// set to 1 to enable debug code
debug_build = 0

// set to zlib relative directory name
zlib_dir = '../../zlib-1.1.4'

// common options
option BaseOptions =      link(defaultlibsname, "tcpip32.lib")
                        , link(libsearchpath, "..\\lib\\")
                        , link(libsearchpath, "..\\bin\\")
                        , link(pmtype, vio)
                        , link(padding, no)
                        , link(linkwithmultithreadlib, "yes")
                        , link(linkwithsharedlib, "no")
                        , link(stack, 131072, 131072)
                        , gen(initauto, "yes")
                        , define("__MT__", )
                        , define("HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS", )
                        , define("INCL_DOS", )
                        , define("INCL_DOSERRORS", )
                        , define("INCL_LONGLONG", )
                        , define("OS2", )
                        , define("USE_TLS", )
                        , lang(signedchars, yes)
                        , incl(searchpath, "..")
                        , incl(searchpath, "include")
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\include")
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\my_sys")
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\regex")
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\sql")
                        , incl(searchpath, zlib_dir)
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\..\\ufc")
                        , incl(searchpath, "..\\os2")

option ReleaseOptions =   link(debug, "no")
                        , define("DBUG_OFF", )
                        , gen(arch, "pentium")
                        , opt(tune, "pentium2")
                        , opt(level, "0")
                        , opt(stackchaining, no)
                        , opt(size, yes)
                        , opt(autoinline, InlineCode)
                        , opt(inline, InlineCode)
                        , opt(schedule, no)

option DebugOptions =     link(debug, "yes")
                        , gen(debug, "yes")
                        , define("DBUG_ON", )

if debug_build {

option MySQLOptions =   BaseOptions, DebugOptions

} else {

option MySQLOptions =   BaseOptions, ReleaseOptions
