Commit 35eb95c2 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

bigfile: Python wrapper around virtual memory subsystem

Exposes BigFile - this way users can define BigFile backend in Python.

Also exposed are BigFile handles, and VMA objects which are results of
parent 8ba39a60
......@@ -16,3 +16,7 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
"""TODO big module-level picture description"""
from ._bigfile import BigFile, WRITEOUT_STORE, WRITEOUT_MARKSTORED, ram_reclaim
......@@ -15,12 +15,719 @@
* See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
* ~~~~~~~~
* TODO big picture module description
* - what maps to what, briefly
* VMA with a buffer/memoryview interface
* BigFileH with mmap (-> vma) and writeout control
* BigFile base class (to allow implementing BigFile backends in python)
#include <Python.h>
#include "structmember.h"
typedef struct _frame PyFrameObject;
#include <wendelin/bigfile/file.h>
#include <wendelin/bigfile/virtmem.h>
#include <wendelin/bigfile/ram.h>
#include <wendelin/bug.h>
#include <wendelin/compat_py2.h>
/* whether to pass old buffer instead of memoryview to .loadblk() / .storeblk()
* on python2 < 2.7.10 memoreview object is not accepted in a lot of
* places, see e.g. for struct.pack_into()
* if we know memoryview won't be accepted - we pass old buffer
* TODO get rid of this and eventually use only memoryview */
* python representation of VMA - exposes vma memory as python buffer
struct PyVMA {
PyObject *in_weakreflist;
typedef struct PyVMA PyVMA;
* python representation of BigFileH - exposes
* .mmap() to create VMAs and
* .dirty_discard() and
* .dirty_writeout() for storing changes back to file.
* .isdirty() for knowing are there any changes at all
struct PyBigFileH {
PyObject *in_weakreflist;
typedef struct PyBigFileH PyBigFileH;
* BigFile that can be implemented in python
* Allows subclasses to implement .loadblk() (& friends) in python.
* For users .fileh_open() is exposed to get to file handles. XXX <- should be not in this class?
struct PyBigFile {
/* NOTE no explicit weakref support is needed - this is a base class and python
* automatically adds support for weakrefs for in-python defined children */
typedef struct PyBigFile PyBigFile;
/* NOTE on refcounting: who holds who
* vma -> fileh -> file
* ^ |
* +---------+
* fileh->mmaps (kind of weak)
/* like PyObject_New, but fully initializes instance (e.g. calls type ->tp_new) */
#define PyType_New(type, typeobj, args) \
( (type *)PyObject_CallObject((PyObject *)(typeobj), args) )
* PyVMA *
static Py_ssize_t
pyvma_getbuf(PyObject *pyvma0, Py_ssize_t segment, void **pptr)
PyVMA *pyvma = upcast(PyVMA *, pyvma0);
if (segment) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "access to non-zero vma segment");
return -1;
*pptr = (void *)pyvma->addr_start;
return pyvma->addr_stop - pyvma->addr_start;
static Py_ssize_t
pyvma_getsegcount(PyObject *pyvma0, Py_ssize_t *lenp)
PyVMA *pyvma = upcast(PyVMA *, pyvma0);
if (lenp)
*lenp = pyvma->addr_stop - pyvma->addr_start;
return 1;
static int
pyvma_getbuffer(PyObject *pyvma0, Py_buffer *view, int flags)
PyVMA *pyvma = upcast(PyVMA *, pyvma0);
return PyBuffer_FillInfo(view, pyvma,
(void *)pyvma->addr_start, pyvma->addr_stop - pyvma->addr_start,
/*readonly=*/0, flags);
/* vma len in bytes */
static Py_ssize_t
pyvma_len(PyObject *pyvma0)
PyVMA *pyvma = upcast(PyVMA *, pyvma0);
return pyvma->addr_stop - pyvma->addr_start;
static void
pyvma_dealloc(PyObject *pyvma0)
PyVMA *pyvma = upcast(PyVMA *, pyvma0);
BigFileH *fileh = pyvma->fileh;
if (pyvma->in_weakreflist)
if (fileh) {
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, fileh);
static PyObject *
pyvma_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
PyVMA *self;
self = (PyVMA *)PyType_GenericNew(type, args, kw);
if (!self)
return NULL;
self->in_weakreflist = NULL;
return self;
static /*const*/ PyBufferProcs pyvma_as_buffer = {
/* for buffer() */
.bf_getreadbuffer = pyvma_getbuf,
.bf_getwritebuffer = pyvma_getbuf,
.bf_getsegcount = pyvma_getsegcount,
/* for memoryview()
* NOTE but ndarray() ctor does not get memoryview as buffer */ // XXX recheck
.bf_getbuffer = pyvma_getbuffer,
static /*const*/ PySequenceMethods pyvma_as_seq = {
.sq_length = pyvma_len,
static PyTypeObject PyVMA_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "_bigfile.VMA",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyVMA),
.tp_methods = NULL, // TODO ?
.tp_as_sequence = &pyvma_as_seq,
.tp_as_buffer = &pyvma_as_buffer,
.tp_dealloc = pyvma_dealloc,
.tp_new = pyvma_new,
.tp_weaklistoffset = offsetof(PyVMA, in_weakreflist),
.tp_doc = "memory area representing one fileh mapping"
* PyBigFileH *
#define PyFunc(FUNC, DOC) \
static const char FUNC ##_doc[] = DOC; \
static PyObject *FUNC
PyFunc(pyfileh_mmap, "mmap(pgoffset, pglen) - map fileh part into memory")
(PyObject *pyfileh0, PyObject *args)
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, pyfileh0);
Py_ssize_t pgoffset, pglen; // XXX Py_ssize_t vs pgoff_t ?
PyVMA *pyvma;
int err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "nn", &pgoffset, &pglen))
return NULL;
pyvma = PyType_New(PyVMA, &PyVMA_Type, NULL);
if (!pyvma)
return NULL;
err = fileh_mmap(pyvma, pyfileh, pgoffset, pglen);
if (err) {
Py_DECREF(pyvma); // XXX ok wrt delete pyvma->vma ?
return NULL;
return pyvma;
"dirty_writeout(flags) - write changes made to fileh memory back to file")
(PyObject *pyfileh0, PyObject *args)
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, pyfileh0);
long flags;
int err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l", &flags))
return NULL;
err = fileh_dirty_writeout(pyfileh, flags);
if (err) {
// TODO check if pyerr already occured - just re-raise
// XXX non-informative
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "fileh_dirty_writeout fail");
return NULL;
PyFunc(pyfileh_dirty_discard, "dirty_discard() - discard changes made to fileh memory")
(PyObject *pyfileh0, PyObject *args)
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, pyfileh0);
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
return NULL;
PyFunc(pyfileh_isdirty, "isdirty() - are there any changes to fileh memory at all?")
(PyObject *pyfileh0, PyObject *args)
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, pyfileh0);
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
return NULL;
return PyBool_FromLong(pyfileh->dirty);
static void
pyfileh_dealloc(PyObject *pyfileh0)
PyBigFileH *pyfileh = upcast(PyBigFileH *, pyfileh0);
BigFile *file = pyfileh->file;
PyBigFile *pyfile;
if (pyfileh->in_weakreflist)
if (file) {
pyfile = upcast(PyBigFile *, file);
static PyObject *
pyfileh_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
PyBigFileH *self;
self = (PyBigFileH *)PyType_GenericNew(type, args, kw);
if (!self)
return NULL;
self->in_weakreflist = NULL;
return self;
static /*const*/ PyMethodDef pyfileh_methods[] = {
{"mmap", pyfileh_mmap, METH_VARARGS, pyfileh_mmap_doc},
{"dirty_writeout", pyfileh_dirty_writeout, METH_VARARGS, pyfileh_dirty_writeout_doc},
{"dirty_discard", pyfileh_dirty_discard, METH_VARARGS, pyfileh_dirty_discard_doc},
{"isdirty", pyfileh_isdirty, METH_VARARGS, pyfileh_isdirty_doc},
static /*const*/ PyTypeObject PyBigFileH_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "_bigfile.BigFileH",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyBigFileH),
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_methods = pyfileh_methods,
.tp_dealloc = pyfileh_dealloc,
.tp_new = pyfileh_new,
.tp_weaklistoffset = offsetof(PyBigFileH, in_weakreflist),
.tp_doc = "BigFile Handle"
* PyBigFile *
/* like PySys_SetObject but
* 1) aborts on failure and
* 2) return set object
static PyObject *XPySys_SetObject(char *name, PyObject *v)
int err;
err = PySys_SetObject(name, v);
return v;
static int pybigfile_loadblk(BigFile *file, blk_t blk, void *buf)
PyBigFile *pyfile = upcast(PyBigFile *, file);
PyObject *pybuf = NULL;
PyObject *loadret = NULL;
PyGILState_STATE gstate;
PyThreadState *ts;
PyFrameObject *ts_frame_orig;
PyObject *save_curexc_type, *save_curexc_value, *save_curexc_traceback;
PyObject *save_exc_type, *save_exc_value, *save_exc_traceback;
PyObject *save_async_exc;
PyObject *x_curexc_type, *x_curexc_value, *x_curexc_traceback;
PyObject *x_exc_type, *x_exc_value, *x_exc_traceback;
PyObject *x_async_exc;
PyObject *sys_exc_type, *sys_exc_value, *sys_exc_traceback;
// XXX save/restore trash_delete_{nesting,later} ?
/* ensure we hold the GIL
* if not already taken - we'll acquire it; if already hold - no action.
* as the result - _we_ are the thread which holds the GIL and can call
* python capi. */
// XXX assert PyGILState_GetThisThreadState() != NULL
// (i.e. pyton already knows this thread?)
gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
/* TODO write why we setup completly new thread state which looks like
* switching threads for python but stays at the same OS thread
* a) do not change current thread state in any way;
* b) to completly clear ts after loadblk (ex. for pybuf->refcnf to go to exactly 1)
/* in python thread state - save what we'll possibly override
* to faulting code, it looks like loadblk() is just called as callback.
* Only we have to care to restore exception states for caller (we can't
* propagate exceptions through pagefaulting, and if there were series of
* try/except, we too should restore original caller exception states.
* TODO better text.
ts = PyThreadState_GET();
ts_frame_orig = ts->frame; // just for checking
/* set ptr to NULL and return it's previous value */
#define set0(pptr) ({ typeof(*(pptr)) p = *(pptr); *(pptr)=NULL; p; })
/* xincref that evaluate its argument only once */
#define XINC(arg) do { typeof(arg) p = (arg); Py_XINCREF(p); } while (0)
/* like set0 for PySys_{Get,Set}Object, but also xincref original obj */
#define PySys_XInc_SetNone(name) ({ \
PyObject *p = PySys_GetObject(name); \
/* incref here because otherwise on next line it can go away */ \
Py_XINCREF(p); \
PySys_SetObject(name, Py_None); \
p; \
XINC( save_curexc_type = set0(&ts->curexc_type) );
XINC( save_curexc_value = set0(&ts->curexc_value) );
XINC( save_curexc_traceback = set0(&ts->curexc_traceback) );
XINC( save_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_type) );
XINC( save_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_value) );
XINC( save_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_traceback) );
XINC( save_async_exc = set0(&ts->async_exc) );
/* before py3k python also stores exception in sys.exc_* variables (wrt
* sys.exc_info()) for "backward compatibility" */
sys_exc_type = PySys_XInc_SetNone("exc_type");
sys_exc_value = PySys_XInc_SetNone("exc_value");
sys_exc_traceback = PySys_XInc_SetNone("exc_traceback");
pybuf = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(buf, file->blksize);
pybuf = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(buf, file->blksize, PyBUF_WRITE /* = read-write */);
if (!pybuf)
goto err;
/* NOTE K = unsigned long long */
BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(blk) == sizeof(unsigned long long));
loadret = PyObject_CallMethod(pyfile, "loadblk", "KO", blk, pybuf);
/* python should return to original frame */
BUG_ON(ts->frame != ts_frame_orig);
if (!loadret)
goto err;
/* clear thread state to cleanup, and in particular so it does not hold
* reference to pybuf - after return from loadblk, buf memory will be
* unmapped, so the caller must not have left kept references to it. */
/* we need to know only whether loadret != NULL, decref it now */
/* first clear exception states so it drop all references (and possibly in
* called frame) to pybuf
* (like PyErr_Restore(), but for both curexc_* and exc_*) */
x_curexc_type = set0(&ts->curexc_type);
x_curexc_value = set0(&ts->curexc_value);
x_curexc_traceback = set0(&ts->curexc_traceback);
x_exc_type = set0(&ts->exc_type);
x_exc_value = set0(&ts->exc_value);
x_exc_traceback = set0(&ts->exc_traceback);
x_async_exc = set0(&ts->async_exc);
PySys_SetObject("exc_type", Py_None);
PySys_SetObject("exc_value", Py_None);
PySys_SetObject("exc_traceback", Py_None);
/* verify pybuf is not held - its memory will go away right after return */
if (pybuf)
BUG_ON(pybuf->ob_refcnt != 1);
/* drop pybuf
* NOTE in theory decref could run arbitrary code, but buffer_dealloc() is
* simply PyObject_DEL which does not lead to running python code. */
BUG_ON(ts->curexc_type || ts->curexc_value || ts->curexc_traceback);
BUG_ON(ts->exc_type || ts->exc_value || ts->exc_traceback);
BUG_ON(PySys_GetObject("exc_type") != Py_None ||
PySys_GetObject("exc_value") != Py_None ||
PySys_GetObject("exc_traceback") != Py_None);
/* now restore exception state to original */
ts->curexc_type = save_curexc_type;
ts->curexc_value = save_curexc_value;
ts->curexc_traceback = save_curexc_traceback;
ts->exc_type = save_exc_type;
ts->exc_value = save_exc_value;
ts->exc_traceback = save_exc_traceback;
ts->async_exc = save_async_exc;
XPySys_SetObject("exc_type", sys_exc_type);
XPySys_SetObject("exc_value", sys_exc_value);
XPySys_SetObject("exc_traceback", sys_exc_traceback);
Py_XDECREF( save_curexc_type );
Py_XDECREF( save_curexc_value );
Py_XDECREF( save_curexc_traceback );
Py_XDECREF( save_exc_type );
Py_XDECREF( save_exc_value );
Py_XDECREF( save_exc_traceback );
Py_XDECREF( save_async_exc );
Py_XDECREF( sys_exc_type );
Py_XDECREF( sys_exc_value );
Py_XDECREF( sys_exc_traceback );
/* optionally release the GIL, if it was not ours initially */
/* loadblk() job done */
return loadret ? 0 : -1;
/* error happened - dump traceback and return */
goto out;
#undef XINC
#undef set0
static int pybigfile_storeblk(BigFile *file, blk_t blk, const void *buf)
PyBigFile *pyfile = upcast(PyBigFile *, file);
PyObject *pybuf = NULL;
PyObject *storeret = NULL;
PyGILState_STATE gstate;
// XXX so far storeblk() is called only from py/user context (vs SIGSEGV
// context) - no need to save/restore interpreter state.
// TODO -> if needed - do similar to pybigfile_loadblk().
/* ensure we hold the GIL (and thus are _the_ python thread) */
gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
// XXX readonly, but wants (void *) without const
pybuf = PyBuffer_FromMemory((void *)buf, file->blksize);
pybuf = PyMemoryView_FromMemory((void *)buf, file->blksize, PyBUF_READ);
if (!pybuf)
goto err;
/* NOTE K = unsigned long long */
BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(blk) == sizeof(unsigned long long));
storeret = PyObject_CallMethod(pyfile, "storeblk", "KO", blk, pybuf);
if (!storeret)
goto err;
/* we need to know only whether storeret != NULL, decref it now */
/* verify pybuf is not held - its memory can go away right after return
* (if e.g. dirty page was not mapped in any vma) */
if (pybuf)
BUG_ON(pybuf->ob_refcnt != 1);
/* storeblk() job done */
return storeret ? 0 : -1;
/* error happened - dump traceback and return */
// XXX do we need this in storeblk? (but can't return with pybuf->ob_refcnt
// != 1) and on errors it is not so.
goto out;
static const struct bigfile_ops pybigfile_ops = {
.loadblk = pybigfile_loadblk,
.storeblk = pybigfile_storeblk,
//.release =
static PyObject *
pyfileh_open(PyObject *pyfile0, PyObject *args)
PyBigFile *pyfile = upcast(PyBigFile *, pyfile0);
PyBigFileH *pyfileh;
RAM *ram = ram_get_default(NULL); // TODO get ram from args
int err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
return NULL;
pyfileh = PyType_New(PyBigFileH, &PyBigFileH_Type, NULL);
if (!pyfileh)
return NULL;
err = fileh_open(pyfileh, pyfile, ram);
if (err) {
return NULL;
return pyfileh;
static PyObject *
pyfile_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
PyBigFile *self;
self = (PyBigFile *)PyType_GenericNew(type, args, kw);
if (!self)
return NULL;
// FIXME "k" = unsigned long - we need size_t
static char *kw_list[] = {"blksize", NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "k", kw_list, &self->blksize)) {
return NULL;
self->file_ops = &pybigfile_ops;
return self;
static PyMemberDef pyfile_members[] = {
{"blksize", T_ULONG /* XXX vs typeof(blksize) = size_t ? */, offsetof(PyBigFile, blksize), READONLY, "block size"},
static /*const*/ PyMethodDef pyfile_methods[] = {
// XXX should be separate BigFileH ctor or fileh_open function?
{"fileh_open", pyfileh_open, METH_VARARGS, "fileh_open(ram=None) -> new file handle"},
static PyTypeObject PyBigFile_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "_bigfile.BigFile",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyBigFile),
.tp_methods = pyfile_methods,
.tp_members = pyfile_members,
.tp_dealloc = NULL, // XXX
.tp_new = pyfile_new,
.tp_doc = "Base class for creating BigFile(s)\n\nTODO describe", // XXX
PyFunc(pyram_reclaim, "ram_reclaim() -> reclaimed -- release some non-dirty ram back to OS")
(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
RAM *ram = ram_get_default(NULL); // TODO get ram from args
int reclaimed;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
return NULL;
reclaimed = ram_reclaim(ram);
return PyLong_FromLong(reclaimed);
static /*const*/ PyMethodDef pybigfile_modulemeths[] = {
{"ram_reclaim", pyram_reclaim, METH_VARARGS, pyram_reclaim_doc},
......@@ -39,6 +746,13 @@ static PyObject *
PyObject *m;
int err;
/* setup pagefault handler right from the beginning - memory lazy-access
* fundamentally depends on it */
err = pagefault_init();
if (err)
Py_FatalError("bigfile: can't initialise pagefaulting");
m = PyModule_Create(&pybigfile_moduledef);
......@@ -48,6 +762,26 @@ _init_bigfile(void)
if (!m)
return NULL;
/* NOTE we don't expose VMA & BigFileH to users via module namespace */
if (PyType_Ready(&PyVMA_Type) < 0)
return NULL;
if (PyType_Ready(&PyBigFileH_Type) < 0)
return NULL;
if (PyType_Ready(&PyBigFile_Type) < 0)
return NULL;
if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "BigFile", (PyObject *)&PyBigFile_Type))
return NULL;
#define CSTi(name) do { \
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, #name, name)) \
return NULL; \
} while (0)
return m;
# Wendeling.core.bigfile | Basic tests
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Open Source Initiative approved licenses and Convey
# the resulting work. Corresponding source of such a combination shall include
# the source code for all other software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# TODO description
from wendelin.bigfile import BigFile, WRITEOUT_STORE, WRITEOUT_MARKSTORED
import struct
import weakref
import sys
from pytest import raises
from six import PY2
# read-only attributes are reported differently on py2 & py3
ROAttributeError = (PY2 and TypeError or AttributeError)
# on python2 memoryview[i] returns str, on python3 uint
bchr_py2 = (PY2 and chr or (lambda _: _))
bord_py3 = (PY2 and (lambda _: _) or ord)
# Synthetic bigfile that for #blk
# - loads generated ~ #blk bytes and
# - remembers stores #blk in .storev[]
class XBigFile(BigFile):
def __new__(cls, head, blksize):
obj = BigFile.__new__(cls, blksize)
obj.head = head
obj.storev = []
return obj
# load: fill head with head, later with #blk
def loadblk(self, blk, buf):
# head + <byte-fill> to tail...
hlen = len(self.head)
tlen = self.blksize - hlen
fillbyte = blk & 0xff
v = [self.head] + [fillbyte]*tlen
struct.pack_into("%is%iB" % (hlen, tlen), buf, 0, *v)
# store: store #blk in storev
def storeblk(self, blk, buf):
# XXX hack, hardcoded
MB = 1024*1024
PS = 2*MB
# basic loadblk/storeblk test
def test_basic():
f = XBigFile(b'abcd', PS)
assert f.blksize == PS
raises(ROAttributeError, "f.blksize = 1") # RO attribute
assert f.head == b'abcd'
fh = f.fileh_open() # TODO + ram
vma = fh.mmap(100, 4)
m = memoryview(vma)
if PY2:
b = buffer(vma) # `buffer` is not available in python3
b = memoryview(vma) # no harm testing with memoryview twice
assert len(m) == 4*PS
assert len(b) == 4*PS
# read
for p in range(4):
_ = p*PS
assert b[_+0:_+4] == b'abcd'
assert b[_+5] == bchr_py2(100+p)
assert b[_+PS-1] == bchr_py2(100+p)
assert m[_+0:_+4] == b'abcd'
assert m[_+5] == bchr_py2(100+p)
assert m[_+PS-1] == bchr_py2(100+p)
# write
m[2*PS + 7] = bord_py3(b'A') # write -> page[102]
assert b[2*PS + 7] == bord_py3('A') # ensure b & m point to the same memory
m[7] = bord_py3(b'B') # write -> page[100]
assert f.storev == []
assert f.storev == [100, 102] # pages we wrote in ascending order
f.storev = []
assert f.storev == [100, 102] # again, because was not marked yet
f.storev = []
assert f.storev == [100, 102] # again, because was not marked yet
f.storev = []
assert f.storev == [] # nothing wrote - all dirty were just marked
# TODO close f
# test that python exception state is preserved across pagefaulting
def test_pagefault_savestate():
class BadFile(BigFile):
def loadblk(self, blk, buf):
# simulate some errors in-between to overwrite thread exception
# state, and say we are done ok
except ZeroDivisionError:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
if PY2:
assert exc_type is ZeroDivisionError
# on python3 exception state is cleared upon exiting from `except`
assert exc_type is None
# NOTE there is a loop created here:
# exc_traceback
# | ^
# | |
# v .f_localsplus
# frame
# Since upon returning we can't hold a reference to buf, let's
# break the loop explicitly.
# Otherwise both exc_traceback and frame will be alive until next
# gc.collect() which cannot be perform in pagefault handler.
# Not breaking this loop will BUG with `buf.refcnt != 1` on return
del exc_traceback
self.loadblk_run = 1
f = BadFile(PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
vma = fh.mmap(0, 1)
m = memoryview(vma)
f.loadblk_run = 0
raise RuntimeError('hello')
except RuntimeError:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
assert exc_type is RuntimeError
assert exc_value.args == ('hello',)
assert m[0] == bchr_py2(0) # NOTE causes pagefault handler to run
assert f.loadblk_run == 1
exc_type2, exc_value2, exc_tb2 = sys.exc_info()
assert exc_type is exc_type2
assert exc_value is exc_value2
assert exc_tb is exc_tb2
# TODO close f
# test that vma/fileh/file correctly refcount each other
def test_refcounting():
# fileh holds file
f = XBigFile(b'abcd', PS)
wf = weakref.ref(f)
assert wf() is f
fh = f.fileh_open()
assert wf() is f
idf = id(f)
del f
f_ = wf()
assert f_ is not None
assert id(f_) == idf
del f_, fh
assert wf() is None
# vma holds fileh
f = XBigFile(b'abcd', PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
wfh = weakref.ref(fh)
assert wfh() is fh
vma = fh.mmap(0, 1)
assert wfh() is fh
idfh = id(fh)
del fh
fh_ = wfh()
assert fh_ is not None
assert id(fh_) == idfh
del fh_, vma
assert wfh() is None
# vma is weakly-referencable too
fh = f.fileh_open()
vma = fh.mmap(0, 1)
wvma= weakref.ref(vma)
assert wvma() is vma
idvma = id(vma)
m = memoryview(vma)
del vma
vma_ = wvma()
assert vma_ is not None
assert id(vma_) == idvma
del vma_
assert wvma() is not None
del m
assert wvma() is None
/* compatibility with python2 */
#include <Python.h>
/* in python2 it was indicating support for memoryview */
/* PyMemoryView_FromMemory for python2
* (taking PY2 PyMemoryView_FromBuffer, and
* PY3 PyMemoryView_FromMemory as templates)
static inline PyObject *
PyMemoryView_FromMemory(char *mem, Py_ssize_t size, int flags)
PyMemoryViewObject *mview;
int readonly;
mview = (PyMemoryViewObject *)
PyObject_GC_New(PyMemoryViewObject, &PyMemoryView_Type);
if (mview == NULL)
return NULL;
mview->base = NULL;
readonly = (flags == PyBUF_WRITE) ? 0 : 1;
(void)PyBuffer_FillInfo(&mview->view, NULL, mem, size, readonly,
return (PyObject *)mview;
......@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ setup(
install_requires = [
'numpy', # lib/mem
'six', # compat py2/py3
extras_require = {
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