# test verifies that REVOKE must not be replicated when 
# slave server starts with --replicate-wild-ignore-table=mysql.% 
# the option is set in rpl_ignore_revoke-slave.opt
# The first part of BUG#9483 for GRANT is checked by
# existed specific rpl_ignore_grant test case (BUG#980)

source include/master-slave.inc;

###  CLEAN-UP: create an account and manually duplicate it on the slave

connection master;
grant select on *.* to 'user_foo'@'%' identified by 'user_foopass';
revoke select on *.* from 'user_foo'@'%';
select select_priv from mysql.user where user='user_foo' /* master:must be N */;

#connection slave;
grant select on *.* to 'user_foo'@'%' identified by 'user_foopass';
revoke select on *.* from 'user_foo'@'%';
select select_priv from mysql.user where user='user_foo' /* slave:must be N */;

### TEST

#connection slave;
grant select on *.* to 'user_foo'@'%' identified by 'user_foopass';
select select_priv from mysql.user where user='user_foo' /* slave:must be Y */;

connection master;
revoke select on *.* from 'user_foo';
select select_priv from mysql.user where user='user_foo' /* master:must be N */;

#connection slave;
select select_priv from mysql.user where user='user_foo' /* slave:must get Y */;


connection slave;
revoke select on *.* FROM 'user_foo';

connection master;
delete from mysql.user where user="user_foo";

# Since changes to mysql.* are ignored, the revoke need to
# be done on slave as well
delete from mysql.user where user="user_foo";