Commit 96d670f1 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Fix wheel building for PyPy.

Don't confuse ext_modules with headers.

Fixes #88
parent 341ac6aa
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ install:
- pip install -U -e .[test]
- python --version
# make sure we can build a wheel
- python bdist_wheel
# coverage makes PyPy run about 3x slower, but the tests only take
# .4s to begin with (the whole process takes about 1.5), so that's
# still only 4.5s, which is maneagable.
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
4.4.1 (unreleased)
- Nothing changed yet.
- Fix installation of source packages on PyPy. See `issue 88
4.4.0 (2018-08-22)
......@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ is_jython = 'java' in sys.platform
# anti-optimizations (the C extension compatibility layer is known-slow,
# and defeats JIT opportunities).
if is_pypy or is_jython:
ext_modules = headers = []
# Note that all the lists we pass to setuptools must be distinct
# objects, or bad things happen. See
ext_modules = []
headers = []
ext_modules = [
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