Commit d9c48e82 authored by Mitchell Hashimoto's avatar Mitchell Hashimoto

builder/digitalocean: switch to new lib

parent 9da9ce60
// All of the methods used to communicate with the digital_ocean API
// are here. Their API is on a path to V2, so just plain JSON is used
// in place of a proper client library for now.
package digitalocean
type Region struct {
Slug string `json:"slug"`
Name string `json:"name"`
// v1 only
Id uint `json:"id,omitempty"`
// v2 only
Sizes []string `json:"sizes,omitempty"`
Available bool `json:"available,omitempty"`
Features []string `json:"features,omitempty"`
type RegionsResp struct {
Regions []Region
type Size struct {
Slug string `json:"slug"`
// v1 only
Id uint `json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// v2 only
Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"`
VCPUS uint `json:"vcpus,omitempty"`
Disk uint `json:"disk,omitempty"`
Transfer float64 `json:"transfer,omitempty"`
PriceMonthly float64 `json:"price_monthly,omitempty"`
PriceHourly float64 `json:"price_hourly,omitempty"`
type SizesResp struct {
Sizes []Size
type Image struct {
Id uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Slug string `json:"slug"`
Distribution string `json:"distribution"`
// v2 only
Public bool `json:"public,omitempty"`
ActionIds []string `json:"action_ids,omitempty"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
type ImagesResp struct {
Images []Image
type DigitalOceanClient interface {
CreateKey(string, string) (uint, error)
DestroyKey(uint) error
CreateDroplet(string, string, string, string, uint, bool) (uint, error)
DestroyDroplet(uint) error
PowerOffDroplet(uint) error
ShutdownDroplet(uint) error
CreateSnapshot(uint, string) error
Images() ([]Image, error)
DestroyImage(uint) error
DropletStatus(uint) (string, string, error)
Image(string) (Image, error)
Regions() ([]Region, error)
Region(string) (Region, error)
Sizes() ([]Size, error)
Size(string) (Size, error)
// All of the methods used to communicate with the digital_ocean API
// are here. Their API is on a path to V2, so just plain JSON is used
// in place of a proper client library for now.
package digitalocean
import (
type DigitalOceanClientV1 struct {
// The http client for communicating
client *http.Client
// Credentials
ClientID string
APIKey string
// The base URL of the API
APIURL string
// Creates a new client for communicating with DO
func DigitalOceanClientNewV1(client string, key string, url string) *DigitalOceanClientV1 {
c := &DigitalOceanClientV1{
client: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
APIURL: url,
ClientID: client,
APIKey: key,
return c
// Creates an SSH Key and returns it's id
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) CreateKey(name string, pub string) (uint, error) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("name", name)
params.Set("ssh_pub_key", pub)
body, err := NewRequestV1(d, "ssh_keys/new", params)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Read the SSH key's ID we just created
key := body["ssh_key"].(map[string]interface{})
keyId := key["id"].(float64)
return uint(keyId), nil
// Destroys an SSH key
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) DestroyKey(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("ssh_keys/%v/destroy", id)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
return err
// Creates a droplet and returns it's id
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) CreateDroplet(name string, size string, image string, region string, keyId uint, privateNetworking bool) (uint, error) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("name", name)
found_size, err := d.Size(size)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid size or lookup failure: '%s': %s", size, err)
found_image, err := d.Image(image)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid image or lookup failure: '%s': %s", image, err)
found_region, err := d.Region(region)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid region or lookup failure: '%s': %s", region, err)
params.Set("size_slug", found_size.Slug)
params.Set("image_slug", found_image.Slug)
params.Set("region_slug", found_region.Slug)
params.Set("ssh_key_ids", fmt.Sprintf("%v", keyId))
params.Set("private_networking", fmt.Sprintf("%v", privateNetworking))
body, err := NewRequestV1(d, "droplets/new", params)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Read the Droplets ID
droplet := body["droplet"].(map[string]interface{})
dropletId := droplet["id"].(float64)
return uint(dropletId), err
// Destroys a droplet
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) DestroyDroplet(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("droplets/%v/destroy", id)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
return err
// Powers off a droplet
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) PowerOffDroplet(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("droplets/%v/power_off", id)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
return err
// Shutsdown a droplet. This is a "soft" shutdown.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) ShutdownDroplet(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("droplets/%v/shutdown", id)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
return err
// Creates a snaphot of a droplet by it's ID
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) CreateSnapshot(id uint, name string) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("droplets/%v/snapshot", id)
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("name", name)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, params)
return err
// Returns all available images.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Images() ([]Image, error) {
resp, err := NewRequestV1(d, "images", url.Values{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result ImagesResp
if err := mapstructure.Decode(resp, &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result.Images, nil
// Destroys an image by its ID.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) DestroyImage(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("images/%d/destroy", id)
_, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
return err
// Returns DO's string representation of status "off" "new" "active" etc.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) DropletStatus(id uint) (string, string, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("droplets/%v", id)
body, err := NewRequestV1(d, path, url.Values{})
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var ip string
// Read the droplet's "status"
droplet := body["droplet"].(map[string]interface{})
status := droplet["status"].(string)
if droplet["ip_address"] != nil {
ip = droplet["ip_address"].(string)
return ip, status, err
// Sends an api request and returns a generic map[string]interface of
// the response.
func NewRequestV1(d DigitalOceanClientV1, path string, params url.Values) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
client := d.client
// Add the authentication parameters
params.Set("client_id", d.ClientID)
params.Set("api_key", d.APIKey)
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?%s", d.APIURL, path, params.Encode())
// Do some basic scrubbing so sensitive information doesn't appear in logs
scrubbedUrl := strings.Replace(url, d.ClientID, "CLIENT_ID", -1)
scrubbedUrl = strings.Replace(scrubbedUrl, d.APIKey, "API_KEY", -1)
log.Printf("sending new request to digitalocean: %s", scrubbedUrl)
var lastErr error
for attempts := 1; attempts < 10; attempts++ {
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("response from digitalocean: %s", body)
var decodedResponse map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &decodedResponse)
if err != nil {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to decode JSON response (HTTP %v) from DigitalOcean: %s",
resp.StatusCode, body))
return decodedResponse, err
// Check for errors sent by digitalocean
status := decodedResponse["status"].(string)
if status == "OK" {
return decodedResponse, nil
if status == "ERROR" {
statusRaw, ok := decodedResponse["error_message"]
if ok {
status = statusRaw.(string)
} else {
status = fmt.Sprintf(
"Unknown error. Full response body: %s", body)
lastErr = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Received error from DigitalOcean (%d): %s",
resp.StatusCode, status))
if strings.Contains(status, "a pending event") {
// Retry, DigitalOcean sends these dumb "pending event"
// errors all the time.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// Some other kind of error. Just return.
return decodedResponse, lastErr
return nil, lastErr
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Image(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Image, error) {
images, err := d.Images()
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
for _, image := range images {
if strings.EqualFold(image.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return image, nil
for _, image := range images {
if strings.EqualFold(image.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return image, nil
for _, image := range images {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if image.Id == uint(id) {
return image, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown image '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Image{}, err
// Returns all available regions.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Regions() ([]Region, error) {
resp, err := NewRequestV1(d, "regions", url.Values{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result RegionsResp
if err := mapstructure.Decode(resp, &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result.Regions, nil
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Region(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Region, error) {
regions, err := d.Regions()
if err != nil {
return Region{}, err
for _, region := range regions {
if strings.EqualFold(region.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return region, nil
for _, region := range regions {
if strings.EqualFold(region.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return region, nil
for _, region := range regions {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if region.Id == uint(id) {
return region, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown region '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Region{}, err
// Returns all available sizes.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Sizes() ([]Size, error) {
resp, err := NewRequestV1(d, "sizes", url.Values{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result SizesResp
if err := mapstructure.Decode(resp, &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result.Sizes, nil
func (d DigitalOceanClientV1) Size(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Size, error) {
sizes, err := d.Sizes()
if err != nil {
return Size{}, err
for _, size := range sizes {
if strings.EqualFold(size.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return size, nil
for _, size := range sizes {
if strings.EqualFold(size.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return size, nil
for _, size := range sizes {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if size.Id == uint(id) {
return size, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown size '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Size{}, err
// are here. Their API is on a path to V2, so just plain JSON is used
// in place of a proper client library for now.
package digitalocean
import (
type DigitalOceanClientV2 struct {
// The http client for communicating
client *http.Client
// Credentials
APIToken string
// The base URL of the API
APIURL string
// Creates a new client for communicating with DO
func DigitalOceanClientNewV2(token string, url string) *DigitalOceanClientV2 {
c := &DigitalOceanClientV2{
client: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
APIURL: url,
APIToken: token,
return c
// Creates an SSH Key and returns it's id
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) CreateKey(name string, pub string) (uint, error) {
type KeyReq struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
type KeyRes struct {
SSHKey struct {
Id uint
Name string
Fingerprint string
PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
} `json:"ssh_key"`
req := &KeyReq{Name: name, PublicKey: pub}
res := KeyRes{}
err := NewRequestV2(d, "v2/account/keys", "POST", req, &res)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return res.SSHKey.Id, err
// Destroys an SSH key
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) DestroyKey(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/account/keys/%v", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "DELETE", nil, nil)
// Creates a droplet and returns it's id
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) CreateDroplet(name string, size string, image string, region string, keyId uint, privateNetworking bool) (uint, error) {
type DropletReq struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Region string `json:"region"`
Size string `json:"size"`
Image string `json:"image"`
SSHKeys []string `json:"ssh_keys,omitempty"`
Backups bool `json:"backups,omitempty"`
IPv6 bool `json:"ipv6,omitempty"`
PrivateNetworking bool `json:"private_networking,omitempty"`
type DropletRes struct {
Droplet struct {
Id uint
Name string
Memory uint
VCPUS uint `json:"vcpus"`
Disk uint
Region Region
Image Image
Size Size
Locked bool
CreateAt string `json:"created_at"`
Status string
Networks struct {
V4 []struct {
IPAddr string `json:"ip_address"`
Netmask string
Gateway string
Type string
} `json:"v4,omitempty"`
V6 []struct {
IPAddr string `json:"ip_address"`
CIDR uint `json:"cidr"`
Gateway string
Type string
} `json:"v6,omitempty"`
Kernel struct {
Id uint
Name string
Version string
BackupIds []uint
SnapshotIds []uint
ActionIds []uint
Features []string `json:"features,omitempty"`
req := &DropletReq{Name: name}
res := DropletRes{}
found_size, err := d.Size(size)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid size or lookup failure: '%s': %s", size, err)
found_image, err := d.Image(image)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid image or lookup failure: '%s': %s", image, err)
found_region, err := d.Region(region)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid region or lookup failure: '%s': %s", region, err)
if found_image.Slug == "" {
req.Image = strconv.Itoa(int(found_image.Id))
} else {
req.Image = found_image.Slug
req.Size = found_size.Slug
req.Region = found_region.Slug
req.SSHKeys = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v", keyId)}
req.PrivateNetworking = privateNetworking
err = NewRequestV2(d, "v2/droplets", "POST", req, &res)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return res.Droplet.Id, err
// Destroys a droplet
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) DestroyDroplet(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%v", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "DELETE", nil, nil)
// Powers off a droplet
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) PowerOffDroplet(id uint) error {
type ActionReq struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
type ActionRes struct {
req := &ActionReq{Type: "power_off"}
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%v/actions", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "POST", req, nil)
// Shutsdown a droplet. This is a "soft" shutdown.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) ShutdownDroplet(id uint) error {
type ActionReq struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
type ActionRes struct {
req := &ActionReq{Type: "shutdown"}
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%v/actions", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "POST", req, nil)
// Creates a snaphot of a droplet by it's ID
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) CreateSnapshot(id uint, name string) error {
type ActionReq struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type ActionRes struct {
req := &ActionReq{Type: "snapshot", Name: name}
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%v/actions", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "POST", req, nil)
// Returns all available images.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Images() ([]Image, error) {
res := ImagesResp{}
err := NewRequestV2(d, "v2/images?per_page=200", "GET", nil, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Images, nil
// Destroys an image by its ID.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) DestroyImage(id uint) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/images/%d", id)
return NewRequestV2(d, path, "DELETE", nil, nil)
// Returns DO's string representation of status "off" "new" "active" etc.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) DropletStatus(id uint) (string, string, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%v", id)
type DropletRes struct {
Droplet struct {
Id uint
Name string
Memory uint
VCPUS uint `json:"vcpus"`
Disk uint
Region Region
Image Image
Size Size
Locked bool
CreateAt string `json:"created_at"`
Status string
Networks struct {
V4 []struct {
IPAddr string `json:"ip_address"`
Netmask string
Gateway string
Type string
} `json:"v4,omitempty"`
V6 []struct {
IPAddr string `json:"ip_address"`
CIDR uint `json:"cidr"`
Gateway string
Type string
} `json:"v6,omitempty"`
Kernel struct {
Id uint
Name string
Version string
BackupIds []uint
SnapshotIds []uint
ActionIds []uint
Features []string `json:"features,omitempty"`
res := DropletRes{}
err := NewRequestV2(d, path, "GET", nil, &res)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var ip string
for _, n := range res.Droplet.Networks.V4 {
if n.Type == "public" {
ip = n.IPAddr
return ip, res.Droplet.Status, err
// Sends an api request and returns a generic map[string]interface of
// the response.
func NewRequestV2(d DigitalOceanClientV2, path string, method string, req interface{}, res interface{}) error {
var err error
var request *http.Request
client := d.client
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Add the authentication parameters
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", d.APIURL, path)
if req != nil {
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
defer buf.Reset()
request, err = http.NewRequest(method, url, buf)
request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
} else {
request, err = http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add the authentication parameters
request.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+d.APIToken)
if buf != nil {
log.Printf("sending new request to digitalocean: %s buffer: %s", url, buf)
} else {
log.Printf("sending new request to digitalocean: %s", url)
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return err
if method == "DELETE" && resp.StatusCode == 204 {
if resp.Body != nil {
return nil
if resp.Body == nil {
return errors.New("Request returned empty body")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("response from digitalocean: %s", body)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to decode JSON response %s (HTTP %v) from DigitalOcean: %s", err.Error(),
resp.StatusCode, body))
switch resp.StatusCode {
case 403, 401, 429, 422, 404, 503, 500:
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("digitalocean request error: %+v", res))
return nil
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Image(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Image, error) {
images, err := d.Images()
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
for _, image := range images {
if strings.EqualFold(image.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return image, nil
for _, image := range images {
if strings.EqualFold(image.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return image, nil
for _, image := range images {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if image.Id == uint(id) {
return image, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown image '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Image{}, err
// Returns all available regions.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Regions() ([]Region, error) {
res := RegionsResp{}
err := NewRequestV2(d, "v2/regions?per_page=200", "GET", nil, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Regions, nil
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Region(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Region, error) {
regions, err := d.Regions()
if err != nil {
return Region{}, err
for _, region := range regions {
if strings.EqualFold(region.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return region, nil
for _, region := range regions {
if strings.EqualFold(region.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return region, nil
for _, region := range regions {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if region.Id == uint(id) {
return region, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown region '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Region{}, err
// Returns all available sizes.
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Sizes() ([]Size, error) {
res := SizesResp{}
err := NewRequestV2(d, "v2/sizes?per_page=200", "GET", nil, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Sizes, nil
func (d DigitalOceanClientV2) Size(slug_or_name_or_id string) (Size, error) {
sizes, err := d.Sizes()
if err != nil {
return Size{}, err
for _, size := range sizes {
if strings.EqualFold(size.Slug, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return size, nil
for _, size := range sizes {
if strings.EqualFold(size.Name, slug_or_name_or_id) {
return size, nil
for _, size := range sizes {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(slug_or_name_or_id)
if err == nil {
if size.Id == uint(id) {
return size, nil
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown size '%v'", slug_or_name_or_id))
return Size{}, err
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
type Artifact struct {
......@@ -11,13 +13,13 @@ type Artifact struct {
snapshotName string
// The ID of the image
snapshotId uint
snapshotId int
// The name of the region
regionName string
// The client for making API calls
client DigitalOceanClient
client *godo.Client
func (*Artifact) BuilderId() string {
......@@ -43,5 +45,6 @@ func (a *Artifact) State(name string) interface{} {
func (a *Artifact) Destroy() error {
log.Printf("Destroying image: %d (%s)", a.snapshotId, a.snapshotName)
return a.client.DestroyImage(a.snapshotId)
_, err := a.client.Images.Delete(a.snapshotId)
return err
......@@ -4,18 +4,14 @@
package digitalocean
import (
// see[client_id]&api_key=[api_key]
......@@ -33,179 +29,25 @@ const DefaultSize = "512mb"
// The unique id for the builder
const BuilderId = "pearkes.digitalocean"
// Configuration tells the builder the credentials
// to use while communicating with DO and describes the image
// you are creating
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
ClientID string `mapstructure:"client_id"`
APIKey string `mapstructure:"api_key"`
APIURL string `mapstructure:"api_url"`
APIToken string `mapstructure:"api_token"`
RegionID uint `mapstructure:"region_id"`
SizeID uint `mapstructure:"size_id"`
ImageID uint `mapstructure:"image_id"`
Region string `mapstructure:"region"`
Size string `mapstructure:"size"`
Image string `mapstructure:"image"`
PrivateNetworking bool `mapstructure:"private_networking"`
SnapshotName string `mapstructure:"snapshot_name"`
DropletName string `mapstructure:"droplet_name"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPort uint `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
RawSSHTimeout string `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
RawStateTimeout string `mapstructure:"state_timeout"`
// These are unexported since they're set by other fields
// being set.
sshTimeout time.Duration
stateTimeout time.Duration
ctx *interpolate.Context
type Builder struct {
config Config
runner multistep.Runner
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) {
err := config.Decode(&b.config, &config.DecodeOpts{
Interpolate: true,
}, raws...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Optional configuration with defaults
if b.config.APIKey == "" {
// Default to environment variable for api_key, if it exists
b.config.APIKey = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY")
if b.config.ClientID == "" {
// Default to environment variable for client_id, if it exists
b.config.ClientID = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID")
if b.config.APIURL == "" {
// Default to environment variable for api_url, if it exists
b.config.APIURL = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_URL")
if b.config.APIToken == "" {
// Default to environment variable for api_token, if it exists
b.config.APIToken = os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN")
if b.config.Region == "" {
if b.config.RegionID != 0 {
b.config.Region = fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.config.RegionID)
} else {
b.config.Region = DefaultRegion
if b.config.Size == "" {
if b.config.SizeID != 0 {
b.config.Size = fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.config.SizeID)
} else {
b.config.Size = DefaultSize
if b.config.Image == "" {
if b.config.ImageID != 0 {
b.config.Image = fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.config.ImageID)
} else {
b.config.Image = DefaultImage
if b.config.SnapshotName == "" {
// Default to packer-{{ unix timestamp (utc) }}
b.config.SnapshotName = "packer-{{timestamp}}"
if b.config.DropletName == "" {
// Default to packer-[time-ordered-uuid]
b.config.DropletName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
c, warnings, errs := NewConfig(raws...)
if errs != nil {
return warnings, errs
b.config = *c
if b.config.SSHUsername == "" {
// Default to "root". You can override this if your
// SourceImage has a different user account then the DO default
b.config.SSHUsername = "root"
if b.config.SSHPort == 0 {
// Default to port 22 per DO default
b.config.SSHPort = 22
if b.config.RawSSHTimeout == "" {
// Default to 1 minute timeouts
b.config.RawSSHTimeout = "1m"
if b.config.RawStateTimeout == "" {
// Default to 6 minute timeouts waiting for
// desired state. i.e waiting for droplet to become active
b.config.RawStateTimeout = "6m"
var errs *packer.MultiError
if b.config.APIToken == "" {
// Required configurations that will display errors if not set
if b.config.ClientID == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a client_id for v1 auth or api_token for v2 auth must be specified"))
if b.config.APIKey == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a api_key for v1 auth or api_token for v2 auth must be specified"))
if b.config.APIURL == "" {
b.config.APIURL = ""
sshTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(b.config.RawSSHTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing ssh_timeout: %s", err))
b.config.sshTimeout = sshTimeout
stateTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(b.config.RawStateTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing state_timeout: %s", err))
b.config.stateTimeout = stateTimeout
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return nil, errs
common.ScrubConfig(b.config, b.config.ClientID, b.config.APIKey)
return nil, nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) (packer.Artifact, error) {
var client DigitalOceanClient
// Initialize the DO API client
if b.config.APIToken == "" {
client = DigitalOceanClientNewV1(b.config.ClientID, b.config.APIKey, b.config.APIURL)
} else {
client = DigitalOceanClientNewV2(b.config.APIToken, b.config.APIURL)
client := godo.NewClient(oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, &apiTokenSource{
AccessToken: b.config.APIToken,
// Set up the state
state := new(multistep.BasicStateBag)
......@@ -252,26 +94,10 @@ func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) (packe
return nil, nil
sregion := state.Get("region")
var region string
if sregion != nil {
region = sregion.(string)
} else {
region = fmt.Sprintf("%v", state.Get("region_id").(uint))
found_region, err := client.Region(region)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifact := &Artifact{
snapshotName: state.Get("snapshot_name").(string),
snapshotId: state.Get("snapshot_image_id").(uint),
regionName: found_region.Name,
snapshotId: state.Get("snapshot_image_id").(int),
regionName: state.Get("region").(string),
client: client,
package digitalocean
import (
builderT ""
func TestBuilderAcc_basic(t *testing.T) {
builderT.Test(t, builderT.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Builder: &Builder{},
Template: testBuilderAccBasic,
func testAccPreCheck(t *testing.T) {
if v := os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN"); v == "" {
t.Fatal("DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN must be set for acceptance tests")
const testBuilderAccBasic = `
"builders": [{
"type": "test"
......@@ -43,90 +43,6 @@ func TestBuilder_Prepare_BadType(t *testing.T) {
func TestBuilderPrepare_APIKey(t *testing.T) {
var b Builder
config := testConfig()
// Test good
config["api_key"] = "foo"
warnings, err := b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("should not have error: %s", err)
if b.config.APIKey != "foo" {
t.Errorf("access key invalid: %s", b.config.APIKey)
// Test bad
delete(config, "api_key")
b = Builder{}
warnings, err = b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("should have error")
// Test env variable
delete(config, "api_key")
os.Setenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY", "foo")
defer os.Setenv("DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY", "")
warnings, err = b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("should not have error: %s", err)
func TestBuilderPrepare_ClientID(t *testing.T) {
var b Builder
config := testConfig()
// Test good
config["client_id"] = "foo"
warnings, err := b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("should not have error: %s", err)
if b.config.ClientID != "foo" {
t.Errorf("invalid: %s", b.config.ClientID)
// Test bad
delete(config, "client_id")
b = Builder{}
warnings, err = b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("should have error")
// Test env variable
delete(config, "client_id")
os.Setenv("DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID", "foo")
defer os.Setenv("DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID", "")
warnings, err = b.Prepare(config)
if len(warnings) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", warnings)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("should not have error: %s", err)
func TestBuilderPrepare_InvalidKey(t *testing.T) {
var b Builder
config := testConfig()
package digitalocean
import (
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
APIToken string `mapstructure:"api_token"`
Region string `mapstructure:"region"`
Size string `mapstructure:"size"`
Image string `mapstructure:"image"`
PrivateNetworking bool `mapstructure:"private_networking"`
SnapshotName string `mapstructure:"snapshot_name"`
DropletName string `mapstructure:"droplet_name"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPort uint `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
RawSSHTimeout string `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
RawStateTimeout string `mapstructure:"state_timeout"`
// These are unexported since they're set by other fields
// being set.
sshTimeout time.Duration
stateTimeout time.Duration
ctx *interpolate.Context
func NewConfig(raws ...interface{}) (*Config, []string, error) {
var c Config
var md mapstructure.Metadata
err := config.Decode(&c, &config.DecodeOpts{
Metadata: &md,
Interpolate: true,
InterpolateFilter: &interpolate.RenderFilter{
Exclude: []string{
}, raws...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Defaults
if c.APIToken == "" {
// Default to environment variable for api_token, if it exists
if c.Region == "" {
c.Region = DefaultRegion
if c.Size == "" {
c.Size = DefaultSize
if c.Image == "" {
c.Image = DefaultImage
if c.SnapshotName == "" {
// Default to packer-{{ unix timestamp (utc) }}
c.SnapshotName = "packer-{{timestamp}}"
if c.DropletName == "" {
// Default to packer-[time-ordered-uuid]
c.DropletName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
if c.SSHUsername == "" {
// Default to "root". You can override this if your
// SourceImage has a different user account then the DO default
c.SSHUsername = "root"
if c.SSHPort == 0 {
// Default to port 22 per DO default
c.SSHPort = 22
if c.RawSSHTimeout == "" {
// Default to 1 minute timeouts
c.RawSSHTimeout = "1m"
if c.RawStateTimeout == "" {
// Default to 6 minute timeouts waiting for
// desired state. i.e waiting for droplet to become active
c.RawStateTimeout = "6m"
var errs *packer.MultiError
if c.APIToken == "" {
// Required configurations that will display errors if not set
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("api_token for auth must be specified"))
sshTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(c.RawSSHTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing ssh_timeout: %s", err))
c.sshTimeout = sshTimeout
stateTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(c.RawStateTimeout)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing state_timeout: %s", err))
c.stateTimeout = stateTimeout
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
return nil, nil, errs
common.ScrubConfig(c, c.APIToken)
return &c, nil, nil
......@@ -3,25 +3,35 @@ package digitalocean
import (
type stepCreateDroplet struct {
dropletId uint
dropletId int
func (s *stepCreateDroplet) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
sshKeyId := state.Get("ssh_key_id").(uint)
ui.Say("Creating droplet...")
sshKeyId := state.Get("ssh_key_id").(int)
// Create the droplet based on configuration
dropletId, err := client.CreateDroplet(c.DropletName, c.Size, c.Image, c.Region, sshKeyId, c.PrivateNetworking)
ui.Say("Creating droplet...")
droplet, _, err := client.Droplets.Create(&godo.DropletCreateRequest{
Name: c.DropletName,
Region: c.Region,
Size: c.Size,
Image: godo.DropletCreateImage{
Slug: c.Image,
SSHKeys: []godo.DropletCreateSSHKey{
godo.DropletCreateSSHKey{ID: int(sshKeyId)},
PrivateNetworking: c.PrivateNetworking,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error creating droplet: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -30,10 +40,10 @@ func (s *stepCreateDroplet) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
// We use this in cleanup
s.dropletId = dropletId
s.dropletId = droplet.ID
// Store the droplet id for later
state.Put("droplet_id", dropletId)
state.Put("droplet_id", droplet.ID)
return multistep.ActionContinue
......@@ -44,19 +54,14 @@ func (s *stepCreateDroplet) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
// Destroy the droplet we just created
ui.Say("Destroying droplet...")
err := client.DestroyDroplet(s.dropletId)
_, err := client.Droplets.Delete(s.dropletId)
if err != nil {
curlstr := fmt.Sprintf("curl '%v/droplets/%v/destroy?client_id=%v&api_key=%v'",
c.APIURL, s.dropletId, c.ClientID, c.APIKey)
"Error destroying droplet. Please destroy it manually: %v", curlstr))
"Error destroying droplet. Please destroy it manually: %s", err))
......@@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ import (
type stepCreateSSHKey struct {
keyId uint
keyId int
func (s *stepCreateSSHKey) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
ui.Say("Creating temporary ssh key for droplet...")
......@@ -46,7 +47,10 @@ func (s *stepCreateSSHKey) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
name := fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
// Create the key!
keyId, err := client.CreateKey(name, pub_sshformat)
key, _, err := client.Keys.Create(&godo.KeyCreateRequest{
Name: name,
PublicKey: pub_sshformat,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary SSH key: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -55,12 +59,12 @@ func (s *stepCreateSSHKey) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
// We use this to check cleanup
s.keyId = keyId
s.keyId = key.ID
log.Printf("temporary ssh key name: %s", name)
// Remember some state for the future
state.Put("ssh_key_id", keyId)
state.Put("ssh_key_id", key.ID)
return multistep.ActionContinue
......@@ -71,18 +75,14 @@ func (s *stepCreateSSHKey) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
ui.Say("Deleting temporary ssh key...")
err := client.DestroyKey(s.keyId)
curlstr := fmt.Sprintf("curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer #TOKEN#' -X DELETE '%v/v2/account/keys/%v'", c.APIURL, s.keyId)
_, err := client.Keys.DeleteByID(s.keyId)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cleaning up ssh key: %v", err.Error())
log.Printf("Error cleaning up ssh key: %s", err)
"Error cleaning up ssh key. Please delete the key manually: %v", curlstr))
"Error cleaning up ssh key. Please delete the key manually: %s", err))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package digitalocean
import (
......@@ -10,10 +11,10 @@ import (
type stepDropletInfo struct{}
func (s *stepDropletInfo) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(uint)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(int)
ui.Say("Waiting for droplet to become active...")
......@@ -26,16 +27,25 @@ func (s *stepDropletInfo) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
// Set the IP on the state for later
ip, _, err := client.DropletStatus(dropletId)
droplet, _, err := client.Droplets.Get(dropletId)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving droplet ID: %s", err)
err := fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving droplet: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
state.Put("droplet_ip", ip)
// Verify we have an IPv4 address
invalid := droplet.Networks == nil ||
len(droplet.Networks.V4) == 0
if invalid {
err := fmt.Errorf("IPv4 address not found for droplet!")
state.Put("error", err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
state.Put("droplet_ip", droplet.Networks.V4[0].IPAddress)
return multistep.ActionContinue
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
......@@ -11,12 +12,12 @@ import (
type stepPowerOff struct{}
func (s *stepPowerOff) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(uint)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(int)
_, status, err := client.DropletStatus(dropletId)
droplet, _, err := client.Droplets.Get(dropletId)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error checking droplet state: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -24,14 +25,14 @@ func (s *stepPowerOff) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
return multistep.ActionHalt
if status == "off" {
if droplet.Status == "off" {
// Droplet is already off, don't do anything
return multistep.ActionContinue
// Pull the plug on the Droplet
ui.Say("Forcefully shutting down Droplet...")
err = client.PowerOffDroplet(dropletId)
_, _, err = client.DropletActions.PowerOff(dropletId)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error powering off droplet: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
......@@ -12,16 +13,16 @@ import (
type stepShutdown struct{}
func (s *stepShutdown) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(uint)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(int)
// Gracefully power off the droplet. We have to retry this a number
// of times because sometimes it says it completed when it actually
// did absolutely nothing (*ALAKAZAM!* magic!). We give up after
// a pretty arbitrary amount of time.
ui.Say("Gracefully shutting down droplet...")
err := client.ShutdownDroplet(dropletId)
_, _, err := client.DropletActions.Shutdown(dropletId)
if err != nil {
// If we get an error the first time, actually report it
err := fmt.Errorf("Error shutting down droplet: %s", err)
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ func (s *stepShutdown) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
for attempts := 2; attempts > 0; attempts++ {
log.Printf("ShutdownDroplet attempt #%d...", attempts)
err := client.ShutdownDroplet(dropletId)
_, _, err := client.DropletActions.Shutdown(dropletId)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Shutdown retry error: %s", err)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
......@@ -12,13 +13,13 @@ import (
type stepSnapshot struct{}
func (s *stepSnapshot) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(DigitalOceanClient)
client := state.Get("client").(*godo.Client)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
c := state.Get("config").(Config)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(uint)
dropletId := state.Get("droplet_id").(int)
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Creating snapshot: %v", c.SnapshotName))
err := client.CreateSnapshot(dropletId, c.SnapshotName)
_, _, err := client.DropletActions.Snapshot(dropletId, c.SnapshotName)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error creating snapshot: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ func (s *stepSnapshot) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
log.Printf("Looking up snapshot ID for snapshot: %s", c.SnapshotName)
images, err := client.Images()
images, _, err := client.Images.List(nil)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error looking up snapshot ID: %s", err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -44,10 +45,10 @@ func (s *stepSnapshot) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
return multistep.ActionHalt
var imageId uint
var imageId int
for _, image := range images {
if image.Name == c.SnapshotName {
imageId = image.Id
imageId = image.ID
......@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ func (s *stepSnapshot) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
log.Printf("Snapshot image ID: %d", imageId)
state.Put("snapshot_image_id", imageId)
state.Put("snapshot_name", c.SnapshotName)
state.Put("region", c.Region)
package digitalocean
import (
type apiTokenSource struct {
AccessToken string
func (t *apiTokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
return &oauth2.Token{
AccessToken: t.AccessToken,
}, nil
......@@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ import (
// waitForState simply blocks until the droplet is in
// a state we expect, while eventually timing out.
func waitForDropletState(desiredState string, dropletId uint, client DigitalOceanClient, timeout time.Duration) error {
func waitForDropletState(
desiredState string, dropletId int,
client *godo.Client, timeout time.Duration) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
......@@ -19,13 +23,13 @@ func waitForDropletState(desiredState string, dropletId uint, client DigitalOcea
attempts += 1
log.Printf("Checking droplet status... (attempt: %d)", attempts)
_, status, err := client.DropletStatus(dropletId)
droplet, _, err := client.Droplets.Get(dropletId)
if err != nil {
result <- err
if status == desiredState {
if droplet.Status == desiredState {
result <- nil
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