diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 5eb7ff1946dd10c5ec84755cdd8f95118249e366..1358dbad04f264310d19a6ab833852fc6e11c30c 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ setup(name=name,
           'slapproxy = slapos.proxy:main',
           'bang = slapos.bang:main',
           'slapos = slapos.entry:main',
-          'watchdog = slapos.grid.watchdog:main',
+          'slapos-watchdog = slapos.grid.watchdog:main',
diff --git a/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py b/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
index 8e89dd1dc05afcb84d94bff5aa6dca87b7e87023..fa434244bdefafd511f9cabcf8d5f0fc87fa6f35 100644
--- a/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
+++ b/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import os
 import shutil
 import signal
 import slapos.slap.slap
+from slapos.grid.watchdog import Watchdog, getWatchdogID
 import socket
 import sys
 import tempfile
@@ -40,6 +41,33 @@ import unittest
 import urlparse
 import xml_marshaller
+WATCHDOG_TEMPLATE = """#!%(python_path)s -S
+import sys
+import slapos.slap.slap
+import slapos.grid.watchdog
+def setBang():
+  def getBang():
+    def bang(self_partition,message):
+      report = ""
+      for key in self_partition.__dict__:
+        report += (key + ': ' + str(self_partition.__dict__[key]) + '  ')
+        if key == '_connection_helper':
+          for el in self_partition.__dict__[key].__dict__:
+            report += ('    ' + el +': ' +
+                       str(self_partition.__dict__[key].__dict__[el]) + '  ')
+      report += message
+      open('%(watchdog_banged)s','w').write(report)
+    return bang
+  slapos.slap.ComputerPartition.bang = getBang()
 WRAPPER_CONTENT = """#!/bin/sh
 touch worked &&
 mkdir -p etc/run &&
@@ -48,6 +76,19 @@ echo "while :; do echo "Working\\nWorking\\n" ; sleep 0.1; done" >> etc/run/wrap
 chmod 755 etc/run/wrapper
+DAEMON_CONTENT = """#!/bin/sh
+mkdir -p etc/service &&
+echo "#!/bin/sh" > etc/service/daemon &&
+echo "touch launched
+if [ -f ./crashed ]; then
+while :; do echo "Working\\nWorking\\n" ; sleep 0.1; done
+touch ./crashed; echo "Failing\\nFailing\\n"; sleep 1; return 111;
+fi" >> etc/service/daemon &&
+chmod 755 etc/service/daemon &&
+touch worked
 class BasicMixin:
   def assertSortedListEqual(self, list1, list2, msg=None):
     self.assertListEqual(sorted(list1), sorted(list2), msg)
@@ -241,6 +282,8 @@ class ComputerForTest:
         if parsed_url.path == 'destroyedComputerPartition':
           instance.state = 'destroyed'
           return (200, {}, '')
+        if parsed_url.path == 'softwareInstanceBang':
+          return (200, {}, '')
         if parsed_url.path == 'softwareInstanceError':
           instance.error_log = '\n'.join([line for line \
                                    in parsed_qs['error_log'][0].splitlines()
@@ -569,6 +612,177 @@ chmod 755 etc/run/wrapper
     self.assertEqual('stopped', instance.state)
+class TestSlapgridCPWithMasterWatchdog(MasterMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_one_failing_daemon_in_service_will_bang_with_watchdog(self):
+    """
+    Check that a failing service watched by watchdog trigger bang
+    1.Prepare computer and set a service named daemon in etc/service
+       (to be watched by watchdog). This daemon will fail.
+    2.Prepare file for supervisord to call watchdog
+       -Set sys.path
+       -Monkeypatch computer partition bang
+    3.Check damemon is launched
+    4.Wait for it to fail
+    5.Wait for file generated by monkeypacthed bang to appear
+    """
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root,self.instance_root)
+    partition = computer.instance_list[0]
+    partition.requested_state = 'started'
+    partition.software.setBuildout(DAEMON_CONTENT)
+    # Prepare watchdog
+    watchdog_path = os.path.join(self._tempdir,'watchdog')
+    watchdog_banged = os.path.join(self._tempdir,'watchdog_banged')
+    open(watchdog_path,'w').write(
+      WATCHDOG_TEMPLATE % dict(python_path=sys.executable,
+                               sys_path=sys.path,
+                               watchdog_banged=watchdog_banged))
+    os.chmod(watchdog_path,0755)
+    self.grid.watchdog_path = watchdog_path
+    self.assertTrue(self.grid.processComputerPartitionList())
+    self.assertSortedListEqual(os.listdir(self.instance_root), ['0', 'etc',
+      'var'])
+    self.assertSortedListEqual(os.listdir(partition.partition_path),
+                               ['.0_daemon.log','worked', 'buildout.cfg', 'etc'])
+    tries = 10
+    daemon_log = os.path.join(partition.partition_path, '.0_daemon.log')
+    while tries > 0:
+      tries -= 1
+      if os.path.getsize(daemon_log) > 0:
+        break
+      time.sleep(0.2)
+    self.assertTrue('Failing' in open(daemon_log, 'r').read())
+    tries = 25
+    while tries > 0:
+      tries -= 1
+      if os.path.exists(watchdog_banged):
+        break
+      time.sleep(0.2)
+    self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(watchdog_banged))
+    self.assertTrue('daemon' in open(watchdog_banged,'r').read())
+  RUN_CONTENT = """#!/bin/sh
+mkdir -p etc/run &&
+echo "#!/bin/sh" > etc/run/daemon &&
+echo "touch launched
+touch ./crashed; echo "Failing\\nFailing\\n"; sleep 1; return 111;
+" >> etc/run/daemon &&
+chmod 755 etc/run/daemon &&
+touch worked
+  def test_one_failing_daemon_in_run_will_not_bang_with_watchdog(self):
+    """
+    Check that a failing service watched by watchdog trigger bang
+    1.Prepare computer and set a service named daemon in etc/run
+       (not watched by watchdog). This daemon will fail.
+    2.Prepare file for supervisord to call watchdog
+       -Set sys.path
+       -Monkeypatch computer partition bang
+    3.Check damemon is launched
+    4.Wait for it to fail
+    5.Check that file generated by monkeypacthed bang do not appear
+    """
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root,self.instance_root)
+    partition = computer.instance_list[0]
+    partition.requested_state = 'started'
+    partition.software.setBuildout(self.RUN_CONTENT)
+    # Prepare watchdog
+    watchdog_path = os.path.join(self._tempdir,'watchdog')
+    watchdog_banged = os.path.join(self._tempdir,'watchdog_banged')
+    open(watchdog_path,'w').write(
+      WATCHDOG_TEMPLATE % dict(python_path=sys.executable,
+                               sys_path=sys.path,
+                               watchdog_banged=watchdog_banged))
+    os.chmod(watchdog_path,0755)
+    self.grid.watchdog_path = watchdog_path
+    self.assertTrue(self.grid.processComputerPartitionList())
+    self.assertSortedListEqual(os.listdir(self.instance_root), ['0', 'etc',
+      'var'])
+    self.assertSortedListEqual(os.listdir(partition.partition_path),
+                               ['.0_daemon.log','worked', 'buildout.cfg', 'etc'])
+    tries = 10
+    daemon_log = os.path.join(partition.partition_path, '.0_daemon.log')
+    while tries > 0:
+      tries -= 1
+      if os.path.getsize(daemon_log) > 0:
+        break
+      time.sleep(0.2)
+    self.assertTrue('Failing' in open(daemon_log, 'r').read())
+    tries = 25
+    while tries > 0:
+      tries -= 1
+      if os.path.exists(watchdog_banged):
+        break
+      time.sleep(0.2)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(watchdog_banged))
+  def test_watched_by_watchdog_bang(self):
+    """
+    Test that a process going to fatal or exited mode in supervisord
+    is banged if watched by watchdog
+    (ie: watchdog id in process name)
+    """
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root,self.instance_root)
+    instance = computer.instance_list[0]
+    watchdog = Watchdog(dict(master_url=self.master_url,
+                             computer_id=self.computer_id,
+                             key_file=None,
+                             cert_file=None))
+    for event in watchdog.process_state_events:
+      instance.sequence = []
+      headers = dict(eventname=event)
+      payload = "processname:%s groupname:%s from_state:RUNNING"\
+          % ('daemon'+getWatchdogID(),instance.name)
+      watchdog.handle_event(headers,payload)
+      self.assertEqual(instance.sequence,['softwareInstanceBang'])
+  def test_unwanted_events_will_not_bang(self):
+    """
+    Test that a process going to a mode not watched by watchdog
+    in supervisord is not banged if watched by watchdog
+    """
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root,self.instance_root)
+    instance = computer.instance_list[0]
+    watchdog = Watchdog(dict(master_url=self.master_url,
+                             computer_id=self.computer_id,
+                             key_file=None,
+                             cert_file=None))
+      computer.sequence = []
+      headers = dict(eventname=event)
+      payload = "processname:%s groupname:%s from_state:RUNNING"\
+          % ('daemon'+getWatchdogID(),instance.name)
+      watchdog.handle_event(headers,payload)
+      self.assertEqual(instance.sequence,[])
+  def test_not_watched_by_watchdog_do_not_bang(self):
+    """
+    Test that a process going to fatal or exited mode in supervisord
+    is not banged if not watched by watchdog
+    (ie: no watchdog id in process name)
+    """
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root,self.instance_root)
+    instance = computer.instance_list[0]
+    watchdog = Watchdog(dict(master_url=self.master_url,
+                             computer_id=self.computer_id,
+                             key_file=None,
+                             cert_file=None))
+    for event in watchdog.process_state_events:
+      computer.sequence = []
+      headers = dict(eventname=event)
+      payload = "processname:%s groupname:%s from_state:RUNNING"\
+          % ('daemon',instance.name)
+      watchdog.handle_event(headers,payload)
+      self.assertEqual(computer.sequence,[])
 class TestSlapgridCPPartitionProcessing (MasterMixin, unittest.TestCase):
   def test_partition_timestamp(self):