Commit 0e066c35 authored by Marius Gedminas's avatar Marius Gedminas

Fix wheel builds

Should fix #113.

We can't see if the fix works because wheels are built only for git
parent 4b2f8d87
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ for PYBIN in /opt/python/*/bin; do
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp36"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp37"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp38"* ]]; then
"${PYBIN}/pip" install -U pip setuptools wheel cffi
# NB: it's risky to upgrade wheel without upgrading auditwheel,
# see
"${PYBIN}/pip" install -U pip setuptools wheel cffi auditwheel
"${PYBIN}/pip" install -e /io/
"${PYBIN}/pip" wheel /io/ -w wheelhouse/
rm -rf /io/build /io/*.egg-info
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