/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef DICT_TAB_INFO_HPP #define DICT_TAB_INFO_HPP #include "SignalData.hpp" #include <AttributeDescriptor.hpp> #include <SimpleProperties.hpp> #include <ndb_limits.h> #include <NdbSqlUtil.hpp> #include <ndb_global.h> #ifndef my_decimal_h // sql/my_decimal.h requires many more sql/*.h new to ndb // for now, copy the bit we need TODO proper fix #define DECIMAL_MAX_LENGTH ((8 * 9) - 8) #ifndef NOT_FIXED_DEC #define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31 #endif C_MODE_START extern int decimal_bin_size(int, int); C_MODE_END inline int my_decimal_get_binary_size(uint precision, uint scale) { return decimal_bin_size((int)precision, (int)scale); } #endif #define DTIMAP(x, y, z) \ { DictTabInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::Uint32Value, 0, (~0), 0 } #define DTIMAP2(x, y, z, u, v) \ { DictTabInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::Uint32Value, u, v, 0 } #define DTIMAPS(x, y, z, u, v) \ { DictTabInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::StringValue, u, v, 0 } #define DTIMAPB(x, y, z, u, v, l) \ { DictTabInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::BinaryValue, u, v, \ offsetof(x, l) } #define DTIBREAK(x) \ { DictTabInfo::x, 0, SimpleProperties::InvalidValue, 0, 0, 0 } class DictTabInfo { /** * Sender(s) / Reciver(s) */ // Blocks friend class Backup; friend class Dbdict; friend class Ndbcntr; friend class Trix; friend class DbUtil; // API friend class NdbSchemaOp; /** * For printing */ friend bool printDICTTABINFO(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo); public: enum RequestType { CreateTableFromAPI = 1, AddTableFromDict = 2, // Between DICT's CopyTable = 3, // Between DICT's ReadTableFromDiskSR = 4, // Local in DICT GetTabInfoConf = 5, AlterTableFromAPI = 6 }; enum KeyValues { TableName = 1, // String, Mandatory TableId = 2, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed TableVersion = 3, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed TableLoggedFlag = 4, //Default Logged NoOfKeyAttr = 5, //Default 1 NoOfAttributes = 6, //Mandatory NoOfNullable = 7, //Deafult 0 NoOfVariable = 8, //Default 0 TableKValue = 9, //Default 6 MinLoadFactor = 10, //Default 70 MaxLoadFactor = 11, //Default 80 KeyLength = 12, //Default 1 (No of words in primary key) FragmentTypeVal = 13, //Default AllNodesSmallTable TableTypeVal = 18, //Default TableType::UserTable PrimaryTable = 19, //Mandatory for index otherwise RNIL PrimaryTableId = 20, //ditto IndexState = 21, InsertTriggerId = 22, UpdateTriggerId = 23, DeleteTriggerId = 24, CustomTriggerId = 25, FrmLen = 26, FrmData = 27, FragmentCount = 128, // No of fragments in table (!fragment replicas) FragmentDataLen = 129, FragmentData = 130, // CREATE_FRAGMENTATION reply TablespaceId = 131, TablespaceVersion = 132, TablespaceDataLen = 133, TablespaceData = 134, RangeListDataLen = 135, RangeListData = 136, ReplicaDataLen = 137, ReplicaData = 138, MaxRowsLow = 139, MaxRowsHigh = 140, DefaultNoPartFlag = 141, RowGCIFlag = 150, RowChecksumFlag = 151, TableEnd = 999, AttributeName = 1000, // String, Mandatory AttributeId = 1001, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed AttributeType = 1002, //for osu 4.1->5.0.x AttributeSize = 1003, //Default DictTabInfo::a32Bit AttributeArraySize = 1005, //Default 1 AttributeKeyFlag = 1006, //Default noKey AttributeStorageType = 1007, //Default NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY AttributeNullableFlag = 1008, //Default NotNullable AttributeDKey = 1010, //Default NotDKey AttributeExtType = 1013, //Default ExtUnsigned AttributeExtPrecision = 1014, //Default 0 AttributeExtScale = 1015, //Default 0 AttributeExtLength = 1016, //Default 0 AttributeAutoIncrement = 1017, //Default false AttributeDefaultValue = 1018, //Default value (printable string), AttributeArrayType = 1019, //Default NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED AttributeEnd = 1999 // }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Part of the protocol is that we only transfer parameters which do not // have a default value. Thus the default values are part of the protocol. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // FragmentType constants enum FragmentType { AllNodesSmallTable = 0, AllNodesMediumTable = 1, AllNodesLargeTable = 2, SingleFragment = 3, DistrKeyHash = 4, DistrKeyLin = 5, UserDefined = 6, DistrKeyUniqueHashIndex = 7, DistrKeyOrderedIndex = 8 }; // TableType constants + objects enum TableType { UndefTableType = 0, SystemTable = 1, UserTable = 2, UniqueHashIndex = 3, HashIndex = 4, UniqueOrderedIndex = 5, OrderedIndex = 6, // constant 10 hardcoded in Dbdict.cpp HashIndexTrigger = 11, SubscriptionTrigger = 16, ReadOnlyConstraint = 17, IndexTrigger = 18, Tablespace = 20, ///< Tablespace LogfileGroup = 21, ///< Logfile group Datafile = 22, ///< Datafile Undofile = 23 ///< Undofile }; static inline bool isTable(int tableType) { return tableType == SystemTable || tableType == UserTable; } static inline bool isIndex(int tableType) { return tableType == UniqueHashIndex || tableType == HashIndex || tableType == UniqueOrderedIndex || tableType == OrderedIndex; } static inline bool isUniqueIndex(int tableType) { return tableType == UniqueHashIndex || tableType == UniqueOrderedIndex; } static inline bool isNonUniqueIndex(int tableType) { return tableType == HashIndex || tableType == OrderedIndex; } static inline bool isHashIndex(int tableType) { return tableType == UniqueHashIndex || tableType == HashIndex; } static inline bool isOrderedIndex(int tableType) { return tableType == UniqueOrderedIndex || tableType == OrderedIndex; } static inline bool isTrigger(int tableType) { return tableType == HashIndexTrigger || tableType == SubscriptionTrigger || tableType == ReadOnlyConstraint || tableType == IndexTrigger; } static inline bool isFilegroup(int tableType) { return tableType == Tablespace || tableType == LogfileGroup; } static inline bool isFile(int tableType) { return tableType == Datafile|| tableType == Undofile; } // Object state for translating from/to API enum ObjectState { StateUndefined = 0, StateOffline = 1, StateBuilding = 2, StateDropping = 3, StateOnline = 4, StateBackup = 5, StateBroken = 9 }; // Object store for translating from/to API enum ObjectStore { StoreUndefined = 0, StoreTemporary = 1, StorePermanent = 2 }; // AttributeSize constants STATIC_CONST( aBit = 0 ); STATIC_CONST( an8Bit = 3 ); STATIC_CONST( a16Bit = 4 ); STATIC_CONST( a32Bit = 5 ); STATIC_CONST( a64Bit = 6 ); STATIC_CONST( a128Bit = 7 ); // Table data interpretation struct Table { char TableName[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; Uint32 TableId; char PrimaryTable[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; // Only used when "index" Uint32 PrimaryTableId; Uint32 TableLoggedFlag; Uint32 NoOfKeyAttr; Uint32 NoOfAttributes; Uint32 NoOfNullable; Uint32 NoOfVariable; Uint32 TableKValue; Uint32 MinLoadFactor; Uint32 MaxLoadFactor; Uint32 KeyLength; Uint32 FragmentType; Uint32 TableType; Uint32 TableVersion; Uint32 IndexState; Uint32 InsertTriggerId; Uint32 UpdateTriggerId; Uint32 DeleteTriggerId; Uint32 CustomTriggerId; Uint32 TablespaceId; Uint32 TablespaceVersion; Uint32 MaxRowsLow; Uint32 MaxRowsHigh; Uint32 DefaultNoPartFlag; /* TODO RONM: We need to replace FRM, Fragment Data, Tablespace Data and in very particular RangeListData with dynamic arrays */ Uint32 FrmLen; char FrmData[MAX_FRM_DATA_SIZE]; Uint32 FragmentCount; Uint32 ReplicaDataLen; Uint16 ReplicaData[MAX_FRAGMENT_DATA_BYTES]; Uint32 FragmentDataLen; Uint16 FragmentData[3*MAX_NDB_PARTITIONS]; Uint32 TablespaceDataLen; Uint32 TablespaceData[2*MAX_NDB_PARTITIONS]; Uint32 RangeListDataLen; char RangeListData[4*2*MAX_NDB_PARTITIONS*2]; Uint32 RowGCIFlag; Uint32 RowChecksumFlag; void init(); }; static const SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping TableMapping[]; static const Uint32 TableMappingSize; // AttributeExtType values enum ExtType { ExtUndefined = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Undefined, ExtTinyint = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Tinyint, ExtTinyunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Tinyunsigned, ExtSmallint = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Smallint, ExtSmallunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Smallunsigned, ExtMediumint = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Mediumint, ExtMediumunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Mediumunsigned, ExtInt = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Int, ExtUnsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Unsigned, ExtBigint = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Bigint, ExtBigunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Bigunsigned, ExtFloat = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Float, ExtDouble = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Double, ExtOlddecimal = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Olddecimal, ExtOlddecimalunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Olddecimalunsigned, ExtDecimal = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Decimal, ExtDecimalunsigned = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Decimalunsigned, ExtChar = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Char, ExtVarchar = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Varchar, ExtBinary = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Binary, ExtVarbinary = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Varbinary, ExtDatetime = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Datetime, ExtDate = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Date, ExtBlob = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Blob, ExtText = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Text, ExtBit = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Bit, ExtLongvarchar = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Longvarchar, ExtLongvarbinary = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Longvarbinary, ExtTime = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Time, ExtYear = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Year, ExtTimestamp = NdbSqlUtil::Type::Timestamp }; // Attribute data interpretation struct Attribute { char AttributeName[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; Uint32 AttributeId; Uint32 AttributeType; // for osu 4.1->5.0.x Uint32 AttributeSize; Uint32 AttributeArraySize; Uint32 AttributeArrayType; Uint32 AttributeKeyFlag; Uint32 AttributeNullableFlag; Uint32 AttributeDKey; Uint32 AttributeExtType; Uint32 AttributeExtPrecision; Uint32 AttributeExtScale; Uint32 AttributeExtLength; Uint32 AttributeAutoIncrement; Uint32 AttributeStorageType; char AttributeDefaultValue[MAX_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE_SIZE]; void init(); inline Uint32 sizeInWords() { return ((1 << AttributeSize) * AttributeArraySize + 31) >> 5; } // compute old-sty|e attribute size and array size inline bool translateExtType() { switch (AttributeExtType) { case DictTabInfo::ExtUndefined: return false; case DictTabInfo::ExtTinyint: case DictTabInfo::ExtTinyunsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtSmallint: case DictTabInfo::ExtSmallunsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a16Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtMediumint: case DictTabInfo::ExtMediumunsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 3 * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtInt: case DictTabInfo::ExtUnsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a32Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtBigint: case DictTabInfo::ExtBigunsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a64Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtFloat: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a32Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtDouble: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a64Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtOlddecimal: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = (1 + AttributeExtPrecision + (int(AttributeExtScale) > 0)) * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtOlddecimalunsigned: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = (0 + AttributeExtPrecision + (int(AttributeExtScale) > 0)) * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtDecimal: case DictTabInfo::ExtDecimalunsigned: { // copy from Field_new_decimal ctor uint precision = AttributeExtPrecision; uint scale = AttributeExtScale; if (precision > DECIMAL_MAX_LENGTH || scale >= NOT_FIXED_DEC) precision = DECIMAL_MAX_LENGTH; uint bin_size = my_decimal_get_binary_size(precision, scale); AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = bin_size * AttributeExtLength; } break; case DictTabInfo::ExtChar: case DictTabInfo::ExtBinary: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtVarchar: case DictTabInfo::ExtVarbinary: if (AttributeExtLength > 0xff) return false; AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength + 1; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtDatetime: // to fix AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 8 * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtDate: // to fix AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 3 * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtBlob: case DictTabInfo::ExtText: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; // head + inline part (length in precision lower half) AttributeArraySize = (NDB_BLOB_HEAD_SIZE << 2) + (AttributeExtPrecision & 0xFFFF); break; case DictTabInfo::ExtBit: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::aBit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtLongvarchar: case DictTabInfo::ExtLongvarbinary: if (AttributeExtLength > 0xffff) return false; AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = AttributeExtLength + 2; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtTime: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 3 * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtYear: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 1 * AttributeExtLength; break; case DictTabInfo::ExtTimestamp: AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::an8Bit; AttributeArraySize = 4 * AttributeExtLength; break; default: return false; }; return true; } inline void print(FILE *out) { fprintf(out, "AttributeId = %d\n", AttributeId); fprintf(out, "AttributeType = %d\n", AttributeType); fprintf(out, "AttributeSize = %d\n", AttributeSize); fprintf(out, "AttributeArraySize = %d\n", AttributeArraySize); fprintf(out, "AttributeArrayType = %d\n", AttributeArrayType); fprintf(out, "AttributeKeyFlag = %d\n", AttributeKeyFlag); fprintf(out, "AttributeStorageType = %d\n", AttributeStorageType); fprintf(out, "AttributeNullableFlag = %d\n", AttributeNullableFlag); fprintf(out, "AttributeDKey = %d\n", AttributeDKey); fprintf(out, "AttributeGroup = %d\n", AttributeGroup); fprintf(out, "AttributeAutoIncrement = %d\n", AttributeAutoIncrement); fprintf(out, "AttributeExtType = %d\n", AttributeExtType); fprintf(out, "AttributeExtPrecision = %d\n", AttributeExtPrecision); fprintf(out, "AttributeExtScale = %d\n", AttributeExtScale); fprintf(out, "AttributeExtLength = %d\n", AttributeExtLength); fprintf(out, "AttributeDefaultValue = \"%s\"\n", AttributeDefaultValue ? AttributeDefaultValue : ""); } }; static const SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping AttributeMapping[]; static const Uint32 AttributeMappingSize; // Signal constants STATIC_CONST( DataLength = 20 ); STATIC_CONST( HeaderLength = 5 ); private: Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 requestType; Uint32 totalLen; Uint32 offset; /** * Length of this data = signal->length() - HeaderLength * Sender block ref = signal->senderBlockRef() */ Uint32 tabInfoData[DataLength]; public: enum Depricated { AttributeDGroup = 1009, //Default NotDGroup AttributeStoredInd = 1011, //Default NotStored TableStorageVal = 14, //Disk storage specified per attribute SecondTableId = 17, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed FragmentKeyTypeVal = 16 //Default PrimaryKey }; enum Unimplemented { ScanOptimised = 15, //Default updateOptimised AttributeGroup = 1012 //Default 0 }; }; #define DFGIMAP(x, y, z) \ { DictFilegroupInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::Uint32Value, 0, (~0), 0 } #define DFGIMAP2(x, y, z, u, v) \ { DictFilegroupInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::Uint32Value, u, v, 0 } #define DFGIMAPS(x, y, z, u, v) \ { DictFilegroupInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::StringValue, u, v, 0 } #define DFGIMAPB(x, y, z, u, v, l) \ { DictFilegroupInfo::y, offsetof(x, z), SimpleProperties::BinaryValue, u, v, \ offsetof(x, l) } #define DFGIBREAK(x) \ { DictFilegroupInfo::x, 0, SimpleProperties::InvalidValue, 0, 0, 0 } struct DictFilegroupInfo { enum KeyValues { FilegroupName = 1, FilegroupType = 2, FilegroupId = 3, FilegroupVersion = 4, /** * File parameters */ FileName = 100, FileType = 101, FileId = 102, FileNo = 103, // Per Filegroup FileFGroupId = 104, FileFGroupVersion = 105, FileSizeHi = 106, FileSizeLo = 107, FileFreeExtents = 108, FileEnd = 199, // /** * Tablespace parameters */ TS_ExtentSize = 1000, // specified in bytes TS_LogfileGroupId = 1001, TS_LogfileGroupVersion = 1002, TS_GrowLimit = 1003, // In bytes TS_GrowSizeHi = 1004, TS_GrowSizeLo = 1005, TS_GrowPattern = 1006, TS_GrowMaxSize = 1007, /** * Logfile group parameters */ LF_UndoBufferSize = 2005, // In bytes LF_UndoGrowLimit = 2000, // In bytes LF_UndoGrowSizeHi = 2001, LF_UndoGrowSizeLo = 2002, LF_UndoGrowPattern = 2003, LF_UndoGrowMaxSize = 2004, LF_UndoFreeWordsHi = 2006, LF_UndoFreeWordsLo = 2007 }; // FragmentType constants enum FileTypeValues { Datafile = 0, Undofile = 1 //, Redofile }; struct GrowSpec { Uint32 GrowLimit; Uint32 GrowSizeHi; Uint32 GrowSizeLo; char GrowPattern[PATH_MAX]; Uint32 GrowMaxSize; }; // Table data interpretation struct Filegroup { char FilegroupName[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; Uint32 FilegroupType; // ObjType Uint32 FilegroupId; Uint32 FilegroupVersion; union { Uint32 TS_ExtentSize; Uint32 LF_UndoBufferSize; }; Uint32 TS_LogfileGroupId; Uint32 TS_LogfileGroupVersion; union { GrowSpec TS_DataGrow; GrowSpec LF_UndoGrow; }; //GrowSpec LF_RedoGrow; Uint32 LF_UndoFreeWordsHi; Uint32 LF_UndoFreeWordsLo; void init(); }; static const Uint32 MappingSize; static const SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping Mapping[]; struct File { char FileName[PATH_MAX]; Uint32 FileType; Uint32 FileNo; Uint32 FileId; Uint32 FilegroupId; Uint32 FilegroupVersion; Uint32 FileSizeHi; Uint32 FileSizeLo; Uint32 FileFreeExtents; void init(); }; static const Uint32 FileMappingSize; static const SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping FileMapping[]; }; #endif