Commit f3f3ec89 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

kpi += Calc

kpi.Calc is calculator to compute KPIs. It can be instantiated on
MeasurementLog and time interval over which to perform computations.
It currently implements calculations for only one "E-RAB Accessibility KPI".

Please see added docstrings and tests for details.

The next patch will also add demo program that uses all kpi.Calc and
other parts of KPI-computation pipeline to build and visualize E-RAB
Accessibility from real data.
parent 71087f67
......@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
"""Package kpi will provide functionality to compute Key Performance Indicators of LTE services.
"""Package kpi provides functionality to compute Key Performance Indicators of LTE services.
- Calc is KPI calculator. It can be instantiated on MeasurementLog and time
interval over which to perform computations. Use Calc methods such as
.erab_accessibility() to compute KPIs.
- MeasurementLog maintains journal with result of measurements. Use .append()
to populate it with data.
......@@ -25,18 +29,52 @@
- Measurement represents measurement results. Its documentation establishes
semantic for measurement results to be followed by drivers.
To actually compute a KPI for particular LTE service, a measurements driver
should exist for that LTE service(*). KPI computation pipeline is then as follows:
│ Measurement │ Measurements ──────────────── ──────
│ │ ─────────────→ │ MeasurementLog │ ──→ │ Calc │ ──→ KPI
│ driver │ ──────────────── ──────
See following 3GPP standards for KPI-related topics:
- TS 32.401
- TS 32.450
- TS 32.425
(*) for example package amari.kpi provides such measurements driver for Amarisoft LTE stack.
import numpy as np
from golang import func
# Calc provides way to compute KPIs over given measurement data and time interval.
# It is constructed from MeasurementLog and [τ_lo, τ_hi) and further provides
# following methods for computing 3GPP KPIs:
# .erab_accessibility() - TS 32.450 6.1.1 "E-RAB Accessibility"
# TODO other KPIs
# Upon construction specified time interval is potentially widened to cover
# corresponding data in full granularity periods:
# τ'lo τ'hi
# ──────|─────|────[────|────)──────|──────|────────>
# ←─ τ_lo τ_hi ──→ time
# See also: MeasurementLog, Measurement.
class Calc:
# ._data []Measurement - fully inside [.τ_lo, .τ_hi)
# [.τ_lo, .τ_hi) time interval to compute over. Potentially wider than originally requested.
# MeasurementLog represent journal of performed Measurements.
# It semantically consists of
......@@ -162,6 +200,18 @@ class Measurement(np.void):
# Interval is NumPy structured scalar that represents [lo,hi) interval.
# It is used by Calc to represent confidence interval for computed KPIs.
# NOTE Interval is likely to be transient solution and in the future its usage
# will be probably changed to something like uncertainties.ufloat .
class Interval(np.void):
_dtype = np.dtype([
('lo', np.float64),
('hi', np.float64),
# ----------------------------------------
# Measurement is the central part around which everything is organized.
# Let's have it go first.
......@@ -328,6 +378,250 @@ def forget_past(mlog, Tcut):
# ----------------------------------------
# Calc() is initialized from slice of data in the measurement log that is
# covered/overlapped with [τ_lo, τ_hi) time interval.
# The time interval, that will actually be used for computations, is potentially wider.
# See Calc class documentation for details.
def __init__(calc, mlog: MeasurementLog, τ_lo, τ_hi):
assert τ_lo <= τ_hi
data =
l = len(data)
# find min i: τ_lo < [i].(Tstart+δT) ; i=l if not found
# TODO binary search
i = 0
while i < l:
m = data[i]
m_τhi = m['X.Tstart'] + m['X.δT']
if τ_lo < m_τhi:
i += 1
# find min j: τ_hi ≤ [j].Tstart ; j=l if not found
j = i
while j < l:
m = data[j]
m_τlo = m['X.Tstart']
if τ_hi <= m_τlo:
j += 1
data = data[i:j]
if len(data) > 0:
m_lo = data[0]
m_hi = data[-1]
τ_lo = min(τ_lo, m_lo['X.Tstart'])
τ_hi = max(τ_hi, m_hi['X.Tstart']+m_hi['X.δT'])
calc._data = data
calc.τ_lo = τ_lo
calc.τ_hi = τ_hi
# erab_accessibility computes "E-RAB Accessibility" KPI.
# It returns the following items:
# - InitialEPSBEstabSR probability of successful initial E-RAB establishment (%)
# - AddedEPSBEstabSR probability of successful additional E-RAB establishment (%)
# The items are returned as Intervals with information about confidence for
# computed values.
# 3GPP reference: TS 32.450 6.1.1 "E-RAB Accessibility".
def erab_accessibility(calc): # -> InitialEPSBEstabSR, AddedEPSBEstabSR
SR = calc._success_rate
x = SR("Σcause RRC.ConnEstabSucc.CAUSE",
"Σcause RRC.ConnEstabAtt.CAUSE")
y = SR("S1SIG.ConnEstabSucc",
z = SR("Σqci ERAB.EstabInitSuccNbr.QCI",
"Σqci ERAB.EstabInitAttNbr.QCI")
InititialEPSBEstabSR = Interval(x['lo'] * y['lo'] * z['lo'], # x·y·z
x['hi'] * y['hi'] * z['hi'])
AddedEPSBEstabSR = SR("Σqci ERAB.EstabAddSuccNbr.QCI",
"Σqci ERAB.EstabAddAttNbr.QCI")
return _i2pc(InititialEPSBEstabSR), \
_i2pc(AddedEPSBEstabSR) # as %
# _success_rate computes success rate for fini/init events.
# i.e. ratio N(fini)/N(init).
# 3GPP defines success rate as N(successful-events) / N(total_events) ratio,
# for example N(connection_established) / N(connection_attempt). We take this
# definition as is for granularity periods with data, and extend it to also
# account for time intervals covered by Calc where measurements results are not
# available.
# To do so we extrapolate N(init) to be also contributed by "no data" periods
# proportionally to "no data" time coverage, and then we note that in those
# times, since no measurements have been made, the number of success events is
# unknown and can lie anywhere in between 0 and the number of added init events.
# This gives the following for resulting success rate confidence interval:
# time covered by periods with data: Σt
# time covered by periods with no data: t⁺ t⁺
# extrapolation for incoming initiation events: init⁺ = ──·Σ(init)
# Σt
# fini events for "no data" time is full uncertainty: fini⁺ ∈ [0,init⁺]
# => success rate over whole time is uncertain in between
# Σ(fini) Σ(fini) + init⁺
# ────────────── ≤ SR ≤ ──────────────
# Σ(init) + init⁺ Σ(init) + init⁺
# that confidence interval is returned as the result.
# fini/init events can be prefixed with "Σqci " or "Σcause ". If such prefix is
# present, then fini/init value is obtained via call to Σqci or Σcause correspondingly.
def _success_rate(calc, fini, init): # -> Interval in [0,1]
def vget(m, name):
if name.startswith("Σqci "):
return Σqci (m, name[len("Σqci "):])
if name.startswith("Σcause "):
return Σcause(m, name[len("Σcause "):])
return m[name]
t_ = 0.
Σt = 0.
Σinit = 0
Σfini = 0
Σufini = 0 # Σinit where fini=ø but init is not ø
for m in calc._miter():
τ = m['X.δT']
vinit = vget(m, init)
vfini = vget(m, fini)
if isNA(vinit):
t_ += τ
# ignore fini, even if it is not ø.
# TODO more correct approach: init⁺ for this period ∈ [fini,∞] and
# once we extrapolate init⁺ we should check if it lies in that
# interval and adjust if not. Then fini could be used as is.
Σt += τ
Σinit += vinit
if isNA(vfini):
Σufini += vinit
Σfini += vfini
if Σinit == 0 or Σt == 0:
return Interval(0,1) # full uncertainty
init_ = t_ * Σinit / Σt
a = Σfini / (Σinit + init_)
b = (Σfini + init_ + Σufini) / (Σinit + init_)
return Interval(a,b)
# _miter iterates through [.τ_lo, .τ_hi) yielding Measurements.
# The measurements are yielded with consecutive timestamps. There is no gaps
# as NA Measurements are yielded for time holes in original MeasurementLog data.
def _miter(calc): # -> iter(Measurement)
τ = calc.τ_lo
l = len(calc._data)
i = 0 # current Measurement from data
while i < l:
m = calc._data[i]
m_τlo = m['X.Tstart']
m_τhi = m_τlo + m['X.δT']
assert m_τlo < m_τhi
if τ < m_τlo:
# <- M(ø)[τ, m_τlo)
h = Measurement()
h['X.Tstart'] = τ
h['X.δT'] = m_τlo - τ
yield h
# <- M from mlog
yield m
τ = m_τhi
i += 1
assert τ <= calc.τ_hi
if τ < calc.τ_hi:
# <- trailing M(ø)[τ, τ_hi)
h = Measurement()
h['X.Tstart'] = τ
h['X.δT'] = calc.τ_hi - τ
yield h
# Interval(lo,hi) creates new interval with specified boundaries.
def __new__(cls, lo, hi):
i = _newscalar(cls, cls._dtype)
i['lo'] = lo
i['hi'] = hi
return i
# Σqci performs summation over all qci for m[name_qci].
# usage example:
# Σqci(m, 'ERAB.EstabInitSuccNbr.QCI')
# name_qci must have '.QCI' suffix.
def Σqci(m: Measurement, name_qci: str):
return _Σx(m, name_qci, _all_qci)
# Σcause, performs summation over all causes for m[name_cause].
# usage example:
# Σcause(m, 'RRC.ConnEstabSucc.CAUSE')
# name_cause must have '.CAUSE' suffix.
def Σcause(m: Measurement, name_cause: str):
return _Σx(m, name_cause, _all_cause)
# _Σx serves Σqci and Σcause.
def _Σx(m: Measurement, name_x: str, _all_x: func):
name_sum, name_xv = _all_x(name_x)
s = m[name_sum]
if not isNA(s):
return s
s = s.dtype.type(0)
ok = True
for _ in name_xv:
v = m[_]
# we don't know the answer even if single value is NA
# (if data source does not support particular qci/cause, it should set it to 0)
if isNA(v):
ok = False
s += v
if not ok:
return NA(s.dtype)
return s
# _i2pc maps Interval in [0,1] to one in [0,100] by multiplying lo/hi by 1e2.
def _i2pc(x: Interval): # -> Interval
return Interval(x['lo']*100, x['hi']*100)
# _newscalar creates new NumPy scalar instance with specified type and dtype.
def _newscalar(typ, dtype):
_ = np.zeros(shape=(), dtype=(typ, dtype))
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
from xlte.kpi import MeasurementLog, Measurement, NA, isNA
from xlte.kpi import Calc, MeasurementLog, Measurement, Interval, NA, isNA
import numpy as np
from pytest import raises
......@@ -145,6 +145,281 @@ def test_MeasurementLog():
assert _.shape == (0,)
# verify (τ_lo, τ_hi) widening and overlapping with Measurements on Calc initialization.
def test_Calc_init():
mlog = MeasurementLog()
# _ asserts that Calc(mlog, τ_lo,τ_hi) has .τ_lo/.τ_hi as specified by
# τ_wlo/τ_whi, and ._data as specified by mokv.
def _(τ_lo, τ_hi, τ_wlo, τ_whi, *mokv):
c = Calc(mlog, τ_lo,τ_hi)
assert (c.τ_lo, c.τ_hi) == (τ_wlo, τ_whi)
mv = list(c._data[i] for i in range(len(c._data)))
assert mv == list(mokv)
# mlog(ø)
_( 0, 0, 0,0)
_( 0,99, 0,99)
_(10,20, 10,20)
# m1[10,20)
m1 = Measurement()
m1['X.Tstart'] = 10
m1['X.δT'] = 10
_( 0, 0, 0, 0)
_( 0,99, 0,99, m1)
_(10,20, 10,20, m1)
_(12,18, 10,20, m1)
_( 5, 7, 5, 7)
_( 5,15, 5,20, m1)
_(15,25, 10,25, m1)
_(25,30, 25,30)
# m1[10,20) m2[30,40)
m2 = Measurement()
m2['X.Tstart'] = 30
m2['X.δT'] = 10
_( 0, 0, 0, 0)
_( 0,99, 0,99, m1, m2)
_(10,20, 10,20, m1)
_(12,18, 10,20, m1)
_( 5, 7, 5, 7)
_( 5,15, 5,20, m1)
_(15,25, 10,25, m1)
_(25,30, 25,30)
_(25,35, 25,40, m2)
_(35,45, 30,45, m2)
_(45,47, 45,47)
_(32,38, 30,40, m2)
_(30,40, 30,40, m2)
_(99,99, 99,99)
# verify Calc internal iteration over measurements and holes.
def test_Calc_miter():
mlog = MeasurementLog()
# _ asserts that Calc(mlog, τ_lo,τ_hi)._miter yields Measurement as specified by mokv.
def _(τ_lo, τ_hi, *mokv):
c = Calc(mlog, τ_lo,τ_hi)
mv = list(c._miter())
assert mv == list(mokv)
# na returns Measurement with specified τ_lo/τ_hi and NA for all other data.
def na(τ_lo, τ_hi):
assert τ_lo <= τ_hi
m = Measurement()
m['X.Tstart'] = τ_lo
m['X.δT'] = τ_hi - τ_lo
return m
# mlog(ø)
_( 0, 0)
_( 0,99, na(0,99))
_(10,20, na(10,20))
# m1[10,20)
m1 = Measurement()
m1['X.Tstart'] = 10
m1['X.δT'] = 10
_( 0, 0)
_( 0,99, na(0,10), m1, na(20,99))
_(10,20, m1)
_( 7,20, na(7,10), m1)
_(10,23, m1, na(20,23))
# m1[10,20) m2[30,40)
m2 = Measurement()
m2['X.Tstart'] = 30
m2['X.δT'] = 10
_( 0, 0)
_( 0,99, na(0,10), m1, na(20,30), m2, na(40,99))
_(10,20, m1)
_(10,30, m1, na(20,30))
_(10,40, m1, na(20,30), m2)
# verify Calc internal function that computes success rate of fini/init events.
def test_Calc_success_rate():
mlog = MeasurementLog()
init = "S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt"
fini = "S1SIG.ConnEstabSucc"
# M returns Measurement with specified time coverage and init/fini values.
def M(τ_lo,τ_hi, vinit=None, vfini=None):
m = Measurement()
m['X.Tstart'] = τ_lo
m['X.δT'] = τ_hi - τ_lo
if vinit is not None:
m[init] = vinit
if vfini is not None:
m[fini] = vfini
return m
# Mlog reinitializes mlog according to specified Measurements in mv.
def Mlog(*mv):
nonlocal mlog
mlog = MeasurementLog()
for m in mv:
# _ asserts that Calc(mlog, τ_lo,τ_hi)._success_rate(fini, init) returns Interval(sok_lo, sok_hi).
def _(τ_lo, τ_hi, sok_lo, sok_hi):
sok = Interval(sok_lo, sok_hi)
c = Calc(mlog, τ_lo, τ_hi)
s = c._success_rate(fini, init)
assert type(s) is Interval
eps = np.finfo(s['lo'].dtype).eps
assert abs(s['lo']-sok['lo']) < eps
assert abs(s['hi']-sok['hi']) < eps
# ø -> full uncertainty
_( 0, 0, 0,1)
_( 0,99, 0,1)
_(10,20, 0,1)
# m[10,20, {ø,0}/{ø,0}) -> full uncertainty
for i in (None,0):
for f in (None,0):
Mlog(M(10,20, i,f))
_( 0, 0, 0,1)
_( 0,99, 0,1)
_(10,20, 0,1)
_( 7,20, 0,1)
_(10,25, 0,1)
# m[10,20, 8,4) -> 1/2 if counted in [10,20)
# i₁=8
# f₁=4
# ────|──────|─────────────|──────────
# 10 t₁ 20 ←── t₂ ──→ τ_hi
# t with data: t₁
# t with no data: t₂
# t total: T = t₁+t₂
# extrapolation for incoming t₂
# events for "no data" period: i₂ = i₁·──
# t₁
# termination events for "no data"
# period is full uncertainty f₂ ∈ [0,i₂]
# => success rate over whole time is uncertain in between
# f₁ f₁+i₂
# ───── ≤ SR ≤ ─────
# i₁+i₂ i₁+i₂
Mlog(M(10,20, 8,4))
_( 0, 0, 0, 1) # no overlap - full uncertainty
_(10,20, 0.5, 0.5) # t₂=0 - no uncertainty
_( 7,20, 0.3846153846153846, 0.6153846153846154) # t₂=3
_(10,25, 0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666) # t₂=5
_( 0,99, 0.050505050505050504, 0.9494949494949495) # t₂=10+79
# m[10,20, 8,4) m[30,40, 50,50]
# similar to the above case but with t₁ and t₂ coming with data, while t₃
# represents whole "no data" time:
# i₁=8 i₂=50
# f₁=4 f₂=50
# ────|──────|──────|───────|──────────────────|──────────
# 10 t₁ 20 ↑ 30 t₂ 40 ↑ τ_hi
# │ │
# │ │
# `────────────────── t₃
# t with data: t₁+t₂
# t with no data: t₃
# t total: T = t₁+t₂+t₃
# extrapolation for incoming t₃
# events for "no data" period: i₃ = (i₁+i₂)·────
# t₁+t₂
# termination events for "no data"
# period is full uncertainty f₃ ∈ [0,i₃]
# => success rate over whole time is uncertain in between
# f₁+f₂ f₁+f₂+i₃
# ──────── ≤ SR ≤ ───────
# i₁+i₂+i₃ i₁+i₂+i₃
Mlog(M(10,20, 8,4), M(30,40, 50,50))
_( 0, 0, 0, 1) # no overlap - full uncertainty
_(10,20, 0.5, 0.5) # exact 1/2 in [10,20)
_(30,40, 1, 1) # exact 1 in [30,40)
_( 7,20, 0.3846153846153846, 0.6153846153846154) # overlaps only with t₁ -> as ^^^
_(10,25, 0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666) # overlaps only with t₁ -> as ^^^
_(10,40, 0.6206896551724138, 0.9540229885057471) # t₃=10
_( 7,40, 0.5642633228840125, 0.9582027168234065) # t₃=13
_( 7,45, 0.4900181488203267, 0.9637023593466425) # t₃=18
_( 0,99, 0.18808777429467083, 0.9860675722744688) # t₃=79
# Σqci
init = "Σqci ERAB.EstabInitAttNbr.QCI"
fini = "Σqci ERAB.EstabInitSuccNbr.QCI"
m = M(10,20)
m['ERAB.EstabInitAttNbr.sum'] = 10
m['ERAB.EstabInitSuccNbr.sum'] = 2
_(10,20, 1/5, 1/5)
# Σcause
init = "Σcause RRC.ConnEstabAtt.CAUSE"
fini = "Σcause RRC.ConnEstabSucc.CAUSE"
m = M(10,20)
m['RRC.ConnEstabSucc.sum'] = 5
m['RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum'] = 10
_(10,20, 1/2, 1/2)
# verify Calc.erab_accessibility .
def test_Calc_erab_accessibility():
# most of the job is done by _success_rate.
# here we verify final wrapping, that erab_accessibility does, only lightly.
m = Measurement()
m['X.Tstart'] = 10
m['X.δT'] = 10
m['RRC.ConnEstabSucc.sum'] = 2
m['RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum'] = 7
m['S1SIG.ConnEstabSucc'] = 3
m['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt'] = 8
m['ERAB.EstabInitSuccNbr.sum'] = 4
m['ERAB.EstabInitAttNbr.sum'] = 9
m['ERAB.EstabAddSuccNbr.sum'] = 5
m['ERAB.EstabAddAttNbr.sum'] = 10
mlog = MeasurementLog()
calc = Calc(mlog, 10,20)
# _ asserts that provided interval is precise and equals vok.
def _(i: Interval, vok):
assert i['lo'] == i['hi']
assert i['lo'] == vok
InititialEPSBEstabSR, AddedEPSBEstabSR = calc.erab_accessibility()
_(AddedEPSBEstabSR, 50)
_(InititialEPSBEstabSR, 100 * 2*3*4 / (7*8*9))
def test_NA():
def _(typ):
return NA(typ(0).dtype)
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