#ifndef _DB_CXX_H_ #define _DB_CXX_H_ #include <db.h> #include <iostream> #include <exception> #include <string.h> #ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." class Dbt; class DbEnv; class DbTxn; class Dbc; class DbException; class DbException : public std::exception { friend class DbEnv; public: ~DbException() throw(); DbException(int err); int get_errno() const; const char *what() const throw(); DbEnv *get_env() const; void set_env(DbEnv *); DbException(const DbException &); DbException &operator = (const DbException &); private: char *the_what; int the_err; DbEnv *the_env; void FillTheWhat(void); }; class DbDeadlockException : public DbException { public: DbDeadlockException(DbEnv*); }; class DbLockNotGrantedException { }; class DbMemoryException { }; class DbRunRecoveryException { }; // DBT and Dbt objects are the same pointers. So watch out if you use Dbt to make other classes (e.g., with subclassing). class Dbt : private DBT { friend class Dbc; public: void * get_data(void) const { return data; } void set_data(void *p) { data = p; } u_int32_t get_size(void) const { return size; } void set_size(u_int32_t p) { size = p; } u_int32_t get_flags() const { return flags; } void set_flags(u_int32_t f) { flags = f; } u_int32_t get_ulen() const { return ulen; } void set_ulen(u_int32_t p) { ulen = p; } DBT *get_DBT(void) { return (DBT*)this; } const DBT *get_const_DBT(void) const { return (const DBT*)this; } static Dbt* get_Dbt(DBT *dbt) { return (Dbt *)dbt; } static const Dbt* get_const_Dbt(const DBT *dbt) { return (const Dbt *)dbt; } Dbt(void */*data*/, u_int32_t /*size*/); Dbt(void); ~Dbt(); private: // Nothing here. }; extern "C" { typedef int (*bt_compare_fcn_type)(DB *db, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2); typedef int (*dup_compare_fcn_type)(DB *db, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2); }; class Db { public: /* Functions to make C++ work, defined in the BDB C++ API documents */ Db(DbEnv *dbenv, u_int32_t flags); ~Db(); DB *get_DB(void) { return the_db; } const DB *get_const_DB() const { return the_db; } static Db *get_Db(DB *db) { return (Db*)db->api_internal; } static const Db *get_const_Db(const DB *db) { return (Db*)db->api_internal; } /* C++ analogues of the C functions. */ int open(DbTxn */*txn*/, const char */*name*/, const char */*subname*/, DBTYPE, u_int32_t/*flags*/, int/*mode*/); int close(u_int32_t /*flags*/); int cursor(DbTxn */*txn*/, Dbc **/*cursorp*/, u_int32_t /*flags*/); int del(DbTxn */*txn*/, Dbt */*key*/, u_int32_t /*flags*/); int get(DbTxn */*txn*/, Dbt */*key*/, Dbt */*data*/, u_int32_t /*flags*/); int put(DbTxn *, Dbt *, Dbt *, u_int32_t); int get_flags(u_int32_t *); int set_flags(u_int32_t); int set_pagesize(u_int32_t); int remove(const char *file, const char *database, u_int32_t flags); #if 0 int set_bt_compare(bt_compare_fcn_type bt_compare_fcn); int set_bt_compare(int (*)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *)); #endif int set_dup_compare(dup_compare_fcn_type dup_compare_fcn); int set_dup_compare(int (*)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *)); int associate(DbTxn *, Db *, int (*)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *, Dbt *), u_int32_t); int fd(int *); void set_errpfx(const char *errpfx); void set_error_stream(std::ostream *); /* the cxx callbacks must be public so they can be called by the c callback. But it's really private. */ int (*associate_callback_cxx)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *, Dbt*); int (*dup_compare_callback_cxx)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *); //int (do_bt_compare_callback_cxx)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *); private: DB *the_db; DbEnv *the_Env; int is_private_env; }; class DbEnv { friend class Db; friend class Dbc; friend class DbTxn; public: DbEnv(u_int32_t flags); ~DbEnv(void); DB_ENV *get_DB_ENV(void) { if (this==0) return 0; return the_env; } /* C++ analogues of the C functions. */ int close(u_int32_t); int open(const char *, u_int32_t, int); int set_cachesize(u_int32_t, u_int32_t, int); int set_redzone(u_int32_t); int set_flags(u_int32_t, int); int txn_begin(DbTxn *, DbTxn **, u_int32_t); int set_data_dir(const char *dir); void set_errpfx(const char *errpfx); void err(int error, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4))); void set_errfile(FILE *errfile); void set_errcall(void (*)(const DbEnv *, const char *, const char *)); void set_error_stream(std::ostream *); int get_flags(u_int32_t *flagsp); int set_default_bt_compare(bt_compare_fcn_type bt_compare_fcn); // Don't support this one for now. It's a little tricky. // int set_default_bt_compare(int (*)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *)); // locking #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR<4 || (DB_VERSION_MAJOR==4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR<=4) // set_lk_max is only defined for versions up to 4.4 int set_lk_max(u_int32_t); #endif int set_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t); int get_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t *); // somewhat_private: int do_no_exceptions; // This should be private!!! void (*errcall)(const DbEnv *, const char *, const char *); std::ostream *_error_stream; //int (*bt_compare_callback_cxx)(Db *, const Dbt *, const Dbt *); private: DB_ENV *the_env; DbEnv(DB_ENV *, u_int32_t /*flags*/); int maybe_throw_error(int /*err*/) throw (DbException); static int maybe_throw_error(int, DbEnv*, int /*no_exceptions*/) throw (DbException); }; class DbTxn { public: int commit (u_int32_t /*flags*/); int abort (); virtual ~DbTxn(); DB_TXN *get_DB_TXN() { if (this==0) return 0; return the_txn; } DbTxn(DB_TXN*); private: DB_TXN *the_txn; }; class Dbc : protected DBC { public: int close(void); int get(Dbt *, Dbt *, u_int32_t); int count(db_recno_t *, u_int32_t); private: Dbc(); // User may not call it. ~Dbc(); // User may not delete it. }; #endif