# ============================================================================
# Test of mysqltest itself
# There are three rules that determines what belong to each command
# 1. A normal command is delimited by the <delimiter> which by default is
#    set to ';'
#   ex: | select *
#       |   from t1;
#       |
#   Command: "select * from t1"
# 2. Special case is a line that starts with "--", this is a comment
#    ended when the new line character is reached. But the first word
#    in the comment may contain a valid command, which then will be
#    executed. This can be useful when sending commands that
#    contains <delimiter>
# 3. Special case is also a line that starts with '#' which is treated
#     as a comment and will be ended by new line character
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $mysql_errno contains the return code of the last command
# send to the server.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get $mysql_errno before the first statement
#     $mysql_errno should be -1
eval select $mysql_errno as "before_use_test" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Positive case(statement)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
# expectation = response
--error 0
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# expectation <> response
-- // --error 1054
-- // select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Negative case(statement):
# The dervied table t1 does not contain a column named 'friedrich' . 
# --> ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list and
# --> 1054: Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# expectation <> response
#--error 0
#select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1
--error 1
--exec echo "select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# expectation = response
--error 1054
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# The following unmasked unsuccessful statement must give
# 1. mysqltest gives a 'failed'
# 2. does not produce a r/<test case>.reject file !!!
# PLEASE uncomment it and check it's effect
#select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests for the new feature - SQLSTATE error code matching
# Positive case(statement)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This syntax not allowed anymore, use --error S00000, see below
# expectation = response
#!S00000 select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

--error S00000
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# expectation <> response
#!S42S22 select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
#--error S42S22
#select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
--error 1
--exec echo "error S42S22; select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Negative case(statement)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This syntax not allowed anymore, use --error S42S22, see below
# expectation = response
#!S42S22 select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
--error S42S22
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;

# expectation !=response
#!S00000 select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
#--error S00000
#select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
--error 1
--exec echo "error S00000; select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test cases for $mysql_errno
# $mysql_errno is a builtin variable of mysqltest and contains the return code
# of the last command send to the server.
#      The following test cases often initialize $mysql_errno to 1064 by 
#      a command with wrong syntax.
#      Example: --error 1064      To prevent the abort after the error.
#               garbage ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check mysql_errno = 0 after successful statement
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_successful_stmt_errno" ;

# check mysql_errno = 1064 after statement with wrong syntax
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_wrong_syntax_errno" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if let $my_var= 'abc' ; affects $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
let $my_var= 'abc' ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_let_var_equal_value" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if set @my_var= 'abc' ; affects $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
set @my_var= 'abc' ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_set_var_equal_value" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  check if the setting of --disable-warnings itself affects $mysql_errno
#  (May be --<whatever> modifies $mysql_errno.)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_disable_warnings_command" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if --disable-warnings + command with warning affects the errno
# stored within $mysql_errno
# (May be disabled warnings affect $mysql_errno.)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
drop table if exists t1 ;
--error 1064
garbage ;
drop table if exists t1 ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_disable_warnings" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if masked errors affect $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1146
select 3 from t1 ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_minus_masked" ;
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1146
select 3 from t1 ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_!_masked" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Will manipulations of $mysql_errno be possible and visible ?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
let $mysql_errno= -1;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_let_errno_equal_value" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# How affect actions on prepared statements $mysql_errno ?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# failing prepare
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1146
prepare stmt from "select 3 from t1" ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_failing_prepare" ;
create table t1 ( f1 char(10));

# successful prepare
--error 1064
garbage ;
prepare stmt from "select 3 from t1" ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_successful_prepare" ;

# successful execute
--error 1064
garbage ;
execute stmt;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_successful_execute" ;

# failing execute (table dropped)
drop table t1;
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1146
execute stmt;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_failing_execute" ;

# failing execute (unknown statement)
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1243
execute __stmt_;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_failing_execute" ;

# successful deallocate
--error 1064
garbage ;
deallocate prepare stmt;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_successful_deallocate" ;

# failing deallocate ( statement handle does not exist )
--error 1064
garbage ;
--error 1243
deallocate prepare __stmt_;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_failing_deallocate" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test cases for "--disable_abort_on_error"
# "--disable_abort_on_error" switches the abort of mysqltest
# after "unmasked" failing statements off.
# The default is "--enable_abort_on_error".
# "Maskings" are
#   --error <error number>  and  --error <error number>
# in the line before the failing statement.
# There are some additional test case for $mysql_errno
# because "--disable_abort_on_error" enables a new situation.
# Example: "unmasked" statement fails + analysis of $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Switch the abort on error off and check the effect on $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_--disable_abort_on_error" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "unmasked" failing statement should not cause an abort
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
select 3 from t1 ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# masked failing statements
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# expected error = response
--error 1146
select 3 from t1 ;
--error 1146
select 3 from t1 ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_!errno_masked_error" ;
# expected error <> response
# --error 1000
# select 3 from t1 ;
# --error 1000
# select 3 from t1 ;
--error 1
--exec echo "disable_abort_on_error; error 1000; select 3 from t1; error 1000; select 3 from t1;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Switch the abort on error on and check the effect on $mysql_errno
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1064
garbage ;
eval select $mysql_errno as "after_--enable_abort_on_error" ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# masked failing statements
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# expected error = response
--error 1146
select 3 from t1 ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check that the old default behaviour is not changed
# Please remove the '#' to get the abort on error
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#--error 1064
#select 3 from t1 ;
#select 3 from t1 ;

# End of 4.1 tests
--error 1
--exec echo "disable_abort_on_error; enable_abort_on_error; error 1064; select 3 from t1; select 3 from t1;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test comments
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is a comment
# This is a ;  comment
# This is a -- comment
-- This is also a comment
-- # This is also a comment
-- This is also a ; comment

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test comments with embedded command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

--echo hello
--     echo hello
--    echo ;;;;;;;;

--echo # MySQL: -- The

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test detect end of line "junk"
# Most likely causes by a missing delimiter
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Too many parameters to function
--error 1
--exec echo "sleep 5 6;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Too many parameters to function
--error 1
--exec echo "--sleep 5 6" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Missing delimiter
# The comment will be "sucked into" the sleep command since
# delimiter is missing until after "show status"
--system echo "sleep 4" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "# A comment" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "show status;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1

# Extra delimiter
--error 1
--exec echo "--sleep 4;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Allow trailing # comment
--sleep 1 # Wait for insert delayed to be executed.
--sleep 1 	 # Wait for insert delayed to be executed.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test echo command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo MySQL;
echo "MySQL";
echo MySQL: The world''s most popular open source database;
echo "MySQL: The world's most popular open source database";

echo MySQL: The world''s
     most popular open
     source database;

echo # MySQL: The world''s
# most popular open
# source database;

echo - MySQL: The world''s
- most popular open
- source database;

echo - MySQL: The world''s
-- most popular open
-- source database;

echo # MySQL: The
# most popular
-- open
- source database;

echo "MySQL: The world's most popular; open source database";
echo "MySQL: The world's most popular ; open source database";
echo "MySQL: The world's most popular ;open source database";
echo echo message echo message;

echo ;

# Illegal use of echo

--error 1
--exec echo "echo $;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test exec command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Illegal use of exec
--error 1
--exec echo "--exec false" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "--exec " | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test let command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

let $message=MySQL;
echo $message;

let $message="MySQL";
echo $message;

let $message= MySQL: The
 world''s most
 popular open
 source database;
echo $message;

let $message= # MySQL: The
# world''s most
# popular open
# source database;
echo $message;

let $message=  -- MySQL: The
-- world''s most
-- popular open
-- source database;
echo $message;

let $message=  # MySQL: The
- world''s most
-- popular open
# source database;
echo $message;

echo '$message';
echo "$message";

let $1=hej;
echo $1;

let   $1   =hej ;
echo $1;

let $1 = hej;
echo $1;

let $1=1;
let $2=$1;
echo $2;
let $5=$6;
echo $5;
echo $6;

let $where=a long variable content;
echo $where;

let $where2= $where;
echo $where2;

let $where3=a long $where variable content;
echo $where3;

let $novar1= $novar2;
echo $novar1;

# Test illegal uses of let

--error 1
--exec echo "let ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let $=hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let hi=hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let $1 hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let $m hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let $hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let $ hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let =hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "let hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test source command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Test illegal uses of source

--error 1
--exec echo "source ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "source non_existingFile;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Too many source
--exec echo "source var/tmp/recursive.sql;" > var/tmp/recursive.sql
--error 1
--exec echo "source var/tmp/recursive.sql;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Source a file with error
--exec echo "garbage ;" > var/tmp/error.sql
--error 1
--exec echo "source var/tmp/error.sql;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Test execution of source in a while loop
--exec echo "echo here is the sourced script;" > var/tmp/sourced.sql
let $outer= 2; # Number of outer loops
while ($outer)
  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable after while' AS "";

  --source var/tmp/sourced.sql

  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable before dec' AS "";
  dec $outer;
  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable after dec' AS "";

let $outer= 2; # Number of outer loops
while ($outer)
  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable after while' AS "";

  echo here is the sourced script;

  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable before dec' AS "";
  dec $outer;
  eval SELECT '$outer = outer loop variable after dec' AS "";

# Test execution of source in a while loop
--exec echo "--source var/tmp/sourced.sql" > var/tmp/sourced1.sql
# Sourcing of a file within while loop, sourced file will
# source other file
let $num= 9;
while ($num)
   SELECT 'In loop' AS "";
   --source var/tmp/sourced1.sql
   dec $num;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test sleep command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sleep 0.5;
sleep 1;
real_sleep 1;

# Missing parameter
--error 1
--exec echo "sleep ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# Illegal parameter
--error 1
--exec echo "sleep abc;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test inc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inc $i;
echo $i;
inc $i;
echo $i;
let $i=100;
inc $i;
echo $i;

let $i=hej;
echo $i;
inc $i;
echo $i;

--error 1
--exec echo "inc;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "inc i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "let \$i=100; inc \$i 1000; echo \$i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

inc $i; inc $i; inc $i; --echo $i
echo $i;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test dec
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

dec $d;
echo $d;
dec $d;
echo $d;
let $d=100;
dec $d;
echo $d;

let $d=hej;
echo $d;
dec $d;
echo $d;

--error 1
--exec echo "dec;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "dec i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "let \$i=100; dec \$i 1000; echo \$i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test system
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
system ls > /dev/null;
system echo "hej" > /dev/null;
--system ls > /dev/null
--system echo "hej" > /dev/null;

--error 1
--exec echo "system;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "system $NONEXISTSINFVAREABLI;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "system false;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

system NonExistsinfComamdn;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test delimiter
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

delimiter stop;
echo teststop
delimiter ;stop
echo test2;
--delimiter stop
echo test3stop
--delimiter ;
echo test4;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test while, { and }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

let $i=1;
while ($i)
  echo $i;
  dec $i;
# One liner
#let $i=1;while ($i){echo $i;dec $i;}

# Exceed max nesting level
--error 1
--exec echo "source include/mysqltest_while.inc;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "while \$i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "while (\$i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "let \$i=1; while (\$i) dec \$i;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "};" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "end;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "{;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--system echo "while (0)" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1

--system echo "while (0)" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "{echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1

--system echo "while (0){" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test error messages returned from comments starting with a command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1
--exec echo "--if the other server is down" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "-- end when ..." | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test replace
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--replace_result a b
select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;

--replace_result a b c d
select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;

--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_result a" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_result a;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "replace_result a;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "replace_result a ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--exec echo "replace_result a b;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_result a b c" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "replace_result a b c ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--replace_column 1 b
select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;

--replace_column 1 b 2 d
select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;

--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_column a" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_column 1" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_column a b" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_column a 1" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_column 1 b c " | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test sync_with_master
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--error 1
--exec echo "save_master_pos; sync_with_master 10!;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "save_master_pos; sync_with_master 10 !;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "save_master_pos; sync_with_master a;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test mysqltest arguments
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -x <file_name>, use the file specified after -x as the test file
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/include/mysqltest-x.inc
--exec $MYSQL_TEST -x $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/include/mysqltest-x.inc
--exec $MYSQL_TEST --test_file=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/include/mysqltest-x.inc
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST -x non_existing_file.inc 2>&1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO Test queries, especially their errormessages... so it's easy to debug 
# new scripts and diagnose errors
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test bug#12386
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let $num= 2;
while ($num)
   --error 1064

   dec $num;

SELECT 1 as a;