############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002,2007 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.CMFActivity.ActivityTool import registerActivity, MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, MESSAGE_EXECUTED from Queue import VALID, INVALID_PATH, VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY, \ abortTransactionSynchronously from RAMDict import RAMDict from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveObject import INVOKE_ERROR_STATE, VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE from Products.CMFActivity.Errors import ActivityFlushError from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError import sys from types import ClassType #from time import time from SQLBase import SQLBase from Products.CMFActivity.ActivityRuntimeEnvironment import setActivityRuntimeValue, updateActivityRuntimeValue, clearActivityRuntimeEnvironment from zExceptions import ExceptionFormatter try: from transaction import get as get_transaction except ImportError: pass from zLOG import LOG, TRACE, WARNING, ERROR, INFO, PANIC MAX_PRIORITY = 5 # Stop validating more messages when this limit is reached MAX_VALIDATED_LIMIT = 1000 # Read up to this number of messages to validate. READ_MESSAGE_LIMIT = 1000 # Stop electing more messages for processing if more than this number of # objects are impacted by elected messages. MAX_GROUPED_OBJECTS = 100 MAX_MESSAGE_LIST_SIZE = 100 class SQLDict(RAMDict, SQLBase): """ A simple OOBTree based queue. It should be compatible with transactions and provide sequentiality. Should not create conflict because use of OOBTree. """ # Transaction commit methods def prepareQueueMessageList(self, activity_tool, message_list): message_list = [m for m in message_list if m.is_registered] for i in xrange(0, len(message_list), MAX_MESSAGE_LIST_SIZE): registered_message_list = message_list[i:i + MAX_MESSAGE_LIST_SIZE] #LOG('SQLDict prepareQueueMessageList', 0, 'registered_message_list = %r' % (registered_message_list,)) path_list = ['/'.join(message.object_path) for message in registered_message_list] active_process_uid_list = [message.active_process_uid for message in registered_message_list] method_id_list = [message.method_id for message in registered_message_list] priority_list = [message.activity_kw.get('priority', 1) for message in registered_message_list] dumped_message_list = [self.dumpMessage(message) for message in registered_message_list] date_list = [message.activity_kw.get('at_date', None) for message in registered_message_list] group_method_id_list = ['\0'.join([message.activity_kw.get('group_method_id', ''), message.activity_kw.get('group_id', '')]) for message in registered_message_list] tag_list = [message.activity_kw.get('tag', '') for message in registered_message_list] serialization_tag_list = [message.activity_kw.get('serialization_tag', '') for message in registered_message_list] order_validation_text_list = [self.getOrderValidationText(message) for message in registered_message_list] uid_list = activity_tool.getPortalObject().portal_ids.generateNewLengthIdList(id_group='portal_activity', id_count=len(registered_message_list), store=0) activity_tool.SQLDict_writeMessageList( uid_list = uid_list, path_list = path_list, active_process_uid_list=active_process_uid_list, method_id_list = method_id_list, priority_list = priority_list, message_list = dumped_message_list, date_list = date_list, group_method_id_list = group_method_id_list, tag_list = tag_list, serialization_tag_list = serialization_tag_list, processing_node_list=None, order_validation_text_list = order_validation_text_list) def prepareDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool, m): # Erase all messages in a single transaction path = '/'.join(m.object_path) order_validation_text = self.getOrderValidationText(m) uid_list = activity_tool.SQLDict_readUidList(path = path, method_id = m.method_id, order_validation_text = order_validation_text) uid_list = [x.uid for x in uid_list] if len(uid_list)>0: activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage(uid = uid_list) def finishQueueMessage(self, activity_tool_path, m): # Nothing to do in SQLDict. pass def finishDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool_path, m): # Nothing to do in SQLDict. pass # Registration management def registerActivityBuffer(self, activity_buffer): pass def generateMessageUID(self, m): return (tuple(m.object_path), m.method_id, m.activity_kw.get('tag'), m.activity_kw.get('group_id')) def unregisterMessage(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool, m): m.is_registered = 0 # This prevents from inserting deleted messages into the queue class_name = self.__class__.__name__ uid_set = activity_buffer.getUidSet(self) uid_set.discard(self.generateMessageUID(m)) def getRegisteredMessageList(self, activity_buffer, activity_tool): message_list = activity_buffer.getMessageList(self) return [m for m in message_list if m.is_registered] def validateMessage(self, activity_tool, message, uid_list, priority, processing_node): validation_state = message.validate(self, activity_tool, check_order_validation=0) if validation_state is not VALID: # There is a serious validation error - we must lower priority if priority > MAX_PRIORITY: # This is an error if len(uid_list) > 0: activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid=uid_list, processing_node=VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE) # Assign message back to 'error' state #m.notifyUser(activity_tool) # Notify Error get_transaction().commit() # and commit else: # Lower priority if len(uid_list) > 0: # Add some delay before new processing activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority(uid=uid_list, delay=VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY, priority=priority + 1, retry=1) get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation return 0 return 1 def getReservedMessageList(self, activity_tool, date, processing_node, limit=None, group_method_id=None): """ Get and reserve a list of messages. limit Maximum number of messages to fetch. This number is not garanted to be reached, because of: - not enough messages being pending execution - race condition (other nodes reserving the same messages at the same time) This number is guaranted not to be exceeded. If None (or not given) no limit apply. """ result = activity_tool.SQLDict_selectReservedMessageList(processing_node=processing_node, count=limit) if len(result) == 0: activity_tool.SQLDict_reserveMessageList(count=limit, processing_node=processing_node, to_date=date, group_method_id=group_method_id) result = activity_tool.SQLDict_selectReservedMessageList(processing_node=processing_node, count=limit) return result def makeMessageListAvailable(self, activity_tool, uid_list): """ Put messages back in processing_node=0 . """ if len(uid_list): activity_tool.SQLDict_makeMessageListAvailable(uid_list=uid_list) def getDuplicateMessageUidList(self, activity_tool, line, processing_node): """ Reserve unreserved messages matching given line. Return their uids. """ try: result = activity_tool.SQLDict_selectDuplicatedLineList( path=line.path, method_id=line.method_id, group_method_id=line.group_method_id, order_validation_text=line.order_validation_text ) uid_list = [x.uid for x in result] if len(uid_list): activity_tool.SQLDict_reserveDuplicatedLineList( processing_node=processing_node, uid_list=uid_list ) else: # Release locks activity_tool.SQLDict_commit() except: # Log LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'getDuplicateMessageUidList got an exception', error=sys.exc_info()) # Release lock activity_tool.SQLDict_rollback() # And re-raise raise return uid_list def getProcessableMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node): """ Always true: For each reserved message, delete redundant messages when it gets reserved (definitely lost, but they are expandable since redundant). - reserve a message - set reserved message to processing=1 state - if this message has a group_method_id: - reserve a bunch of BUNDLE_MESSAGE_COUNT messages - untill number of impacted objects goes over MAX_GROUPED_OBJECTS - get one message from the reserved bunch (this messages will be "needed") - increase the number of impacted object - set "needed" reserved messages to processing=1 state - unreserve "unneeded" messages - return still-reserved message list and a group_method_id If any error happens in above described process, try to unreserve all messages already reserved in that process. If it fails, complain loudly that some messages might still be in an unclean state. Returned values: 4-tuple: - list of 3-tuple: - message uid - message - priority - impacted object count - group_method_id - uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict """ def getReservedMessageList(limit, group_method_id=None): line_list = self.getReservedMessageList(activity_tool=activity_tool, date=now_date, processing_node=processing_node, limit=limit, group_method_id=group_method_id) if len(line_list): LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Reserved messages: %r' % ([x.uid for x in line_list])) return line_list def getDuplicateMessageUidList(line): uid_list = self.getDuplicateMessageUidList(activity_tool=activity_tool, line=line, processing_node=processing_node) if len(uid_list): LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Reserved duplicate messages: %r' % (uid_list, )) return uid_list def makeMessageListAvailable(uid_list): self.makeMessageListAvailable(activity_tool=activity_tool, uid_list=uid_list) BUNDLE_MESSAGE_COUNT = 100 # Arbitrary number now_date = self.getNow(activity_tool) message_list = [] def append(line, message): message_list.append((line.uid, message, line.priority)) count = 0 group_method_id = None try: result = getReservedMessageList(limit=1) uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict = {} if len(result) > 0: line = result[0] uid = line.uid m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid=uid) append(line, m) group_method_id = line.group_method_id activity_tool.SQLDict_processMessage(uid=[uid]) uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.setdefault(uid, []) \ .extend(getDuplicateMessageUidList(line)) if group_method_id not in (None, '', '\0'): # Count the number of objects to prevent too many objects. count += len(m.getObjectList(activity_tool)) if count < MAX_GROUPED_OBJECTS: # Retrieve objects which have the same group method. result = getReservedMessageList(limit=BUNDLE_MESSAGE_COUNT, group_method_id=group_method_id) path_and_method_id_dict = {} unreserve_uid_list = [] for line in result: # All fetched lines have the same group_method_id and # processing_node. # Their dates are lower-than or equal-to now_date. # We read each line once so lines have distinct uids. # So what remains to be filtered on are path, method_id and # order_validation_text. key = (line.path, line.method_id, line.order_validation_text) original_uid = path_and_method_id_dict.get(key) if original_uid is not None: uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.setdefault(original_uid, []).append(line.uid) continue path_and_method_id_dict[key] = line.uid uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.setdefault(line.uid, []).extend(getDuplicateMessageUidList(line)) if count < MAX_GROUPED_OBJECTS: m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid=line.uid) count += len(m.getObjectList(activity_tool)) append(line, m) else: unreserve_uid_list.append(line.uid) activity_tool.SQLDict_processMessage(uid=[x[0] for x in message_list]) # Unreserve extra messages as soon as possible. makeMessageListAvailable(unreserve_uid_list) return message_list, count, group_method_id, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict except: LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Exception while reserving messages.', error=sys.exc_info()) if len(message_list): to_free_uid_list = [x[0] for x in message_list] try: makeMessageListAvailable(to_free_uid_list) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to free messages: %r' % (to_free_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) else: if len(to_free_uid_list): LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Freed messages %r' % (to_free_uid_list, )) else: LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, '(no message was reserved)') return [], 0, None, {} def finalizeMessageExecution(self, activity_tool, message_uid_priority_list, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict): """ If everything was fine, delete all messages. If anything failed, make successful messages available (if any), and the following rules apply to failed messages: - Failures due to ConflictErrors cause messages to be postponed, but their priority is *not* increased. - Failures of messages already above maximum priority cause them to be put in a permanent-error state. - In all other cases, priority is increased and message is delayed. """ def makeMessageListAvailable(uid_list): self.makeMessageListAvailable(activity_tool=activity_tool, uid_list=uid_list) deletable_uid_list = [] delay_uid_list = [] final_error_uid_list = [] make_available_uid_list = [] notify_user_list = [] non_executable_message_list = [] something_failed = (len([x for x in message_uid_priority_list if x[1].getExecutionState() == MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED]) != 0) for uid, m, priority in message_uid_priority_list: if m.getExecutionState() == MESSAGE_EXECUTED: if something_failed: make_available_uid_list.append(uid) make_available_uid_list.extend(uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.get(uid, [])) else: deletable_uid_list.append(uid) deletable_uid_list.extend(uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.get(uid, [])) elif m.getExecutionState() == MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED: # Should duplicate messages follow strictly the original message, or # should they be just made available again ? make_available_uid_list.extend(uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.get(uid, [])) # BACK: Only exceptions can be classes in Python 2.6. # Once we drop support for Python 2.4, # please, remove the "type(m.exc_type) is type(ConflictError)" check # and leave only the "issubclass(m.exc_type, ConflictError)" check. if type(m.exc_type) is type(ConflictError) and \ issubclass(m.exc_type, ConflictError): delay_uid_list.append(uid) elif priority > MAX_PRIORITY: notify_user_list.append(m) final_error_uid_list.append(uid) else: try: # Immediately update, because values different for every message activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority( uid=[uid], delay=None, retry=None, priority=priority + 1) except: LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Failed to increase priority of %r' % (uid, ), error=sys.exc_info()) delay_uid_list.append(uid) else: # Internal CMFActivity error: the message can not be executed because # something is missing (context object cannot be found, method cannot # be accessed on object). non_executable_message_list.append(uid) if len(deletable_uid_list): try: self._retryOnLockError(activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage, kw={'uid': deletable_uid_list}) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to delete messages %r' % (deletable_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) else: LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Deleted messages %r' % (deletable_uid_list, )) if len(delay_uid_list): try: # If this is a conflict error, do not lower the priority but only delay. activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority(uid=delay_uid_list, delay=VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY, priority=None, retry=None) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to delay %r' % (delay_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) make_available_uid_list += delay_uid_list if len(final_error_uid_list): try: activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid=final_error_uid_list, processing_node=INVOKE_ERROR_STATE) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to set message to error state for %r' % (final_error_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) if len(non_executable_message_list): try: activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid=non_executable_message_list, processing_node=VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to set message to invalid path state for %r' % (non_executable_message_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) if len(make_available_uid_list): try: makeMessageListAvailable(make_available_uid_list) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to unreserve %r' % (make_available_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) else: LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Freed messages %r' % (make_available_uid_list, )) try: for m in notify_user_list: m.notifyUser(activity_tool) except: # Notification failures must not cause this method to raise. LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Exception during notification phase of finalizeMessageExecution', error=sys.exc_info()) # Queue semantic def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node): def makeMessageListAvailable(uid_list, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict): final_uid_list = [] for uid in uid_list: final_uid_list.append(uid) final_uid_list.extend(uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict.get(uid, [])) self.makeMessageListAvailable(activity_tool=activity_tool, uid_list=final_uid_list) message_uid_priority_list, count, group_method_id, \ uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict = \ self.getProcessableMessageList(activity_tool, processing_node) if len(message_uid_priority_list): # Remove group_id parameter from group_method_id if group_method_id is not None: group_method_id = group_method_id.split('\0')[0] message_list = [x[1] for x in message_uid_priority_list] clearActivityRuntimeEnvironment() if group_method_id not in (None, ""): setActivityRuntimeValue('group_method_id', group_method_id) method = activity_tool.invokeGroup args = (group_method_id, message_list) else: method = activity_tool.invoke message = message_list[0] args = (message, ) updateActivityRuntimeValue({'activity_kw': message.activity_kw, 'priority': message_uid_priority_list[0][2], 'uid': message_uid_priority_list[0][0]}) setActivityRuntimeValue('processing_node', processing_node) # Commit right before executing messages. # As MySQL transaction does not start exactly at the same time as ZODB # transactions but a bit later, messages available might be called # on objects which are not available - or available in an old # version - to ZODB connector. # So all connectors must be committed now that we have selected # everything needed from MySQL to get a fresh view of ZODB objects. get_transaction().commit() # Try to invoke try: method(*args) except: LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Exception raised when invoking messages (uid, path, method_id) %r' % ([(x[0], x[1].object_path, x[1].method_id) for x in message_uid_priority_list], ), error=sys.exc_info()) try: abortTransactionSynchronously() except: # Unfortunately, database adapters may raise an exception against abort. LOG('SQLDict', PANIC, 'abort failed, thus some objects may be modified accidentally') raise to_free_uid_list = [x[0] for x in message_uid_priority_list] try: makeMessageListAvailable(to_free_uid_list, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to free messages: %r' % (to_free_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) else: LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Freed messages %r' % (to_free_uid_list)) # Abort if something failed. if len([x for x in message_uid_priority_list if x[1].getExecutionState() == MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED]) != 0: endTransaction = abortTransactionSynchronously else: endTransaction = get_transaction().commit try: endTransaction() except: LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Failed to end transaction for messages (uid, path, method_id) %r' % ([(x[0], x[1].object_path, x[1].method_id) for x in message_uid_priority_list], ), error=sys.exc_info()) if endTransaction == abortTransactionSynchronously: LOG('SQLDict', PANIC, 'Failed to abort executed messages. Some objects may be modified accidentally.') else: try: abortTransactionSynchronously() except: LOG('SQLDict', PANIC, 'Failed to abort executed messages which also failed to commit. Some objects may be modified accidentally.') raise exc_info = sys.exc_info() for x in message_uid_priority_list: x[1].setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, exc_info=exc_info, log=False) failed_message_uid_list = [x[0] for x in message_uid_priority_list] try: makeMessageListAvailable(failed_message_uid_list, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict) except: LOG('SQLDict', ERROR, 'Failed to free remaining messages: %r' % (failed_message_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info()) else: LOG('SQLDict', TRACE, 'Freed messages %r' % (failed_message_uid_list, )) self.finalizeMessageExecution(activity_tool, message_uid_priority_list, uid_to_duplicate_uid_list_dict) get_transaction().commit() return not len(message_uid_priority_list) def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, method_id=None, only_valid=None, active_process_uid=None): hasMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLDict_hasMessage', None) if hasMessage is not None: if object is None: my_object_path = None else: my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath()) result = hasMessage(path=my_object_path, method_id=method_id, only_valid=only_valid, active_process_uid=active_process_uid) if len(result) > 0: return result[0].message_count > 0 return 0 def flush(self, activity_tool, object_path, invoke=0, method_id=None, commit=0, **kw): """ object_path is a tuple commit allows to choose mode - if we commit, then we make sure no locks are taken for too long - if we do not commit, then we can use flush in a larger transaction commit should in general not be used NOTE: commiting is very likely nonsenses here. We should just avoid to flush as much as possible """ path = '/'.join(object_path) # LOG('Flush', 0, str((path, invoke, method_id))) method_dict = {} readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLDict_readMessageList', None) if readMessageList is not None: # Parse each message in registered for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self): if m.object_path == object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id): #if not method_dict.has_key(method_id or m.method_id): if not method_dict.has_key(m.method_id): method_dict[m.method_id] = 1 # Prevents calling invoke twice if invoke: # First Validate validate_value = m.validate(self, activity_tool) if validate_value is VALID: activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ?? if m.getExecutionState() != MESSAGE_EXECUTED: # Make sure message could be invoked # The message no longer exists raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path)) elif validate_value is INVALID_PATH: # The message no longer exists raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'The document %s does not exist' % path) else: raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'Could not validate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path)) activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m) # Parse each message in SQL dict result = readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id, processing_node=None,include_processing=0, to_date=None) for line in result: path = line.path line_method_id = line.method_id if not method_dict.has_key(line_method_id): # Only invoke once (it would be different for a queue) # This is optimisation with the goal to process objects on the same # node and minimize network traffic with ZEO server method_dict[line_method_id] = 1 m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid) if invoke: # First Validate (only if message is marked as new) if line.processing_node == -1: validate_value = m.validate(self, activity_tool) else: validate_value = VALID # LOG('SQLDict.flush validate_value',0,validate_value) if validate_value is VALID: activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ?? if m.getExecutionState() != MESSAGE_EXECUTED: # Make sure message could be invoked # The message no longer exists raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path)) elif validate_value is INVALID_PATH: # The message no longer exists raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'The document %s does not exist' % path) else: raise ActivityFlushError, ( 'Could not validate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path)) if len(result): uid_list = activity_tool.SQLDict_readUidList(path = path, method_id = method_id, order_validation_text=None) if len(uid_list)>0: activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage(uid = [x.uid for x in uid_list]) getMessageList = SQLBase.getMessageList def dumpMessageList(self, activity_tool): # Dump all messages in the table. message_list = [] dumpMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLDict_dumpMessageList', None) if dumpMessageList is not None: result = dumpMessageList() for line in result: m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid) message_list.append(m) return message_list def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count): offset = 0 readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLDict_readMessageList', None) if readMessageList is not None: now_date = self.getNow(activity_tool) result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=-1, to_date=now_date, include_processing=0, offset=offset, count=READ_MESSAGE_LIMIT) validated_count = 0 while len(result) and validated_count < MAX_VALIDATED_LIMIT: get_transaction().commit() validation_text_dict = {'none': 1} message_dict = {} for line in result: message = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid, order_validation_text = line.order_validation_text) self.getExecutableMessageList(activity_tool, message, message_dict, validation_text_dict, now_date=now_date) if message_dict: message_unique_set = set() deletable_uid_list = [] # remove duplicates # SQLDict considers object_path, method_id, tag to unify activities, # but ignores method arguments. They are outside of semantics. for key in message_dict.keys(): # we manipulate message_dict below so that we cannot use # iterator here. message = message_dict[key] unique_key = self.generateMessageUID(message) if unique_key in message_unique_set: deletable_uid_list.append(message.uid) del message_dict[message.uid] else: message_unique_set.add(unique_key) # Don't let through if there is the same serialization tag in the # message dict. If there is the same serialization tag, only one can # be validated and others must wait. # But messages with group_method_id are exceptions. serialization_tag # does not stop validating together. Because those messages should # be processed together at once. serialization_tag_set = set() serialization_tag_group_method_id_dict = {} for key in message_dict.keys(): message = message_dict[key] # serialize messages with serialization_tag. serialization_tag = message.activity_kw.get('serialization_tag') group_method_id = message.activity_kw.get('group_method_id') if serialization_tag is not None: if serialization_tag in serialization_tag_set: if group_method_id is not None: # Only one group_method_id can pass through. if serialization_tag_group_method_id_dict.get( serialization_tag,None) != group_method_id: del message_dict[message.uid] else: del message_dict[message.uid] else: serialization_tag_set.add(serialization_tag) if group_method_id is not None: serialization_tag_group_method_id_dict[serialization_tag] = group_method_id if deletable_uid_list: activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage(uid=deletable_uid_list) distributable_count = len(message_dict) if distributable_count: activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(processing_node=0, uid=[message.uid for message in message_dict.itervalues()]) validated_count += distributable_count if validated_count < MAX_VALIDATED_LIMIT: offset += READ_MESSAGE_LIMIT result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=-1, to_date=now_date, include_processing=0, offset=offset, count=READ_MESSAGE_LIMIT) # Validation private methods def _validate(self, activity_tool, method_id=None, message_uid=None, path=None, tag=None, serialization_tag=None): if isinstance(method_id, str): method_id = [method_id] if isinstance(path, str): path = [path] if isinstance(tag, str): tag = [tag] if method_id or message_uid or path or tag or serialization_tag: validateMessageList = activity_tool.SQLDict_validateMessageList result = validateMessageList(method_id=method_id, message_uid=message_uid, path=path, tag=tag, count=False, serialization_tag=serialization_tag) message_list = [] for line in result: m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid=line.uid, order_validation_text=line.order_validation_text, date=line.date, processing_node=line.processing_node) message_list.append(m) return message_list else: return [] def countMessage(self, activity_tool, tag=None, path=None, method_id=None, message_uid=None, **kw): """Return the number of messages which match the given parameters. """ if isinstance(tag, str): tag = [tag] if isinstance(path, str): path = [path] if isinstance(method_id, str): method_id = [method_id] result = activity_tool.SQLDict_validateMessageList(method_id=method_id, path=path, message_uid=message_uid, tag=tag, serialization_tag=None, count=1) return result[0].uid_count def countMessageWithTag(self, activity_tool, value): """Return the number of messages which match the given tag. """ return self.countMessage(activity_tool, tag=value) # Required for tests (time shift) def timeShift(self, activity_tool, delay, processing_node=None, retry=None): """ To simulate timeShift, we simply substract delay from all dates in SQLDict message table """ activity_tool.SQLDict_timeShift(delay=delay, processing_node=processing_node,retry=retry) def getPriority(self, activity_tool): method = activity_tool.SQLDict_getPriority default = RAMDict.getPriority(self, activity_tool) return self._getPriority(activity_tool, method, default) registerActivity(SQLDict)