Commit cf2128bf authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent a702d674
......@@ -177,30 +177,95 @@ func (stor *Storage) talkMaster1(ctx context.Context) error {
// now handle notifications and commands from master
// FIXME wrong - either keep conn as one used from identification or accept from listening
conn, err := Mlink.NewConn()
if err != nil { panic(err) } // XXX
for {
notify, err := conn.Recv()
Mconn, err := Mlink.Accept()
if err != nil {
return // XXX ?
_ = notify // XXX temp
err = stor.m1initialize(ctx, Mconn)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
err = stor.m1serve(ctx, Mconn)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
return nil // XXX err
// m1initialize drives storage by master messages during initialization phase
// when it finishes error indicates:
// - nil: initialization was ok and a command came from master to start operation
// - !nil: initialization was cancelled or failed somehow
func (stor *Storage) m1initialize(ctx context.Context, Mconn *neo.Conn) error {
for {
msg, err := Mconn.Recv() // XXX abort on ctx (XXX or upper?)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
switch msg.(type) {
case *neo.AskRecovery:
// TODO send M (ptid, backup_tid, truncate_tid)
case *neo.AskPartitionTable:
// TODO read and send M locally-saved PT (ptid, []PtRow)
case *neo.AskLockedTransaction:
// <- StartOperation
case *neo.AskLastIDs:
// TODO send M (last_oid, last_tid)
case *neo.NotifyPartitionTable:
// TODO save locally what M told us
case *neo.NotifyClusterInformation:
// TODO .clusterState = ... XXX what to do with it?
case *neo.NotifyNodeInformation:
// XXX check for myUUID and condier it a command (like neo/py) does?
// TODO update .nodeTab
case *neo.StartOperation:
return nil // ok
// XXX
// m1serve drives storage by master messages during service hase
// XXX err return - document
func (stor *Storage) m1serve(ctx contextContext, Mconn *neo.Conn) error {
// refresh stor.opCtx and cancel it when we finish
opCtx, opCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
stor.opCtx = opCtx
defer opCancel()
// reply M we are ready
err := Mconn.Send(neo.NotifyReady{})
if err != nil {
return err // XXX err ctx
return nil // XXX err
// TODO handle M notifications and commands
for {
// ServeLink serves incoming node-node link connection
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