Commit 9df037b5 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 71f89d15
import json
config = "enb"
json_params_empty = """{
"rf_mode": 'fdd',
......@@ -8,6 +10,15 @@ json_params_empty = """{
"slapparameter_dict": {
CELL1 = {
RU2 = {
jCELL1 = json.dumps(CELL1)
jRU2 = json.dumps(RU2)
json_params = """{
"earfcn": 126357,
"tx_gain": 50,
......@@ -61,18 +72,21 @@ json_params = """{
"slave_instance_list": [
"slave_title": XXX,
"slave_reference": XXX,
"slap_software_type": XXX
"slave_title": "Cell 1",
"slave_reference": "_cell1",
"slap_software_type": "enb",
"_": %(jCELL1)s
"slave_title": "Radio Unit 2",
"slave_reference": "_ru2",
"slap_software_type": "enb",
"_": %(jRU2)s
}""" % globals()
import os
import json
from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined, \
BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound, PrefixLoader
import six
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