# Tokutek
# Plugin synchronization tests 

# get another connection
#connection default;

# try to use the information schema while the plugin is installed,
# then while it is uninstalled
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data;
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data_exact;
uninstall plugin tokudb;
--error 1524
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data;
--error 1524
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data_exact;
install plugin tokudb soname 'ha_tokudb.so';
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data;
select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data_exact;

# make a table
#drop table if exists t;
#set global storage_engine='tokudb';
#create table t (a int primary key, b int, c int, d int, e int);

# insert a bunch of stuff into the table.
#let $i = 5000;
#while ($i) {
#    eval insert t values($i, $i, $i, $i, $i);
#    dec $i;

# try a tokudb_user_data_exact query
#connection default;
#send select * from information_schema.tokudb_user_data_exact;
# have the second connection uninstall the plugin while
# the query is processing
#connection conn1;
#uninstall plugin tokudb;
# reap the select query done before
#connection default;

# clean up, this drop should finalize the uninstall
#connection conn1;
#drop table t;
#--sleep 2
#create table h (a int) engine = tokudb;
#drop table h;
#connection default;
# install plugin tokudb soname 'ha_tokudb.so';