# # DuplicateElimination strategy test # --source include/have_innodb.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t0, t1, t2, t3; drop view if exists v1; --enable_warnings create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); # First test simple cases: I20 order, no join buffering. create table t1 ( a int, b int ); insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,1),(2,2); create table t2 ( a int, b int, key(b) ); insert into t2 select a, a/2 from t0; select * from t1; select * from t2; explain select * from t2 where b in (select a from t1); select * from t2 where b in (select a from t1); # Try an InnoDB table with very long rowid create table t3 ( a int, b int, key(b), pk1 char(200), pk2 char(200), pk3 char(200), primary key(pk1, pk2, pk3) ) engine=innodb; insert into t3 select a,a, a,a,a from t0; explain select * from t3 where b in (select a from t1); select * from t3 where b in (select a from t1); # Test overflow to MyISAM: set @save_max_heap_table_size= @@max_heap_table_size; set max_heap_table_size=16384; set @save_join_buffer_size = @@join_buffer_size; set join_buffer_size= 8000; drop table t3; create table t3 ( a int, b int, key(b), pk1 char(200), pk2 char(200), primary key(pk1, pk2) ) engine=innodb; insert into t3 select A.a + 10*B.a, A.a + 10*B.a, A.a + 10*B.a, A.a + 10*B.a from t0 A, t0 B where B.a <5; explain select * from t3 where b in (select a from t0); # Because of BUG#40154, run the next select w/o index condition pushdown: set @save_ecp= @@engine_condition_pushdown; set engine_condition_pushdown=0; select * from t3 where b in (select A.a+B.a from t0 A, t0 B where B.a<5); set engine_condition_pushdown=@save_ecp; set join_buffer_size= @save_join_buffer_size; set max_heap_table_size= @save_max_heap_table_size; # O2I join orders, with shortcutting: explain select * from t1 where a in (select b from t2); select * from t1; select * from t1 where a in (select b from t2); drop table t1, t2, t3; # (no need for anything in range/index_merge/DS-MRR) # # Test join buffering # set @save_join_buffer_size = @@join_buffer_size; set join_buffer_size= 8000; create table t1 (a int, filler1 binary(200), filler2 binary(200)); insert into t1 select a, 'filler123456', 'filler123456' from t0; insert into t1 select a+10, 'filler123456', 'filler123456' from t0; create table t2 as select * from t1; insert into t1 select a+20, 'filler123456', 'filler123456' from t0; insert into t1 values (2, 'duplicate ok', 'duplicate ok'); insert into t1 values (18, 'duplicate ok', 'duplicate ok'); insert into t2 values (3, 'duplicate ok', 'duplicate ok'); insert into t2 values (19, 'duplicate ok', 'duplicate ok'); explain select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) as Z from t1 ot where a in (select a from t2 it); select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) as Z from t1 ot where a in (select a from t2 it); explain select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) from t2 ot where a in (select a from t1 it); select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) from t2 ot where a in (select a from t1 it); # Now let the buffer overfill: insert into t1 select a+20, 'filler123456', 'filler123456' from t0; insert into t1 select a+20, 'filler123456', 'filler123456' from t0; explain select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) as Z from t1 ot where a in (select a from t2 it); select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) as Z from t1 ot where a in (select a from t2 it); explain select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) from t2 ot where a in (select a from t1 it); select a, mid(filler1, 1,10), length(filler1)=length(filler2) from t2 ot where a in (select a from t1 it); drop table t1, t2; # Check ref access to tables inside the OJ nest inside the SJ nest create table t1 (a int, b int, key(a)); create table t2 (a int, b int, key(a)); create table t3 (a int, b int, key(a)); insert into t1 select a,a from t0; insert into t2 select a,a from t0; insert into t3 select a,a from t0; --echo t2 and t3 must be use 'ref', not 'ALL': explain select * from t0 where a in (select t2.a+t3.a from t1 left join (t2 join t3) on t2.a=t1.a and t3.a=t1.a); drop table t0, t1,t2,t3; # # Bug #27348: Assertion abort for a query with two subqueries to be flattened # Bug #35674: Range optimizer ignores conditions on inner tables in semi-join IN subqueries # CREATE TABLE t1 ( ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, Name char(35) NOT NULL default '', Country char(3) NOT NULL default '', Population int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (ID), INDEX (Population), INDEX (Country) ); CREATE TABLE t2 ( Code char(3) NOT NULL default '', Name char(52) NOT NULL default '', SurfaceArea float(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', Population int(11) NOT NULL default '0', Capital int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Code), UNIQUE INDEX (Name), INDEX (Population) ); CREATE TABLE t3 ( Country char(3) NOT NULL default '', Language char(30) NOT NULL default '', Percentage float(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0', PRIMARY KEY (Country, Language), INDEX (Percentage) ); --disable_query_log INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'Kabul','AFG',1780000),(2,'Qandahar','AFG',237500), (3,'Herat','AFG',186800),(4,'Mazar-e-Sharif','AFG',127800), (5,'Amsterdam','NLD',731200),(6,'Rotterdam','NLD',593321), (7,'Haag','NLD',440900),(8,'Utrecht','NLD',234323), (9,'Eindhoven','NLD',201843),(10,'Tilburg','NLD',193238), (11,'Groningen','NLD',172701),(12,'Breda','NLD',160398), (13,'Apeldoorn','NLD',153491),(14,'Nijmegen','NLD',152463), (15,'Enschede','NLD',149544),(16,'Haarlem','NLD',148772), (17,'Almere','NLD',142465),(18,'Arnhem','NLD',138020), (19,'Zaanstad','NLD',135621),(20,'´s-Hertogenbosch','NLD',129170), (21,'Amersfoort','NLD',126270),(22,'Maastricht','NLD',122087), (23,'Dordrecht','NLD',119811),(24,'Leiden','NLD',117196), (25,'Haarlemmermeer','NLD',110722),(26,'Zoetermeer','NLD',110214), (27,'Emmen','NLD',105853),(28,'Zwolle','NLD',105819), (29,'Ede','NLD',101574),(30,'Delft','NLD',95268); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('AFG','Afghanistan',652090.00,22720000,1), ('NLD','Netherlands',41526.00,15864000,5), ('ANT','Netherlands Antilles',800.00,217000,33), ('ALB','Albania',28748.00,3401200,34), ('DZA','Algeria',2381741.00,31471000,35), ('ASM','American Samoa',199.00,68000,54), ('AND','Andorra',468.00,78000,55), ('AGO','Angola',1246700.00,12878000,56), ('AIA','Anguilla',96.00,8000,62), ('ATG','Antigua and Barbuda',442.00,68000,63), ('ARE','United Arab Emirates',83600.00,2441000,65), ('ARG','Argentina',2780400.00,37032000,69), ('ARM','Armenia',29800.00,3520000,126), ('ABW','Aruba',193.00,103000,129), ('AUS','Australia',7741220.00,18886000,135), ('AZE','Azerbaijan',86600.00,7734000,144); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('AFG','Pashto',52.4),('NLD','Dutch',95.6), ('ANT','Papiamento',86.2),('ALB','Albaniana',97.9), ('DZA','Arabic',86.0),('ASM','Samoan',90.6), ('AND','Spanish',44.6),('AGO','Ovimbundu',37.2), ('AIA','English',0.0),('ATG','Creole English',95.7), ('ARE','Arabic',42.0),('ARG','Spanish',96.8), ('ARM','Armenian',93.4),('ABW','Papiamento',76.7), ('AUS','English',81.2),('AZE','Azerbaijani',89.0), ('BHS','Creole English',89.7),('BHR','Arabic',67.7), ('BGD','Bengali',97.7),('BRB','Bajan',95.1), ('BEL','Dutch',59.2),('BLZ','English',50.8); --enable_query_log EXPLAIN SELECT Name FROM t2 WHERE t2.Code IN (SELECT Country FROM t1 WHERE Population > 5000000) AND t2.Code IN (SELECT Country FROM t3 WHERE Language='English' AND Percentage > 10 AND t2.Population > 100000); DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; # BUG#30993: CREATE TABLE t1 ( Code char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Name char(52) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Continent enum('Asia','Europe','North America','Africa','Oceania','Antarctica','South America') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Asia', Region char(26) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', SurfaceArea float(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', IndepYear smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, Population int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', LifeExpectancy float(3,1) DEFAULT NULL, GNP float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, GNPOld float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, LocalName char(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', GovernmentForm char(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', HeadOfState char(60) DEFAULT NULL, Capital int(11) DEFAULT NULL, Code2 char(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (Code) ); CREATE TABLE t2 ( ID int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Name char(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CountryCode char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', District char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Population int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (ID), KEY CountryCode (CountryCode) ); --echo Fill the table with test data --disable_query_log insert into t2 (ID, Name, CountryCode, Population) values (1,'Kabul','AFG',1780000), (2,'Qandahar','AFG',237500), (3,'Herat','AFG',186800), (4,'Mazar-e-Sharif','AFG',127800), (33,'Willemstad','ANT',2345), (34,'Tirana','ALB',270000), (55,'Andorra la Vella','AND',21189), (61,'South Hill','AIA',961), (62,'The Valley','AIA',595), (63,'Saint John�s','ATG',24000), (64,'Dubai','ARE',669181), (65,'Abu Dhabi','ARE',398695), (66,'Sharja','ARE',320095), (67,'al-Ayn','ARE',225970), (68,'Ajman','ARE',114395), (126,'Yerevan','ARM',1248700), (127,'Gjumri','ARM',211700), (128,'Vanadzor','ARM',172700), (129,'Oranjestad','ABW',29034), (144,'Baku','AZE',1787800), (145,'G�nc�','AZE',299300), (146,'Sumqayit','AZE',283000), (147,'Ming��evir','AZE',93900), (148,'Nassau','BHS',172000), (149,'al-Manama','BHR',148000), (150,'Dhaka','BGD',3612850), (151,'Chittagong','BGD',1392860), (152,'Khulna','BGD',663340), (153,'Rajshahi','BGD',294056), (154,'Narayanganj','BGD',202134), (155,'Rangpur','BGD',191398), (156,'Mymensingh','BGD',188713), (157,'Barisal','BGD',170232), (158,'Tungi','BGD',168702), (159,'Jessore','BGD',139710), (160,'Comilla','BGD',135313), (161,'Nawabganj','BGD',130577), (162,'Dinajpur','BGD',127815), (163,'Bogra','BGD',120170), (164,'Sylhet','BGD',117396), (165,'Brahmanbaria','BGD',109032), (166,'Tangail','BGD',106004), (167,'Jamalpur','BGD',103556), (168,'Pabna','BGD',103277), (169,'Naogaon','BGD',101266), (170,'Sirajganj','BGD',99669), (171,'Narsinghdi','BGD',98342), (172,'Saidpur','BGD',96777), (173,'Gazipur','BGD',96717), (174,'Bridgetown','BRB',6070), (175,'Antwerpen','BEL',446525), (176,'Gent','BEL',224180), (177,'Charleroi','BEL',200827), (178,'Li�ge','BEL',185639), (179,'Bruxelles [Brussel]','BEL',133859), (180,'Brugge','BEL',116246), (181,'Schaerbeek','BEL',105692), (182,'Namur','BEL',105419), (183,'Mons','BEL',90935), (184,'Belize City','BLZ',55810), (185,'Belmopan','BLZ',7105), (190,'Saint George','BMU',1800), (191,'Hamilton','BMU',1200), (192,'Thimphu','BTN',22000), (201,'Sarajevo','BIH',360000), (202,'Banja Luka','BIH',143079), (203,'Zenica','BIH',96027), (538,'Bandar Seri Begawan','BRN',21484), (539,'Sofija','BGR',1122302), (540,'Plovdiv','BGR',342584), (541,'Varna','BGR',299801), (542,'Burgas','BGR',195255), (543,'Ruse','BGR',166467), (544,'Stara Zagora','BGR',147939), (545,'Pleven','BGR',121952), (546,'Sliven','BGR',105530), (547,'Dobric','BGR',100399), (548,'�umen','BGR',94686), (553,'George Town','CYM',19600), (584,'San Jos�','CRI',339131), (1523,'Wien','AUT',1608144), (1524,'Graz','AUT',240967), (1525,'Linz','AUT',188022), (1526,'Salzburg','AUT',144247), (1527,'Innsbruck','AUT',111752), (1528,'Klagenfurt','AUT',91141), (1810,'Montr�al','CAN',1016376), (1811,'Calgary','CAN',768082), (1812,'Toronto','CAN',688275), (1813,'North York','CAN',622632), (1814,'Winnipeg','CAN',618477), (1815,'Edmonton','CAN',616306), (1816,'Mississauga','CAN',608072), (1817,'Scarborough','CAN',594501), (1818,'Vancouver','CAN',514008), (1819,'Etobicoke','CAN',348845), (1820,'London','CAN',339917), (1821,'Hamilton','CAN',335614), (1822,'Ottawa','CAN',335277), (1823,'Laval','CAN',330393), (1824,'Surrey','CAN',304477), (1825,'Brampton','CAN',296711), (1826,'Windsor','CAN',207588), (1827,'Saskatoon','CAN',193647), (1828,'Kitchener','CAN',189959), (1829,'Markham','CAN',189098), (1830,'Regina','CAN',180400), (1831,'Burnaby','CAN',179209), (1832,'Qu�bec','CAN',167264), (1833,'York','CAN',154980), (1834,'Richmond','CAN',148867), (1835,'Vaughan','CAN',147889), (1836,'Burlington','CAN',145150), (1837,'Oshawa','CAN',140173), (1838,'Oakville','CAN',139192), (1839,'Saint Catharines','CAN',136216), (1840,'Longueuil','CAN',127977), (1841,'Richmond Hill','CAN',116428), (1842,'Thunder Bay','CAN',115913), (1843,'Nepean','CAN',115100), (1844,'Cape Breton','CAN',114733), (1845,'East York','CAN',114034), (1846,'Halifax','CAN',113910), (1847,'Cambridge','CAN',109186), (1848,'Gloucester','CAN',107314), (1849,'Abbotsford','CAN',105403), (1850,'Guelph','CAN',103593), (1851,'Saint John�s','CAN',101936), (1852,'Coquitlam','CAN',101820), (1853,'Saanich','CAN',101388), (1854,'Gatineau','CAN',100702), (1855,'Delta','CAN',95411), (1856,'Sudbury','CAN',92686), (1857,'Kelowna','CAN',89442), (1858,'Barrie','CAN',89269), (1890,'Shanghai','CHN',9696300), (1891,'Peking','CHN',7472000), (1892,'Chongqing','CHN',6351600), (1893,'Tianjin','CHN',5286800), (1894,'Wuhan','CHN',4344600), (1895,'Harbin','CHN',4289800), (1896,'Shenyang','CHN',4265200), (1897,'Kanton [Guangzhou]','CHN',4256300), (1898,'Chengdu','CHN',3361500), (1899,'Nanking [Nanjing]','CHN',2870300), (1900,'Changchun','CHN',2812000), (1901,'Xi�an','CHN',2761400), (1902,'Dalian','CHN',2697000), (1903,'Qingdao','CHN',2596000), (1904,'Jinan','CHN',2278100), (1905,'Hangzhou','CHN',2190500), (1906,'Zhengzhou','CHN',2107200), (1907,'Shijiazhuang','CHN',2041500), (1908,'Taiyuan','CHN',1968400), (1909,'Kunming','CHN',1829500), (1910,'Changsha','CHN',1809800), (1911,'Nanchang','CHN',1691600), (1912,'Fuzhou','CHN',1593800), (1913,'Lanzhou','CHN',1565800), (1914,'Guiyang','CHN',1465200), (1915,'Ningbo','CHN',1371200), (1916,'Hefei','CHN',1369100), (1917,'Urumt�i [�r�mqi]','CHN',1310100), (1918,'Anshan','CHN',1200000), (1919,'Fushun','CHN',1200000), (1920,'Nanning','CHN',1161800), (1921,'Zibo','CHN',1140000), (1922,'Qiqihar','CHN',1070000), (1923,'Jilin','CHN',1040000), (1924,'Tangshan','CHN',1040000), (1925,'Baotou','CHN',980000), (1926,'Shenzhen','CHN',950500), (1927,'Hohhot','CHN',916700), (1928,'Handan','CHN',840000), (1929,'Wuxi','CHN',830000), (1930,'Xuzhou','CHN',810000), (1931,'Datong','CHN',800000), (1932,'Yichun','CHN',800000), (1933,'Benxi','CHN',770000), (1934,'Luoyang','CHN',760000), (1935,'Suzhou','CHN',710000), (1936,'Xining','CHN',700200), (1937,'Huainan','CHN',700000), (1938,'Jixi','CHN',683885), (1939,'Daqing','CHN',660000), (1940,'Fuxin','CHN',640000), (1941,'Amoy [Xiamen]','CHN',627500), (1942,'Liuzhou','CHN',610000), (1943,'Shantou','CHN',580000), (1944,'Jinzhou','CHN',570000), (1945,'Mudanjiang','CHN',570000), (1946,'Yinchuan','CHN',544500), (1947,'Changzhou','CHN',530000), (1948,'Zhangjiakou','CHN',530000), (1949,'Dandong','CHN',520000), (1950,'Hegang','CHN',520000), (1951,'Kaifeng','CHN',510000), (1952,'Jiamusi','CHN',493409), (1953,'Liaoyang','CHN',492559), (1954,'Hengyang','CHN',487148), (1955,'Baoding','CHN',483155), (1956,'Hunjiang','CHN',482043), (1957,'Xinxiang','CHN',473762), (1958,'Huangshi','CHN',457601), (1959,'Haikou','CHN',454300), (1960,'Yantai','CHN',452127), (1961,'Bengbu','CHN',449245), (1962,'Xiangtan','CHN',441968), (1963,'Weifang','CHN',428522), (1964,'Wuhu','CHN',425740), (1965,'Pingxiang','CHN',425579), (1966,'Yingkou','CHN',421589), (1967,'Anyang','CHN',420332), (1968,'Panzhihua','CHN',415466), (1969,'Pingdingshan','CHN',410775), (1970,'Xiangfan','CHN',410407), (1971,'Zhuzhou','CHN',409924), (1972,'Jiaozuo','CHN',409100), (1973,'Wenzhou','CHN',401871), (1974,'Zhangjiang','CHN',400997), (1975,'Zigong','CHN',393184), (1976,'Shuangyashan','CHN',386081), (1977,'Zaozhuang','CHN',380846), (1978,'Yakeshi','CHN',377869), (1979,'Yichang','CHN',371601), (1980,'Zhenjiang','CHN',368316), (1981,'Huaibei','CHN',366549), (1982,'Qinhuangdao','CHN',364972), (1983,'Guilin','CHN',364130), (1984,'Liupanshui','CHN',363954), (1985,'Panjin','CHN',362773), (1986,'Yangquan','CHN',362268), (1987,'Jinxi','CHN',357052), (1988,'Liaoyuan','CHN',354141), (1989,'Lianyungang','CHN',354139), (1990,'Xianyang','CHN',352125), (1991,'Tai�an','CHN',350696), (1992,'Chifeng','CHN',350077), (1993,'Shaoguan','CHN',350043), (1994,'Nantong','CHN',343341), (1995,'Leshan','CHN',341128), (1996,'Baoji','CHN',337765), (1997,'Linyi','CHN',324720), (1998,'Tonghua','CHN',324600), (1999,'Siping','CHN',317223), (2000,'Changzhi','CHN',317144), (2001,'Tengzhou','CHN',315083), (2002,'Chaozhou','CHN',313469), (2003,'Yangzhou','CHN',312892), (2004,'Dongwan','CHN',308669), (2005,'Ma�anshan','CHN',305421), (2006,'Foshan','CHN',303160), (2007,'Yueyang','CHN',302800), (2008,'Xingtai','CHN',302789), (2009,'Changde','CHN',301276), (2010,'Shihezi','CHN',299676), (2011,'Yancheng','CHN',296831), (2012,'Jiujiang','CHN',291187), (2013,'Dongying','CHN',281728), (2014,'Shashi','CHN',281352), (2015,'Xintai','CHN',281248), (2016,'Jingdezhen','CHN',281183), (2017,'Tongchuan','CHN',280657), (2018,'Zhongshan','CHN',278829), (2019,'Shiyan','CHN',273786), (2020,'Tieli','CHN',265683), (2021,'Jining','CHN',265248), (2022,'Wuhai','CHN',264081), (2023,'Mianyang','CHN',262947), (2024,'Luzhou','CHN',262892), (2025,'Zunyi','CHN',261862), (2026,'Shizuishan','CHN',257862), (2027,'Neijiang','CHN',256012), (2028,'Tongliao','CHN',255129), (2029,'Tieling','CHN',254842), (2030,'Wafangdian','CHN',251733), (2031,'Anqing','CHN',250718), (2032,'Shaoyang','CHN',247227), (2033,'Laiwu','CHN',246833), (2034,'Chengde','CHN',246799), (2035,'Tianshui','CHN',244974), (2036,'Nanyang','CHN',243303), (2037,'Cangzhou','CHN',242708), (2038,'Yibin','CHN',241019), (2039,'Huaiyin','CHN',239675), (2040,'Dunhua','CHN',235100), (2041,'Yanji','CHN',230892), (2042,'Jiangmen','CHN',230587), (2043,'Tongling','CHN',228017), (2044,'Suihua','CHN',227881), (2045,'Gongziling','CHN',226569), (2046,'Xiantao','CHN',222884), (2047,'Chaoyang','CHN',222394), (2048,'Ganzhou','CHN',220129), (2049,'Huzhou','CHN',218071), (2050,'Baicheng','CHN',217987), (2051,'Shangzi','CHN',215373), (2052,'Yangjiang','CHN',215196), (2053,'Qitaihe','CHN',214957), (2054,'Gejiu','CHN',214294), (2055,'Jiangyin','CHN',213659), (2056,'Hebi','CHN',212976), (2057,'Jiaxing','CHN',211526), (2058,'Wuzhou','CHN',210452), (2059,'Meihekou','CHN',209038), (2060,'Xuchang','CHN',208815), (2061,'Liaocheng','CHN',207844), (2062,'Haicheng','CHN',205560), (2063,'Qianjiang','CHN',205504), (2064,'Baiyin','CHN',204970), (2065,'Bei�an','CHN',204899), (2066,'Yixing','CHN',200824), (2067,'Laizhou','CHN',198664), (2068,'Qaramay','CHN',197602), (2069,'Acheng','CHN',197595), (2070,'Dezhou','CHN',195485), (2071,'Nanping','CHN',195064), (2072,'Zhaoqing','CHN',194784), (2073,'Beipiao','CHN',194301), (2074,'Fengcheng','CHN',193784), (2075,'Fuyu','CHN',192981), (2076,'Xinyang','CHN',192509), (2077,'Dongtai','CHN',192247), (2078,'Yuci','CHN',191356), (2079,'Honghu','CHN',190772), (2080,'Ezhou','CHN',190123), (2081,'Heze','CHN',189293), (2082,'Daxian','CHN',188101), (2083,'Linfen','CHN',187309), (2084,'Tianmen','CHN',186332), (2085,'Yiyang','CHN',185818), (2086,'Quanzhou','CHN',185154), (2087,'Rizhao','CHN',185048), (2088,'Deyang','CHN',182488), (2089,'Guangyuan','CHN',182241), (2090,'Changshu','CHN',181805), (2091,'Zhangzhou','CHN',181424), (2092,'Hailar','CHN',180650), (2093,'Nanchong','CHN',180273), (2094,'Jiutai','CHN',180130), (2095,'Zhaodong','CHN',179976), (2096,'Shaoxing','CHN',179818), (2097,'Fuyang','CHN',179572), (2098,'Maoming','CHN',178683), (2099,'Qujing','CHN',178669), (2100,'Ghulja','CHN',177193), (2101,'Jiaohe','CHN',176367), (2102,'Puyang','CHN',175988), (2103,'Huadian','CHN',175873), (2104,'Jiangyou','CHN',175753), (2105,'Qashqar','CHN',174570), (2106,'Anshun','CHN',174142), (2107,'Fuling','CHN',173878), (2108,'Xinyu','CHN',173524), (2109,'Hanzhong','CHN',169930), (2110,'Danyang','CHN',169603), (2111,'Chenzhou','CHN',169400), (2112,'Xiaogan','CHN',166280), (2113,'Shangqiu','CHN',164880), (2114,'Zhuhai','CHN',164747), (2115,'Qingyuan','CHN',164641), (2116,'Aqsu','CHN',164092), (2117,'Jining','CHN',163552), (2118,'Xiaoshan','CHN',162930), (2119,'Zaoyang','CHN',162198), (2120,'Xinghua','CHN',161910), (2121,'Hami','CHN',161315), (2122,'Huizhou','CHN',161023), (2123,'Jinmen','CHN',160794), (2124,'Sanming','CHN',160691), (2125,'Ulanhot','CHN',159538), (2126,'Korla','CHN',159344), (2127,'Wanxian','CHN',156823), (2128,'Rui�an','CHN',156468), (2129,'Zhoushan','CHN',156317), (2130,'Liangcheng','CHN',156307), (2131,'Jiaozhou','CHN',153364), (2132,'Taizhou','CHN',152442), (2133,'Suzhou','CHN',151862), (2134,'Yichun','CHN',151585), (2135,'Taonan','CHN',150168), (2136,'Pingdu','CHN',150123), (2137,'Ji�an','CHN',148583), (2138,'Longkou','CHN',148362), (2139,'Langfang','CHN',148105), (2140,'Zhoukou','CHN',146288), (2141,'Suining','CHN',146086), (2142,'Yulin','CHN',144467), (2143,'Jinhua','CHN',144280), (2144,'Liu�an','CHN',144248), (2145,'Shuangcheng','CHN',142659), (2146,'Suizhou','CHN',142302), (2147,'Ankang','CHN',142170), (2148,'Weinan','CHN',140169), (2149,'Longjing','CHN',139417), (2150,'Da�an','CHN',138963), (2151,'Lengshuijiang','CHN',137994), (2152,'Laiyang','CHN',137080), (2153,'Xianning','CHN',136811), (2154,'Dali','CHN',136554), (2155,'Anda','CHN',136446), (2156,'Jincheng','CHN',136396), (2157,'Longyan','CHN',134481), (2158,'Xichang','CHN',134419), (2159,'Wendeng','CHN',133910), (2160,'Hailun','CHN',133565), (2161,'Binzhou','CHN',133555), (2162,'Linhe','CHN',133183), (2163,'Wuwei','CHN',133101), (2164,'Duyun','CHN',132971), (2165,'Mishan','CHN',132744), (2166,'Shangrao','CHN',132455), (2167,'Changji','CHN',132260), (2168,'Meixian','CHN',132156), (2169,'Yushu','CHN',131861), (2170,'Tiefa','CHN',131807), (2171,'Huai�an','CHN',131149), (2172,'Leiyang','CHN',130115), (2173,'Zalantun','CHN',130031), (2174,'Weihai','CHN',128888), (2175,'Loudi','CHN',128418), (2176,'Qingzhou','CHN',128258), (2177,'Qidong','CHN',126872), (2178,'Huaihua','CHN',126785), (2179,'Luohe','CHN',126438), (2180,'Chuzhou','CHN',125341), (2181,'Kaiyuan','CHN',124219), (2182,'Linqing','CHN',123958), (2183,'Chaohu','CHN',123676), (2184,'Laohekou','CHN',123366), (2185,'Dujiangyan','CHN',123357), (2186,'Zhumadian','CHN',123232), (2187,'Linchuan','CHN',121949), (2188,'Jiaonan','CHN',121397), (2189,'Sanmenxia','CHN',120523), (2190,'Heyuan','CHN',120101), (2191,'Manzhouli','CHN',120023), (2192,'Lhasa','CHN',120000), (2193,'Lianyuan','CHN',118858), (2194,'Kuytun','CHN',118553), (2195,'Puqi','CHN',117264), (2196,'Hongjiang','CHN',116188), (2197,'Qinzhou','CHN',114586), (2198,'Renqiu','CHN',114256), (2199,'Yuyao','CHN',114065), (2200,'Guigang','CHN',114025), (2201,'Kaili','CHN',113958), (2202,'Yan�an','CHN',113277), (2203,'Beihai','CHN',112673), (2204,'Xuangzhou','CHN',112673), (2205,'Quzhou','CHN',112373), (2206,'Yong�an','CHN',111762), (2207,'Zixing','CHN',110048), (2208,'Liyang','CHN',109520), (2209,'Yizheng','CHN',109268), (2210,'Yumen','CHN',109234), (2211,'Liling','CHN',108504), (2212,'Yuncheng','CHN',108359), (2213,'Shanwei','CHN',107847), (2214,'Cixi','CHN',107329), (2215,'Yuanjiang','CHN',107004), (2216,'Bozhou','CHN',106346), (2217,'Jinchang','CHN',105287), (2218,'Fu�an','CHN',105265), (2219,'Suqian','CHN',105021), (2220,'Shishou','CHN',104571), (2221,'Hengshui','CHN',104269), (2222,'Danjiangkou','CHN',103211), (2223,'Fujin','CHN',103104), (2224,'Sanya','CHN',102820), (2225,'Guangshui','CHN',102770), (2226,'Huangshan','CHN',102628), (2227,'Xingcheng','CHN',102384), (2228,'Zhucheng','CHN',102134), (2229,'Kunshan','CHN',102052), (2230,'Haining','CHN',100478), (2231,'Pingliang','CHN',99265), (2232,'Fuqing','CHN',99193), (2233,'Xinzhou','CHN',98667), (2234,'Jieyang','CHN',98531), (2235,'Zhangjiagang','CHN',97994), (2236,'Tong Xian','CHN',97168), (2237,'Ya�an','CHN',95900), (2238,'Jinzhou','CHN',95761), (2239,'Emeishan','CHN',94000), (2240,'Enshi','CHN',93056), (2241,'Bose','CHN',93009), (2242,'Yuzhou','CHN',92889), (2243,'Kaiyuan','CHN',91999), (2244,'Tumen','CHN',91471), (2245,'Putian','CHN',91030), (2246,'Linhai','CHN',90870), (2247,'Xilin Hot','CHN',90646), (2248,'Shaowu','CHN',90286), (2249,'Junan','CHN',90222), (2250,'Huaying','CHN',89400), (2251,'Pingyi','CHN',89373), (2252,'Huangyan','CHN',89288), (2413,'La Habana','CUB',2256000), (2414,'Santiago de Cuba','CUB',433180), (2415,'Camag�ey','CUB',298726), (2416,'Holgu�n','CUB',249492), (2417,'Santa Clara','CUB',207350), (2418,'Guant�namo','CUB',205078), (2419,'Pinar del R�o','CUB',142100), (2420,'Bayamo','CUB',141000), (2421,'Cienfuegos','CUB',132770), (2422,'Victoria de las Tunas','CUB',132350), (2423,'Matanzas','CUB',123273), (2424,'Manzanillo','CUB',109350), (2425,'Sancti-Sp�ritus','CUB',100751), (2426,'Ciego de �vila','CUB',98505), (2430,'Nicosia','CYP',195000), (2431,'Limassol','CYP',154400), (3245,'Z�rich','CHE',336800), (3246,'Geneve','CHE',173500), (3247,'Basel','CHE',166700), (3248,'Bern','CHE',122700), (3249,'Lausanne','CHE',114500), (3339,'Praha','CZE',1181126), (3340,'Brno','CZE',381862), (3341,'Ostrava','CZE',320041), (3342,'Plzen','CZE',166759), (3343,'Olomouc','CZE',102702), (3344,'Liberec','CZE',99155), (3345,'Cesk� Budejovice','CZE',98186), (3346,'Hradec Kr�lov�','CZE',98080), (3347,'�st� nad Labem','CZE',95491), (3348,'Pardubice','CZE',91309), (3520,'Minsk','BLR',1674000), (3521,'Gomel','BLR',475000), (3522,'Mogiljov','BLR',356000), (3523,'Vitebsk','BLR',340000), (3524,'Grodno','BLR',302000), (3525,'Brest','BLR',286000), (3526,'Bobruisk','BLR',221000), (3527,'Baranovit�i','BLR',167000), (3528,'Borisov','BLR',151000), (3529,'Pinsk','BLR',130000), (3530,'Or�a','BLR',124000), (3531,'Mozyr','BLR',110000), (3532,'Novopolotsk','BLR',106000), (3533,'Lida','BLR',101000), (3534,'Soligorsk','BLR',101000), (3535,'Molodet�no','BLR',97000); insert into t1 (Code, Name, Continent) values ('AFG','Afghanistan','Asia'), ('ANT','Netherlands Antilles','North America'), ('ALB','Albania','Europe'), ('AND','Andorra','Europe'), ('AIA','Anguilla','North America'), ('ATG','Antigua and Barbuda','North America'), ('ARE','United Arab Emirates','Asia'), ('ARM','Armenia','Asia'), ('ABW','Aruba','North America'), ('AZE','Azerbaijan','Asia'), ('BHS','Bahamas','North America'), ('BHR','Bahrain','Asia'), ('BGD','Bangladesh','Asia'), ('BRB','Barbados','North America'), ('BEL','Belgium','Europe'), ('BLZ','Belize','North America'), ('BMU','Bermuda','North America'), ('BTN','Bhutan','Asia'), ('BIH','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Europe'), ('BRN','Brunei','Asia'), ('BGR','Bulgaria','Europe'), ('CYM','Cayman Islands','North America'), ('CRI','Costa Rica','North America'), ('AUT','Austria','Europe'), ('CAN','Canada','North America'), ('CHN','China','Asia'), ('CUB','Cuba','North America'), ('CYP','Cyprus','Asia'), ('CHE','Switzerland','Europe'), ('CZE','Czech Republic','Europe'), ('BLR','Belarus','Europe'); update t2 set population=6000000 where Name in ('Wien', 'Vancouver', 'Praha'); --enable_query_log --echo This must not use LooseScan: EXPLAIN SELECT Name FROM t1 WHERE t1.Code IN ( SELECT t2.CountryCode FROM t2 WHERE Population > 5000000); SELECT Name FROM t1 WHERE t1.Code IN ( SELECT t2.CountryCode FROM t2 WHERE Population > 5000000); drop table t1, t2; # # Bug#33062: subquery in stored routine cause crash # CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); CREATE TABLE t2(c INT); DELIMITER //; CREATE PROCEDURE p1(v1 int) BEGIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE a = v1 AND a IN (SELECT c FROM t2); END // CREATE PROCEDURE p2(v1 int) BEGIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE a IN (SELECT c FROM t2); END // CREATE PROCEDURE p3(v1 int) BEGIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 t01,t1 t02,t1 t03,t1 t04,t1 t05,t1 t06,t1 t07,t1 t08, t1 t09,t1 t10,t1 t11,t1 t12,t1 t13,t1 t14,t1 t15,t1 t16, t1 t17,t1 t18,t1 t19,t1 t20,t1 t21,t1 t22,t1 t23,t1 t24, t1 t25,t1 t26,t1 t27,t1 t28,t1 t29,t1 t30,t1 t31,t1 t32, t1 t33,t1 t34,t1 t35,t1 t36,t1 t37,t1 t38,t1 t39,t1 t40, t1 t41,t1 t42,t1 t43,t1 t44,t1 t45,t1 t46,t1 t47,t1 t48, t1 t49,t1 t50,t1 t51,t1 t52,t1 t53,t1 t54,t1 t55,t1 t56, t1 t57,t1 t58,t1 t59,t1 t60 WHERE t01.a IN (SELECT c FROM t2); END // CREATE PROCEDURE p4(v1 int) BEGIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 t01,t1 t02,t1 t03,t1 t04,t1 t05,t1 t06,t1 t07,t1 t08, t1 t09,t1 t10,t1 t11,t1 t12,t1 t13,t1 t14,t1 t15,t1 t16, t1 t17,t1 t18,t1 t19,t1 t20,t1 t21,t1 t22,t1 t23,t1 t24, t1 t25,t1 t26,t1 t27,t1 t28,t1 t29,t1 t30,t1 t31,t1 t32, t1 t33,t1 t34,t1 t35,t1 t36,t1 t37,t1 t38,t1 t39,t1 t40, t1 t41,t1 t42,t1 t43,t1 t44,t1 t45,t1 t46,t1 t47,t1 t48, t1 t49,t1 t50,t1 t51,t1 t52,t1 t53,t1 t54,t1 t55,t1 t56, t1 t57,t1 t58,t1 t59,t1 t60 WHERE t01.a = v1 AND t01.a IN (SELECT c FROM t2); END // DELIMITER ;// CALL p1(1); CALL p2(1); CALL p3(1); CALL p4(1); DROP TABLE t1, t2; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p2; DROP PROCEDURE p3; DROP PROCEDURE p4; # # BUG#35160 "Subquery optimization: table pullout is not reflected in EXPLAIN EXTENDED" # create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4); create table t1 (a int, b int, key(a)); insert into t1 select a,a from t0; create table t2 (a int, b int, primary key(a)); insert into t2 select * from t1; # Table t2 should be pulled out because t2.a=t0.a equality --echo Table t2, unlike table t1, should be displayed as pulled out explain extended select * from t0 where t0.a in ( select t1.a from t1,t2 where t2.a=t0.a and t1.b=t2.b); # # BUG#46556 "Returning incorrect, empty results for some IN subqueries # w/ semijoin=on" # # The above query did not have a valid plan before the fix of BUG#46556. # Add some data that would cause wrong result with the old plan. update t1 set a=3, b=11 where a=4; update t2 set b=11 where a=3; if (`select @@join_cache_level=6`) { --echo # Not anymore: --echo # The following query gives wrong result due to Bug#49129 } select * from t0 where t0.a in (select t1.a from t1, t2 where t2.a=t0.a and t1.b=t2.b); drop table t0, t1, t2; # # BUG#35767: Processing of uncorrelated subquery with semi-join cause wrong result and crash # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)); CREATE TABLE t2 ( id int(11) NOT NULL, fid int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)); insert into t1 values(1); insert into t2 values(1,7503),(2,1); --error 1054 explain select count(*) from t1 where fid IN (select fid from t2 where (id between 7502 and 8420) order by fid ); drop table t1, t2; # # BUG#36137 "virtual longlong Item_in_subselect::val_int(): Assertion `0' failed." # create table t1 (a int, b int, key (a), key (b)); insert into t1 values (2,4),(2,4),(2,4); select t1.a from t1 where t1.a in (select 1 from t1 where t1.a in (select 1 from t1) group by t1.a); drop table t1; # # BUG#36128: not in subquery causes crash in cleanup.. # create table t1(a int,b int,key(a),key(b)); insert into t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3); select 1 from t1 where t1.a not in (select 1 from t1 where t1.a in (select 1 from t1) group by t1.b); drop table t1; # # BUG#33743 "nested subqueries, unique index, wrong result" # CREATE TABLE t1 (EMPNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, EMPNAME CHAR(20), GRADE DECIMAL(4), CITY CHAR(15)); CREATE TABLE t2 (PNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, PNAME CHAR(20), PTYPE CHAR(6), BUDGET DECIMAL(9), CITY CHAR(15)); CREATE TABLE t3 (EMPNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, PNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, HOURS DECIMAL(5)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E1','Alice',12,'Deale'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E2','Betty',10,'Vienna'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E3','Carmen',13,'Vienna'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E4','Don',12,'Deale'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E5','Ed',13,'Akron'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P1','MXSS','Design',10000,'Deale'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P2','CALM','Code',30000,'Vienna'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P3','SDP','Test',30000,'Tampa'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P4','SDP','Design',20000,'Deale'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P5','IRM','Test',10000,'Vienna'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('P6','PAYR','Design',50000,'Deale'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P1',40); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P2',20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P3',80); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P4',20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P5',12); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E1','P6',12); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E2','P1',40); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E2','P2',80); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E3','P2',20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E4','P2',20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E4','P4',40); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('E4','P5',80); SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t1_IDX ON t1(EMPNUM); --sorted_result SELECT EMPNAME FROM t1 WHERE EMPNUM IN (SELECT EMPNUM FROM t3 WHERE PNUM IN (SELECT PNUM FROM t2 WHERE PTYPE = 'Design')); DROP INDEX t1_IDX ON t1; CREATE INDEX t1_IDX ON t1(EMPNUM); --sorted_result SELECT EMPNAME FROM t1 WHERE EMPNUM IN (SELECT EMPNUM FROM t3 WHERE PNUM IN (SELECT PNUM FROM t2 WHERE PTYPE = 'Design')); DROP INDEX t1_IDX ON t1; --sorted_result SELECT EMPNAME FROM t1 WHERE EMPNUM IN (SELECT EMPNUM FROM t3 WHERE PNUM IN (SELECT PNUM FROM t2 WHERE PTYPE = 'Design')); DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; # # BUG#33245 "Crash on VIEW referencing FROM table in an IN clause" # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT NOT NULL); CREATE VIEW v1 (a) AS SELECT f1 IN (SELECT f1 FROM t1) FROM t1; SELECT * FROM v1; drop view v1; drop table t1; # # BUG#35550 "Semi-join subquery in ON clause and no WHERE crashes the server" # create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t1(a int, b int); insert into t1 values (0,0),(1,1),(2,2); create table t2 as select * from t1; create table t3 (pk int, a int, primary key(pk)); insert into t3 select a,a from t0; explain select * from t1 left join t2 on (t2.a= t1.a and t2.a in (select pk from t3)); drop table t0, t1, t2, t3; # # BUG#34799: crash or/and memory overrun with dependant subquery and some joins # create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t2 (a char(200), b char(200), c char(200), primary key (a,b,c)) engine=innodb; insert into t2 select concat(a, repeat('X',198)),repeat('B',200),repeat('B',200) from t1; insert into t2 select concat(a, repeat('Y',198)),repeat('B',200),repeat('B',200) from t1; alter table t2 add filler1 int; insert into t1 select A.a + 10*(B.a + 10*C.a) from t1 A, t1 B, t1 C; set @save_join_buffer_size=@@join_buffer_size; --disable_warnings set join_buffer_size=1; --enable_warnings select * from t2 where filler1 in ( select a from t1); set join_buffer_size=default; drop table t1, t2; # # BUG#33509: Server crashes with number of recursive subqueries=61 # (the query may or may not fail with an error so we're using it with SP # create table t1 (a int not null); --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists p1; --enable_warnings delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION select a from t1; prepare s1 from ' select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1 where a in ( select a from t1) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))'; execute s1; END; | delimiter ;| call p1(); drop procedure p1; drop table t1; # # BUG#35468 "Slowdown and wrong result for uncorrelated subquery w/o where" # create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t1 (a int) as select A.a + 10 *(B.a + 10*C.a) as a from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C; create table t2 (id int, a int, primary key(id), key(a)) as select a as id, a as a from t1; show create table t2; set @a=0; create table t3 as select * from t2 limit 0; insert into t3 select @a:=@a+1, t2.a from t2, t0; insert into t3 select @a:=@a+1, t2.a from t2, t0; insert into t3 select @a:=@a+1, t2.a from t2, t0; alter table t3 add primary key(id), add key(a); --echo The following must use loose index scan over t3, key a: explain select count(a) from t2 where a in ( SELECT a FROM t3); select count(a) from t2 where a in ( SELECT a FROM t3); drop table t0,t1,t2,t3; --echo --echo BUG#42740: crash in optimize_semijoin_nests --echo create table t1 (c6 timestamp,key (c6)) engine=innodb; create table t2 (c2 double) engine=innodb; explain select 1 from t2 where c2 = any (select log10(null) from t1 where c6 <null) ; drop table t1, t2; --echo # --echo # BUG#42742: crash in setup_sj_materialization, Copy_field::set --echo # create table t3 ( c1 year) engine=innodb; insert into t3 values (2135),(2142); create table t2 (c1 tinytext,c2 text,c6 timestamp) engine=innodb; -- echo # The following must not crash, EXPLAIN should show one SJ strategy, not a mix: explain select 1 from t2 where c2 in (select 1 from t3, t2) and c1 in (select convert(c6,char(1)) from t2); drop table t2, t3;