/* * Automatically generated by jrpcgen 0.95.1 on 2/13/02 1:05 PM * jrpcgen is part of the "Remote Tea" ONC/RPC package for Java * See http://acplt.org/ks/remotetea.html for details */ package com.sleepycat.db.rpcserver; import org.acplt.oncrpc.*; import java.io.IOException; public class __db_open_msg implements XdrAble { public int dbpcl_id; public int txnpcl_id; public String name; public String subdb; public int type; public int flags; public int mode; public __db_open_msg() { } public __db_open_msg(XdrDecodingStream xdr) throws OncRpcException, IOException { xdrDecode(xdr); } public void xdrEncode(XdrEncodingStream xdr) throws OncRpcException, IOException { xdr.xdrEncodeInt(dbpcl_id); xdr.xdrEncodeInt(txnpcl_id); xdr.xdrEncodeString(name); xdr.xdrEncodeString(subdb); xdr.xdrEncodeInt(type); xdr.xdrEncodeInt(flags); xdr.xdrEncodeInt(mode); } public void xdrDecode(XdrDecodingStream xdr) throws OncRpcException, IOException { dbpcl_id = xdr.xdrDecodeInt(); txnpcl_id = xdr.xdrDecodeInt(); name = xdr.xdrDecodeString(); subdb = xdr.xdrDecodeString(); type = xdr.xdrDecodeInt(); flags = xdr.xdrDecodeInt(); mode = xdr.xdrDecodeInt(); } } // End of __db_open_msg.java