Commit 5c299054 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 6adc53bd
......@@ -512,6 +512,10 @@ type Head struct {
// head/watch opens
// XXX protected by ... zheadMu ?
wlinkTab map[*WatchLink]struct{}
// waiters for zconn.At to become ≥ their at.
hwaitMu sync.Mutex // zheadMu.W | zheadMu.R + hwaitMu
hwait map[hwaiter]struct{} // set{(at, ready)}
// /(head|<rev>)/bigfile/ - served by BigFileDir.
......@@ -520,12 +524,12 @@ type BigFileDir struct {
head *Head // parent head/ or @<rev>/
// {} oid -> <bigfileX>
fileMu sync.Mutex
fileMu sync.Mutex // XXX doc zheadMu.W | ... ?
fileTab map[zodb.Oid]*BigFile
// δ tail of tracked BTree nodes of all BigFiles + -> which file
// (used only for head/, not revX/)
δFmu sync.RWMutex
δFmu sync.RWMutex // XXX doc zheadMu.W | ... ?
δFtail *ΔFtail
......@@ -556,7 +560,7 @@ type BigFile struct {
// Being a staging area for data to enter OS cache, loading has to be
// consulted/invalidated whenever wcfs logic needs to consult/invalidate OS cache.
loadMu sync.Mutex
loadMu sync.Mutex // XXX doc zheadMu.W | ... ?
loading map[int64]*blkLoadState // #blk -> {... blkdata}
// watches attached to this file.
......@@ -665,8 +669,8 @@ func (_ *zodbCacheControl) PCacheClassify(obj zodb.IPersistent) zodb.PCachePolic
// -------- zhead lock/wait --------
// XXX needed?
// TODO head.zheadMu -> special mutex with Lock(ctx) so that Lock wait could be canceled
func (head *Head) zheadRLock() { head.zheadMu.RLock() }
func (head *Head) zheadRUnlock() { head.zheadMu.RUnlock() }
func (head *Head) zheadLock() { head.zheadMu.Lock() }
......@@ -924,6 +928,54 @@ retry:
// XXX δFtail.ForgetPast(...)
// XXX for f in δF: f.δtail.ForgetPast(...)
// notify zhead.At waiters
for w := range head.hwait {
if <= δZ.Tid {
delete(head.hwait, w)
// hwaiter represents someone waiting for zhead to become ≥ at.
type hwaiter struct {
at zodb.Tid
ready chan struct{}
// zheadWait waits till head.zconn.At becomes ≥ at.
// It returns error either if db is down or ctx is canceled. XXX db -> wcfs?
func (head *Head) zheadWait(ctx context.Context, at zodb.Tid) (err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "wait zhead ≥ %s", at)
if head.rev != 0 {
panic("must be called only for head/, not @revX/")
// check if zhead is already ≥ at
if head.zconn.At() >= at {
// no - we have to wait for it
ready := make(chan struct{})
head.hwait[hwaiter{at, ready}] = struct{}{}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-ready:
return nil // ok - zhead.At went ≥ at
// invalidateBlk invalidates 1 file block in kernel cache.
......@@ -1430,15 +1482,18 @@ func (wlink *WatchLink) setupWatch(ctx context.Context, foid zodb.Oid, at zodb.T
// check at >=
// XXX we might want to allow going back in history if we need it.
if !(at >= {
return fmt.Errorf("going back ZZ history is forbidden")
return fmt.Errorf("going back in history is forbidden")
// XXX locking
err = head.zheadWait(ctx, at)
if err != nil {
return err
// XXX locking
headAt := head.zconn.At()
// XXX wait head.zconn.At() ≥ at
// XXX <~> f.δtail.Head() ≥ at (?)
if at < bfdir.δFtail.Tail() {
return fmt.Errorf("too far away back from head/at (@%s); δt = %s",
headAt, headAt.Time().Sub(at.Time().Time))
......@@ -2148,6 +2203,7 @@ func main() {
rev: 0,
zconn: zhead,
wlinkTab: make(map[*WatchLink]struct{}),
hwait: make(map[hwaiter]struct{}),
wnode := &WatchNode{
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from persistent.timestamp import TimeStamp
from ZODB.utils import z64, u64, p64
import sys, os, os.path, subprocess, threading, inspect, traceback, re
from thread import get_ident as gettid
from time import gmtime
from errno import EINVAL
from golang import go, chan, select, func, defer, default
......@@ -208,6 +209,11 @@ class tDB:
t._files = set()
t._wlinks = set()
# ID of the thread which created tDB
# ( transaction plays dirty games with threading.local and we have to
# check the thread is the same when .root is used )
t._maintid = gettid()
# prepare initail objects for test: zfile, nonzfile
t.root['!file'] = t.nonzfile = Persistent()
t.root['zfile'] = t.zfile = ZBigFile(blksize)
......@@ -266,11 +272,15 @@ class tDB:
assert changeDelta is not None
t.change(zf, changeDelta)
# we'll verify that all changed objects come from the same ZODB connection
zconns = set()
# perform modifications scheduled by change.
# use !wcfs mode so that we prepare data independently of wcfs code paths.
dF = DF()
for zf, zfDelta in t._changed.items():
dfile = DFile()
zfh = zf.fileh_open(_use_wcfs=False)
for blk, data in zfDelta.iteritems():
dfile.ddata[blk] = data
......@@ -279,9 +289,18 @@ class tDB:
memcpy(vma, data)
dF.byfile[zf] = dfile
assert len(zconns) in (0, 1) # either nothing to commit or all from the same zconn
if len(zconns) == 1:
zconn = zconns.pop()
root = zconn.root()
# no objects to commit
root = t.root
assert gettid() == t._maintid
# perform the commit. NOTE there is no clean way to retrieve tid of
# just committed transaction - we use last._p_serial as workaround.
t.root['_last'] = last = Persistent()
root['_last'] = last = Persistent()
last._p_changed = 1
head = tAt(t, last._p_serial)
......@@ -1456,7 +1475,7 @@ def test_wcfs_watch_setup_ahead():
f =
at1 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c1'})
f.assertData(['','x','c1']) # NOTE #1 not accessed
wg = sync.WorkGroup(timeout())
dt = 100*time.millisecond
......@@ -1491,7 +1510,7 @@ def test_wcfs_watch_setup_ahead():
at2 = t.commit(zf, {2:'c2'})
at2 = t.commit(zf, {1:'b2'})
assert tidtime(at2) - tidtime(at1) >= 10*dt
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