 *									      *
 *				   N O T I C E				      *
 *									      *
 *		      Copyright Abandoned, 1987, Fred Fish		      *
 *									      *
 *									      *
 *	This previously copyrighted work has been placed into the  public     *
 *	domain	by  the  author  and  may be freely used for any purpose,     *
 *	private or commercial.						      *
 *									      *
 *	Because of the number of inquiries I was receiving about the  use     *
 *	of this product in commercially developed works I have decided to     *
 *	simply make it public domain to further its unrestricted use.	I     *
 *	specifically  would  be  most happy to see this material become a     *
 *	part of the standard Unix distributions by AT&T and the  Berkeley     *
 *	Computer  Science  Research Group, and a standard part of the GNU     *
 *	system from the Free Software Foundation.			      *
 *									      *
 *	I would appreciate it, as a courtesy, if this notice is  left  in     *
 *	all copies and derivative works.  Thank you.			      *
 *									      *
 *	The author makes no warranty of any kind  with	respect  to  this     *
 *	product  and  explicitly disclaims any implied warranties of mer-     *
 *	chantability or fitness for any particular purpose.		      *
 *									      *