diff --git a/component/tensorflow/buildout.cfg b/component/tensorflow/buildout.cfg
index 3313304953b9e348b1f2221e85161498b109e9b1..63fab890dc37518965877864c1282805da4a45c0 100644
--- a/component/tensorflow/buildout.cfg
+++ b/component/tensorflow/buildout.cfg
@@ -26,28 +26,16 @@ location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
 recipe = plone.recipe.command
 stop-on-error = true
 repository = https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
-tag = v0.12.0
+tag = v1.0.1
 git-binary = ${git:location}/bin/git
 patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-command = export HOME=${:location}; (${:git-binary} clone --recurse-submodules --quiet -b ${:tag} ${:repository} ${:location}; cd ${buildout:parts-directory} ; ${:patch-binary} -p1 -d ${:_buildout_section_name_} < ${:_profile_base_location_}/tensorflow-v0.12.0.patch ) || (rm -fr ${:location}; exit 1)
-recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
-location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-mode = 640
-filename = tensorflow.bzl
-template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}.in
-rendered = ${:location}/${:filename}
-tf_extension_linkopts = '-lrt', '-Wl,-rpath=${gcc:location}/lib64'
-context =
-    key tf_extension_linkopts template-tensorflow-bzl:tf_extension_linkopts
-location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
+command = export HOME=${:location}; (${:git-binary} clone --recurse-submodules --quiet -b ${:tag} ${:repository} ${:location}; cd ${buildout:parts-directory} ; ${:patch-binary} -p1 -d ${:_buildout_section_name_} < ${:_profile_base_location_}/tensorflow-v1.0.1.patch ) || (rm -fr ${:location}; exit 1)
 tf_need_cuda = 1
 tf_cuda_version = 8.0
-tf_cudnn_version = 6.5
+tf_cudnn_version = 5.1.10
 tf_cuda_compute_capabilities = 5.2,6.1
 cuda_toolkit_path = /usr/local/cuda
 cudnn_install_path = /usr/local/cuda
@@ -55,7 +43,6 @@ cudnn_install_path = /usr/local/cuda
 recipe = slapos.recipe.build
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-tensorflow-bzl-file-path = ${template-tensorflow-bzl:rendered}
 workdir = ${tensorflow-repository:location}
 gcc-bin = ${gcc:location}/bin
 gcc-lib = ${gcc:location}/lib
@@ -79,6 +66,9 @@ script =
                                   os.environ.get('LIBRARY_PATH') or '']),
+         'CC_OPT_FLAGS':'-march=native',
+         'TF_NEED_JEMALLOC':'1',
+         'TF_ENABLE_XLA':'0',
@@ -96,8 +86,6 @@ script =
   if not os.path.exists(env['CUDA_TOOLKIT_PATH']): env['TF_NEED_CUDA'] = '0'
   env['LDFLAGS'] = '-lW,-rpath='+self.options['gcc-lib64']
-  shutil.copy(self.options['tensorflow-bzl-file-path'],
-              os.path.join(workdir, 'tensorflow', 'tensorflow.bzl'))
   call(['./configure'], cwd=workdir, env=env)
   bazel_command = (env['TF_NEED_CUDA'] == '1' and
     ['bazel', 'build', '-c', 'opt', '--copt', '-march=native', '--config', 'cuda', '-s', '--verbose_failures', '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package']
@@ -116,7 +104,7 @@ egg = tensorflow
 script =
   workdir = self.options['tensorflow-repository-path']
-  egg_name = 'tensorflow-0.12.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg'
+  egg_name = 'tensorflow-1.0.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg'
   dist_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'dist')
   dest_dir = os.path.join(self.buildout['buildout']['eggs-directory'], egg_name)
   call(['bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package', dist_dir], cwd=workdir)
diff --git a/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v0.12.0.patch b/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v0.12.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 55df65ca4e40bc4a9c56ed3a9f075c8d876ef2bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v0.12.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-diff -N -u -r tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh
---- tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh   2017-01-04 12:16:06.540748399 +0900
-+++ tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh        2017-01-04 12:16:19.852748187 +0900
-@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
-   pushd ${TMPDIR}
-   rm -f MANIFEST
-   echo $(date) : "=== Building wheel"
--  "${PYTHON_BIN_PATH:-python}" setup.py bdist_wheel ${GPU_FLAG} >/dev/null
-+  "${PYTHON_BIN_PATH:-python}" setup.py bdist_egg ${GPU_FLAG} >/dev/null
-   mkdir -p ${DEST}
-   cp dist/* ${DEST}
-   popd
-diff -N -u -r tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/setup.py tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/setup.py
---- tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/setup.py       2017-01-04 12:16:06.540748399 +0900
-+++ tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/setup.py    2017-01-04 12:17:29.836747073 +0900
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-     'numpy >= 1.11.0',
-     'six >= 1.10.0',
--    'protobuf == 3.1.0',
-+    'protobuf == 3.1.0.post1',
- ]
- project_name = 'tensorflow'
-diff -N -u -r tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/workspace.bzl tensorflow/tensorflow/workspace.bzl
---- tensorflow.orig/tensorflow/workspace.bzl    2017-01-04 12:16:06.568748399 +0900
-+++ tensorflow/tensorflow/workspace.bzl 2017-01-04 12:16:19.852748187 +0900
-@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
-   native.new_http_archive(
-     name = "zlib_archive",
--    url = "http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz",
--    sha256 = "36658cb768a54c1d4dec43c3116c27ed893e88b02ecfcb44f2166f9c0b7f2a0d",
--    strip_prefix = "zlib-1.2.8",
-+    url = "https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/v1.2.9.zip",
-+    sha256 = "819936ec260b679726f21dd9c1ef9c553ce0281988842c24a9c42652cbca698a",
-+    strip_prefix = "zlib-1.2.9",
-     build_file = str(Label("//:zlib.BUILD")),
-   )
diff --git a/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v1.0.1.patch b/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v1.0.1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a08ec7f1548d6e52fc00181ed61eaa584656fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/component/tensorflow/tensorflow-v1.0.1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh b/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh
+index e2bee21..1df90c1 100755
+--- a/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh
++++ b/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.sh
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ function main() {
+   pushd ${TMPDIR}
+   rm -f MANIFEST
+   echo $(date) : "=== Building wheel"
+-  "${PYTHON_BIN_PATH:-python}" setup.py bdist_wheel ${GPU_FLAG} >/dev/null
++  "${PYTHON_BIN_PATH:-python}" setup.py bdist_egg ${GPU_FLAG} >/dev/null
+   mkdir -p ${DEST}
+   cp dist/* ${DEST}
+   popd
diff --git a/component/tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl.in b/component/tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0e3f1b1b8fbc7120f607c41d402da273341ffd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/component/tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Parse the bazel version string from `native.bazel_version`.
-def _parse_bazel_version(bazel_version):
-  # Remove commit from version.
-  version = bazel_version.split(" ", 1)[0]
-  # Split into (release, date) parts and only return the release
-  # as a tuple of integers.
-  parts = version.split('-', 1)
-  # Turn "release" into a tuple of strings
-  version_tuple = ()
-  for number in parts[0].split('.'):
-    version_tuple += (str(number),)
-  return version_tuple
-# Given a source file, generate a test name.
-# i.e. "common_runtime/direct_session_test.cc" becomes
-#      "common_runtime_direct_session_test"
-def src_to_test_name(src):
-  return src.replace("/", "_").split(".")[0]
-# Check that a specific bazel version is being used.
-def check_version(bazel_version):
-  if "bazel_version" not in dir(native):
-    fail("\nCurrent Bazel version is lower than 0.2.1, expected at least %s\n" % bazel_version)
-  elif not native.bazel_version:
-    print("\nCurrent Bazel is not a release version, cannot check for compatibility.")
-    print("Make sure that you are running at least Bazel %s.\n" % bazel_version)
-  else:
-    current_bazel_version = _parse_bazel_version(native.bazel_version)
-    minimum_bazel_version = _parse_bazel_version(bazel_version)
-    if minimum_bazel_version > current_bazel_version:
-      fail("\nCurrent Bazel version is {}, expected at least {}\n".format(
-          native.bazel_version, bazel_version))
-  pass
-# Return the options to use for a C++ library or binary build.
-# Uses the ":optmode" config_setting to pick the options.
-    "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
-    "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
-    "tf_sycl_tests_tags",
-    "@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl",
-    "if_cuda",
-# List of proto files for android builds
-def tf_android_core_proto_sources():
-  return ["//tensorflow/core:" + p
-          for p in tf_android_core_proto_sources_relative()]
-# As tf_android_core_proto_sources, but paths relative to
-# //third_party/tensorflow/core.
-def tf_android_core_proto_sources_relative():
-    return [
-        "example/example.proto",
-        "example/feature.proto",
-        "framework/allocation_description.proto",
-        "framework/attr_value.proto",
-        "framework/cost_graph.proto",
-        "framework/device_attributes.proto",
-        "framework/function.proto",
-        "framework/graph.proto",
-        "framework/kernel_def.proto",
-        "framework/log_memory.proto",
-        "framework/node_def.proto",
-        "framework/op_def.proto",
-        "framework/resource_handle.proto",
-        "framework/step_stats.proto",
-        "framework/summary.proto",
-        "framework/tensor.proto",
-        "framework/tensor_description.proto",
-        "framework/tensor_shape.proto",
-        "framework/tensor_slice.proto",
-        "framework/types.proto",
-        "framework/versions.proto",
-        "lib/core/error_codes.proto",
-        "protobuf/config.proto",
-        "protobuf/tensor_bundle.proto",
-        "protobuf/saver.proto",
-        "util/memmapped_file_system.proto",
-        "util/saved_tensor_slice.proto",
-  ]
-# Returns the list of pb.h and proto.h headers that are generated for
-# tf_android_core_proto_sources().
-def tf_android_core_proto_headers():
-  return (["//tensorflow/core/" + p.replace(".proto", ".pb.h")
-          for p in tf_android_core_proto_sources_relative()] +
-         ["//tensorflow/core/" + p.replace(".proto", ".proto.h")
-          for p in tf_android_core_proto_sources_relative()])
-# Returns the list of protos for which proto_text headers should be generated.
-def tf_proto_text_protos_relative():
-  return [p for p in tf_android_core_proto_sources_relative()]
-def if_android_arm(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android_arm": a,
-      "//conditions:default": [],
-  })
-def if_android_arm64(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android_arm64": a,
-      "//conditions:default": [],
-  })
-def if_not_android(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android": [],
-      "//conditions:default": a,
-  })
-def if_android(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android": a,
-      "//conditions:default": [],
-  })
-def if_ios(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:ios": a,
-      "//conditions:default": [],
-  })
-def if_mobile(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android": a,
-      "//tensorflow:ios": a,
-      "//conditions:default": [],
-  })
-def if_not_mobile(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:android": [],
-      "//tensorflow:ios": [],
-      "//conditions:default": a,
-  })
-def if_not_windows(a):
-  return select({
-      "//tensorflow:windows": [],
-      "//conditions:default": a,
-  })  
-def tf_copts():
-  return (["-DEIGEN_AVOID_STL_ARRAY",
-           "-Iexternal/gemmlowp",
-           "-Wno-sign-compare",
-           "-fno-exceptions"] +
-          if_cuda(["-DGOOGLE_CUDA=1"]) +
-          if_android_arm(["-mfpu=neon"]) +
-          select({
-              "//tensorflow:android": [
-                  "-std=c++11",
-                  "-DTF_LEAN_BINARY",
-                  "-O2",
-              ],
-              "//tensorflow:darwin": [],
-              "//tensorflow:windows": [
-                "/DLANG_CXX11",
-                "/D__VERSION__=\\\"MSVC\\\"",
-                "/DPLATFORM_WINDOWS",
-                "/DEIGEN_HAS_C99_MATH",
-              ],
-              "//tensorflow:ios": ["-std=c++11"],
-              "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"]}))
-def tf_opts_nortti_if_android():
-  return if_android([
-      "-fno-rtti",
-  ])
-# Given a list of "op_lib_names" (a list of files in the ops directory
-# without their .cc extensions), generate a library for that file.
-def tf_gen_op_libs(op_lib_names, deps=None):
-  # Make library out of each op so it can also be used to generate wrappers
-  # for various languages.
-  if not deps:
-    deps = []
-  for n in op_lib_names:
-    native.cc_library(name=n + "_op_lib",
-                      copts=tf_copts(),
-                      srcs=["ops/" + n + ".cc"],
-                      deps=deps + ["//tensorflow/core:framework"],
-                      visibility=["//visibility:public"],
-                      alwayslink=1,
-                      linkstatic=1,)
-def tf_gen_op_wrapper_cc(name, out_ops_file, pkg="",
-                         op_gen="//tensorflow/cc:cc_op_gen_main"):
-  # Construct an op generator binary for these ops.
-  tool = out_ops_file + "_gen_cc"
-  native.cc_binary(
-      name = tool,
-      copts = tf_copts(),
-      linkopts = ["-lm"],
-      linkstatic = 1,   # Faster to link this one-time-use binary dynamically
-      deps = ([op_gen, pkg + ":" + name + "_op_lib"])
-  )
-  # Run the op generator.
-  if name == "sendrecv_ops" or name == "function_ops":
-    include_internal = "1"
-  else:
-    include_internal = "0"
-  native.genrule(
-      name=name + "_genrule",
-      outs=[out_ops_file + ".h", out_ops_file + ".cc"],
-      tools=[":" + tool],
-      cmd=("$(location :" + tool + ") $(location :" + out_ops_file + ".h) " +
-           "$(location :" + out_ops_file + ".cc) " + include_internal))
-# Given a list of "op_lib_names" (a list of files in the ops directory
-# without their .cc extensions), generate individual C++ .cc and .h
-# files for each of the ops files mentioned, and then generate a
-# single cc_library called "name" that combines all the
-# generated C++ code.
-# For example, for:
-#  tf_gen_op_wrappers_cc("tf_ops_lib", [ "array_ops", "math_ops" ])
-# This will ultimately generate ops/* files and a library like:
-# cc_library(name = "tf_ops_lib",
-#            srcs = [ "ops/array_ops.cc",
-#                     "ops/math_ops.cc" ],
-#            hdrs = [ "ops/array_ops.h",
-#                     "ops/math_ops.h" ],
-#            deps = [ ... ])
-def tf_gen_op_wrappers_cc(name,
-                          op_lib_names=[],
-                          other_srcs=[],
-                          other_hdrs=[],
-                          pkg="",
-                          deps=[
-                              "//tensorflow/cc:ops",
-                              "//tensorflow/cc:scope",
-                              "//tensorflow/cc:const_op",
-                          ],
-                          op_gen="//tensorflow/cc:cc_op_gen_main",
-                          visibility=None):
-  subsrcs = other_srcs
-  subhdrs = other_hdrs
-  for n in op_lib_names:
-    tf_gen_op_wrapper_cc(n, "ops/" + n, pkg=pkg, op_gen=op_gen)
-    subsrcs += ["ops/" + n + ".cc"]
-    subhdrs += ["ops/" + n + ".h"]
-  native.cc_library(name=name,
-                    srcs=subsrcs,
-                    hdrs=subhdrs,
-                    deps=deps + [
-                        "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu",
-                        "//tensorflow/core:framework",
-                        "//tensorflow/core:lib",
-                        "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
-                    ],
-                    copts=tf_copts(),
-                    alwayslink=1,
-                    visibility=visibility)
-# Invoke this rule in .../tensorflow/python to build the wrapper library.
-def tf_gen_op_wrapper_py(name, out=None, hidden=None, visibility=None, deps=[],
-                         require_shape_functions=False, hidden_file=None,
-                         generated_target_name=None):
-  # Construct a cc_binary containing the specified ops.
-  tool_name = "gen_" + name + "_py_wrappers_cc"
-  if not deps:
-    deps = ["//tensorflow/core:" + name + "_op_lib"]
-  native.cc_binary(
-      name = tool_name,
-      linkopts = ["-lm"],
-      copts = tf_copts(),
-      linkstatic = 1,   # Faster to link this one-time-use binary dynamically
-      deps = (["//tensorflow/core:framework",
-               "//tensorflow/python:python_op_gen_main"] + deps),
-      visibility = ["//tensorflow:internal"],
-  )
-  # Invoke the previous cc_binary to generate a python file.
-  if not out:
-    out = "ops/gen_" + name + ".py"
-  if hidden:
-    # `hidden` is a list of op names to be hidden in the generated module.
-    native.genrule(
-        name=name + "_pygenrule",
-        outs=[out],
-        tools=[tool_name],
-        cmd=("$(location " + tool_name + ") " + ",".join(hidden)
-             + " " + ("1" if require_shape_functions else "0") + " > $@"))
-  elif hidden_file:
-    # `hidden_file` is file containing a list of op names to be hidden in the
-    # generated module.
-    native.genrule(
-        name=name + "_pygenrule",
-        outs=[out],
-        srcs=[hidden_file],
-        tools=[tool_name],
-        cmd=("$(location " + tool_name + ") @$(location "
-             + hidden_file + ") " + ("1" if require_shape_functions else "0")
-             + " > $@"))
-  else:
-    # No ops should be hidden in the generated module.
-    native.genrule(
-        name=name + "_pygenrule",
-        outs=[out],
-        tools=[tool_name],
-        cmd=("$(location " + tool_name + ") "
-             + ("1" if require_shape_functions else "0") + " > $@"))
-  # Make a py_library out of the generated python file.
-  if not generated_target_name:
-    generated_target_name = name
-  native.py_library(name=generated_target_name,
-                    srcs=[out],
-                    srcs_version="PY2AND3",
-                    visibility=visibility,
-                    deps=[
-                        "//tensorflow/python:framework_for_generated_wrappers",
-                    ],)
-# Define a bazel macro that creates cc_test for tensorflow.
-# TODO(opensource): we need to enable this to work around the hidden symbol
-# __cudaRegisterFatBinary error. Need more investigations.
-def tf_cc_test(name, srcs, deps, linkstatic=0, tags=[], data=[], size="medium",
-               suffix="", args=None, linkopts=[]):
-  native.cc_test(name="%s%s" % (name, suffix),
-                 srcs=srcs,
-                 size=size,
-                 args=args,
-                 copts=tf_copts(),
-                 data=data,
-                 deps=deps,
-                 linkopts=["-lpthread", "-lm"] + linkopts,
-                 linkstatic=linkstatic,
-                 tags=tags)
-# Part of the testing workflow requires a distinguishable name for the build
-# rules that involve a GPU, even if otherwise identical to the base rule.
-def tf_cc_test_gpu(name, srcs, deps, linkstatic=0, tags=[], data=[],
-                   size="medium", suffix="", args=None):
-  tf_cc_test(name, srcs, deps, linkstatic=linkstatic, tags=tags, data=data,
-             size=size, suffix=suffix, args=args)
-def tf_cuda_cc_test(name, srcs, deps, tags=[], data=[], size="medium",
-                    linkstatic=0, args=[], linkopts=[]):
-  tf_cc_test(name=name,
-             srcs=srcs,
-             deps=deps,
-             tags=tags + ["manual"],
-             data=data,
-             size=size,
-             linkstatic=linkstatic,
-             linkopts=linkopts,
-             args=args)
-  tf_cc_test(name=name,
-             srcs=srcs,
-             suffix="_gpu",
-             deps=deps + if_cuda(["//tensorflow/core:gpu_runtime"]),
-             linkstatic=if_cuda(1, 0),
-             tags=tags + tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
-             data=data,
-             size=size,
-             linkopts=linkopts,
-             args=args)
-# Create a cc_test for each of the tensorflow tests listed in "tests"
-def tf_cc_tests(srcs, deps, linkstatic=0, tags=[], size="medium",
-                args=None, linkopts=[]):
-  for src in srcs:
-    tf_cc_test(
-        name=src_to_test_name(src),
-        srcs=[src],
-        deps=deps,
-        linkstatic=linkstatic,
-        tags=tags,
-        size=size,
-        args=args,
-        linkopts=linkopts)
-def tf_cc_tests_gpu(srcs, deps, linkstatic=0, tags=[], size="medium",
-                    args=None):
-  tf_cc_tests(srcs, deps, linkstatic, tags=tags, size=size, args=args)
-def tf_cuda_cc_tests(srcs, deps, tags=[], size="medium", linkstatic=0,
-                     args=None, linkopts=[]):
-  for src in srcs:
-    tf_cuda_cc_test(
-        name=src_to_test_name(src),
-        srcs=[src],
-        deps=deps,
-        tags=tags,
-        size=size,
-        linkstatic=linkstatic,
-        args=args,
-        linkopts=linkopts)
-def _cuda_copts():
-    """Gets the appropriate set of copts for (maybe) CUDA compilation.
-    If we're doing CUDA compilation, returns copts for our particular CUDA
-    compiler.  If we're not doing CUDA compilation, returns an empty list.
-    """
-    common_cuda_opts = ["-x", "cuda", "-DGOOGLE_CUDA=1"]
-    return select({
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-        "@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_nvcc": (
-            common_cuda_opts +
-            [
-                "-nvcc_options=expt-relaxed-constexpr",
-                "-nvcc_options=ftz=true",
-            ]
-        ),
-        "@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_clang": (
-            common_cuda_opts +
-            [
-                "-fcuda-flush-denormals-to-zero",
-                "--cuda-path=external/local_config_cuda/cuda",
-                "--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35",
-            ]
-        ),
-    }) + select({
-        # Pass -O3 when building CUDA code with clang; some important
-        # optimizations are not enabled at O2.
-        "@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_clang_opt": ["-O3"],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    })
-# Build defs for TensorFlow kernels
-# When this target is built using --config=cuda, a cc_library is built
-# that passes -DGOOGLE_CUDA=1 and '-x cuda', linking in additional
-# libraries needed by GPU kernels.
-def tf_gpu_kernel_library(srcs, copts=[], cuda_copts=[], deps=[], hdrs=[],
-                          **kwargs):
-  copts = copts + _cuda_copts() + if_cuda(cuda_copts) + tf_copts()
-  native.cc_library(
-      srcs = srcs,
-      hdrs = hdrs,
-      copts = copts,
-      deps = deps + if_cuda([
-          "//tensorflow/core:cuda",
-          "//tensorflow/core:gpu_lib",
-      ]),
-      alwayslink=1,
-      **kwargs)
-def tf_cuda_library(deps=None, cuda_deps=None, copts=None, **kwargs):
-  """Generate a cc_library with a conditional set of CUDA dependencies.
-  When the library is built with --config=cuda:
-  - both deps and cuda_deps are used as dependencies
-  - the cuda runtime is added as a dependency (if necessary)
-  - The library additionally passes -DGOOGLE_CUDA=1 to the list of copts
-  Args:
-  - cuda_deps: BUILD dependencies which will be linked if and only if:
-      '--config=cuda' is passed to the bazel command line.
-  - deps: dependencies which will always be linked.
-  - copts: copts always passed to the cc_library.
-  - kwargs: Any other argument to cc_library.
-  """
-  if not deps:
-    deps = []
-  if not cuda_deps:
-    cuda_deps = []
-  if not copts:
-    copts = []
-  native.cc_library(
-      deps = deps + if_cuda(cuda_deps + ["//tensorflow/core:cuda"]),
-      copts = copts + if_cuda(["-DGOOGLE_CUDA=1"]),
-      **kwargs)
-def tf_kernel_library(name, prefix=None, srcs=None, gpu_srcs=None, hdrs=None,
-                      deps=None, alwayslink=1, **kwargs):
-  """A rule to build a TensorFlow OpKernel.
-  May either specify srcs/hdrs or prefix.  Similar to tf_cuda_library,
-  but with alwayslink=1 by default.  If prefix is specified:
-    * prefix*.cc (except *.cu.cc) is added to srcs
-    * prefix*.h (except *.cu.h) is added to hdrs
-    * prefix*.cu.cc and prefix*.h (including *.cu.h) are added to gpu_srcs.
-  With the exception that test files are excluded.
-  For example, with prefix = "cast_op",
-    * srcs = ["cast_op.cc"]
-    * hdrs = ["cast_op.h"]
-    * gpu_srcs = ["cast_op_gpu.cu.cc", "cast_op.h"]
-    * "cast_op_test.cc" is excluded
-  With prefix = "cwise_op"
-    * srcs = ["cwise_op_abs.cc", ..., "cwise_op_tanh.cc"],
-    * hdrs = ["cwise_ops.h", "cwise_ops_common.h"],
-    * gpu_srcs = ["cwise_op_gpu_abs.cu.cc", ..., "cwise_op_gpu_tanh.cu.cc",
-                  "cwise_ops.h", "cwise_ops_common.h",
-                  "cwise_ops_gpu_common.cu.h"]
-    * "cwise_ops_test.cc" is excluded
-  """
-  if not srcs:
-    srcs = []
-  if not hdrs:
-    hdrs = []
-  if not deps:
-    deps = []
-  if prefix:
-    if native.glob([prefix + "*.cu.cc"], exclude = ["*test*"]):
-      if not gpu_srcs:
-        gpu_srcs = []
-      gpu_srcs = gpu_srcs + native.glob([prefix + "*.cu.cc", prefix + "*.h"],
-                                        exclude = ["*test*"])
-    srcs = srcs + native.glob([prefix + "*.cc"],
-                              exclude = ["*test*", "*.cu.cc"])
-    hdrs = hdrs + native.glob([prefix + "*.h"], exclude = ["*test*", "*.cu.h"])
-  cuda_deps = ["//tensorflow/core:gpu_lib"]
-  if gpu_srcs:
-    for gpu_src in gpu_srcs:
-      if gpu_src.endswith(".cc") and not gpu_src.endswith(".cu.cc"):
-        fail("{} not allowed in gpu_srcs. .cc sources must end with .cu.cc".format(gpu_src))
-    tf_gpu_kernel_library(
-        name = name + "_gpu",
-        srcs = gpu_srcs,
-        deps = deps,
-        **kwargs)
-    cuda_deps.extend([":" + name + "_gpu"])
-  tf_cuda_library(
-      name = name,
-      srcs = srcs,
-      hdrs = hdrs,
-      copts = tf_copts(),
-      cuda_deps = cuda_deps,
-      linkstatic = 1,   # Needed since alwayslink is broken in bazel b/27630669
-      alwayslink = alwayslink,
-      deps = deps,
-      **kwargs)
-def tf_kernel_libraries(name, prefixes, deps=None, libs=None, **kwargs):
-  """Makes one target per prefix, and one target that includes them all.
-  Args:
-    name: The name of the omnibus cc_library target that depends on each
-          generated tf_kernel_library target.
-    prefixes: A list of source file name prefixes used to generate individual
-              libraries.  See the definition of tf_kernel_library for details.
-    deps: The dependencies list associated with each generated target.
-    libs: Additional tf_kernel_library targets that should be included in the
-          omnibus cc_library target but not as deps of individual libraries.
-          This can be used, for example, if a library that was previously
-          generated by this rule is refactored into a separate definition
-          in order to specify more or fewer deps for it.
-  Other attributes are forwarded to each individual target but not to the
-  omnibus cc_library target.
-  """
-  for p in prefixes:
-    tf_kernel_library(name=p, prefix=p, deps=deps, **kwargs)
-  native.cc_library(name=name,
-                    deps=[":" + p for p in prefixes] + (libs or []))
-# Bazel rules for building swig files.
-def _py_wrap_cc_impl(ctx):
-  srcs = ctx.files.srcs
-  if len(srcs) != 1:
-    fail("Exactly one SWIG source file label must be specified.", "srcs")
-  module_name = ctx.attr.module_name
-  src = ctx.files.srcs[0]
-  inputs = set([src])
-  inputs += ctx.files.swig_includes
-  for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
-    inputs += dep.cc.transitive_headers
-  inputs += ctx.files._swiglib
-  swig_include_dirs = set(_get_repository_roots(ctx, inputs))
-  swig_include_dirs += sorted([f.dirname for f in ctx.files._swiglib])
-  args = ["-c++",
-          "-python",
-          "-module", module_name,
-          "-o", ctx.outputs.cc_out.path,
-          "-outdir", ctx.outputs.py_out.dirname]
-  args += ["-l" + f.path for f in ctx.files.swig_includes]
-  args += ["-I" + i for i in swig_include_dirs]
-  args += [src.path]
-  outputs = [ctx.outputs.cc_out,
-             ctx.outputs.py_out]
-  ctx.action(executable=ctx.executable._swig,
-             arguments=args,
-             inputs=list(inputs),
-             outputs=outputs,
-             mnemonic="PythonSwig",
-             progress_message="SWIGing " + src.path)
-  return struct(files=set(outputs))
-_py_wrap_cc = rule(
-    attrs = {
-        "srcs": attr.label_list(
-            mandatory = True,
-            allow_files = True,
-        ),
-        "swig_includes": attr.label_list(
-            cfg = "data",
-            allow_files = True,
-        ),
-        "deps": attr.label_list(
-            allow_files = True,
-            providers = ["cc"],
-        ),
-        "module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
-        "py_module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
-        "_swig": attr.label(
-            default = Label("@swig//:swig"),
-            executable = True,
-            cfg = "host",
-        ),
-        "_swiglib": attr.label(
-            default = Label("@swig//:templates"),
-            allow_files = True,
-        ),
-    },
-    outputs = {
-        "cc_out": "%{module_name}.cc",
-        "py_out": "%{py_module_name}.py",
-    },
-    implementation = _py_wrap_cc_impl,
-def _get_repository_roots(ctx, files):
-  """Returns abnormal root directories under which files reside.
-  When running a ctx.action, source files within the main repository are all
-  relative to the current directory; however, files that are generated or exist
-  in remote repositories will have their root directory be a subdirectory,
-  e.g. bazel-out/local-fastbuild/genfiles/external/jpeg_archive. This function
-  returns the set of these devious directories, ranked and sorted by popularity
-  in order to hopefully minimize the number of I/O system calls within the
-  compiler, because includes have quadratic complexity.
-  """
-  result = {}
-  for f in files:
-    root = f.root.path
-    if root:
-      if root not in result:
-        result[root] = 0
-      result[root] -= 1
-    work = f.owner.workspace_root
-    if work:
-      if root:
-        root += "/"
-      root += work
-    if root:
-      if root not in result:
-        result[root] = 0
-      result[root] -= 1
-  return [k for v, k in sorted([(v, k) for k, v in result.items()])]
-# Bazel rule for collecting the header files that a target depends on.
-def _transitive_hdrs_impl(ctx):
-  outputs = set()
-  for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
-    outputs += dep.cc.transitive_headers
-  return struct(files=outputs)
-_transitive_hdrs = rule(
-    attrs = {
-        "deps": attr.label_list(
-            allow_files = True,
-            providers = ["cc"],
-        ),
-    },
-    implementation = _transitive_hdrs_impl,
-def transitive_hdrs(name, deps=[], **kwargs):
-  _transitive_hdrs(name=name + "_gather",
-                   deps=deps)
-  native.filegroup(name=name,
-                   srcs=[":" + name + "_gather"])
-# Create a header only library that includes all the headers exported by
-# the libraries in deps.
-def cc_header_only_library(name, deps=[], **kwargs):
-  _transitive_hdrs(name=name + "_gather",
-                   deps=deps)
-  native.cc_library(name=name,
-                    hdrs=[":" + name + "_gather"],
-                    **kwargs)
-def tf_custom_op_library_additional_deps():
-  return [
-      "@protobuf//:protobuf",
-      "//third_party/eigen3",
-      "//tensorflow/core:framework_headers_lib",
-  ]
-# Traverse the dependency graph along the "deps" attribute of the
-# target and return a struct with one field called 'tf_collected_deps'.
-# tf_collected_deps will be the union of the deps of the current target
-# and the tf_collected_deps of the dependencies of this target.
-def _collect_deps_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
-  alldeps = set()
-  if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "deps"):
-    for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
-      alldeps = alldeps | set([dep.label])
-      if hasattr(dep, "tf_collected_deps"):
-        alldeps = alldeps | dep.tf_collected_deps
-  return struct(tf_collected_deps=alldeps)
-collect_deps_aspect = aspect(
-    implementation=_collect_deps_aspect_impl,
-    attr_aspects=["deps"])
-def _dep_label(dep):
-  label = dep.label
-  return label.package + ":" + label.name
-# This rule checks that the transitive dependencies of targets listed
-# in the 'deps' attribute don't depend on the targets listed in
-# the 'disallowed_deps' attribute.
-def _check_deps_impl(ctx):
-  disallowed_deps = ctx.attr.disallowed_deps
-  for input_dep in ctx.attr.deps:
-    if not hasattr(input_dep, "tf_collected_deps"):
-      continue
-    for dep in input_dep.tf_collected_deps:
-      for disallowed_dep in disallowed_deps:
-        if dep == disallowed_dep.label:
-          fail(_dep_label(input_dep) + " cannot depend on " +
-               _dep_label(disallowed_dep))
-  return struct()
-check_deps = rule(
-    _check_deps_impl,
-    attrs = {
-        "deps": attr.label_list(
-            aspects=[collect_deps_aspect],
-            mandatory = True,
-            allow_files = True
-        ),
-        "disallowed_deps": attr.label_list(
-            mandatory = True,
-            allow_files = True
-        )},
-# Helper to build a dynamic library (.so) from the sources containing
-# implementations of custom ops and kernels.
-def tf_custom_op_library(name, srcs=[], gpu_srcs=[], deps=[]):
-  cuda_deps = [
-      "//tensorflow/core:stream_executor_headers_lib",
-      "@local_config_cuda//cuda:cudart_static",
-  ]
-  deps = deps + tf_custom_op_library_additional_deps()
-  if gpu_srcs:
-    basename = name.split(".")[0]
-    native.cc_library(
-        name = basename + "_gpu",
-        srcs = gpu_srcs,
-        copts = _cuda_copts(),
-        deps = deps + if_cuda(cuda_deps))
-    cuda_deps.extend([":" + basename + "_gpu"])
-  check_deps(name=name+"_check_deps",
-             deps=deps + if_cuda(cuda_deps),
-             disallowed_deps=["//tensorflow/core:framework",
-                              "//tensorflow/core:lib"])
-  native.cc_binary(name=name,
-                   srcs=srcs,
-                   deps=deps + if_cuda(cuda_deps),
-                   data=[name + "_check_deps"],
-                   copts=tf_copts(),
-                   linkshared=1,
-                   linkopts = select({
-                       "//conditions:default": [
-                           "-lm",
-                       ],
-                       "//tensorflow:darwin": [],
-                   }),
-  )
-def tf_extension_linkopts():
-  return [{{ tf_extension_linkopts }}]  # No extension link opts
-def tf_extension_copts():
-  return []  # No extension c opts
-def tf_py_wrap_cc(name, srcs, swig_includes=[], deps=[], copts=[], **kwargs):
-  module_name = name.split("/")[-1]
-  # Convert a rule name such as foo/bar/baz to foo/bar/_baz.so
-  # and use that as the name for the rule producing the .so file.
-  cc_library_name = "/".join(name.split("/")[:-1] + ["_" + module_name + ".so"])
-  cc_library_pyd_name = "/".join(name.split("/")[:-1] + ["_" + module_name + ".pyd"])
-  extra_deps = []
-  _py_wrap_cc(name=name + "_py_wrap",
-              srcs=srcs,
-              swig_includes=swig_includes,
-              deps=deps + extra_deps,
-              module_name=module_name,
-              py_module_name=name)
-  extra_linkopts = select({
-      "@local_config_cuda//cuda:darwin": [
-          "-Wl,-exported_symbols_list",
-          "//tensorflow:tf_exported_symbols.lds"
-      ],
-      "//tensorflow:windows": [
-      ],
-      "//conditions:default": [
-          "-Wl,--version-script",
-          "//tensorflow:tf_version_script.lds"
-      ]})
-  extra_deps += select({
-      "@local_config_cuda//cuda:darwin": [
-        "//tensorflow:tf_exported_symbols.lds"
-      ],
-      "//tensorflow:windows": [
-      ],
-      "//conditions:default": [
-        "//tensorflow:tf_version_script.lds"
-      ]
-  })
-  native.cc_binary(
-      name=cc_library_name,
-      srcs=[module_name + ".cc"],
-      copts=(copts + ["-Wno-self-assign",
-                      "-Wno-sign-compare",
-                      "-Wno-write-strings"]
-             + tf_extension_copts()),
-      linkopts=tf_extension_linkopts() + extra_linkopts,
-      linkstatic=1,
-      linkshared=1,
-      deps=deps + extra_deps)
-  native.genrule(
-      name = "gen_" + cc_library_pyd_name,
-      srcs = [":" + cc_library_name],
-      outs = [cc_library_pyd_name],
-      cmd = "cp $< $@",
-  )
-  native.py_library(name=name,
-                    srcs=[":" + name + ".py"],
-                    srcs_version="PY2AND3",
-                    data=select({
-                      "//tensorflow:windows": [":" + cc_library_pyd_name],
-                      "//conditions:default": [":" + cc_library_name],
-                    }))
-def tf_py_test(name, srcs, size="medium", data=[], main=None, args=[],
-               tags=[], shard_count=1, additional_deps=[], flaky=0):
-  native.py_test(
-      name=name,
-      size=size,
-      srcs=srcs,
-      main=main,
-      args=args,
-      tags=tags,
-      visibility=["//tensorflow:internal"],
-      shard_count=shard_count,
-      data=data,
-      deps=[
-          "//tensorflow/python:extra_py_tests_deps",
-          "//tensorflow/python:gradient_checker",
-      ] + additional_deps,
-      flaky=flaky,
-      srcs_version="PY2AND3")
-def cuda_py_test(name, srcs, size="medium", data=[], main=None, args=[],
-                 shard_count=1, additional_deps=[], tags=[], flaky=0):
-  test_tags = tags + tf_cuda_tests_tags()
-  tf_py_test(name=name,
-             size=size,
-             srcs=srcs,
-             data=data,
-             main=main,
-             args=args,
-             tags=test_tags,
-             shard_count=shard_count,
-             additional_deps=additional_deps,
-             flaky=flaky)
-def sycl_py_test(name, srcs, size="medium", data=[], main=None, args=[],
-                shard_count=1, additional_deps=[], tags=[], flaky=0):
- test_tags = tags + tf_sycl_tests_tags()
- tf_py_test(name=name,
-            size=size,
-            srcs=srcs,
-            data=data,
-            main=main,
-            args=args,
-            tags=test_tags,
-            shard_count=shard_count,
-            additional_deps=additional_deps,
-            flaky=flaky)
-def py_tests(name,
-             srcs,
-             size="medium",
-             additional_deps=[],
-             data=[],
-             tags=[],
-             shard_count=1,
-             prefix=""):
-  for src in srcs:
-    test_name = src.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
-    if prefix:
-      test_name = "%s_%s" % (prefix, test_name)
-    tf_py_test(name=test_name,
-               size=size,
-               srcs=[src],
-               main=src,
-               tags=tags,
-               shard_count=shard_count,
-               data=data,
-               additional_deps=additional_deps)
-def cuda_py_tests(name, srcs, size="medium", additional_deps=[], data=[],
-                  shard_count=1, tags=[], prefix=""):
-  test_tags = tags + tf_cuda_tests_tags()
-  py_tests(name=name, size=size, srcs=srcs, additional_deps=additional_deps,
-           data=data, tags=test_tags, shard_count=shard_count,prefix=prefix)
-# Creates a genrule named <name> for running tools/proto_text's generator to
-# make the proto_text functions, for the protos passed in <srcs>.
-# Return a struct with fields (hdrs, srcs) containing the names of the
-# generated files.
-def tf_generate_proto_text_sources(name, srcs_relative_dir, srcs):
-  out_hdrs = ([p.replace(".proto", ".pb_text.h") for p in srcs] +
-              [p.replace(".proto", ".pb_text-impl.h") for p in srcs])
-  out_srcs = [p.replace(".proto", ".pb_text.cc") for p in srcs]
-  native.genrule(
-        name = name,
-        srcs = srcs + ["//tensorflow/tools/proto_text:placeholder.txt"],
-        outs = out_hdrs + out_srcs,
-        cmd = "$(location //tensorflow/tools/proto_text:gen_proto_text_functions) " +
-              "$(@D) " + srcs_relative_dir + " $(SRCS)",
-        tools = ["//tensorflow/tools/proto_text:gen_proto_text_functions"],
-    )
-  return struct(hdrs=out_hdrs, srcs=out_srcs)
-def tf_genrule_cmd_append_to_srcs(to_append):
-    return ("cat $(SRCS) > $(@) && " +
-            "echo >> $(@) && " +
-            "echo " + to_append + " >> $(@)")
-def tf_version_info_genrule():
-  native.genrule(
-      name = "version_info_gen",
-      srcs = [
-          "//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/spec.json",
-          "//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/head",
-          "//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/branch_ref",
-      ],
-      outs = ["util/version_info.cc"],
-      cmd = "$(location //tensorflow/tools/git:gen_git_source.py) --generate $(SRCS) \"$@\"",
-      local = 1,
-      tools = ["//tensorflow/tools/git:gen_git_source.py"],
-  )