;;
+    --stress-threads=*)
+      STRESS_THREADS=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-threads=;;"`
+      ;;
+    --stress-test-file=*)
+      STRESS_TEST_FILE=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-test-file=;;"`
+      ;;
+    --stress-init-file=*)
+      STRESS_INIT_FILE=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-init-file=;;"`
+      ;; 
+    --stress-mode=*)
+      STRESS_MODE=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-mode=;;"`
+      ;;
+    --stress-loop-count=*)
+      STRESS_LOOP_COUNT=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-loop-count=;;"`
+      ;;
+    --stress-test-count=*)
+      STRESS_TEST_COUNT=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-test-count=;;"`
+      ;;      
+    --stress-test-duration=*)
+      STRESS_TEST_DURATION=`$ECHO "$1" | $SED -e "s;--stress-test-duration=;;"`
+      ;;
     --big*)			# Actually --big-test
@@ -700,7 +740,7 @@ fi
 # If we should run all tests cases, we will use a local server for that
-if [ -z "$1" ]
+if [ -z "$1" -a -z "$DO_STRESS" ]
@@ -1189,7 +1229,7 @@ start_master()
-  if [ -z "$DO_BENCH" ]
+  if [ -z "$DO_BENCH" -a -z "$DO_STRESS"  ]
     master_args="--no-defaults --log-bin=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/log/master-bin$1 \
   	    --server-id=$id  \
@@ -1626,7 +1666,7 @@ run_testcase ()
      stop_master 1
      report_current_test $tname
-     if [ -n "$USE_NDBCLUSTER" -a -z "$DO_BENCH" ] ; then
+     if [ -n "$USE_NDBCLUSTER" -a -z "$DO_BENCH" -a -z "$DO_STRESS" ] ; then
        start_master 1
      TZ=$MY_TZ; export TZ
@@ -1642,7 +1682,7 @@ run_testcase ()
        stop_master 1
        report_current_test $tname
-       if [ -n "$USE_NDBCLUSTER"  -a -z "$DO_BENCH" ] ; then
+       if [ -n "$USE_NDBCLUSTER"  -a -z "$DO_BENCH" -a -z "$DO_STRESS" ] ; then
          start_master 1
@@ -1763,6 +1803,125 @@ run_testcase ()
+  #Clean-up old stress test basedir
+  if [ -d $STRESS_BASEDIR ] ; then 
+  fi
+  #Create stress test basedir 
+  if [ "$STRESS_SUITE" != "main" -a "$STRESS_SUITE" != "default" ] ; then
+  else
+  fi
+  if [ -d "$STRESS_SUITE_DIR" ] ; then 
+    #FIXME: check that dirs above are exist
+  else
+    echo "Directory $STRESS_SUITE_DIR with test suite doesn't exists. Abort stress testing"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_TEST" ] ; then 
+    STRESS_TEST_FILE="$STRESS_BASEDIR/stress_tests.txt"
+  elif [ -n "$STRESS_TEST_FILE" ] ; then    
+    if [ ! -f  "$STRESS_TEST_FILE" ] ; then 
+      echo "Specified file $STRESS_TEST_FILE with list of tests does not exist"
+      echo "Please ensure that file exists and has proper permissions"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  else 
+    STRESS_TEST_FILE="$STRESS_SUITE_DIR/stress_tests.txt"
+    if [ ! -f  "$STRESS_TEST_FILE" ] ; then 
+      echo "Default file $STRESS_TEST_FILE with list of tests does not exist."
+      echo "Please use --stress-test-file option to specify custom one or you can" 
+      echo "just specify name of test for testing as last argument in command line"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_INIT_FILE" ] ; then 
+    if [ ! -f  "$STRESS_INIT_FILE" ] ; then 
+      echo "Specified file $STRESS_INIT_FILE with list of tests doesn't exist."
+      echo "Please ensure that file exists and has proper permissions"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  else
+    STRESS_INIT_FILE="$STRESS_SUITE_DIR/stress_init.txt"
+    #Check for default init file
+    if [ ! -f "$STRESS_INIT_FILE" ] ; then 
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$STRESS_MODE" != "random" -a "$STRESS_MODE" != "seq" ] ; then
+    echo "You specified wrong mode '$STRESS_MODE' for stress test."
+    echo "Correct values are 'random' or 'seq'"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  STRESS_TEST_ARGS="--server-socket=$MASTER_MYSOCK \
+                    --server-user=$DBUSER \
+                    --server-database=$DB \
+                    --stress-suite-basedir=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR \
+                    --suite=$STRESS_SUITE \
+                    --stress-tests-file=$STRESS_TEST_FILE \
+                    --stress-basedir=$STRESS_BASEDIR \
+                    --server-logs-dir=$STRESS_BASEDIR \
+                    --stress-mode=$STRESS_MODE \
+                    --mysqltest=$BASEDIR/client/mysqltest \
+                    --threads=$STRESS_THREADS \
+                    --verbose \
+                    --cleanup \
+                    --log-error-details \
+                    --abort-on-error" 
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_INIT_FILE" ] ; then 
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_LOOP_COUNT" ] ; then 
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_TEST_COUNT" ] ; then 
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$STRESS_TEST_DURATION" ] ; then 
+  fi  
+  echo "Stress test related variables:"
+  echo "TESTS                - $1"
+  echo "STRESS               - $DO_STRESS"
+  echo "STRESS_SUITE         - $STRESS_SUITE"
+  echo "STRESS_MODE          - $STRESS_MODE"
+  #echo "$STRESS_TEST_ARGS";
+  #Run stress test 
+  $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/mysql-stress-test.pl $STRESS_TEST_ARGS
 # Main script starts here
@@ -1877,6 +2036,32 @@ then
+# Stress testing
+if [ "$DO_STRESS" = 1 ] 
+  if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
+    STRESS_TEST="$1";
+  fi                      
+  if [ $USE_RUNNING_SERVER -eq 0 ] ; then 
+    start_master
+  fi
+  run_stress_test
+  if [ $USE_RUNNING_SERVER -eq 0 ] ; then
+    mysql_stop
+    stop_manager
+  fi
+  exit
 if [ x$USE_TIMER = x1 ] ; then
 $ECHO "TEST                            RESULT        TIME (ms)"