Commit ef4c70a3 authored by Juho Snellman's avatar Juho Snellman

Document methods, separate non-trivial implementations from declarations

- Also fix integer overflow issue in ticks_to_next_event
parent 1133c71f
......@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ bool test_ticks_to_next_event() {
// No timers scheduled, return the max value.
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(100), 100);
EXPECT_INTEQ(timers.ticks_to_next_event(0), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// Just vanilla tests
......@@ -204,6 +205,10 @@ bool test_ticks_to_next_event() {
return true;
......@@ -18,25 +18,28 @@ typedef uint64_t Tick;
class TimerWheelSlot;
class TimerWheel;
// An abstract class representing an event that can be scheduled to
// happen at some later time.
class TimerEventInterface {
TimerEventInterface() {
// TimerEvents are automatically canceled on destruction.
virtual ~TimerEventInterface() {
// Unschedule this timer. It's safe to cancel a timer that is inactive.
void cancel();
virtual void execute() = 0;
// Return true iff the timer is currently scheduled for execution.
bool active() const {
return slot_ != NULL;
// Return the absolute tick this timer is scheduled to be executed on.
Tick scheduled_at() const { return scheduled_at_; }
void set_scheduled_at(Tick ts) { scheduled_at_ = ts; }
TimerEventInterface(const TimerEventInterface& other) = delete;
......@@ -44,6 +47,12 @@ private:
friend TimerWheelSlot;
friend TimerWheel;
// Implement in subclasses. Executes the timer callback.
virtual void execute() = 0;
void set_scheduled_at(Tick ts) { scheduled_at_ = ts; }
// Move the timer to another slot. (It's safe for either the current
// or new slot to be NULL).
void relink(TimerWheelSlot* slot);
Tick scheduled_at_;
......@@ -56,10 +65,12 @@ private:
TimerEventInterface* prev_ = NULL;
// An event that takes the callback (of type CBType) to execute as
// a constructor parameter.
template<typename CBType>
class TimerEvent : public TimerEventInterface {
TimerEvent<CBType>(const CBType& callback)
explicit TimerEvent<CBType>(const CBType& callback)
: callback_(callback) {
......@@ -73,6 +84,9 @@ private:
CBType callback_;
// An event that's specialized with a (static) member function of class T,
// and a dynamic instance of T. Timer execution causes an invocation of the
// member function on the instance.
template<typename T, void(T::*MFun)() >
class MemberTimerEvent : public TimerEventInterface {
......@@ -87,12 +101,16 @@ private:
T* obj_;
// Purely an implementation detail.
class TimerWheelSlot {
TimerWheelSlot() {
// Return the first event queued in this slot.
const TimerEventInterface* events() const { return events_; }
// Deque the first event from the slot, and return it.
TimerEventInterface* pop_event() {
auto event = events_;
events_ = event->next_;
......@@ -104,88 +122,41 @@ public:
return event;
TimerWheelSlot(const TimerWheelSlot& other) = delete;
TimerWheelSlot& operator=(const TimerWheelSlot& other) = delete;
friend TimerEventInterface;
friend TimerWheel;
// Doubly linked (inferior) list of events.
TimerEventInterface* events_ = NULL;
class TimerWheel {
: now_(0),
TimerWheel(Tick now = 0)
: now_(now),
up_(new TimerWheel(WIDTH_BITS, this)),
down_(NULL) {
void advance(Tick delta) {
while (delta--) {
size_t slot_index = now_ & MASK;
auto slot = &slots_[slot_index];
if (slot_index == 0 && up_) {
while (slot->events()) {
auto event = slot->pop_event();
if (down_) {
assert((down_->now_ & MASK) == 0);
Tick now = down_->now();
if (now >= event->scheduled_at()) {
} else {
event->scheduled_at() - now);
} else {
void schedule(TimerEventInterface* event, Tick delta) {
if (!down_) {
event->set_scheduled_at(now_ + delta);
if (delta >= NUM_SLOTS) {
return up_->schedule(event, (delta + (now_ & MASK)) >> WIDTH_BITS);
size_t slot_index = (now_ + delta) & MASK;
auto slot = &slots_[slot_index];
// Advance the TimerWheel by the specified number of ticks, and execute
// any events scheduled for execution at or before that time.
// - It is safe to cancel or schedule timers from within timer callbacks.
// - During the execution of the callback the observable timer tick will
// be the tick it was scheduled to run on; not the tick the clock will
// be advanced to.
// - Events will happen in order; all events scheduled for tick X will
// be executed before any event scheduled for tick X+1.
void advance(Tick delta);
// Schedule the event to be executed delta ticks from the current time.
void schedule(TimerEventInterface* event, Tick delta);
// Schedule the event to happen at some time between start and end
// ticks from the current time. The actual time will be determined
// by the TimerWheel to minimize rescheduling and promotion overhead.
void schedule_in_range(TimerEventInterface* event,
Tick start, Tick end) {
assert(end > start);
if (event->active()) {
auto current = event->scheduled_at() - now_;
// Event is already scheduled to happen in this range. Instead
// of always using the old slot, we could check compute the
// new slot and switch iff it's aligned better than the old one.
// But it seems hard to believe that could be worthwhile.
if (current >= start && current <= end) {
// Zero as many bits (in WIDTH_BITS chunks) as possible
// from "end" while still keeping the output in the
// right range.
Tick mask = ~0;
while ((start & mask) != (end & mask)) {
mask = (mask << WIDTH_BITS);
Tick delta = end & (mask >> WIDTH_BITS);
schedule(event, delta);
Tick start, Tick end);
// Return the current tick value. Note that if the timers advance by
// multiple ticks during a single call to advance(), the value of now()
......@@ -193,48 +164,10 @@ public:
// the timer eventually will advance to.
Tick now() const { return now_; }
Tick ticks_to_next_event(const Tick& max = 0) {
// The actual current time (not the bitshifted time)
Tick now = down_ ? down_->now() : now_;
// Smallest tick we've found.
Tick min = max ? now + max : std::numeric_limits<Tick>::max();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i) {
// Note: Unlike the uses of "now", slot index calculations really
// need to use now_.
auto slot_index = (now_ + 1 + i) & MASK;
// We've reached slot 0. In normal scheduling this would
// mean advancing the next wheel and promoting or running
// those timers. So we need to look in that slot too
// before proceeding with the rest of this wheel. But we
// can't just accept those results outright, we need to
// check the best result there against the next slot on
// this wheel.
if (slot_index == 0 && up_) {
const auto& slot = up_->slots_[(up_->now_ + 1) & MASK];
for (auto event =; event != NULL;
event = event->next_) {
min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at());
bool found = false;
const auto& slot = slots_[slot_index];
for (auto event =; event != NULL;
event = event->next_) {
min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at());
found = true;
if (found) {
return min - now;
// Nothind found on this wheel, try the next one.
if (up_) {
return up_->ticks_to_next_event(max);
return max;
// Return the number of ticks remaining until the next timer will get
// executed. If the max parameter is passed, that will be the maximum
// tick value that gets returned.
Tick ticks_to_next_event(const Tick& max = std::numeric_limits<Tick>::max());
TimerWheel(const TimerWheel& other) = delete;
......@@ -258,6 +191,8 @@ private:
TimerWheel* down_;
// Implementation
void TimerEventInterface::relink(TimerWheelSlot* new_slot) {
if (new_slot == slot_) {
......@@ -304,4 +239,114 @@ void TimerEventInterface::cancel() {
void TimerWheel::advance(Tick delta) {
while (delta--) {
size_t slot_index = now_ & MASK;
auto slot = &slots_[slot_index];
if (slot_index == 0 && up_) {
while (slot->events()) {
auto event = slot->pop_event();
if (down_) {
assert((down_->now_ & MASK) == 0);
Tick now = down_->now();
if (now >= event->scheduled_at()) {
} else {
event->scheduled_at() - now);
} else {
void TimerWheel::schedule(TimerEventInterface* event, Tick delta) {
if (!down_) {
event->set_scheduled_at(now_ + delta);
if (delta >= NUM_SLOTS) {
return up_->schedule(event, (delta + (now_ & MASK)) >> WIDTH_BITS);
size_t slot_index = (now_ + delta) & MASK;
auto slot = &slots_[slot_index];
void TimerWheel::schedule_in_range(TimerEventInterface* event,
Tick start, Tick end) {
assert(end > start);
if (event->active()) {
auto current = event->scheduled_at() - now_;
// Event is already scheduled to happen in this range. Instead
// of always using the old slot, we could check compute the
// new slot and switch iff it's aligned better than the old one.
// But it seems hard to believe that could be worthwhile.
if (current >= start && current <= end) {
// Zero as many bits (in WIDTH_BITS chunks) as possible
// from "end" while still keeping the output in the
// right range.
Tick mask = ~0;
while ((start & mask) != (end & mask)) {
mask = (mask << WIDTH_BITS);
Tick delta = end & (mask >> WIDTH_BITS);
schedule(event, delta);
Tick TimerWheel::ticks_to_next_event(const Tick& max) {
// The actual current time (not the bitshifted time)
Tick now = down_ ? down_->now() : now_;
// Smallest tick (relative to now) we've found.
Tick min = max;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i) {
// Note: Unlike the uses of "now", slot index calculations really
// need to use now_.
auto slot_index = (now_ + 1 + i) & MASK;
// We've reached slot 0. In normal scheduling this would
// mean advancing the next wheel and promoting or running
// those timers. So we need to look in that slot too
// before proceeding with the rest of this wheel. But we
// can't just accept those results outright, we need to
// check the best result there against the next slot on
// this wheel.
if (slot_index == 0 && up_) {
const auto& slot = up_->slots_[(up_->now_ + 1) & MASK];
for (auto event =; event != NULL;
event = event->next_) {
min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at() - now);
bool found = false;
const auto& slot = slots_[slot_index];
for (auto event =; event != NULL;
event = event->next_) {
min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at() - now);
found = true;
if (found) {
return min;
// Nothing found on this wheel, try the next one.
if (up_) {
return up_->ticks_to_next_event(max);
return max;
#endif // _TIMER_WHEEL_H
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