# ==== Purpose ==== # # Setup replication from an existing relay log in the current # connection. # # ==== Usage ==== # # Make sure the slave is not running and issue: # # let $fake_relay_log= /path/to/fake-relay-log-file.000001 # source include/setup_fake_relay_log.inc; # START SLAVE SQL_THREAD; # setup_fake_relay_log doesn't start slave # ... # source include/cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc # # You must run the server with --relay-log=FILE. You probably want to # run with --replicate-same-server-id too. # # ==== Implementation ==== # # First makes a sanity check, ensuring that the slave threads are not # running. Then copies the $fake_relay_log to RELAY_BIN-fake.000001, # where RELAY_BIN is the basename of the relay log, and updates # RELAY_BIN.index. Finally issues CHANGE MASTER so that it uses the # given files. # # ==== Side effects ==== # # Creates a binlog file and a binlog index file, and sets # @@global.relay_log_purge=1. All this is restored when you call # cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc. # # Enables the query log. --disable_query_log # Print message. let $_fake_relay_log_printable= `SELECT REPLACE('$fake_relay_log', '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR', 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR')`; --echo Setting up fake replication from $_fake_relay_log_printable # Sanity check. let $_sql_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_SQL_Running, 1); let $_io_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1); if (`SELECT "$_sql_running" = "Yes" OR "$_io_running" = "Yes"`) { --echo Error: Slave was running when test case sourced --echo include/setup_fake_replication.inc --echo Slave_IO_Running = $_io_running; Slave_SQL_Running = $_sql_running --echo Printing some debug info: SHOW SLAVE STATUS; SHOW MASTER STATUS; SHOW BINLOG EVENTS; SHOW PROCESSLIST; } # Read server variables. let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`; let $_fake_filename= query_get_value(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'relay_log', Value, 1); if (`SELECT '$_fake_filename' = ''`) { --echo Badly written test case: relay_log variable is empty. Please use the --echo server option --relay-log=FILE. } let $_fake_relay_log= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$_fake_filename-fake.000001; let $_fake_relay_index= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$_fake_filename.index; # Need to restore relay_log_purge in cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc, since # CHANGE MASTER modifies it (see the manual for CHANGE MASTER). let $_fake_relay_log_purge= `SELECT @@global.relay_log_purge`; # Create relay log file. copy_file $fake_relay_log $_fake_relay_log; # Create relay log index. if (`SELECT LENGTH(@@secure_file_priv) > 0`) { -- let $_file_priv_dir= `SELECT @@secure_file_priv` -- let $_suffix= `SELECT UUID()` -- let $_tmp_file= $_file_priv_dir/fake-index.$_suffix -- eval select '$_fake_filename-fake.000001\n' into dumpfile '$_tmp_file' -- copy_file $_tmp_file $_fake_relay_index -- remove_file $_tmp_file } if (`SELECT LENGTH(@@secure_file_priv) = 0`) { -- eval select '$_fake_filename-fake.000001\n' into dumpfile '$_fake_relay_index' } # Setup replication from existing relay log. eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='dummy.localdomain', RELAY_LOG_FILE='$_fake_filename-fake.000001', RELAY_LOG_POS=4; --enable_query_log