# # BUG#49562: SBR out of sync when using numeric data types + user variable # -- source include/master-slave.inc -- source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc ## Setup user variables for several numeric types, so that we get ## coverage on the User_var_log_event different val types -- let $max_unsigned_long= 18446744073709551615 -- let $min_signed_long= -9223372036854775808 -- eval SET @positive= $max_unsigned_long -- eval SET @negative= $min_signed_long CREATE TABLE t1 (`tinyint` TINYINT, `smallint` SMALLINT, `mediumint` MEDIUMINT, `integer` INTEGER, `bigint` BIGINT, `utinyint` TINYINT UNSIGNED, `usmallint` SMALLINT UNSIGNED, `umediumint` MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED, `uinteger` INTEGER UNSIGNED, `ubigint` BIGINT UNSIGNED, `double` DOUBLE, `float` FLOAT, `real` REAL(30,2), `decimal` DECIMAL(30,2)) ENGINE = MyISAM; -- disable_warnings -- echo ### insert max unsigned -- echo ### a) declarative -- eval INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ($max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long,$max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long, $max_unsigned_long); -- echo ######################################### -- echo #### [ on master ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- sync_slave_with_master -- echo #### [ on slave ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- echo ######################################### -- connection master -- echo ## assertion: master and slave tables are in sync -- let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1 -- let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1 -- source include/diff_tables.inc -- connection master TRUNCATE t1; -- echo ### b) user var INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive, @positive); -- echo ######################################### -- echo #### [ on master ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- sync_slave_with_master -- echo #### [ on slave ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- echo ######################################### -- connection master -- echo ## assertion: master and slave tables are in sync -- let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1 -- let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1 -- source include/diff_tables.inc -- connection master TRUNCATE t1; -- echo ### insert min signed -- echo ### a) declarative -- eval INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ($min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long,$min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long, $min_signed_long); -- echo ######################################### -- echo #### [ on master ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- sync_slave_with_master -- echo #### [ on slave ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- echo ######################################### -- connection master -- echo ## assertion: master and slave tables are in sync -- let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1 -- let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1 -- source include/diff_tables.inc -- connection master TRUNCATE t1; -- echo ### b) user var INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative, @negative); -- echo ######################################### -- echo #### [ on master ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- sync_slave_with_master -- echo #### [ on slave ] -- query_vertical SELECT * FROM t1 -- echo ######################################### -- connection master -- echo ## assertion: master and slave tables are in sync -- let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1 -- let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1 -- source include/diff_tables.inc -- connection master TRUNCATE t1; -- echo ## check: contents of both tables master's and slave's -- enable_warnings ## cleanup -- connection master DROP TABLE t1; -- sync_slave_with_master