From 121db5dd8974eb00c4243258f97d0f53d42e2557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Pelletier <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:49:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add introspection documentation system for Documents.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5Type/ | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 268 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/ b/product/ERP5Type/
index dba8b82ad4..220a5de121 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ import random
 from DateTime import DateTime
+import inspect
+from pprint import pformat
   from transaction import get as get_transaction
 except ImportError:
@@ -89,10 +92,10 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
     if id is None:
         id = method.__name__
     self._id = id
   def _setId(self, id) :
     self._id = id
   def __call__(self, instance, *args, **kw):
       Invoke the wrapped method, and deal with the results.
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ def _aq_reset():
   Base.aq_portal_type = {}
   Base.aq_related_generated = 0
   Base.aq_preference_generated = 0 
   # Some method generations are based on portal methods, and portal methods cache results.
   # So it is safer to invalidate the cache.
@@ -1049,7 +1052,7 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
   def getDocumentInstance(self):
       Returns self
-      Returns instance if catehory throughdocument_instance relation
+      Returns instance if category through document_instance relation
     return self
@@ -1140,7 +1143,7 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
       the object in order to make sure there is a UID
       (useful for import / export).
-      WARNING : must be updates for circular references issues
+      WARNING : must be updated for circular references issues
     uid = getattr(aq_base(self), 'uid', None)
     if uid is None:
@@ -2241,6 +2244,266 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
     """ =
+  security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'asDocumentationHelper' )
+  def asDocumentationHelper(self, item_id=None):
+    """
+      Fills and return a DocHelper object from context.
+      Overload this in any object the has to fill the DocHelper in its own way.
+      item_id : If specified, the documented item will be
+                getattr(self, item_title) if it exists, otherwise None will
+                be returned.
+      TODO:
+       - Check that filtering is correct : display only and every things
+         defined on the class itself.
+       - Add a list of all accessible things in the documented item context
+         (heritated methods & attributes) in a light way that still allows to
+         link directly to the corresponding documentation.
+       - Rewrite accessor generation system so that it can generate accessor
+         names when given a property/category.
+       KEEPMEs:
+         There are pieces of code in this function that can have interesting
+         results, but who are also very verbose. They are disabled (commented
+         out) by default, but they should be kept.
+         Explanation of the interest :
+         The accessors are gathered from 2 sources : the ones defined on the
+         PortalType, and systematically generated names, and tested for
+         presence on the documented item.
+         There are 4 cases then :
+         -Accessor whose name was generated exists both on the PortalType and
+          on the documented item. That's normal.
+         -Accessor whose name was generated exists neither on the PortalType
+          nor on the documented item. That's normal, but could mean that the
+          accessor name generator isn't optimal.
+         -Accessor whose name was generated is found on the object but not on
+          the PortalType. This is a problem.
+         -Accessors gathered from PortalType aren't all found by guessing
+          systematically the names. That means that the accessor name
+          generation is not perfect and requires improvement.
+         nb: the accessors are gathered from 2 sources, the first is somehow
+         accidental when searching for workflow methods defined on the
+         PortalType, and are browsed a second time to be able to group them
+         by property or category.
+    """
+    from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.ClassTool import newTempDocumentationHelper
+    if item_id is None:
+      documented_item = self
+      item_id = documented_item.getTitle()
+    elif getattr(self, item_id, None) is not None:
+      documented_item = getattr(self, item_id)
+    else:
+      return None
+    # The documented object is an instance (or not) of this class.
+    item_class = getattr(documented_item, '__bases__', None) is None \
+                 and documented_item.__class__ \
+                 or documented_item
+    static_method_list = []    # Class methods
+    static_property_list = []  # Class attributes
+    dynamic_method_list = []   # Workflow methods
+    dynamic_property_list = [] # Document properties
+    dynamic_category_list = [] # Categories
+    dynamic_accessor_list = [] # Accessors
+    found_accessors = {}       # Accessor names : filled by PortalType-level
+                               # scan, and used in PropertySheet-level scan.
+    dochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(self.getParentValue(), self.getId(),
+                  title=item_id, type=item_class.__name__,
+                  description=inspect.getdoc(documented_item),
+                )
+    dochelper.setInheritanceList([x.__name__ for x in item_class.__bases__])
+    try:
+      dochelper.setSourcePath(inspect.getsourcefile(item_class))
+    except (IOError, TypeError):
+      pass
+    # dochelper.setSecurity() # (maybe) TODO: Add class instance security gthering.
+    # Class-level method & properties
+    for k, v in item_class.__dict__.items():
+      subdochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(dochelper, k,
+                  title=k, description=inspect.getdoc(v),
+                  security=repr(getattr(documented_item, '%s__roles__' % (k,),None)))
+      try:
+        subdochelper.setType(v.__class__.__name__)
+      except AttributeError:
+        pass
+      try:
+        subdochelper.setSourcePath(inspect.getsourcefile(v))
+      except (IOError, TypeError), err:
+        pass
+      try:
+        subdochelper.setSourceCode(inspect.getsource(v))
+      except (IOError, TypeError), err:
+        pass
+      try:
+        subdochelper.setArgumentList(inspect.getargspec(v))
+      except (IOError, TypeError), err:
+        pass
+      if subdochelper.getType() in ('function',): # This is a method
+        static_method_list.append(subdochelper)
+      elif subdochelper.getType() in ('int', 'float', 'long', 'str', 'tuple', 'dict', 'list') \
+           and not subdochelper.getTitle().startswith('__'): # This is a property
+        subdochelper.setContent(pformat(v))
+        static_property_list.append(subdochelper)
+      # FIXME: Is there any other interesting type ?
+    # PortalType-level methods
+    # XXX: accessing portal_type directly because accessors are not generated on instances
+    if getattr(documented_item, 'portal_type', None) is not None:
+      for k, v in Base.aq_portal_type[documented_item.portal_type].__dict__.items():
+        if callable(v) and not (k.startswith('_base') or k.startswith('_category')):
+          subdochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(dochelper, k,
+                    title=k, description=inspect.getdoc(v),
+                    security=repr(getattr(documented_item, '%s__roles__' % (k,),None)))
+          try:
+            my_type = v.__class__.__name__
+            subdochelper.setType(my_type)
+          except AttributeError:
+            pass
+          if 'Setter' not in my_type and \
+             'Getter' not in my_type and \
+             'Tester' not in my_type: # Accessors are handled separatelly.
+            dynamic_method_list.append(subdochelper)
+# KEEPME: usefull to track the differences between accessors defined on
+# PortalType and the one detected on the documented item.
+#          else:
+#            found_accessors[k] = v
+    def generatePropertyAccessorNameList(property):
+      """
+        Generates the possible accessor names for given property.
+        FIXME: Should not exist here, but as accessor generation system.
+      """
+      from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
+      res=[]
+      cased_id = UpperCase(property['id'])
+      for hidden in ('', '_'):
+        for getset in ('get', 'set', 'has'): # 'is',
+          for default in ('', 'Default', 'Translated'):
+            for value in ('', 'Value', 'TranslationDomain'):
+              for multivalued in ('', 'List', 'Set'):
+                res.append('%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (hidden, getset, default, cased_id, value, multivalued))
+      if property.has_key('acquired_property_id') and \
+         property['type'] == 'content':
+        for aq_property_id in property['acquired_property_id']:
+          cased_id = UpperCase('%s_%s' % (property['id'], aq_property_id))
+          for hidden in ('', '_'):
+            for getset in ('get', 'set'):
+              for default in ('', 'Default'):
+                for multivalued in ('', 'List'):
+                  res.append('%s%s%s%s%s' % (hidden, getset, default, cased_id, multivalued))
+      return res
+    def generateCategoryAccessorNameList(category):
+      """
+        Generates the possible accessor names for given category.
+        FIXME: Should not exist here, but as accessor generation system.
+      """
+      from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
+      cased_id=UpperCase(category)
+      res=['%s%sIds' % (cased_id[0].lower(), cased_id[1:]),
+           '%s%sValues' % (cased_id[0].lower(), cased_id[1:])]
+      for hidden in ('', '_'):
+        for default in ('', 'Default'):
+          for multivalued in ('', 'List', 'Set'):
+            for attribute in ('', 'TranslatedTitle', 'Uid', 'LogicalPath', 'Id', 'TitleOrId', 'Reference', 'Title'):
+              res.append('%sget%s%s%s%s' % (hidden, default, cased_id, attribute, multivalued))
+            for attribute in ('', 'Value', 'Uid'):
+              res.append('%sset%s%s%s%s' % (hidden, default, cased_id, attribute, multivalued))
+      return res
+    def accessorAsDocumentationHelper(accessor):
+      """
+        Generates a documentation helper about a given accessor.
+      """
+      accessor_dochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(subdochelper, accessor_name,
+                                                      title=accessor_name,
+                                                      description=inspect.getdoc(accessor))
+      try:
+        accessor_dochelper.setSourcePath(inspect.getsourcefile(accessor))
+      except (IOError, TypeError), err:
+        pass
+      try:
+        accessor_dochelper.setSourceCode(inspect.getsource(accessor))
+      except (IOError, TypeError), err:
+        pass
+# KEEPME: usefull to track the differences between accessors defined on
+# PortalType and the one detected on the documented item.
+#      if found_accessors.has_key(accessor_name):
+#        del(found_accessors[accessor_name])
+#      else:
+#        LOG('asDocumentationHelper', 0,
+#            'Found but not in the accessor list : %s of type %s' % \
+#            (accessor_name, accessor.__class__.__name__))
+      return accessor_dochelper
+    # PropertySheet-level properties & categories
+    # Also handles accessors.
+    seen_properties=[]
+    seen_categories=[]
+    if getattr(documented_item, 'property_sheets', None) is not None:
+      for property_sheet in documented_item.property_sheets:
+        if getattr(property_sheet, '_properties', None) is not None:
+          for property in property_sheet._properties:
+            if property in seen_properties:
+              continue
+            seen_properties.append(property)
+            subdochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(dochelper, k,
+                      title=property['id'], description=property['description'],
+                      type=property['type'], security=property['mode'],
+                      content=pformat(documented_item.getProperty(property['id'])))
+            subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list = []
+            for accessor_name in generatePropertyAccessorNameList(property):
+              accessor = getattr(item_class, accessor_name, getattr(documented_item, accessor_name, None))
+              # First get it on the class, and if not on the instance, thereby among dynamic accessors.
+              if accessor is not None:
+                subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list.append(accessorAsDocumentationHelper(accessor))
+            subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list.sort()
+            subdochelper.setDynamicAccessorList(subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list)
+            dynamic_accessor_list.append(subdochelper)
+            if getattr(documented_item, property['id'], None) is not None:
+              dynamic_property_list.append(subdochelper)
+        if getattr(property_sheet, '_categories', None) is not None:
+          for category in property_sheet._categories:
+            if category in seen_categories:
+              continue
+            seen_categories.append(category)
+            subdochelper = newTempDocumentationHelper(dochelper, category, title=category,
+                      content=pformat(documented_item.getCategoryMembershipList(category)))
+            subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list = []
+            for accessor_name in generateCategoryAccessorNameList(category):
+              accessor = getattr(item_class, accessor_name, getattr(documented_item, accessor_name, None))
+              # First get it on the class, and if not on the instance, thereby among dynamic accessors.
+              if accessor is not None:
+                subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list.append(accessorAsDocumentationHelper(accessor))
+            subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list.sort()
+            subdochelper.setDynamicAccessorList(subdochelper_dynamic_accessor_list)
+            dynamic_accessor_list.append(subdochelper)
+            dynamic_category_list.append(subdochelper)
+# KEEPME: usefull to track the differences between accessors defined on
+# PortalType and the one detected on the documented item.
+#    LOG('asDocumentationHelper', 0, found_accessors)
+    static_method_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setStaticMethodList(static_method_list)
+    static_property_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setStaticPropertyList(static_property_list)
+    dynamic_method_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setDynamicMethodList(dynamic_method_list)
+    dynamic_accessor_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setDynamicAccessorList(dynamic_accessor_list)
+    dynamic_category_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setDynamicCategoryList(dynamic_category_list)
+    dynamic_property_list.sort()
+    dochelper.setDynamicPropertyList(dynamic_property_list)
+    return dochelper
 class TempBase(Base):